Analysis of A Jin Force

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Mike Sigman shared a link.

Admin · 21 hrs

Analysis of a Jin Force: Meraz Ahmed

Someone forwarded the video URL to me and I looked at it. My thinking is that it might be a good
example to analyze and compare the analyses with Meraz's explanation. This is just another in my
continuing posts on examining what people are doing versus what they say they are doing ... in the
hopes that we can clarify our own thinking. Thoughts and observations, please.


Meraz Taiji 2019 (Tai Chi) V - Level 1 Understanding Forces and Effects

Mike Sigman How about starting with the demonstration where Meraz is standing beside his partner
and they are pushing, palm to palm? What is happening with the forces? How would you describe what
he's doing in terms of jin and in terms of whether it is a dantian-controlled jin?

What about Meraz's distinctions of jin? He indicates one use of jin is "internal": any comments?

There is a lot to talk about, IMO, because Meraz is giving some very good examples of how jin is used in
a generic linear-jin mode that is different from the way jin is used in Taijiquan.

Mike Sigman No brave souls willing to opine out loud? ;) C'mon guys and gals.

Tom Osborn [Brave soul]. Grounding, returning, dropping, as he says, but through a frame. Ti fang. The
'vertical circle' I don't see - can't see the centre doing anything, but he's weight shifting after breaking

[Partner Obs] Partner gets stiff after broken root.

I've practiced that. Will have another play with the practice group tomorrow.

[Flu shot in one shoulder, Pneumonia shot in the other. I have an idea this will make sung and stretching
out more 'natural' tomorrow].
6H? Maybe 2H...

Enis Yolcuer Explanations are clear and not abstract.

Sinking and grounding cannot be felt. It more looks like done with some parts of the muscles, especially
shoulders, and no strong connection established with his partner.

And not enough energy transferred from his partner, therefore movements are more done by Meraz.

Jaemin Yoo Fun to see the guy lead incoming energy from == to \\. very subtle manipulation.

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