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Computers & Industrial Engineering 76 (2014) 89–97

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Multi-agent based real-time production scheduling method for radio

frequency identification enabled ubiquitous shopfloor environment q
Yingfeng Zhang a,⇑, George Q. Huang b, Shudong Sun a, Teng Yang a
Key Laboratory of Contemporary Design and Integrated Manufacturing Technology, Ministry of Education, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an 710072, China
Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The lack of timely feedback shopfloor information during manufacturing execution stage leads to signif-
Received 21 October 2013 icant difficulties in achieving real-time production scheduling. To address this problem, an overall archi-
Received in revised form 9 July 2014 tecture of multi-agent based real-time production scheduling is presented to close the loop of production
Accepted 12 July 2014
planning and control. Several contributions are significant. Firstly, wireless devices such as radio fre-
Available online 21 July 2014
quency identification (RFID) are deployed into value-adding points in a ubiquitous shopfloor environ-
ment to form Machine Agent for the collection and processing of real-time shopfloor data. Secondly,
Capability Evaluation Agent is designed to optimally assign the tasks to the involved machines at the pro-
cess planning stage based on the real-time utilization ration of each machine. The third contribution is a
Production scheduling Real-time Scheduling Agent for manufacturing tasks scheduling/re-scheduling strategy and methods
Re-scheduling according to the real-time feedback. Fourthly, a Process Monitor Agent model is designed for tracking
Ubiquitous shopfloor and tracing the manufacturing execution based on a critical event structure. Finally, a case is used to
demonstrate the proposed multi-agent based real-time production scheduling models and methods.
Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction facilitated. In a ubiquitous manufacturing environment, using

real-time manufacturing intelligence and information to perform
Production scheduling is the process of selecting and assigning at a maximum level, with a minimum of unscheduled downtime,
manufacturing resources for specific time periods to the set of would be a more effective approach to handling the negative per-
manufacturing processes in the plan (Shen, Wang, & Hao, 2006). formance impacts of uncertainty (Wang, Adamson, Holm, & Moore,
It is the important manufacturing planning actives which deal with 2012).
resource utilization and time span of the manufacturing opera- Despite of the significant progress, the following research ques-
tions. Agent-based manufacturing scheduling systems (Chan & tions are still open in applying real-time scheduling methods to the
Zhang, 2002) are a promising way to provide this optimization. real-life manufacturing shopfloors with the increasing complexity
Recently, rapid developments in wireless sensors, communication of the production processes and the unpredictability of the produc-
and information network technologies (e.g. radio frequency identi- tion exceptions, etc.
fication – RFID or Auto-ID, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, GSM, and infrared)
have nurtured the emergence of ubiquitous manufacturing (1) In process planning stage, tasks are assigned to a type of
(Huang, Wright, & Newman, 2009; Zhang, Huang, Qu, & Ho, machine, the real-time statuses of the resources are seldom
2011; Zhang, Huang, Qu, Ho, & Sun, 2011) as core Advanced Man- considered. As a result, tasks may not be optimally assigned
ufacturing Technology in next-generation manufacturing systems. among the machines and has adverse effect on production
It will make the status of the manufacturing resources could be scheduling.
ubiquitous, and the real-time shop-floor scheduling could thus be (2) Due to the lack of manufacturing information capturing and
processing methods, current shop-floor monitor is inaccu-
rate, incomplete, inconsistent, and presents time-delay. In
addition, the real-time information integration between
This manuscript was processed by Area Editor T.C. Edwin Cheng. the scheduling system and the manufacturing execution
⇑ Corresponding author. Address: B509, Hangkong Building, Northwestern Poly-
monitor system has not been well designed. These problems
technical University, No. 127, Youyi West Road, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China. Tel.: +86
further lead to the difficulties of implementing the real-time
E-mail address: (Y. Zhang). shop-floor scheduling.
0360-8352/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
90 Y. Zhang et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 76 (2014) 89–97

(3) Currently, manufacturing tasks are characterized by a large coordinate the activities of manufacturing resources in a parallel
variety in small batch sizes, this production mode has high manner. Jiao, You, and Kumar (2006) applied the MAS paradigm
demands of real-time monitoring for dynamic decision mak- for collaborative negotiation in a global manufacturing supply
ing and adaptive control capabilities to rapidly deal with the chain network. Besides, in various kinds of applications such as dis-
production changes. Therefore, to design a real-time sched- tributed resource allocation (Bastos, Oliveira, & Oliveira, 2005),
uling architecture and method for the dynamically changing online task coordination and monitoring (Lee & Lau, 1999;
environment has significant value and wide application Maturana et al., 2004), or supply chain negotiation (Wu, 2001),
foreground. the agent-based approach has played an important role to achieve
outstanding performance with agility. Monostori, Váncza, and
To address these problems, some new production management Kumara (2006) introduce the software agents and multi-agent sys-
mode and architecture are investigated in recently. Cloud manu- tems and discuss the open issues and strategic research directions
facturing (Tao, Cheng, Xu, Zhang, & Li, 2014; Wang, Wong, & in all domains of manufacturing where problems of uncertainty
Wang, 2013), as a new manufacturing mode extending and adopt- and temporal dynamics, information sharing. An infrastructure
ing the concept of cloud computing, is proposed to realize the full- for co-ordination of multi-agents in a network-based manufactur-
scale sharing, free circulation and transaction, and on-demand-use ing system is designed in (Chan, Swarnkar, & Tiwari, 2007). Zhang,
of manufacturing resource and capabilities in modern manufactur- Huang, Qu, Ho, and Sun (2011), Zhang, Huang, Qu, and Ho (2011)
ing enterprises. By extending the IoT (The Internet of Things) con- describe an agent-based smart objects management system for
cept and techniques, an IoMT (The Internet of Manufacturing managing the heterogeneous auto-ID devices to capturing real-
Things) architecture (Zhang et al., 2014) is designed to implement time manufacturing information. Wang et al. (2013) present an
real-time interoperability and dynamical optimization for manu- ontology based approach to organize multi-agent assisted supply
facturing shopfloors. In the IoMT architecture, the manufacturing chain negotiations. Lim, Tan, and Leung (2013) propose a multi-
things such as operators, machines, pallets, materials can be agent system to optimise the resources within a multi-site manu-
embedded with sensors, they can interact with each other. facturing environment, in particular through the integration of
Based on the concept and achievement of IoMT, in this research, process planning and production scheduling functions.
we integrate the advantages of multi-agent and auto-ID technolo- In order to satisfy customer requirements and meet the delivery
gies to implement real-time shopfloor scheduling in a ubiquitous time punctually in MTO (Make to Order) environments, production
manufacturing environment. The proposed multi-agent real-time scheduling and planning is an important process for avoiding delay
scheduling architecture aims to close the loop of production plan- in the production process and for improving manufacturing perfor-
ning and control from process planning to finished products. The mance. Previous approaches focus on the process allocation of
implementation of this research is expected to increase productiv- equipment to production tasks before the production starts
ity, as well as flexibility and responsiveness in a ubiquitous shop- (Wong, Leung, Mak, & Fung, 2006). Aghezzaf (2007) adopts a mixed
floor environment. integer programming model for developing a capacity and ware-
The rest of the paper is arranged as follows. Section 2 will house management plan that satisfies the expected market
review the relevant literature under three categories of multi- demand with the lowest possible cost. Mendes, Gonalves, and
agent system for manufacturing, real-time scheduling, and ubiqui- Resende (2009) integrate a genetic algorithm with heuristic prior-
tous manufacturing. Section 3 presents the overall architecture of ity rules to solve resource constrained project scheduling prob-
multi-agent based real-time shop-floor scheduling. The multi- lems. Guo, Wong, Leung, Fan, and Chan (2008) propose a genetic
agent models such as Machine Agent, Capability Evaluation Agent, algorithm for solving the order scheduling with multiple con-
Scheduling Agent, and Process Monitor Agent are discussed in Sec- straints for maximizing the total satisfaction level of all the orders
tion 4. Section 5 describes the details of the GA-based solving while minimizing their total throughput time. Recently, real-time
method. Section 6 demonstrates the proposed multi-agent based scheduling strategies and methods are investigated to facilitate
real-time scheduling models and methods. Conclusions and further production management. Buyurgan and Saygin (2008) present a
works are summarized in Section 7. framework that employs the analytical hierarchy process (AHP)
in advanced manufacturing systems for real-time scheduling and
part routing. Poon, Choy, Chan, and Lau (2011) describe a real-time
2. Literature review production operations decision support system (RPODS) is pro-
posed for solving stochastic production material demand prob-
Related research is reviewed under three categories: (1) multi- lems. Cho and Prabhu (2007) use a continuous control-theoretic
agent system for manufacturing, (2) real-time scheduling, and (3) approach for distributed production scheduling at the shop floor
manufacturing information capturing technology. and machine capacity control at the CNC level. Wang,
Agent technology is a branch of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Keshavarzmanesh, and Feng (2011) introduce an event-driven
has been widely accepted and developed in manufacturing appli- and function-block-enabled decision-making framework to
cations for its autonomy, flexibility, reconfigurability, and scalabil- increase the adaptability and autonomy of job-shop assembly pro-
ity (Macchiaroli & Riemma, 2002; Maturana et al., 2004; Sikora & cess planning and control. Hung, Huang, and Yeh (2014) design a
Shaw, 1998). An agent based concurrent design environment real-time capacity requirement planning method for make-to-
(Krothapalli & Deshmukh, 1999) has been proposed to integrate order manufacturing with variable time-window orders.
design, manufacturing and shop-floor control activities. A compro- In the past ten years, rapid developments in wireless sensors,
mising and dynamic model in an agent-based environment (Sikora communication and information network technologies (e.g. radio
& Shaw, 1998) has been designed for all agents carrying out their frequency identification – RFID or Auto-ID, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi,
own tasks, sharing information, and solving problems when con- GSM, and infrared) have nurtured the emergence of ubiquitous
flicts occur. Papakostas, Mourtzis, Bechrakis, Chryssolouris, and manufacturing (Chan & Zhang, 2002) as core Advanced Manufac-
Doukas (1999) describe a flexible agent based framework for man- turing Technology (AMT) in next-generation manufacturing sys-
ufacturing decision making. Some mobile agent-based systems tems (NGMS). A UM system is based on wireless sensor network
have been applied to the real-time monitoring and information that facilitates the automatic collection and real-time processing
exchange for manufacturing control. Jia, Ong, Fuh, Zhang, and of field data in manufacturing processes. In this way, the error-
Nee (2004) proposed an architecture where many facilitator agents prone, tedious manual data collection activities are reduced or
Y. Zhang et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 76 (2014) 89–97 91

even eliminated (Jun, Shin, Kim, Kiritsis, & Xirouchakis, 2009). UM assigned according to the real-time status and capacity of each
provides a networked manufacturing environment free from machine. It will provide accurate information for production
excessive and difficult wiring efforts in manufacturing workshops scheduling. During execution stage, the re-scheduling can be
(Jones, 1999). Real-time visibility and interoperability have been invoked based on the real-time manufacturing data.
considered core characteristics (Huang, Zhang, & Jiang, 2007; Four types of agents are designed in this research to fulfil real-
Huang, Zhang, & Jiang, 2008) that close the loop of production time shopfloor scheduling. They are briefly described as follows:
planning and control for adaptive decision making. By taking
advantage of data capacity stored in an RFID tag, Qiu (2007) pro- (1) Machine Agent (MA)
pose a RFID-enabled framework in support of manufacturing infor- It is responsible for capturing the real-time manufacturing
mation integration. A new paradigm (Suh, Shin, Yoon, & Um, 2008), data by equipping auto-ID devices and processing the cap-
called UbiDM: Design and Manufacture via Ubiquitous Computing tured data as meaningful manufacturing information. Then,
Technology, has been proposed for the design and manufacturing the real-time status of the machine side can be timely
of a product by using ubiquitous computing technology. The sensed by the corresponding agents.
importance of the UM has also been widely identified for strategic (2) Capability Evaluation Agent (CEA)
research and development in industrialized European Union, North It is used to evaluate the capability of the machines. Based
Americas, and Japan where manufacturing is widely considered as on the real-time status transmitted by Machine Agent, the
one of the major means of creating the national wealth. In a ubiq- process planning can assign the tasks to optimal machines.
uitous manufacturing environment, management and control facil- (3) Real-time Scheduling Agent (RSA)
ities of shopfloor are required to implement real-time traceability, It provides mathematic model and intelligent algorithm to
visibility and interoperability in improving the performance of optimally schedule or re-schedule the start time and finish
shop-floor planning, execution and control by using workflow time of each process of each task according to the sensed
management architecture (Zhang, Huang, Qu, & Ho, 2010) and real-time shopfloor information.
RFID-enabled smart gateway (Zhang, Huang, Qu, & Ho, 2011; (4) Process Monitor Agent (PMA)
Zhang, Huang, Qu, Ho, & Sun, 2011). Besides, the facilities must It is responsible for capturing and processing the real-time
be able to effectively deal with the complex manufacturing infor- status of different manufacturing resources. During produc-
mation following the standard schemas and transmit it in time tion execution, disturbances and changes of shopfloor are
between workstations, shop floors and enterprise. Zhong, Dai, Qu, timely tracked and traced, and the loop of production plan-
Hu, and Huang (2013) present an RFID-enabled real-time manufac- ning and control for real-time shop-floor scheduling could
turing execution system, where RFID devices are deployed system- be achieved.
atically on the shop-floor to track and trace manufacturing objects
and collect real-time production data. 4. Multi-agent models

3. Architecture of multi-agent based real-time shopfloor 4.1. Machine Agent model

MA is responsible for wrapping the applications of machine side
The overall architecture of multi-agent based real-time shop- to process the complex real-time data sensed from Auto-ID devices
floor scheduling is shown in Fig. 1. It aims to implement real-time such as RFID. On one hand, it is used to connect and centrally man-
scheduling for a ubiquitous shop-floor environment. Through auto- age the multiple types of auto-ID devices for capturing real-time
ID technologies, the dynamic manufacturing information could be manufacturing data according to a specific logic flow. On the other
captured. Then, at process planning stage, the tasks could be well hand, it is also used to process the captured manufacturing data to

Fig. 1. Architecture of multi-agent based real-time shop-floor scheduling.

92 Y. Zhang et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 76 (2014) 89–97

meaningful manufacturing information and provide real-time

application services.
Fig. 2 shows the MA model. It includes two components, namely
data capturing and application service.

(1) Data Capturing

This component aims at managing the behaviours of auto-ID
devices installed at a machine to capturing the dynamic data
of the manufacturing resources. It consists of two modules.
Definition and auto-driven module is used to wrap various
drivers of heterogeneous auto-ID devices to form a driver
library which enables the newly plugged auto-ID device to
be ‘‘Plug and Play’’. Two driven modes, standard interface
driven and the third-part driven, are designed in this mod-
Standard data capturing module is responsible for wrapping Fig. 3. Capability Evaluation Agent model.
heterogeneous auto-ID devices into standard methods so
that their perception functions can be easily invoked under
a uniform model. Two types of standard methods, namely
real-time machine workloads and shopfloor dynamics, process
‘‘readingData (Parameter [1], Parameter [i])’’ and ‘‘writing-
plans may become suboptimal or even invalid at the time of
Data (Parameter [1], Parameter [i])’’, are involved in this
As shown in Fig. 3, the capability ratio is used in CEA to evaluate
(2) Application Services
the capability of each machine and chooses an optimal one for each
This component aims to provide value-added information
process [i]. In bid stage, for each process, the potential machine
based on the captured manufacturing data by auto-ID
group with the corresponding capability will be selected at first,
devices. It also consists of two modules.
denoted as g. Then, the relevant MAs will bid this task according
Reasoning module is designed to enhance the intelligence of
to their real-time status e.g. current used capacity to CEA. Finally,
the MA. It will make MA know which type of manufacturing
the CEA will calculate the available capability of these MAs and
resource is coming or leaving the machine. Rule-based
then evaluate the optimal one based on the following objective
methods are adopted to accelerate MA to make decision
function. The ACRi is available capability ratio of machine ‘i’.
based on real-time manufacturing environment and produc-
tion logics.
MaxfACRi ji 2 g g ð1Þ
Real-time information processing module is used to deal
with the various real-time data captured by auto-ID devices
installed at the machine side. Contrast to reason module, it where ACRi = ACi/TCi  100%. ACi is the available capability of
focus on how to form more meaningful real-time manufac- machine ‘i’, it is dynamically changed with the changed queue of
turing information. For example, the ‘getQueue()’ will return the machine ‘i’. TCi is the total capability of machine ‘i’, it is a con-
detailed real-time information such as the order of the tasks, stant that represents a time period.
real-time progress of the queue etc. based on the real-time
4.3. Real-time Scheduling Agent model
4.2. Capability Evaluation Agent model
RSA is designed to implement real-time scheduling. Its overall
Based on the real-time manufacturing information of MA, CEA is model is shown in Fig. 4. Its inputs include the initial information
used to optimally assign the processes of tasks to the involved from CEA and the real-time manufacturing execution information
machines. Its model is shown in Fig. 3. For each task, it consists from PMA. Its outputs are the task queues of all the machines that
of ‘n’ processes. For each process [i], according to its process plan- includes a series of {i, j, k, ST, FT}. Here, {i, j, k, ST, FT} represents the
ning, CEA will find an optimal machine from the potential machine process ‘j’ of task ‘i’ is assigned to machine ‘k’, it will be started at
group based on a bid competitive mechanism. Without considering ‘ST’ and finished at ‘FT’.
Three modules, namely mathematic module, solving module
and re-scheduling module are involved in RSA.

Fig. 2. Machine Agent model. Fig. 4. Real-Time Scheduling Agent model.

Y. Zhang et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 76 (2014) 89–97 93

(1) Problem Formulation process (j) assigned to machine (i) at time (t) contrast to the last
Before given the mathematic formulation, the corresponding scheduler; LTt(j) is the lag time of the process (j) assigned to
notations are defined at first. The details can be seen in Table 1. machine (i) at time (t) contrast to the last scheduler; ETt(i) is the
Based on the notations, the established mathematic model is exception time of the machine (i), e.g., the planned maintenance
described as following. Because the set-up time can be time; DTt(i) is the duration time of machine (i). In the last scheduler,
regarded as a fixed value in general manufacturing process, let T be the finished time of the last process assigned to machine (i),
it should be stated that the set-up time has been simply con- and the DTt(i) can be calculated by subtracting current time (t) from
sidered in the process time in this case. T. Then, the total deviation ratio of the machines between time (t)
and the last scheduler, D(t), can be calculated by Eq. (6).
Objective function: Based on D(t), the re-scheduling strategy can be put into effect.
Two strategies, namely local re-scheduling and overall re-schedul-
MinfMax½STðT i ; TP Ni ; M k Þ þ PTðT i ; TPNi ; M k Þg ð2Þ
ing, are designed in this module. If DðtÞ 6 k, the local re-scheduling
Subject to: strategy is started. It is used to schedule a small part of the tasks
while other tasks’ scheduler is not changed. It deals with the
STðT i ; TP jþ1 ; M a Þ  STðT i ; TPj ; M b Þ P PTðT i ; TP j ; M b Þ ð3Þ
exceptions such as the queue exception of a machine or temporary
tasks. If DðtÞ > k, the overall re-scheduling strategy is started. It is
STðT x ; TP c ; M k Þ  STðT y ; TP d ; M k Þ P PTðT y ; TPd ; M k Þ or
used to schedule all the tasks from the exception time (t) by using
the algorithm designed in GA-based Solving module. Here, k is a
STðT y ; TP d ; M k Þ  STðT x ; TP c ; M k Þ P PTðT x ; TPc ; M k Þ ð4Þ
constant and is generally given 5%. However, it can be changed
according to different users.
di  STðT i ; TP j ; M k Þ þ PTðT i ; TP j ; M k Þ P 0 ð5Þ
4.4. Process Monitor Agent model
i; x; y 2 ½1; n; j 2 ½1; Ni ; c 2 ½1; Nx ; d 2 ½1; Ny ; k; a; b 2 ½1; m
Eq. (2) is the objective function. Its value is to take the maximal The PMA acts as a sandwich and plays an important role to cap-
value of the finishing time of the last process of all the manufactur- ture the real-time information of MAs and send them to RSA. As
ing tasks. This value is changed with the different scheduling seen in Fig. 5, the work logic of PMA includes three stages.
results. So, by minimize this value, the optimal scheduler could At the beginning, the PMA will invoke the data source service to
be obtained. Eq. (3)–(5) are constraints. They represent processes get the necessary information relevant to the production order
sequence constraint, resource constraint and delivery constraint such as the product BOM, schedule information. from the up-level
respectively. EISs (Enterprise Information Systems). Then, based on the gotten
manufacturing information and the information schema (wipML)
(2) GA-based solving module of WIP, a new WIP instance is created, which includes the manu-
According to the objective function and constraints, this facturing BOM (Bill of materials) information. For each node of
module is responsible for calculating the optimal solution the manufacturing BOM, its dynamic information nodes can be
by adopting intelligent algorithm. Considering Genetic Algo- captured by the distributed MAs. And the binding model is used
rithm (GA) has been widely studied, experimented and to build up the bind relationship between the dynamic information
applied in many fields in manufacturing fields. It is used in nodes and the corresponding MAs. During execution, the huge
RSA to solve the established scheduling problem. The GA- manufacturing information captured by each MA will be processed
based solving method includes gene and chromosome by critical event structure according to the RSA’s request. Two
design, decoding schema and operations design. The details main components are involved in the designed PMA to fulfil this
of the GA-based solving method are described in Section 5. purpose, they are:
(3) Re-scheduling module
As described in Section 1, real-time scheduling plays an (1) Data source service
important role in current enterprise management. For each It provides data acquisition, processing and updating ser-
scheduler, during the execution stage, the PMA will feedback vices for sharing and integrating information between man-
the real-time production information. For quantitatively cal- ufacturing execution level and EISs. Due to the difficulties of
culating the total deviation ratio of the machines at time (t), information sharing and integration among heterogeneous
the following formula is designed in re-scheduling module. EISs, B2MML (Business to Manufacturing Markup Language)
standards are adopted in this component to provide stan-
w1  AT t ðjÞ þ w2  LT t ðjÞ þ w3  ET t ðiÞ dard schemas for manufacturing elements.
DðtÞ ¼  100% ð6Þ The inputs of this component are the parameters of the data
i¼1 DT t ðiÞ
source of the EISs which users want to acquire or update
where w1, w2 and w3 are weights, generally, w3 is equal to 1, w1 is information from or to, while the outputs are the standard
less than 1, and w2 is greater than 1; ATt(j) is the ahead time of the information based on B2MML schemas.

Table 1

Notations Description
M = {m1, m2, . . ., mm} Set of machines
T = {t1, t2, . . ., tn} Set of tasks
Ni The number of processes of task ‘i’
TP i ¼ ftp1 ; tp2 ; . . . ; tpNi g Set of processes of task ‘i’
(Ti, TPj, Mk) Represents the process ‘j’ of task ‘i’ will be produced at machine ‘k’
ST(Ti, Pj, Mk) Starting time of (Ti, TPj, Mk)
PT(Ti, Pj, Mk) Process time of (Ti, TPj, Mk) at machine ‘k’, the set-up time of (Ti, TPj, Mk) is simply considered in the process time
D = {d1, d2, . . ., dn} Set of delivery time of tasks
94 Y. Zhang et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 76 (2014) 89–97

Fig. 5. Process Monitor Agent model.

(2) WIP tracking and tracing only crossover and mutation operators are designed, they are
It is responsible for configuring the distributed MAs accord- described as follows:
ing to specific logical relationship to get real-time informa- Crossover operator is used to introduce offspring by recombin-
tion of WIP in the entire shopfloor. ing parents. In this case, we adopt a multi-point crossover operator
The critical event structure is used to obtain more meaning- to permute the job order as well as keep the legality of the gener-
ful and actionable information from large amount of low ated chromosome. The proposed crossover operator consists of five
level events and to control the event-driven information sys- main steps.
tems. It establishes an aggregation of series of the events
from auto-ID devices to form high level events. Then, based  Step 1: Choose two parents, e.g., P1: (1-2-1-3-2-3); P2: (2-3-1-
on the timely information stored in repository, supervisors 2-3-1).
can monitor and control the production process of the over-  Step 2: Randomly get two crossover points to form two cross-
all shopfloor. over-sections. e.g., if 2 and 3 are the points. The formed two
crossover-sections are (2-1) in P1 and (3-1) in P2.
5. GA-based solving method in RSA  Step 3: For each parent, use symbol ‘0’ to replace the genes in
the crossover-section of another parent. e.g., for P1, use symbol
5.1. Gene and chromosome ‘0’ to replace the genes in the crossover-section of P2, namely
(3-1). Then, get P10 : (0-2-1-0-2-3).
An integer based method is used to form the genes and chromo-  Step 4: Make the symbols ‘0’ move from the extremities to the
somes. Each gene consists of an integers i (1 6 i 6 n), here n is the centre until they reach the cross-section. e.g., after this step, P10
sum of the tasks. Based on the genes, the chromosome is defined as (0-2-1-0-2-3) will be (2-0-0-1-2-3).
a queue that consists of different genes and char ‘-’. The length of  Step 5: Substitute the symbols ‘0’ with the crossover-section of
the chromosome is the sum of the genes, which is decided by the another parent to form offspring. e.g., the symbols ‘0’ of P10 (2-
P 0-0-1-2-3) will be replaced by the crossover-section of P2,
sum of the processes of all the tasks, namely n1 N i .
Based on the gene and chromosome, the decoding scheme is namely (3-1). Then, the offspring (2-3-1-1-2-3) is generated.
also designed. It aims to interpret the meaning of the chromosome.
The char ‘-‘ appeared in chromosome is to connect the genes, and Mutation operator serves to maintain diversity in population.
the integer ‘i’ appeared in chromosome presents the task (i). The Mutation operator just works on a single chromosome and gener-
appeared order of integer ‘i’ presents the processing order of the ates offspring by altering one or more genes. In comparison with
task (i). For example, the chromosome ‘1-2-1-2-2-1’ presents a the general mutation operator, a new mutation operator is designed
processing order of two tasks with three processes. to avoid the loss of good solutions. An evaluation function is intro-
duced to evaluate each gene of the chromosome, and two positions
of the inferior genes are chosen randomly as the mutation positions.
5.2. Fitness function
Let Pi is the performance of gene (i). It depends on the following
function. Where j denotes the machine ID, k means the total mem-
Fitness function is used to calculate the value of each individual
ber of genes assigned to machine (j), St ji denotes the start time of
in order to determine the performance of chromosomes of the
gene (i) related process at machine (j), Ft ji denotes the finished time
entire population. In this paper, the objective function in Section
of gene (i) at machine (j), St jiþ1 and Ft ji1 denote the start time of the
4.3 is used to be the fitness function to evaluate the chromosome.
backward and the finished time of forward process of gene (i)
related process at machine (j). Obviously, the lower value of Pi,
5.3. Evolution the higher performance of gene (i).

Three operators namely selection, crossover, and mutation are Pi ¼ ðSt ji  Ft ji1 Þ þ ðStjiþ1  Ftji Þ=Ft jk  St j0 ð7Þ
included in GA. Generally, selection operator is simple and has The designed mutation operator consists of the following three
good generalization contrast to the others. Therefore, in this paper, main steps.
Y. Zhang et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 76 (2014) 89–97 95

 Step 1: Select a parent P1. For each gene of P1, use function (7) Table 3
to evaluate its performance. And store the values in matrix The information of machine groups.

M = {(a1, p1), (ai, pi), . . ., (am, pm)}. Where ai denotes the position Groups Machines
of gene in P1 and pi denotes the value of the order of gene in P1. 1 (1, 2, 3)
 Step 2: Reorder the M according to the ascending value of pi, and 2 (4, 5)
get M0 . In M0 , the later positions indicate the genes with bad per- 3 (6, 7, 8)
formance. Let p0 be a criterion for judging the performance of 4 (9, 10)

genes. Then, if the value of pi greater than p0 , the corresponding

gene of the ai position of P1 is inferior. They denote the posi-
tions of inferior genes in P1 and be stored in IG = {a1, ak, . . ., al}.
 Step 3: Randomly select two elements ai and aj (i – j) of IG. To demonstrate the re-scheduling, two kinds of random excep-
There values are the exchanged positions of inferior genes in tions are added. In the first kind of exception, the recovery time is
P1. Exchange the genes of the two positions (ai and aj) of P1. unknown. In the second kind of exception, the recovery time is an
And get a new chromosome. That is the generated offspring. exact time window. As seen Fig. 7(a), the first exceptions of
machine (1) and machine (6) are occurred at time t (t = 40), these
6. Case study exceptions are captured by the PMA and transmitted to RAS. As
seen Fig. 7(b), two kinds of exceptions of machine (1), machine
Based on the architecture and models mentioned above, this (6) and machine (7) are occurred at time t (t = 40), these exceptions
section will illustrate the multi-agent based real-time production are also captured by the PMA and transmitted to RAS. For the first
scheduling through a simulation example. kind of exceptions, the MAs of machines, namely MA (1) and (6) in
The designed scheduling problem has ten tasks and ten Fig. 7(a) will lose the capability to bid any tasks. For the second
machines. Each task has four processes. The detailed information kind of exceptions, the recovery time window is considered as a
of tasks is shown in Table 2. The row represents the process ID. load to the MAs of machines namely MA (6) and (7) in Fig. 7(b).
The column represents the task ID. The data (x, y) of the ‘j’ row Then, the re-schedule is triggered and generate a new schedule
and ‘i’ column means the process ‘j’ of task ‘i’ must be manufac- shown in Fig. 7 by repeat step 1 and step 2.
tured at any machine of the group ‘x’ and the processing time is To estimate the approximate time taken in the proposed real-
‘y’. The information of machine groups is shown in Table 3. For time scheduling model, the following simulations are designed
example, the (1, 50) of the first row and the second column means based on the above case. In the local re-scheduling strategy, 8 ran-
the process ‘1’ of the task ‘2’ must be manufactured at any machine dom exceptions are added at the time (t = 160, t = 140, t = 120,
of group ‘1’, its processing time is 50. According to Table 3, the t = 100, t = 80, t = 60, t = 40, t = 20) in any of the job (i), it will be
group ‘1’ includes machine (1), (2) and (3). quickly resolved because only a few processes are involved. In this
The flow of multi-agent based real-time production scheduling case, it takes less than 14 s averagely. For the overall re-scheduling
in this case includes three main steps, they are described as follows: strategy, the solving time depends on the production execution
point during the whole production. In this case, the exception
(1) At first, CEA will assign all the tasks according to the real-
points are respectively added at the time (t = 160, t = 140, t = 120,
time status of MAs. For each process, the relevant MAs will
t = 100, t = 80, t = 60, t = 40, t = 20), the solving time range is from
bid it according to their machining capability. Then, the
40 s to 125 s. The details can be seen in Table 5. It should be stated
CEA will calculate and evaluate the utilization ratio by func-
that the designed GA is run in a Hewlett–Packard server with 2
tion (1) based on the dynamical capacity assigned to each
CPUs and 8G memory.
relevant MA. And the MA with minimum utilization ratio
In the proposed multi-agent architecture, the PMA can identify
in the relevant MA group will obtain this task. These steps
the real-time exceptions during the manufacturing execution stage
are repeated until all the processes are assigned to a certain
according to the each status of MA. Then, the RSA is triggered to
MA. Table 4 shows the process assignment result of the tasks
generate a new schedule to reduce the influence of the exceptions.
and machines designed in Table 2. In Table 4, the data (x, y)
Therefore, the productivity is improved because of the rapid iden-
of the ‘j’ row and ‘i’ column means the process ‘j’ of task ‘i’ is
tification and responding of the production exceptions. The soft-
assigned to the machine ‘x’ and the processing time is ‘y’.
ware architecture of the multi-agent based real-time production
(2) After all the process of all the tasks optimally assigned to
scheduling system is based on a SOA (Service Oriented Architec-
MAs, RSA is ready for scheduling the tasks using GA algo-
ture) framework. So, from the software, each type of agent is
rithm designed in Section 4.3. Fig. 6 shows the scheduling
deployed as a web service at the multi-agent based real-time pro-
result of the data in Table 3. Fig. 6(a) is the Gantt chart of
duction scheduling system. The information flow among the multi
the optimal schedule. Fig. 6(b) is the generations and the fit-
agents can be easily reconfigured. For different shopfloor and dif-
ness curve of the designed GA.
ferent production orders, although the processes maybe have big-
(3) During the production execution, the real-time manufactur-
ger differences, the agents can be easily reconfigured according to
ing information is sensed by PMA and as inputs to RSA. If the
the logical and sequence relationships. Then, the proposed multi-
exceptions occur, the re-scheduling module will generate a
agent based real-time production scheduling method is flexible
new schedule according to the changed manufacturing
for different shopfloors and products.

Table 2
The detailed information of ten tasks.

Processes Tasks
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 1, 46 1, 50 1, 23 1, 28 1, 35 1, 13 2, 24 2, 26 2, 31 2, 22
2 2, 21 2, 18 3, 30 3, 45 4, 21 4, 42 1, 19 3, 34 3, 23 4, 30
3 3, 28 4, 33 2, 35 4, 13 2, 27 3, 44 3, 37 1, 40 4, 49 1, 40
4 4, 12 3, 15 4, 28 2, 32 3, 46 2, 26 4, 45 4, 25 1, 19 3, 18
96 Y. Zhang et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 76 (2014) 89–97

Table 4
Processes assignment result according to CEA.

Processes Tasks
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 1, 46 2, 50 3, 23 1, 28 3, 35 2, 13 4, 24 5, 26 4, 31 5, 22
2 5, 21 4, 18 6, 30 7, 45 9, 21 10, 42 3, 19 8, 34 6, 23 9, 30
3 6, 28 10, 33 5, 35 10, 13 4, 27 8, 44 7, 37 1, 40 9, 49 2, 40
4 10, 12 7, 15 9, 28 4, 32 8, 46 5, 26 10, 45 9, 25 3, 19 6, 18

Fig. 6. Schedule result of Table 4.

Fig. 7. Re-schedule results of two types of exceptions.

Table 5
The approximate time taken in the proposed real-time scheduling model.

Re-scheduling Solving time at Solving time at Solving time at Solving time at Solving time at Solving time at Solving time at Solving time at
strategy t = 160 (S) t = 140 (S) t = 120 (S) t = 100 (S) t = 80 (S) t = 60 (S) t = 40 (S) t = 20 (S)
Local re- 10 12 13 15 15 13 16 18
Overall re- 41 45 49 61 79 97 113 125

7. Conclusions This paper has proposed a referenced multi-agent based real-

time scheduling for ubiquitous shop-floor environment. The con-
Ubiquitous manufacturing is emerging as an advanced manu- tributions are summarized as follows.
facturing technology (AMT). It relies substantially on wireless
auto-ID sensors and wireless information networks for the collec- (1) A Machine Agent is designed to collect and process of real-
tion and synchronization of real-time field data from manufactur- time shopfloor data captured by auto-ID devices such as RFID.
ing shop floors. It enables the shop-floor management to realize These auto-ID devices are deployed at machine side to form
real-time production scheduling. value-adding points in a ubiquitous shopfloor environment.
Y. Zhang et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 76 (2014) 89–97 97

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