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IBOLC Entrance Exam Study Guide

1. 5 principles of Patrolling

Common Sense

2. Troop Leading Procedures

1. Receive the mission

2. Issue a warning order (rehearsals)
3. Make a tentative plan
4. Initiate necessary movement
5. Reconnoiter
6. Complete the plan
7. Issue the order
8. Supervise and refine the plan

3. 5 Paragraphs of an Operations Order

Command and Signal

"Sergeant Major Eats Sugar Cookies."

4. 5 Point contingency plan


Going - Where PL is going

Others - Others PL is taking
Time - Time PL will return
What - What to do if PL fails to return
Actions - Actions to take if we received enemy contact

6. Movement Techniques and when to use them

Traveling - use for fastest traveling and when contact is not likely
Traveling Overwatch - use when contact is possible
Bounding Overwatch - use when contact is expected and for most control and security and when speed is
not an issue

7. 6 Forms of maneuver
( Physical Fitness Intimidates The Fucking Enemy)

Penetration - seek to rupture enemy defense on a narrow front to create flanking opportunities and access
to enemy rear
Frontal Attack - destroy weaker enemy force or fix a larger force along a broad front
Infiltration - attacking element conducts undetected movement through or into an enemy area to gain
position of advantage in the enemy rear, (ambush, raid, covert breach of an obstacle are examples)
Turning movement - attacking element seeks to make enemy displace from his current location, similar to
envelopment through avoiding main enemy defense
Flank Attack
Envelopment - seize terrain, destroy specific enemy forces, interdicting enemy withdrawal routes (attacking
element seeks to avoid the enemy defense by attacking flank or rear)

8. Types of Offensive Operations


Movement to Contact - develop the situation and establish or regain contact

Attack - destroy enemy forces, seize or secure terrain
Exploitation – attacked extend destruction of enemy force by maintaining offensive pressure
Pursuit – follows successful exploitation; prevent fleeing enemy from escaping

9. Characteristics of the Offense

"Offense is the shit! (SCAT)"

Surprise – attack the enemy when he least expects it

Concentration – massing effects of weapons to achieve single purpose
Audacity – boldly execute to overwhelm forces
Tempo – rate of speed of military action

10. Characteristics of the Defense

(PODS-MMF) pods – mouthy mofo
Operations in Depth

Mass and Concentration


11. 7 Steps to Engagement Area Development

"IDentify Dr PEPR"

Beginning with METT-TC:

1. Identifies all likely enemy avenues of approach.
2. Determines likely enemy schemes of maneuver.
3. Determines where to kill the enemy.
4. Plans and integrates obstacles.
5. Emplaces weapon systems.
6. Plans and integrates indirect fires.
7. Rehearses the execution of operations in the engagement area.

12. 6 Steps to course of action development


1) Assess relative combat power

2) Generate options
3) Array forces
4) Develop a concept of operations
5) Assign responsibilities (2-5)
6) Prepare COA statement and sketch

13. Describe COA Evaluation Criteria

Suitability, Feasibility, Acceptability, Distinguishability, and Completeness.

14. Organization and responsibilities within an infantry fire team

- Automatic rifleman- provides an internal base
of fire with the ability to deliver sustained
suppressive small arms fire on area targets.

-Rifleman- provides accurate, lethal direct fire

for point targets. The rifleman may be issued
an SLM. M4

-Grenadier- provides high explosive (HE)

indirect fires for both point and area
targets. M203 (M4 + 40MM grenade la.)

-Team leader- leads his team by example. M4

15. Fire support planning and coordination

Continuous and concurrent process of analyzing, allocating, and scheduling fire support to integrate it with
the maneuver forces and maximize combat power

16. Method of FSP- TTLODAC

T arget (Target # or type of target)

T rigger (When to fire the target)
L ocation (Minimum 6 digit grid)
O bserver (Primary & Alternate)
D elivery System (Mortars, Arty, Air)
A ttack Guidance (Ammo, special instructions)
C omm Net (Co Tac, Arty COF)

17. M249 Data

The M249 machine gun is a gas-operated, air-cooled, belt or magazine-fed, automatic weapon that fires
from the open-bolt position.
16.41 pounds with tools and bipod

Rates of Fire
Sustained: 50 rounds a minute in 3- to 5-round bursts, with 4 to 5 seconds between bursts (barrel change
every 10 minutes).

Rapid: 100 rounds per minute, fired in 8- to 10-round bursts, 2 to 3 seconds between bursts (barrel change
every 2 minutes).

Cyclic: 650 to 850 rounds per minute, continuous burst, barrel changed every minute.

M249 Ranges
(Max, Area, Point, Suppressive)
Maximum: 3,600 meters
Maximum effective: 1,000 meters with the tripod and T&E Maximum for grazing fire over uniformly sloping
terrain; 600 meters
Area Target:
tripod: 1,000 meters
bipod: 800 meters

Point Target:
tripod: 800 meters
bipod: 600 meters

Suppressive Fire: 1,000 metersnition

Basic load and ammo:

5.56 Ball and tracer ammunition

1,000 rounds in 5 200-round drums

Tracer burnout for M249 and M240B

18. M240B Data

The M240B is a belt-fed, air-cooled, gas-operated, fully automatic machine gun that fires from the open bolt
27.6 pounds with tools and bipod

Rates of fire
Sustained=100rpm (6-9 round bursts, 4-5 sec between bursts, barrel changes every 10 min)

Rapid=200 rpm ((10-13 round bursts, 2-3 sec between bursts, barrel change every 2 minutes

Cyclic=650-950rpm, continuous fire, barrel change every minute

M240B Ranges
Maximum: 3,725 meters
Maximum effective: 1,100 meters with tripod and T&E Area:
Maximum range of grazing fire terrain: 600 meters
M122A1 Tripod: 1,800 meters
M122A1 Bipod: 800 meters Point:
Tripod: 800 meters
Bipod" 600 meters
Suppression: 1,800 meters

Basic load and ammo:

7.62 ball, tracer, armor-piercing, blank, dummy
900 to 1,200 rounds

19. How to graphically depict friendly units?

Blue indicates friendly forces on a map overlay.
20. How to graphically depict machine guns?
One dash - M249 (5.56)
Two dashed -M240 (7.62)
Three dashed -M2 (.50)

21. What are the 5 major terrain features?


Minor = Cliff, Draw, Spur

2 supplementary = Cut, Fill

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