Lahn Advanced Awakening Combo Guide

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b o g u i de

e n i n g c om
c e d a w ak
a h n a dvan

Be fo re to star t, so m e qui ck r e m i n de r s

This guide is by no means an absolute value. Everyone is free

  Th e CC l i m i t w i t h i n a r an ge of 5 sec on ds is [ 2.0]
to play the class in his own way.

2 A f t e r r e a c h i n g [ 2 . 0 ] , it w il l take 5 sec on ds for a CC to be

effective again. To begin, I would like to thank InkQ for its extremely well
done video on CC mechanics in BDO that inspired me for this guide.

I invite you guys to watch it before continuing: Awesome video
A l l CCs h a v e a v a l u e o f [ 1.0] , exc ept ST IFFNESS w h ic h h as
a value of [0.7]
This guide aims to optimize Lahn combos. It is based on
the CC system put in place since the update of 04/18/2018 and

Th e CCs a d d u p . F o r exampl e, if I use a ST UN + BOUND, I w il l
use a CC Counter [0.0].
h a v e r e a c h e d t h e l i m it of [ 1.0 + 1.0] = [ 2.0] . In th e same w ay,
S TI F F N E S S + S TI F F N E SS + FL OAT ING w il l make us r eac h th e On the left are some usefull reminders. OF course, the
c o u r s e o f [ 0 . 7 + 0 . 7 + 1.0] = [ 2.4] . T h e max is [ 2.7] . opponent resistance is also taken into account during a fight

and he can be immune to your controls. Just keep in mind that an
opponent can also be immune when you try a CC within 5 seconds
  S TU N i s i n e f f e c t i v e on a tar get on th e gr oun d.
after a capped combo. This is important for saving your grapple.

6   S TI F F N E S S i s i n e f f e c tive on a tar get on th e gr oun d.

The best optimization for a combo is [2.7] and imperatively

includes a STIFFNESS [0.7]. For Lahn, the only awakening skill
S TI F F N E S S l a s t l e s s t h an ST UN. for this CC is Taunting Death. IT will come back often in our

chains. Of course, these combos are longer so it’s up to you to
decide when you use them, depending on the situation or the DR
  F L O ATI N G l a s t l e s s t han BOUND.
of your opponent. [2.0] cou can be enough.

9   A i r S m a s h e s h a v e a 100% c h an c e to suc c eed.

In any case during a fight, try to always keep in mind the

CC values ​​
you make, as well as your «CC Cooldown» to keep
Dow n s m a s h e s h a v e a 30% c h an c e to suc c eed. control of your class and cary the fight.

Super Armor Forward guard Knockdown [1.0] Bound [1.0]

Invincibility Stiffness [0.7] Floating [1.0] Stun [1.0]

Vulnerable to
[0.0] [0.0] Immune to CC DS Down Smash AS Air Smash BA Back Attack

All the following combos are executed under Flailing Blades’s 15% attack speed buff.

Extended grab engage combo [2.7]

Side step
Soul Raid [1.0] Bridled Despair Flow: Vice Taunting Death [1.7] Deadly Dance [2.7] Bleeding Hearts
(Stun Cancelled) (During target recovering) (Taunting Death Cancel) (With flow)
> Combo video

Short grab engage combo [2.0]

Soul Raid [1.0] Tailspin or

Flow: Vice Deadly Dance [2.0] Bleeding Hearts
Bridled Despair (With flow)
> Combo video

Stun combo [2.7]


Side step
Bridled Despair [1.0] Auto-attack Taunting Death [1.7] Deadly Dance [2.7] Bleeding Hearts cancel
(Taunting Death Cancel) (With flow) Flow: Vice
> Combo video

Floating combo [2.7]

Side step
Salp’uri Purge [1.0] Bridled Despair Taunting Death [1.7] Deadly Dance [2.7] Bleeding Hearts
(Stun Cancelled) (During target recovering) (Taunting Death Cancel) (With flow)
> Combo video

Short rabam combo [2.0] (Example)

Side step
Phoenix chase or Bridled Despair Bleeding Hearts
Sacred Dance [2.0]
Eyes of Blood [1.0] (Stun Cancelled) (With flow)

> Combo video

Rabam combo extended [2.7]

Side step
Phoenix chase or Bridled Despair Taunting Death [1.7] Deadly Dance [2.7] Bleeding Hearts
Eyes of Blood [1.0] (Stun Cancelled) (During target recovering) (Taunting Death Cancel) (With flow)

> Combo video

Stiffness combo [2.7] (Powerfull but tricky to fit. Safer with E buff since it take a little time to get started)

Side step
Taunting Death [0.7] Flow: Mangler [1.7] Bridled Despair Flow: Vice Deadly Dance [2.7] Bleeding Hearts
(Stun Cancelled)
> Combo video

Taunt engage (safer against non-grapple classes)

Main S.A - F.G - invincibility skills
Side step
Blade of Blood
(Maintain animation)

Awakening switch
(Maintain animation)
Grab combo...
Side step
v e
e nsi sk Blade of Blood Phoenix chase Awakening switch
Bloody Stride f il (Maintain animation) (Maintain animation)
e l or Eyes of Blood Stun combo...

Phantom Dance
Salpuri Purge Side step
(Maintain animation)

White Heron Tailspin


ff > Combo video

en il
siv e sk
Safe engage
Salpuri Purge Bleeding Hearts
(Maintain animation)
Grab combo...
Bloody Stride White Heron Side step
Stun combo...
> Combo video
Chase skills

Flow: Nimbus Phoenix chase or

Optional Short rabam combo...
Bloody Stride Furious Chase [0.7]
Stride Eyes of Blood [1.0]

> Combo video Discord Site web

WhiteSoulsGaming Twitch Youtube WhiteSoulsGaming - MMORPG FR

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