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Renjana Setyoandara Wibisono1, Dr. Tanika D. Sofianti2, Ir. Setijo

Awibowo, M.M.3
1,2,3) Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, Industrial Engineering
Department, Swiss German University
Edu Town, BSD City, Tangerang 15339


Inventory control is controlling the materials movement to fulfill the requirements. The
materials can from the direct and indirect materials. the indirect materials are the materials
that cannot be calculated according to the bill of materials. Indirect materials need safety
stocks, so the requirements can always be fulfilled, means it need the control and monitoring
of their levels. To control the movement of the materials, each department have roles to
control and information that need to be shared. PT XYZ is an automotive assembler
company, the company need a tool to control the indirect materials inbound and outbound
and control its stock. This research is to have the tool that will be a web-based program
because to share the information throughout the department of planning, production, and
logistics. In developing and implementing the program itself, the RUP methodology is used to
guide in doing this research with having four phases and activities that support the research.
The result is the program itself have been successful to fulfilled the user requirements. The
program shows the real time information for the levels of the materials and also the inbound
and outbound of the materials for the user to monitor its levels.

Keywords: Inventory Control, Indirect Materials, Web Application, RUP Methodology

purchased items to assemble into finished

Introduction goods [3]. Task of inventory
management are varied and have
Inventory management has become the many affiliations. Planning task of
essential for any companies, and with the inventory management for example is
recent development of information the allocation and sizing of
technology have equipped managers to inventories. In order to determince an
obtain and better real time information acceptable level of inventory, it is
about their products materials. This necessary to make decisions about
makes the information and the order quantity and order time [4]. In
coordination will be better [1]. Inventory order to categorize activities in
in the supply chain is a major source of Inventory management. It is logical to
cost and it has a huge impact on customer classify task with regard to function
responsiveness [2]. Basically inventory and time horizon [5]. With that
management deals with issues of how background, activities in the inventory
much to keep on hand and how much and management have been collected and
how frequently to reorder. Assembly and categorized in the following
manufacturing companies need raw dimensions [1]:
materials to process and combine with
• Planning Horizons (Strategic, management. Refer to Figure 1. While
Tactical, Operational) the classification in regard to the
• Function (Warehousing, planning horizon is visualized by the
Transportation) vertical position, the assignment to
Based on that dimensions J. the logistic function is visualized by
Kamphues and T. Hegmanns made a the horizontal peak.
model of clasification of tasks and
related activities of inventory

Cost Perfomance
Strategic Planning
Stock Strategy (extend centralization)
Supply Strategy (make or buy)

Allocation Inventory System Design

Stocking level Transport Concept
(direct/lateral/emergency shipments)
Capacity Planning
Warehouse Capacity In-/Outsourcing Transportation Capacity
Inventory Planning Demand Planning Transport Planning
Inventory Control Policy Statistical Analysis Statistical Analysis
Disposition Forecast Model Forecast Model
Lot Size Product Classification Product Classification
Resource Planning

Warehouse Management Transport Management

Warehousing Transportation

Figure 1. The Inventory Management Framework [1]

From the Figure 1 The classifications The monitoring and measurement of

or the levels divided are into three, inventory is not just checking the on
operational level, tactical level, and hand stock but it is about knowing at
strategic level. In the tactical level is all times, everything that need to
all about the calculation, analysis, know about the inventory and to
clasification and planning to have the ensure the management of the
best output for the company. The warehouse and reliable feedback of the
strategic level is where the activities data for the management to control
that will make a good ouput in a long the inventory. [6].
term effect. Stock information can be categorized
All of the levels and tasks have the in order to describe the status,
function of information management properties, qauntity and location, and
to share information from reports then those information can be split stock
monitor of that report and plan for the information into three main categories
next task or activities and so on. This [6]:
is the management of inventory • Fixed Information: This
management to have and share the information describe the material
information and data of each itself that will not be change at
departements and tasks to having the all.
perfomance that has been targeted
and having a streamline process. [1]
• Variable Information: This are data engineering, project management,
the information that can change and configuration management, and also
frequently Real Time Object-Oriented Method. The
• Derived Information: this are the formulations of Rational Unified Process
information that gathered from include iterative development,
the analysis of the fixed and architecture that emphasize on using the
variable information. Unified Modeling Language, process
Those information need to be gathered model and the concept of use case [8]. As a
and also be stored into one place, so process product, means that in RUP the
the task for gathering them can development team working close with the
satisfied with the form of end users, or the customers to update and
computerization. There are number of improved the experience and best
ways, from using spreadsheet and practices for the end users. RUP also
database package, but this can cause enhance the team productivity that make
error and human error. Inventory sure all in creating and maintaining the
control software monitored the status models are share and focused on for one
and the on hand inventory in a very purpose. The Rational Unified Process is a
complex and also a better system [6]. configurable process, it helps to different
That better system can be an kinds of situations and the process need
information system. Information for the project [9].
systems are usually used to automate
routine activities of the management The Rational Unified Process can be
and administrative task in the representing into two dimensions’ phases
management systems. To keep the and workflow, Refer to Figure 2.1. The
business competitive, it should keep RUP consists of four phases, they are:
up with the rise of technologies. IS Inception, Elaboration, Construction, and
only helpful for decisions and the Transition. In each of the phase iterations
decisions themselves should create a are performed for each activity until the
competitive advantage. Information expected result or milestone is satisfied.
system are becoming more and more The activities inside of the phase are
integrated with business processes. varied and not all activities are describing
Using technology to manage and specifically, so here makes the activity
improve processes, both within a here are describing according to the
company and externally with suppliers developer itself but still inside of the phase
and customers is the ultimate goal [7]. and the workflow of the RUP. There are
two categories of workflows: a) core
Methods technical and b) managerial supporting.
The core technical disciplines are
Rational Unified Process Business Modeling, Requirements,
Methodology Analysis and Design, Implementation,
Test and Deployment. The Managerial
Rational Unified Process is an application supporting workflows are: Configuration
development process framework that and Change Management, Project
provides guidance or approach to assign Management, and Environment [10].
task or jobs for a project. It is main
objective is to have a software that is high
quality and meets the needs of its end
user. The Rational Unified Process
contain elements from business modeling,
and specifying the scope. The analysis and
design discipline, analyze requirements
for the system and design the solution
that will be constructed. Then the
implementation discipline is where
convert the design into program and basic
level of testing [10].
The test discipline will ensure the quality
of the program itself. The deployment
discipline is after the program ensure of
its quality, the system need to be deliver
Figure 2. RUP Methodology [11] and execute for the end users. The
In the Inception phase the primary goal is configuration and change management
to achieve what will be needed regarding discipline is managing access to the
the objective of the project. First it needed project’s work products. The project
to identify the problem, plan the projects, management discipline is to plan, staff,
install the work environment and tailored execute, monitor the project and manage
for the team [11]. The inception phase the risk of the program itself. Then the
performed project management, business last discipline is the environment
modeling, and requirements on the life discipline is to provide the software
cycle objectives of the project [10]. developer with the tools and support [10]
The Elaboration phase specify the
requirements in greater detail and prove Research Methodology
the architecture for the system that
detailed and understanding the scope. The research methodology in this research
The goals are to analyze the problem is explained, From the first phase is the
domain, set up architectural foundation, Inception phase is to initiate the planning,
develop the project plan, and eliminate the tools and environment are prepared,
risk elements [10]. then go to find the requirements. First to
The subject of the Construction phase is to find the requirements, the problem need
develop the system where it is ready for to be identified then the requirements are
deployment. The task here is completing gathered by data acquisitions from
their specification, analyzing them, interviewing and the expert opinions, and
designing, coding and testing the software literature review. From those tasks the
[6]. The Transitions phase is delivering researcher will model the business
the system into production or testing to workflow, list the current situation and
the end user themselves. At the end of requirements, get the inventory data of
this phase, the product must be released the company and get the corresponding
[11]. theories and equations for the project.
After the models and requirements have
The nine disciplines of the RUP been made and listed, the researcher
methodology are collections of activities needs to report the work in the inception
that are related to the topic of the project. phase. Refer to Figure 3
In business modeling discipline, it is to
understand the business scope and the
system that are going to be developed. The
requirements discipline has the goal to
construct what is the requirements and
information that needed for the project
Tools and
The third phase is the construction phase,
the tools and environment are prepared

again, then the construction begin in

Acquititions setting up the program, Then the
researcher will compare the base program
Interview and
Expert to the user requirements to show whether
it need the customization or the

Documents: Theories Documents: List the current

List the
configuration it supposed to be, then after
it is been listed, the researcher will
& Equations Inventory Data situation and

Requirements Business
customize the program and configure
List Workflow
them. after comparing or having the
Report requirement list, Then the program will
be test by the researcher themselves and

check whether it is approved or not. Refer

Figure 3. Inception Phase to Figure 5

In the elaboration phase the tools and Tools and


environment are prepared, the researcher preparation

will elaborate from the requirement list by

having a user requirement list that is Setting Up
the Program
more specified, then the it will be modeled
into a use case diagram. Then the List of
researcher will design and formulate an customization

information flow or the data flow diagram

for the application to be the base of the Configure

application. Then the elaboration phase and made


needed to be reported. Refer to Figure 4 No

Tools and Testing

Figure 5. Construction Phase

Specify the

After it is approved in the transition
phase, the inventory data are
Model the
implemented and the user that will use
with the the program will test it. If the program
does not approve by the user, it needed to

Use Case
Diagram of
be configure and implemented it again to
the system
the program. When the user accepted the
program, then if it is the program will
deploy to the company and the researcher
Make The
Data Flow
Model of the
will give tutorial and the steps of the
DFD of the
program to the corresponding
Report the
department. And last the researcher need
Phase to report all of the works and task that
Figure 4. Elaboration Phase have been done in making this program.
Refer to Figure 6
department where they are following the
Tools and
Environment orders from PPC whether there will be
new materials comes in or release those
materials to the production line by request
from the Production department. That
Data makes the PPC department as the one
that control the inventory. Inventory
and made
User control activities are forecasting the
customization No Test materials, determining requirements of
Yes the materials, setting targets, and issuing
instructions for the movement of the
materials [6]

The departments in PT. XYZ are needed

to share the information of the materials,
Research especially the indirect materials because it
needed to be handled carefully because it
Figure 6. Transition Phase can’t be based on the BOM and have the
right amount of stocks. This makes those
Result and Discussion departments need to share information or
have real time information of the indirect
Case study at PT. XYZ materials to do suitable actions. Those
data are pivotal for the ongoing business
PT. XYZ is an automotive industry process and in this case is the inventory.
company in Indonesia that assembled The indirect materials are handled by a
complete knocked down (CKD) cars or system before called CMS (Consumable
receipts complete built up (CBU) cars Material System), which is specifically for
from the headquarters in Germany. The the local vendors. CMS is a system where
product or the cars are assemblies or the PT. XYZ is only paid the amount of
quantities are forecast beforehand every materials used each year, but for the
year. The cars needed a lot of materials to import indirect materials they inventoried
fulfill the standard quality, from the direct all of them themselves and use the
and indirect materials. The direct and standard inventory control system with
indirect materials are from the Germany, safety stock.
but the indirect materials are also from Now, the company wants to migrate from
local vendors. The direct materials are CMS into a local system, which the
already inside of the bill of materials system control by themselves for the local
(BOM) and included in the forecast vendors and combine them with the
beforehand can be directly quantified in import indirect materials system. From
the bill of material. The indirect materials that, the PPC department needs to view
are not included in the BOM but very and handled the real time information of
consequential for the products cannot be the materials whether they are out of
predicted or forecast this makes it hard to stock, on order, or full stock of all of them
handled that they needed The materials at once so they can do proper actions from
here are from oil, socket, tape and so on. that information. The problem also for the
The materials are ordered and handle the indirect materials that each of them has
activities by the Programming and different lifetime lead time and also
Planning Control department. Those whether the materials are already on its
materials are stored inside the warehouse way and that makes the information to be
and organize by the Production Logistics very detailed so if needed to be replenish
they need to have a release order (RO) to
orders those materials, so it maintain the The diagram describes below:
stocks of the materials. Which is • The production department request
developing an inventory control tool as the the materials to the PPC
information system it needed for each department.
department especially the PPC to • the PPC department take that
maintain the materials and request and check the inventory.
simultaneously fulfill what the production • if it is approved it will update inside
needed for the product to fulfill the the system, and inform the PLG
worthiness of the product. department to take that orders to
the production department.
Current Business Workflows • The PLG department send that
materials to the production
The information that gathered in the department.
interview is that PT.XYZ have 2 main • The production department receive
business workflow involving the the materials.
inventory, they are the Dispatching of the • The production department record or
materials and Purchasing of the report of that materials usage for
materials. Both of this business processes themselves.
are model with the activity diagram from Then there is a purchasing activity when
the UML diagrams. First the ordering in there are materials need to restock and
model in Figure 7. This ordering process also being purchased. This sometimes
will be the base of how the program run because the materials are low stock or
when there is an order or a dispatch of even no stock but very much needed for
materials, here it shows the activity of production purposes. Purchasing activity
how the ordering process begins until the diagram is shown in Figure 8.
end. Purchasing

PPC department Vendors PLG department


Production Department PPC department PLG department


Place PO

Place Request
Take Orders

Take Request


Send Query

Check Avaibility

Informed Shipment

Approve Order
Prepare Arrival

Update Inventory Send Materials

Process Order

Receive Materials
Send Materials

Inform Materials
Receive Materials

Record Materials Inventory Update


Figure 7. Dispatch Materials Process Figure 8. The Purchasing Process

Table 1. Comparison Table
The purchasing diagram describe Comparison of Current and Requirement of Inventory Control Tools
• First the PPC department place No Current Status Required or Purposed

an order.
• The Vendors receive and take the The indirect materials are not yet
It need the inventory
order. 1
combine into one data file and still in
spreadsheet form and the recording of
control tools to control

• The vendors send query and the data is still handle manually
the materials movement

conformation to the PPC The different variables of the indirect

The variables are shown
in a web page and
department. 2 materials are all shown that in
spreadsheet format.
combine into one stock

• The PPC department inform PLG items

department of a shipment 3
Deleted information are automatically The deleted information
gone from the spreadsheet. are in a different tables
• The PLG department prepare the 4
Information can be edit easily because in
The edited information
are updated and override
shipment that will be arriving. automatically

• The Vendors sent the materials. The low stock materials are not separate The low stock materials
in one table are not yet shown in the are fileterd into one table
• The PLG department receive the spreadsheet, and only give info when and is shown for the user
edited from the data directly to monitor
Adding the new materials
• The PLG department inform of 6
Adding new materials are in the
spreadsheet form
are web based and saved
the materials arrival to the PPC into a database

department. In dispatching the materials the user

need to edit manually of the quantity
The dispatch materials
have its own menu and
• The PPC department update the 7 update, can have a missed input because
there is no link between the dispatch
automatically update the
materials quantity
inventory data. data and the inventory data

The purchasing materials

status are shown and
In Purchasing the materials there is no
8 which and how much
Comparison of current and required information of the status of the materials
materials are being
inventory control tool
Delivery items need to be input The delivered items are
manually, can have a missed input automatically update its
The previous information of the 9
because there is no link between the quantity after its being
delivery data and the inventory data accepted
inventory is edit manually using a
The data can be
spreadsheet by the PPC department, Data can be emailed and viewed locally
download into a local
10 computer and also been
when there are materials that because of the excel preadsheet
emailed from the
outbound and inbound and not yet application itself

automatically updated. The current With the new tools which is the
information of the support in application itself, the application will be
controlling the inventory are described the new information system for the
from the interview, and that makes business workflow of ordering and
that there is the need of a more purchasing of indirect materials. The
comprehensive supporting tools based application itself will be recording the
on the current situation to support the inbound and outbound of the materials
user in PPC department in controlling that not manually handle by the PPC
department, but with more sophisticated
the materials. The new tools in
or automatic sequence to update the data.
controlling the inventory can be
described, the current situation and
User Requirement List
the required are shown in Table 1
From the business workflows Figure 7
Figure 8, and comparison table of Table
1 also from the interview, then the
requirements of the application will be
shown in Table 2 This fields that will be
inside the application itself are already Stock Items

been assign. This will be the standard of

the application itself,
Add New Parts


Table 2. User Requirement List

Low Stock

User Requirement List

Fields in the No Stock

No Description Topic
application itself

The Company need to integrate the local and

imported indirect materials into one local An Purchase Orders
1 system and that will be the information inventory The Application
system and have an automation of data control tools
Approve Orders
PT. XYZ have indirect materials that have Indirect
2 different variables and need the inventory materials stock_list
control tools to provide the variables
Delivered items

The inventory control tools that can be

delete deleted_product
3 removed the materials and its quantity and
Products s
saved into another table to be put back Restock Items PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT

The inventory control tools that can be edit

4 Edit Data edit
from materials and its quantity Dispatch Items
the inventory control tools need to show the
Point and
5 materials that needed to be replenish at once Low_Stock
or at one page. Reports

The inventory control tools can input new New

6 add_Product
materials materials

The inventory control tools need to provide Figure 9. Stakeholder of the Software
information of materials that are dispatch to Dispatch dispatch_Materi
the department, and updated automatically materials als
the inventory data
The PPC department can access all of the
The inventory control tools need to provide
information of materials that are in purchase Purchasing Orders
features and functions because they are
and has not been inventoried the department that control the inventory
The inventory control tools need to provide
information of materials that are already been Materials
itself, from the Stock Items, edit / delete
9 Restock
inventoried from the Purchase Order, and
updated restock items automatically
Delivered data, view the low stock and no stock
The User can download the data in a
tables. Also for the making new purchase,
10 spreadsheet files, and also can be emailed email & excel
within the system
and emailed and approve the purchase itself.
Production department will be using only
Stakeholder of the Software the dispatch function to take the
materials that needed for production
The application will be use and access purposes and the reports function. The
with the correspond department from the PLG department will use and access the
PPC department, the PLG department deployment functions to views which
and Production department. There will be items to be deployed and the orders which
the relationships between the function is the Purchase orders and use them for
and the stake holder of the particular the delivery records.
function inside the application. This also
be as the limit of that particular user to Data Model
access the page that has been assign. The
diagram is shown in Figure 9 The previous business process then design
into a new one to integrate the program
inside of them but first the data model of
the software need to be define to show the
structure of the program itself.
1 User
- User_Id[0..1]
- User_name[0..1]
Supplier_id 1 - Email[0..1] Department
- Supplier_Name[ Restock 1..* - User_Role[0..1] - Department_id[0..1]
- Email[0..1] - Restock_id[0..1] - Department[0..1] 1 - Department_Name[0..1]
- Phone[0..1] 1..* - Material_Description[0 - Date_Created[0.. 1..* - Limit[0..1]
- Total_Amount[0.. 1 - Unit_Cost[0..1] - Action[0..1] - Count[0..1]
- Edit[0..1] - Amount[0..1] + Log in() - Sum[0..1]
+ Receive_Order( - Supplid_By[0..1] - Email[0..1]
+ Send_Query() - Received_On[0..1] - Start_Date[0..1]

+ Deliver_Order() - Docs[0..1] - End_Date[0..1]
- Actions[0..1] Products - Actions[0..1]
+ Get_Restockitems() - Product_id[0..1]
- Material_Descriptio



- Location[0..1]

- Categ ory[0..1]
Order 1..* - Part_No.[0..1]
- Order_id[0..1] - Unit_Cost[0..1]
- Supplier[0..1] 1 - Qty.[0..1]

- Deliver_By[0..1] - Reorder_Amnt[0..1]

- LPO[0..1] - Unity[0..1]
- Status[0..1] - Expiry_Date[0..1] Dispatch
- LPO_D ate[0..1] 1 - Actions[0..1] - Dispatch_id[0..1] Staff
- Delivered[0..1] 1..* 1..* + Inventory_check() - Material_Descriptions[0..1] - Staff_id[0..1]
- Actions[0..1] + Inventory_update() - Amount[0..1] - Employee_Name[0..1]
+ Approve() + M ater ial_Edit() - Categ ory_N ame[0..1] - viewstaff.Email[0..1]
+ Reject() + M ater ial_delete() - Dispatched_To[0..1] - Department[0..1]
+ Received_Order + Add_Product() - Remarks[0..1] - Date_Created[0..1]
+ Restock() - Dispatched_On[0..1] - Actions[0..1]

+ Add-Order( ) - Docs[0..1] + Get_Dispatch()

Category - Actions[0..1]
- Categ ory_id[0..1] + SetDispatch_Amount()

- Categ ory_N ame[0..1] + Dispatch_Send()
- Categ ory_D escription[0. 1..* + Edit_dispatch() 1..*
- Created_At[0..1] 1 + Delete_Dispatch()
- Updated_At[0..1]
- Delete[0..1]

Figure 10. Data Model

The data model in Figure 10 the data integrate the function of the software
relation between each entity, here the itself, this will be the new basis activities
user is the one controlling every functions, in making an order and also a purchase
the user and staff are each from for the workers. First it is the DFD of
departments inside the company. So this making a purchase then dispatch a
makes the department have one to many material
relationships. In dispatch, because it need
the “dispatch to” is from the staff entity
itself, and the list of materials are from
the product. The product entity gives PO that is approved

information throughout the system 4.0

Approve Orders
Record of Materials to
be delivered 6.0
Materials Delivery

because of the stock items inside the 2.0

Record New PO

inventory itself and the product name and

quantity that shows in every business PPC department PLG department

fields. In ordering a material, the

Record Delivered

suppliers name and the name of the

Order Acceptance
Update Stocklist

products itself shows in the ordering

Suppliers 8.0
Record of Restock
New Order

fields, they are from the suppliers and

Report of restock

product entities. The order entity will

affect or update the restock entity when Figure 11. DFD of making a Purchase
there is a material receive, and also will
affect the product entity itself to update The Purchasing information flows are
the materials quantity shown in Figure 11 It shows the inside
processes in purchasing new materials,
Data Flow Diagram first the PPC department made an order
to the vendors, then while wait for the
The data flow diagram here is the new confirmation, the PPC department record
purposed business workflows that the purchase of that Purchased to the
system, and after it gets the confirmation, the output of that analyzed will be the
the PPC department will approved the decision to order more or not
recorded PO and the approve purchase
will be recorded to be shown as the PLG
department, after it is being delivered, the Sequence Diagram
PLG department record the deliveries and
it will being restock inside the stock items. In purchasing materials, the sequence
The stock items and the report will be shown in Figure 13. there is a materials
updated and will be given to the PPC need to restock, or materials that are low
department stocks. The user from PPC department,
will make an order to the vendors, and
Materials that
they will record it to the system, the user
will enter the new order button and the
removed from data
2.0 4.0
Record Materials
View Available Stock Update Stock items

form of the new order will show and there


1.0 PLG department

is information of the order that needed to
be inputted.
New Dispatch
Analyze Stock Items

After the information inputted and the

Production Department

Deliver materials
PPC department
user click enter, the purchase order will be
record in awaiting for approval table, it is
stay pending until it is approved by the
Report Dispatch

user in PPC department, whether it is

approved or rejected, when it is approved,
Figure 12. DFD of dispatch a the purchase order information will go to
material the undelivered table and will shows the
undelivered materials.
The Figure 12 shown the process of When the purchase order already arrives,
dispatch, the detailed processes are the user from the PLG department is the
shown, first the production department is one that will record the deliveries. The
the one that need the materials, then the recorded delivered purchase order will be
system itself will show the available stock, recorded in restocked items and update its
and the production department will enter quantity in the stock items. This will be as
the information of the dispatch. Then the information again for the PPC
dispatches are recorded and it will be the department to monitor whether the
information to the PLG department to purchase order already been restocked or
send the materials, the production not
department for report, and stock items for
being update. The stock items will be
analyzed with the PPC department, and
PPC New Awaiting PLG Restocked
Suppliers Orders Undelivered Delivered Stock List
Departement Orders approval Departement Items




Insert information


add PO


add PO

Show_Awaititng approval
PO Confirmation

add PO
add PO

Materials delivery
Enter delivery

PO_delivered Add_restock

add PO
add materials


Click Restock Items



Click Restock Items


Figure 13. Sequence Diagram of Making a Purchase

In dispatching materials, the user from The dispatch will be shown in the view
production will click the new dispatch and dispatch section and it is for the PLG to
then it will show the form, to enter the view for delivery purposes. The list of
materials, the materials quantity is dispatches itself will be for the PLG. The
already provided, and will valid when to view dispatches will be for the production
enter how many materials that can only and the PPC department to report and
be dispatch, after the dispatch has been views for monitoring and decision
made, the quantity inside the stock items purposes. The sequence shown in Figure
itself will be updated for that materials. 14
Prod. View PLG PPC
New Dispatch Stock list
Department Dispatches Departement Departement




Download file
File downloaded update_qty









Figure 14. Sequence Diagram of dispatch a material

Comparison of the Software and the compared the researcher list the functions
Requirements that need to be customize or add to fulfill
the requirements before being
The researcher then compared the implemented, the comparison is shown in
properties or functions to the Table 3 to fulfill them.
requirements of the user After it is being
Table 3. Comparison of Software and User Requirement
The Software and User Requirements Table
No The properties of the software The Requirements Remarks
The Application can update stock The application provide
1 quantity when there is a command automatic updates of the stock No
involve items so it can be real time data
the application has a stock items The variables are shown in a web There are variables that
2 fields to show all the materials all page and combine into one stock Yes need to change and shown
at once items in the viewer
The edited information are
3 the information can be edited updated and override No

the information can be deleted but

The deleted information are in a
4 still in the system with different No
different tables

With using ROP

methodologies, here is to
The low stock table is available but
The low stock table are shown for show the materials need
5 not yet concurrent with the ROP Yes
the user to monitor to restock based on the
Current amount =<
Reorder point
Adding the new materials are
The application have forms to enter
6 web based and saved into a No
new materials
The dispatch materials have its
In dispatching material, the
7 own menu and automatically No
quantity updated automatically
update the materials quantity
The purchasing materials status
In purchasing orders the status of are shown and which and how
8 No
the materials are informed much materials are being
In delivery of the materials, the The delivered items are
9 quantity of the materials updated automatically update its quantity No
from restocking after its being restocking
The user need to send emails The email setting is using
The Email Settings are available
10 from the application itself as a Yes an smtp that in this case
and not yet configured
report have different users

the researcher configured and customized

the application, the configurations of the Alpha Testing
application to fulfill the requirements are
listed below. The alpha testing here, is the researcher
• First there are the variables that needed will test the application itself, with testing
to be shown and in the backend side there different function and business flows,
is an additional command to show the from adding new materials, dispatching
variables, and have a purchase order and so on. This
• Second, in showing whether there is a will show whether the application approve
low stock because of the reorder point, the or not by the researcher to have the
command is inserted, from the equation of application for the company. The Alpha
current amount <= reorder amount. testing results is shown in Table 4.
• Third Then the materials that are low
stock or even no stock at all are shown in
a different table, in showing the materials
that are low stock and no stock can show.
• Fourth, in connecting the application
with the email to send report, the
connection with the mail server has been
set up.
Table 5. User Acceptance Test
Table 4. Alpha Testing Step
User Acceptance Form
Actual Status
Alpha Testing Test Cases Expected Result
No Result (pass/fail)
Actual Status
Function Scenarios Result (pass/fail) 1 Users will login Users will login Pass

The researcher tried to enter a new material into the The Dashboard shows the need Users will view the dashboard with
2 Pass
system, this is a test whether the new materials will restock, dispatch, and purchases need restock, dispatch, and purchases
be recorded or not. First enter the new product form , the new
Add new Stock items
the product name is test materials, the amount is 10, material is pass
the reorder amount is 5, the location is at the added The Users can enter new materials The new materials are enter to the
3 Pass
warehouse, the expiration date is 18th of August 2016 to the Stock items system
and the unit is in Pcs.
The Users can view the levels of the
4 materials inside the stock items all The inventory levels is shown Pass
Delete There are a material name test delete, here the test is the
at one page
New to delete this material, first the user click the delete material is pass
Materials button deleted The Low Stock materials are shown
5 in a filetered table and have a red The need to restock is shown Pass
The form is updated with lesser amount, here are the the filled
Dispatch items that inputted:Items to Dispatch: Testing materials The deleted product go to the
pass 6 The deleted materials are shown Pass
Materials materials 2, (120)Dispatch to: Mr. Amir, Dispatched are deleted products table
Amount: 50, Remarks: for Tire Assembly dispatched
7 User can Edit the materials directly The materials are edited Pass

The material here is testing material, and it choose The Stock items can be download in
8 The data is downloaded Pass
form the material list inside the form. After the excel
materials are shown there are quantities beside them 9 The Stock items can be email The stock items can be emailed Pass
are the quantities of the difference between the reorder
level, because the amount of reorder level of Test Dispatching Menu
material is 5, and the current level is 4 this makes the
minimum to reorder is 1.Other information that 10 The Users can enter new Dispatch The new dispatch is entered Pass
the orders
Purchasing needed to be inputted in the other fields, in this order The user can see the available
have been pass The quantities of the materials are
Orders are: 11 quantities in the new dispatch Pass
made shown
• Suppliers Name: Supplier 1 menu
• Delivery By: 12th of June 2016
• LPO date: the date of the Purchase Order The new dispatches are shown in
12 the user can enter data Pass
view dispatches
• Department: PPC department
• Total Cost Of Order: 50 The user can download completed
• Currency: EUR 13 The excel is downloaded Pass
purchases in excel file
• Based On purchase request: PO1234567
14 The dispatches data can be email The dispatches can be emailed Pass
the data is
Email and emailed, The Stock Items after a dispatch
The tables or information that can be downloaded are,
Excel and the pass
Product List, Restock List, and Dispatch List. The quantities of the dispatches
Download data
effect and decrease the amount in
download 15 The quantities are decreasing Pass
the stock items for the dispatch
If the stocks become the below the
User Acceptance Testing 16 reorder amount, the row of that
material become red
The row become red Pass

The symbol of that material become

17 symbol is red Pass
After the alpha testing passed, the The materials below the reorder

researcher prepared the data of the real

18 amount are insert into the low stock The Low Stock shows the data Pass

time inventory from the data collection 19

The materials that there are no
stock are in the no stock table
The on hand is increase Pass

before the application tested by the user The Purchase Orders Menu
The Users can enter new orders in
or called user acceptance test. the data 20
the orders menu
The new order is entered Pass

that are input is to prepared the user to

The new orders appeared on the the new orders appears at the
21 Pass
awaiting approval table approval table

test the real time data and test whether 22

The User can accepted materials at
the on order
The user can change the status Pass

the application is accepted or not. The 23

The approve orders appears on the
undelivered table
The approve orders appears Pass

user will try the program, the test is for 24

The User can update the status
The User can update the data Pass
based on the materials receiving
showing whether the user accepted the The materials that status is
The delivered materials are shown in
program and whether the programs work 25 delivered are also being restock into
the restock table
the delivered and restock table

as it should be when the end user made it, 26

The user can download restocks in
excel file
The excel is downloaded Pass

the guide in testing the application itself 27

The user can email restocks in excel
The data is emailed Pass

based on the User Acceptance test shown The Stock items after a purchase

in Table 5 28 The amount is increasing

The fill is become white again if
The amount is updated Pass

29 The On hand decreased Pass

before it was red

The bar chart in the Amnt. fields

30 The current level decreased Pass
are green again, if before it was red

The Low stock table don’t show the

31 materials that have been delivered The restocked materials are not shown Pass
and restock

Data Results

After the application run and accepted

with the users, the real time data will be
implemented into the application. And the
data that shows inside the system are purchasing a material, email reports, and
shown. The data here is the real export spreadsheet download. The data
information from PT.XYZ, in user shows that the function do what it
acceptance test and shows that it has been supposed to do and then the end user test
successful, from the login until the excel the application.
download Table 6 From the user acceptance test the user
show that after the user run it
Table 6. Data Result successfully, the inventory data has been
Data Result
implemented into the system, with its
Task Result
current level and reorder level, and here it
The User can login to the application,
here Mr. Sumardi Subandi can login the shows that there are 37 materials need to
User Login page, with his picture and name shown.
He is the user that control the indirect
be restocked. This makes the user need to
materials. Also the dashboard is shown order this material before they will run
The indirect materials of PT. XYZ are out. From the Data results it shows the
already implemented inside the
application. The data inputted are from
materials that needed to be ordered.
Stock Items of PT. XYZ the excel files convert into the destination Also the real time data of the purchase
The stock items shows the materials are
in safe level, and low stock level, are has been inputted for testing purposes,
shows also with a red filled
and it shows based on the current
The low stock inventory is successfully
shown in the filtered table, for the user to information, the user record it inside the
Low Stock in PT. XYZ
focus only the low stock materials, as
seen in Figure 5.44. it shows that there
application and shows the information of
are 37 low stock items that needed to be the current purchase and current ordered.
ordered, from Rubber Adhesive to Filter
white This makes the PPC department will
The dispatches that tried from the user is
have more real time information to
based on the real data, this dispatch is monitored with its process and also can be
tried in the user acceptance test, the
Dispatches in PT. XYZ dispatch is successful It shows that Mr a report to the department manager or
Subandi, dispatch 6 items “BALANCING
other departments to be the backing and
SELF” for tire assembly. decision making of the next business
The Purchase order are successfully process.
inserted to the system. It shows that the
user order items based on PO101606001, The information of dispatched also has
Purchase Orders in PT XYZ
it will be delivered by 19 August 2016 and
from the supplier EX33SIFI. The user
been showed for the PPC department
ordered of a total 420 items. Refer to know the outbound information of the
Figure 5.47. this will be for the PLG
department later that to prepare the materials with also for the production
arrivals, and update inside the system. department to know how many materials
Email Report
The user successfully sent an email to
fellow colleague in PT. XYZ to show the
inside the system. The application itself
report that already successful can be deployed
The data that can be downloaded and inside the company from the PPC
Excel Download export as an excel as a manual backup is
successfully downloaded
department, PLG department, and
production department, but at the end of
document. However, you may this research, the users in PPC
sparingly use Web sources. In the case, departments that will record everything
when available, the title, the author first, from the decision from the
name, and the year should be clarified in Department Manager, and in the near
addition to the detailed address. future, it will be deployed to the other
department as this application should be.
Conclusion The department manager also
recommend that this application can be
From the result of Alpha testing, it shows used for the direct materials to control its
that the software run successfully with its delivered, undelivered, and partial items.
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