Mains Mock Test-12 2019: Time Allowed: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 250

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Time Allowed: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 250


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3. You have to mark all your responses ONLY on the separate Answer Sheet

4. There are TWENTY questions printed in this booklet.

5. All questions are compulsory.

6. Keep the word limit indicated in the questions in mind.

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Q1. (a) Discuss the moral significance of Thoreau’s statement “That government is best which governs
not at all” in the context of Indian administration. (10 marks, 150 words)

Q1(b) Discuss Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay’s concept of ‘Integral Humanism’. (10 marks, 150 words)

Q2(a). Do you think it is practically possible for human beings to be moral all the time? Why or why not?
Explain with the help of illustrations. (10 marks, 150 words)

Q2(b). What is ‘Emotional Intelligence’? How can it be channelized to deal with problems of
bureaucratic indecisiveness? (10 marks, 150 words)

Q3 Given below are two quotations of great moral thinkers/philosophers. For each of these quotations,
bring out what it means to you in the present context:

(a) “The unexamined life is not worth living.” (10 marks, 150 words)

(b) “When a poor person dies of hunger it has not happened because God did not take care of him or
her. It has happened because neither you nor I wanted to give that person what he or she needed.” (10
marks, 150 words)

Q4(a) State the reasons for decline of integrity in civil services. What measures can be adopted to arrest
this decline? (10 marks, 150 words)

Q4(b) The heart, as much as the head, should determine a company’s Corporate Social Responsibility
activities. Explain. (10 marks, 150 words)

Q5(a) There is no good war or bad peace. Discuss the statement in the context of morality of war. (10
marks, 150 words)

Q5(b) If the victims of road accidents receive medical attention within an hour, almost half of them
would survive. But it is often observed that most citizens are reluctant to help. Why does this happen?
What suggestions can you give to address this problem? (10 marks, 150 words)

Q6(a) How do the values of empathy and compassion contribute to developing the ethos of humanism?
(10 marks, 150 words)

Q6(b) “Truth is one, but it can manifest itself variously in different times and situations.” Discuss the
statement in present context. (10 marks, 150 words)

Q7. “Intuition fills the void created by laws and rules.” In the light of the given statement analyze the
role of intuition in ethical decision making in administration. (10 marks, 150 words)

Q8. One morning Sita receives a phone call from her younger sister, Mina, who is studying in a premier
University of our Country. Mina is crying inconsolably over the phone and she is not able to speak
coherently, eventually she manages to communicate. She mentions that she had put up a post on her
social networking site few days ago, wherein she questioned the patriarchal and the chauvinistic social


structure. And since then there has been a deluge of responses from all and sundry. Except for few, all
posts are sexist and hostile in nature. People have been using abusive and offensive language against
her, she has been termed as an unscrupulous and shameless woman, who is a blot on the women folk.
Some people have threatened her with rape, while others have acrimoniously termed her as an anti-
national. Ironically, some eminent people have also reacted to her in a satirical way and tried to have
some laugh at her expense. Mina says, she is being stalked and trolled, she has also received phone calls
from unidentified and anonymous numbers. Listening to her ordeal, Sita is horrified to her wit’s end, she
is perplexed with disgust and unable to comprehend such an intolerant and cruel reactions to an
innocuous post of her sister.

(i) We are witnessing an increase in the instances of brutality against women from real to virtual worlds,
while incidents of rape, female foeticide, acid attack and sexual violence are going on unabated, now
women are not spared even in the virtual world. What according to you is the root cause of this
barbarism? What measures can you suggest to heal the situation? Discuss.

(ii) Do you perceive it as a legal or moral offence? Explain your position with due justification.

(iii) Do you think ‘freedom of expression’ implies ‘freedom to offend’? Discuss. (20 Marks/300 Words)

Q9. Your boss is known to be a reserved, understated but highly efficient person. Lately, you have been
noticing that his mind is not on the job and he is forgetting even the basic important tasks. There has
been an instance in which he had broken into tears in the office but has underplayed the incident and
was not ready to discuss it. One day, when you and him have scheduled a very important meeting with a
client, he turns up to office in the morning in a drunken state, although, he is doing his work and insists
that he is fit to be present for the meeting.

What are the options available and how will you handle this situation? (20 Marks/300 Words)

Q10. You are a first-time Municipal Councillor in a state capital. A few days back, a man raped and
murdered a woman in your ward. Although he has been arrested and is facing trial, the media
accidentally revealed his personal details to the public. As a result, the enraged people are demanding a
complete excommunication of his parents, wife and children from society and the State. His father
works as a peon in a private company and his wife as a domestic help. The children are both studying in
a government primary school. The people are asserting that unless the families are taught a lesson, such
“monsters” will never think twice before ruining the lives of innocents. They want the father and the
wife to be dismissed from their work and the children to be disqualified from receiving a free education
at the taxpayers’ expense. Municipal elections are just around the corner and you know that if the
people’s demands are not met, they are likely to vote against you. In these circumstances, what would
you do? (20 Marks/300 Words)

Q11. You are posted as a Municipal Commissioner in a city. There is a major road in the city which sees
heavy traffic and causes congestions and traffic jams. You propose to undertake widening of the road.
However, you find that there is a small temple as well as a Dargah adjoining the road which is likely to
be damaged if the widening takes place. The local temple committee along with other religious groups is
opposing your proposal and is also campaigning against you calling, for your removal on the grounds
that you have hurt the religious sentiments of the people. In addition to this local people whose house
and property may be acquired along the road also threaten agitation as they say it threatens their


livelihood. Some of your colleagues advise you that the best course of action in this regard is to let
status quo be maintained. Going ahead with the proposal may even cause law and order problems.

a) Discuss the various administrative, legal and rights issues involved in the above case.

b) Justify your course of action taken in this regard. (20 Marks/300 Words)

Q12. Mr. Scott Lyngdoh is an honest and upright doctor working in a Government hospital. He notices
that his staff is habitually late .They do not seem to be very motivated or committed to their work.
When he sought a meeting with them to ascertain the reasons for their attitude, they said that their
salaries are barely sufficient to meet their needs and hence they are forced to work as part time
employees in private clinics. Some of them are thinking of resigning from their jobs and plan to work as
full time private employees in metros.

a) In your opinion what are the reasons behind low motivation in government services?

b) What measures can Mr. Lyngdoh take in the given circumstances to boost the motivation and morale
of his staff? (20 Marks/300 Words)



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