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Available Manufacturing
online 00 (2017) 000–000
Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2017) 000–000
Procedia Manufacturing 13 (2017) 1229–1236
Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2017) 000–000
Manufacturing Engineering Society International Conference 2017, MESIC 2017, 28-30 June
Manufacturing Engineering Society
2017, International Conference
Vigo (Pontevedra), Spain2017, MESIC 2017, 28-30 June
2017, Vigo (Pontevedra), Spain
The challenge of integrating Industry 4.0 in the degree of
The challenge
Manufacturing Engineeringof integrating
Society Industry
International 4.0
Conference in MESIC
2017, the degree of June
2017, 28-30
2017, Vigo Engineering
(Pontevedra), Spain
Mechanical Engineering
TheS. Suárez
of integrating a, M. Marcos
Industry b, M.E.
in the a,
Aguayo of a,*
S. Suárez Fernández-Miranda , M. Marcos , M.E. Peralta , F. Aguayoa,*
and Mechanical ofEngineering
Department of Design Engineering, University of Sevilla, Virgen de África 7, Sevilla 41011, Spain

b Department
Department of Mechanical of Design
Engineering Engineering,
Industrial University
Design, Sevilla,
University Virgen
of Cadiz, de de
Avda. África 7, Sevilla 41011,
la Universidad Spain
de Cadiz 10, Puerto Real (Cadiz)
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Design, University of Cadiz, Avda. de la Universidad de Cadiz 10, Puerto Real (Cadiz)
11519, Spain
a 11519, Spain
S. Suárez Fernández-Miranda , M. Marcos , M.E. Peralta , F. Aguayob a a,*

Department of Design Engineering, University of Sevilla, Virgen de África 7, Sevilla 41011, Spain
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Design, University of Cadiz, Avda. de la Universidad de Cadiz 10, Puerto Real (Cadiz)
Abstract 11519, Spain
Industry is facing a historic turning point [1]. In industry 4.0, people, machines and products communicate with one another via
Industry is facing
the internet. a historic
This means turning pointof[1].
the convergence In industry
industry 4.0, people,
and Internet machines and products communicate with one another via
the internet. This means the convergence of industry and Internet technology.
Modern machines allow companies to exploit the potential of digitalization in their production facilities and to unlock new business
Abstract machines
fields. The allowengineering
mechanical companies sector
to exploit
know how of digitalization in their
new technologies canproduction facilities
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for the benefit of the
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machines with
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products in productivity
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with huge
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internet. energy.
This means the convergence of industry and Internet technology.
Digitalization goes hand in hand with the growing importance of platforms for data exchange, customer contact and services.
Modern machines
Online platforms goes handcompanies
facilitate inmarket
hand with thereduce
to exploit
access, growing importance
the potential costsofand
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transaction for production
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enable data exchange,
innovation customer
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Industry transaction
knownot costs
howbenew and without
enable innovation
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data new
be successfully
networks and business
traffic. formodels. Machines
the benefit of the
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© 2017 around processes
The Authors. the world,and
Published so Industry
by 4.0 would
supply chains
Elsevier B.V. will not be possible
become without networks
more efficient, and data
with advances traffic.
in productivity and huge savings in
© 2017 The
material and Authors.
Peer-review Published by
under Elsevier
of Elsevier B.V.
the scientific
© 2017 The Authors. Published by B.V. committee of the Manufacturing Engineering Society International Conference
Digitalization under
goes responsibility
hand in hand ofwith
the the
importanceof the
platforms for Engineering
data exchange,Society International Conference
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the Manufacturing Engineering Societycustomer contact
International and services.
Conference 2017.
2017. platforms facilitate market access, reduce transaction costs and enable innovation through new business models. Machines
are connected
Keywords: around
Industry 4.0, the world, so
Mechanical Industry 4.0
Engineering; would not be
Benchmarking; Bigpossible
Data. without networks and data traffic.
© 2017 The Industry 4.0, Published
Authors. MechanicalbyEngineering; Benchmarking; Big Data.
Elsevier B.V.
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the Manufacturing Engineering Society International Conference

Keywords: Industry 4.0, Mechanical Engineering; Benchmarking; Big Data.

* aCorresponding author. Tel.: +3-495-455-2815.

* E-mail address: author. Tel.: +3-495-455-2815.;;
E-mail address:;;
2351-9789 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
The Authors. ofPublished by Elsevier
the scientific B.V.of the Manufacturing Engineering Society International Conference 2017.
Peer-review under responsibility
* aCorresponding of the
author. Tel.: +3-4 scientific committee of the Manufacturing Engineering Society International Conference 2017.
E-mail address:;;

2351-9789 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.

Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the Manufacturing Engineering Society International Conference 2017.
2351-9789 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the Manufacturing Engineering Society International Conference 2017.
1230 S. Suárez Fernández-Miranda et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 13 (2017) 1229–1236
S. Suárez Fernández-Miranda / Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2017) 000–000

1. Introduction

The degree of Mechanical Engineering allows the labor insertion of the graduate as industrial Technical Engineer.
At the same time, the degree must allow access to a high level of specialization due to its subsequent incorporation
into the labor market. This engineer is a professional trained in industrial design, management, construction, assembly
and maintenance of industrial systems and installations in the mechanical field.
The Degree plan of Mechanical Engineering aims to achieve the previous objectives through a training program
that combines a basic scientific and technical training with a common training in the industrial sector, with a strong
specialization in the field of mechanical engineering [2]. In other words, it is intended to guarantee the development
of these professionals who are specialists in mechanics (CIN/351/2009).
On the other hand, companies face global markets challenges. To be increasingly competitive they use tools such
as Benchmarking. They need to use the Big Data techniques when they have to deal with a large volume of different
data, having a specific storage for that volume and variety, at a very high processing speed, taking into account the
tolerance to failures and using scalability criteria.
Analytics based on large data sets has emerged recently in the manufacturing word. In an industry 4.0 context, the
collection and comprehensive evaluation of data from many different sources will become standard to support decision
Producers as well as suppliers must work to adapt infrastructure and education as they embrace the technologies
of Industry 4.0 [3]. This is best addressed through a combined effort involving government, industry associations, and
businesses to achieve to adapt school curricula, training and university programs to increase the necessary skills and
innovation abilities of the workforce.

2. Benchmarking

The Benchmarking is the systematic comparison of one product, process or service against other product, process
or service. It is widely used and it can be used in many different settings. Benchmarking can be used not only to make
intra-organizational comparisons, but also it can be used to make inter-organizational comparisons. Firstly in
benchmarking is to select a product, process or service to benchmark. Secondly it is necessary to choose organizations
to benchmark against and collect data on the performance. Afterwards, they must be analyzed to understand the
organization´s relative cost and possible advantages to increase organization learning by bringing new ideas.
Traditional benchmarking focus on “key performance indicators” [4]. KPIs are numbers that are assumed to reflect
the purpose of the organization in some essential way. They are widely used by organizations, shareholders and others
with an interest in performance evaluation. The traditional use of KPIs is based on some implicit assumptions:
 Constant returns to scale, for instance, when we compare a organization with small output to a organization
with large output, we implicitly assume that we can scale input and output proportionally.
 The KPI approach typically involves only partial evaluations. One KPI may not fully reflect the purpose of
the organization.
 The Fox´s paradox shows that even if one organization displays higher values for all of its partial productivity
measures, it may have lower total productivity than another organization. The reason is that for a organization
to perform well in total, it must not only perform the different sub-processes well but also make use of the
sub-processes that have relatively higher productivity.

Due to these assumptions, KPIs are not sufficient to make appropriate benchmarks.
Modern benchmarking tools address two fundamental problems that arise during practical evaluations: the lack
of clear information on preferences is addressed by moving from effectiveness to efficiency, and the lack of a priori
technological information is addressed by estimating the technological frontiers and by evaluating efficiency relative
with regard to the estimated best practices. The most important efficiency measures are the Farrell measures and the
most important estimation methods are the DEA and SFA methods. Several software packages have been developed
that can be used to solve some of the most common DEA and SFA models [5].
In industries, benchmark is used extensively to coordinate operations at optimal cost and performance. As big
data analytics becomes an important part of today´s data management, there is a need for an industry standard
S. Suárez Fernández-Miranda et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 13 (2017) 1229–1236 1231
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benchmark that can measure the performance and price-performance aspects of the system under the workload. The
three most recognized industry standard consortia, namely the Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation (SPEC),
the Transaction Processing Performance Council (TPC) and the Storage Performance Council (SPC) have developed
processes to organize benchmark development [6].

3. Big Data

The three Vs of big data constitute a definition. Big data is high-volume, high-velocity and high-variety
information assets that demand cost-effective, innovative forms of information processing that enable enhanced
insight, decision making and process automation [7]. Data volume is the primary attribute of big data [8]. In the
business and industrial areas, data produced or analyzed has already broken the Petabyte barrier.
In 2014, EMC/IDC extended the definitions describing big data technologies “as a new generation of technologies
and architectures, designed to economically extract value from very large volumes of a wide variety of data, by
enabling high-velocity capture, discovery and analysis” [9].

‐ Petabytes
‐ Records
‐ Tables, files

‐ Structured
‐ Batch
‐ Unstructured
‐ Real time
‐ Streams 

Fig. 1. The three Vs of Big Data.

Data can take many material forms including numbers, text, symbols, images, sound [10]. These are typically
divided into two broad categories:

 Quantitative data consist of numeric records and have four different levels of measurement (nominal, ordinal,
interval and ratio data). Such data can be used as the inputs to predictive and simulation models.
 Qualitative data are non-numeric (pictures, video, texts) and can be converted into quantitative data.

Structured data are those that can be organized, stored and transferred in a data model. Such data can be processed,
analyzed using algorithms and visualized using graphs and maps.
Semi-structured data are loosely structured data that have no predefined data model and thus cannot be held in a
relational database.
Unstructured data do not have a recognizable structure. They are not easily computationally analyzed. Such
unstructured data are usually qualitative in nature but can be converted into structured data.
1232 S. Suárez Fernández-Miranda et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 13 (2017) 1229–1236
S. Suárez Fernández-Miranda / Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2017) 000–000

There are two ways in which data can be generated:

a. Data can be captured through some form of measurement and therefore are the deliberate product of
b. Exhaust data are inherently produced by a device or system, a by-product of the main function. In some cases,
exhaust data are never examined and are discarded (transient data).Exhaust data have not been converted or
combined with other data while derived data are produced through analysis of captured data.

Kinds of data:
 Indexical data enable identification and linking. Include unique identifiers.
 Attribute data represent aspects of phenomenon.
 Metadata are data about data. Metadata help a user of a dataset to understand its composition and how it
should be used.

The data scientist role is critical for organizations looking to extract insight from information assets for big data
initiatives. This requires a broad combination of skills. Analytical and decision modeling skills are needed for
discovering relationships within data for detecting patterns.
Analytics is used to describe statistical and mathematical data analysis that clusters, segments, scores and predicts
what scenarios are most likely to happen.
The diagram showing the big data procedure is as follows [11]:

Big data generation, capturing and collection

Big data storage

Big data analytics, management, visualization and sharing 

Big data applications

Fig. 2. A flowchart of generic big data management.

Big data can be generated continuously or abruptly from many sources. Not all captured data is worth collection
because of limited storage and processing power. Large scalable storage is required for storing big data. The feature
of high velocity makes big data preservation volatile and complicated. Before big data can be put into use, four major
big data processing methods are necessary:

 Analytics: it is to examine big data and uncover its hidden information.

 Management: big data needs to be well managed and maintained.
 Visualization: it is to search, view and manage easily and collectively.
 Sharing: privacy and security are related to big data sharing.
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Organizations all over the world are investing in big data due to the fact that they expect big data projects to
become an important part of their IT infrastructure. Not all organizations are approaching big data projects in the same
way and they are not relying just one big data project to satisfy their needs [12]. This could be because they are unable
to analyze all of their data in a single big data project because it is too complex to do so. The difficulty could be that
their organization´s big data projects are multiple departmental projects that are not integrated.
Other important issue includes improving security due to the fact that security can be the last item to consider. Big
data security is not fundamentally different from traditional data security [13]. The differences between big data
environments and traditional data environments are:
 The data collected, aggregated and analyzed for big data analysis.
 The infrastructure used to store and house big data.
 The technologies applied to analyze structured and unstructured big data.

The integration of different technologies introduces new security challenges that need to be properly addressed.

4. Digitalization for productivity and growth

The industrial sector is important to the EU economy and remains a driver of growth and employment.
Manufacturing provides added value through the transformation of materials into products. In 2012 the European
Commission set a target that manufacturing should represent 20% of total value added in the EU by 2020 [14]. The
European Technology Platform ManuFuture developed vision 2020 and roadmaps for manufacturing [15]. Industry
4.0 can deliver estimated annual efficiency gains in manufacturing of between 6% and 8%. Everything in and around
a manufacturing operation is digitally connected, providing a highly integrated value chain.
The potential of Industry 4.0 is enormous due to the worldwide networking of machines, warehouse systems and
operating equipment as CPS that mean new smart factories. Production processes and supply become more efficient
with advances in productivity and huge savings in material and energy [16].
Cyber-physical Systems (CPS) are integrations of computation with physical processes. Embedded computers and
networks monitor and control the physical processes, usually with feedback loops where physical processes affect
computations and vice versa [17]. Advances in CPS research can be accelerated by identifying needs, challenges and
opportunities in the manufacturing industry and by encouraging multidisciplinary collaborative research between
university and industry. The objective is to develop new systems science and engineering methods for building high
confidence systems in which cyber and physical designs are compatible at all scales [18]. CPS applications involve
components that interact through a complex physical environment. Reliability and security is a challenge in this
Internet of things (IoT) and cloud computing (CC) can provide a new method for intelligent perception and
connection from M2M and on-demand use and efficient sharing of resources [19]. Access to real time, actionable data
can make organizations smarter and operational costs can be reduced.

5. Education

Successful implementation of Industry 4.0 requires a high demand for specialist to construct and maintain these
new factories. Therefore, students will increasingly have to master a combination of classic mechanical engineering
and IT. Consequently, Industry 4.0 offers mechanical engineering the opportunity to expand their competitiveness
further. Digitizing the value chain means a change to the mechanical engineering industry.
It is evident the interest of the industrial sector to find professionals who are trained for the new challenges that
arise. Hence, the university is working on this line. After all, the university is one of the main environments in which
the future professionals of the sector are formed. The key lies in the close relationship that must exist between the
competences that the students acquire at the university, with the professional profile necessary to exercise the different
The objective is to identify the specific competencies that future mechanical engineers will need from the
perspective of Industry 4.0 with respect to benchmarking from Big Data. For that reason, it has been taken into account
The European e-Competence Framework that is a key component of the “Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs” launched
1234 S. Suárez Fernández-Miranda et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 13 (2017) 1229–1236
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by the European Commission in March 2013 to fill the digital gap. It is a reference framework of competences applied
within the Information and Communication technology (ICT) sector. It provides a structure and content for application
by many types of users, from organizations in the private and public sector to educational institutions including higher
The need to consider new emerging technology and development process trends such as cloud, big data and to
consider the changing priorities of existing issues such as security is addressed across the European e-Competence
In the e-CF, a competence is a demonstrated ability to apply knowledge, skills and attitudes for achieving
observable results [20]. In the EFQ, a competence is the proven ability to use knowledge, skills and personal, social
and/or methodological abilities in work or study situations and in professional and personal development. “Attitudes”
indicated in the e-CF is close to “abilities” mentioned in the EFQ. Competence, skills, knowledge and attitude
definitions are in line with the EQF general definition of knowledge, skills and competence. The correspondence
between e-CF and EQF levels is shown:

Table 1. Correspondence e-CF and EQF levels. Source: e-CF.CWA.

e-CF Level Related to EQF level
e-5 8
e-4 7
e-3 6
e-2 4 and 5
e-1 3

ICT areas provide a guide to contextualize e-competences with respect to specific content [21]:
Table 2. ICT (or knowledge) areas. Source: e-CF. CWA.
Knowledge Areas Examples and definitions
Microelectronics; Chips, boards, microprocessors, integrated electronics, solid state memories, etc.
Computer HW Computers and peripheral equipment, multimedia devices, etc.
Industrial Control Industrial large-scale systems, automation systems, production systems, etc; embedded systems for automotive,
Systems aerospace systems, railway vehicles, etc; devices like medical devices, measuring, checking and control devices,
radar devices, security devices, etc.; IT-systems and infrastructure for business (enterprise application and
Networks Wide area networks, telecommunication infrastructure, traffic control systems, central building control systems,
System Software Operating systems, webservers, developing environments, emails, etc.
Application Software Software which automates a business process for a specific business sector.
System Integration Software packages (Applications Software and/or System Software) integration to build more complex

One of the European ICT professional profiles is Database Administrator [22]. This profile ensures the design and
the implementation, or ensures the maintenance and repair an organization´s database to support information system
solutions that meet business information needs. Plans, co-ordinates and implements security measures to safeguard
the database. The e-competences associated to this profile are:
 A.6. Application design (level 1).
 B.1. Application development (level 3).
 B.2. Component integration (level 2-3).
 C.4. Problem management (level 3).
S. Suárez Fernández-Miranda et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 13 (2017) 1229–1236 1235
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 D.10. Information and knowledge management (level 3).

In Spain a guide has been created to develop university degrees related to the Digital Economy [23]. It is in these
focal points, that attention must be paid due to the fact that the manufacturing industry is undergoing major changes
because of Information and Communication technology.

6. Conclusions

Smart factories allow increased flexibility in production. Automation of the production process, the transmission
of data about a product as it passes through the manufacturing chain and the use of configurable robots means
customisation. This will allow the production of small lots due to the ability to rapidly configure machines to adapt to
customer-supplied specifications and additive manufacturing. So, this flexibility also encourages innovation [14]. A
variety of different products can be produced in the same production facility. In addition, customers will be able to be
more involved in the design process, even supplying their own modified designs which can then be quickly and
cheaply produced.
Productivity can also increase through various Industry 4.0 effects. By using advanced analytics in predictive
maintenance programmes, manufacturing companies can avoid machine failures on the factory floor and cut downtime
by an estimated 50% and increase production by 20%.
With the large quantities of data being collected and shared with partners in the value network, businesses need to
be clear about who owns what industrial data and to be confident that the data they produce will not be used by
competitors or collaborators in ways that they do not approve.
The more data there is in different forms, the more complex processes involved to ensure that analysis of the data
is meaningful and useful [12]. Now organizations also include structured data with their unstructured data. This will
help organizations to get a complete view of the findings across all of their data sources although this is another source
of complexity. Ineffective solutions could have a cost implication. Due to this complicated environment, there is a
lack of internal big data skills to combat challenges and organizations require investment in both personnel and
Likewise, standards are also important due to the fact that they are essential to ensure the exchange of data between
machines, systems and software within a networked value chain. International standard communication protocols,
data formats and interfaces can ensure interoperability across different sectors and countries, encourage the wide
adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies and ensure open markets worldwide for European manufacturers and products.
The competence, required for continuous adaptation of the production system, is the critical success factor of
manufacturing. Organizations must be able to adapt their operations permanently on the requirements of changing
products on dynamic markets and innovative technologies for manufacturing. Workers able to make the transition to
Industry 4.0 may find greater autonomy and more interesting work. Employers need personnel with creativity and
decision-making skills as well as technical expertise. This shortage may be even more pronounced in advanced
manufacturing settings where big data analyst and cyber-security experts are required. Knowledge is the key for
adding value. As a result of fundamental research and education knowledge will drive technologies towards technical
innovations and produce complex products with efficient processes. The qualification of workforce for manufacturing
depends on the education system and facilities for manufacturing.
In view of these changes, mechanical engineers need to be well trained and highly skilled. Innovation is an
extremely important issue for success in mechanical engineering. It often supports clear market position and
differentiation among competitors.


[1] VDMA European Office, Industrie 4.0: Mastering the transition, Brussels (2016).
[2] Escuela Politécnica Superior de Sevilla. Available at: (2016, December).
[3] The Boston Consulting Group, Industry 4.0: The future of productivity and growth in manufacturing industries, (2015).
[4] P. Bogetoft. Performance Benchmarking: Measuring and managing performance. Springer. New York, USA, 2012.
[5] P. Bogetoft, L. Otto. International series in operations research & management science, volume 157, Benchmarking with DEA, SFA, and R.
Springer. New York, USA, 2011.
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[6] R. Nambiar, M. Poess.6th TPC Technology conference, TPCTC 2014. Switzerland, 2015.
[7] Gartner. Available at: (2016, December).
[8] P. Russom. TDWI best practices report. Fourth quarter 2011. Big data analytics. TDWI. USA, 2011.
[9] EMC/IDC. The digital universe study. 2014. Available at:
[10] R. Kitchin. The data revolution: big data, open data, data infrastructures and their consequences. SAGE. London, 2014.
[11] H. Wen-Chen. Big data management, technologies, and applications. Information science reference (an imprint of IGI Global). USA, 2014.
[12] Vanson Bourne. The state of big data infrastructure: Benchmarking global big data users to drive future performance. Available at: (2015, April)
[13] European Union Agency for network and information security. Big data security: good practices and recommendations on the security of big
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[14] R. Davies. Industry 4.0: Digitalisation for productivity and growth. European Parliamentary Research Service. Briefing September 2015.
[15] E. Westkämper. Towards the re-industrialization of Europe. A concept for manufacturing for 2030. Springer. Berlin, 2014.
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