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Bad Girl

Hey! Everybody seems to be staring at me..

You! You! All of you!

How dare you to stare at me?

Why? Is it because I’m a bad girl?

A bad girl I am, A good for nothing teen ager, a problem child?

That’s what you call me!

I smoke. I drink. I gamble at my young tender age.

I lie. I cheat, and I could even kill, If I have too.

Yes, I’m a bad girl, but where are my parents?

You! You! You are my good parents?

My good elder brother and sister in this society where I live?

Look…look at me…What have you done to me?

You have pampered and spoiled me, neglected me when I needed you most!

Entrusted me to a yaya, whose intelligence was much lower than mine!

While you go about your parties, your meetings and gambling session…

Thus… I drifted away from you!

Longing for a father’s love, yearning for a mother’s care!

As I grew up, everything changed!

You too have changed!

You spent more time in your poker, majong tables, bars and night clubs.

You even landed on the headlines of the newspaper as crooks, pedlars and racketeers.

Now, you call me names, accuse me of everything I do to myself?

Tell me! How good are you?

If you really wish to ensure my future…

Then hurry….hurry back home! Where I await you, because I need you…

Protect me from all evil influences that will threathen at my very own understanding…

But if I am bad, really bad…then, you’ve got to help me!

Help me! Oh please…Help me!

No Pardon for Me

I'm sentenced.
as they read their verdict.
Sentenced to life in this dank cell
Life/Death, what does it matter?
of misery.
Its all the same in this prison.
I can see the key-
I am but a mere victim,
it hangs there, the criminal has gotten away,
while I do the time
just out my finger's reach,
for fate's crimes against me.
dangling there in a mock of freedom.
I can't escape the hounds they'd release,
There will be no pardon for me,
should I attemp escape,
no stay of this execution.
for the walls and barbed wires
My life has convicted me
are too painful to scale
for crimes I did not commit.
and the hounds would scent my fear.
My penalty meted out.
So I sit here,
I followed every rule,
broke no laws,
waiting for the day they walk me
have more than paid my fines
that longest mile,
to society's shun upon me.
waiting for the flow of their poison
There was no fair trial,
to seep within' my veins.
no chance for me to plead my case.
That lethal injection
The jurors were sent from hell,
that will finally end this misery
quick to judgement
of a soul so wrongfully convicted to die.
and showed no mercy
A Glass of Cold Water

Everybody calls me young, beautiful, wonderful. Am I? Look at my hair, my lips, my red rosy cheeks and
a pair of blinkering eyes.

I remember, somebody says that I look like my mother that I look like my mother. But that when she was

Now, I am much lovelier than she is. I’m a mortal Venus. Oops! What time is it? I must get ready for the

Beep-beep…!A-huh! Here they are! Yes, I’m coming!

“Child, are you still there?”

“Hmp! That’s my mama”

“Child, are you still there? Will you please get me a glass of cold water?”

“Mama, I’m in a hurry!”

“Please child, try to get me a glass of cold water.”

“Mama, please, try to get it on your own.”

“Please child, try to get me a glass of cold water!”

At the party, I danced and danced the whole night. You see, I can’t leave the party at once. I have to
dance with everybody who proposed to me.

At last, the party is over. I’m very tired. Very, very tired. So, I went home to tell mama what happened.

“Mama, I’m home! It’s very quiet. “Mama, I’m home!” Nobody answers. Where is she? I look for her in the
sala, but she’s not there. Where is she? A-huh! In the kitchen!

I saw my mama, lying down on the floor, dead. With a glass on her hand. I remember, she tried to get it.

Oh, God, just for the glass of cold water! Mama! Mama! Oh, Mama!

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