Excel Functions: ROUND

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=SUM()  Description
The ROUND function rounds a
 Description number to a specified number of
The SUM function adds all the digits.
numbers that you specify as  Syntax
arguments. ROUND(number, num_digits)
 Syntax
SUM(number1, [number2], =AND()
[number3], [number4], ...)  Description
=PRODUCT() The AND function returns TRUE if all
its arguments evaluate to TRUE;
 Description returns FALSE if one or more
The PRODUCT function multiplies all arguments evaluate to FALSE.
the numbers given as arguments and One common use for the AND
returns the product. function is to expand the usefulness
 Syntax of other functions that perform
PRODUCT(number1, [number2], logical tests.
 Syntax
 Description FALSE
The QUOTIENT function returns the =AND(TRUE=TRUE)
integer portion of a division. Use this TRUE
function when you want to discard
the remainder of a division.
 Syntax  Description
QUOTIENT(numerator, denominator) The OR function returns TRUE if any
argument is TRUE; returns FALSE if
all arguments are FALSE.
 Description  Syntax
The ABS function returns the =OR(TRUE=FALSE)
absolute value of a number. The FALSE
absolute value of a number is the =OR(TRUE=TRUE)
number without its sign. TRUE
 Syntax
 Description
The NOT function Reverses the value
 Description of its argument. Use NOT when you
The ROMAN function converts an want to make sure a value is not
arabic numeral to roman, as text. equal to one particular value. If
 Syntax logical is FALSE, NOT returns TRUE;
ROMAN(number) if logical is TRUE, NOT returns
 Syntax  lookup_vector is a range that
contains only one row or one
column. The contents of the range
TRUE can be numbers, string, or Boolean
values and should be in ascending
=NOT(TRUE) order.
FALSE  result_vector is a range that
contains only one row or one
=NOT(TRUE=FALSE) column. Should be the same size as
the range in lookup_vector. The
contents of the range can be
=NOT(TRUE=TRUE) numbers, string, or Boolean values.
=IF()  Description
The AVERAGE function returns
 Description
the average (arithmetic mean) of
The IF function returns one value if
the arguments.
a condition you specify evaluates to
TRUE, and another value if that =MIN()
condition evaluates to FALSE.
 Description
 Syntax
The MIN function returns the
IF(logical_test, value_if_true,
smallest number in a set of
 logical_test should be a logical
statement =MAX()
 value_if_true can be a constant, a
cell reference, a formula, a  Description
function, a string, or a Boolean value The MAX function returns the
 value_if_false can be a constant, a largest number in a set of values.
cell reference, a formula, a =COUNT()
function, a string, a Boolean value,
or is omitted.  Description
The COUNT function counts the
=LOOKUP() number of cells that contain
 Description numbers, and counts numbers
The LOOKUP function returns a value within the list of arguments.
either from a one-row or one-column =COUNTIF()
range or from an array
 Syntax  Description
LOOKUP(lookup_value, The COUNTIF function counts the
lookup_vector, result_vector) number of cells within a range
 lookup_value can be a constant, a that meet a single criterion that
cell reference, a formula, a you specify.
function, or a string

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