Using Real Time Information For Effective Dynamic Scheduling: Peter Cowling, Marcus Johansson

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European Journal of Operational Research 139 (2002) 230–244

Production, Manufacturing and Logistics

Using real time information for effective dynamic scheduling

a,* b
Peter Cowling , Marcus Johansson
Department of Computing, University of Bradford, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD7 1DB, UK
Division of Manufacturing Engineering and Operations Management, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD, UK
Received 28 February 1999; accepted 02 May 2001


In many production processes real time information may be obtained from process control computers and other
monitoring systems, but most existing scheduling models are unable to use this information to effectively influence
scheduling decisions in real time. In this paper we develop a general framework for using real time information to
improve scheduling decisions, which allows us to trade off the quality of the revised schedule against the production
disturbance which results from changing the planned schedule. We illustrate how our framework can be used to select a
strategy for using real time information for a single machine scheduling model and discuss how it may be used
to incorporate real time information into scheduling the complex production processes of steel continuous caster
planning. Ó 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Scheduling; Production; Rescheduling; Real time information

1. Introduction scheduling environment is static. In many pro-

duction and service systems, schedules must be
Although scheduling is a well researched area, revised frequently in response to both instanta-
and numerous articles and books have been pub- neous events, which occur without warning, and
lished, classical scheduling theory has been little anticipated events where information is given in
used in real production environments (Stoop and advance by, for example, process control com-
Wiers, 1996). We believe that scheduling research puters or customers. In this paper we develop a
has much to offer industry and commerce, but that framework for handling real time information
more work is needed to address the ‘‘gap’’ between concerning anticipated future events. Note that in
scheduling theory and practice (MacCarthy and this case the time of arrival of the information is
Liu, 1993). One frequent assumption of scheduling important in deciding the best schedule revision
theory, which rarely holds in practice, is that the strategy to adopt.
Many manufacturing environments use an
material requirements planning (MRP), manufac-
Corresponding author.
turing resources planning (MRPII) or enterprise
E-mail addresses: (P. Cowl- resources planning (ERP) system for medium term
ing), (M. Johansson). planning. Such a system divides the planning

0377-2217/02/$ - see front matter Ó 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 3 7 7 - 2 2 1 7 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 3 5 5 - 1
P. Cowling, M. Johansson / European Journal of Operational Research 139 (2002) 230–244 231

horizon into discrete time buckets and requires a apply our notions of utility and stability to the
medium term production plan for several future simple n=1==C single machine scheduling model.
time buckets, which is used to provide due dates Section 4 investigates in detail the response of the
and release dates for detailed production schedul- model to a single piece of real time information. In
ing. We gain the advantage of being able to divide Section 5 we carry out a simulation study to in-
a complex medium term capacity planning prob- vestigate the behaviour of several strategies for
lem into smaller and more manageable pieces at dealing with multiple pieces of real time informa-
the cost of high rigidity in the production plan. tion. In Section 6 we discuss how our ideas may be
The question as to how a scheduler should respond applied to the complex scheduling environment of
to changes in a dynamic system in this environ- the steel continuous caster, where a great deal of
ment is a fruitful area for research. Between information is produced by process control com-
schedule creation and execution one or several puters. Conclusions are presented in Section 7.
assumptions may have changed concerning, for
example, machine availability or material supply.
The obvious question is how to react to this type 2. Using real time data
of information and how different scheduling
strategies affect the original plan or sequence of Historically, one of the major reasons for un-
jobs? To answer this question one needs to con- certainty in real scheduling environments has been
sider effects on both upstream and downstream the lack of accurate information (Ovacik and
operations as well as the effects on longer term Uzsoy, 1994, 1997). However, the advent of com-
plans. This has previously been difficult, since puterised information systems capable of tracking
there has been a lack of real time information job and machine status in real time has changed
concerning system status. However, in many cur- this situation. In many of the process industries,
rent production and service systems a great deal of including the steel making example, which we will
real time information is captured for control and discuss later, information is generated in real time
monitoring purposes. In deciding how to react we by process control computers. In discrete parts
must consider not only the quality of the revised manufacture, computer systems for the entry and
schedule but also the disruption caused by sched- dissemination of data, such as VDU terminals and
ule revision. Our framework will consider the trade bar code scanners, are placed at various locations
off between these two factors. on the shop floor, to record information concern-
Scheduling research has failed to keep pace with ing the location and status of jobs and resources
technological developments in process control and and to display this information for control pur-
monitoring systems. In this paper we present a poses. Feedback can be generated from several or
framework for effectively incorporating real time all work centres to track jobs and update their
information produced by process control and progress. This technology is now comparatively
monitoring systems into scheduling models and in cheap and very effective (Singh, 1996).
so doing to address an important aspect of the Real time information is commonly used to
‘‘gap’’ between scheduling theory and practice. improve estimated values of some parameters,
In Section 2 we consider the types of real time such as processing time or worker performance,
information encountered in practice and survey based on larger sample sizes. Real time informa-
the literature on dynamic scheduling. Here we tion is only rarely used to improve schedules and
present our notions of schedule repair and re- then only in an ad hoc manner to locally correct
scheduling. In Section 3 we present two measures short-term problems which might arise due to
for determining the value of real time information, machine failure, etc. In this paper we develop a
utility which measures the improvement in our systematic approach to the use of real time infor-
original scheduling objectives due to schedule re- mation in scheduling.
vision and stability which measures the disruption Lindau et al. (1994) and Fredendall et al. (1996)
caused by schedule revision. In Sections 4 and 5 we have made empirical studies on the impact of real
232 P. Cowling, M. Johansson / European Journal of Operational Research 139 (2002) 230–244

time information for specific industrial scheduling propriately. Rescheduling occurs when we restart
models. Both studies show that the performance of the scheduling process from scratch. Schedule re-
a system without shop floor information is inferior pair refers to some local adjustment of the current
to a system where real time information is used to schedule and may be preferable for many reasons,
make real time scheduling decisions. Ovacik and not least because feasible schedules may be difficult
Uzsoy (1994) exploit shop floor information to to generate within acceptable time limits in many
consider not only the jobs available at the machine environments. The practical importance of the
at the time of the scheduling decision but also jobs decision whether to reschedule or repair has been
that are going to become available within a certain noted in recent papers by Lee et al. (1996) and
time window. They studied a dynamic single-ma- Dorn and Kerr (1994). In order to decide what
chine problem with sequence-dependent set-ups by action we should take in response to an event, we
comparing heuristic rules that use global infor- should have some idea of the value of modifying
mation in making local scheduling decisions at the our current schedules in response to the event and
machine level to several myopic dispatching rules some measure of the overall impact of making
which use only local information. Chang (1997) schedule changes. In the following section we will
considered a dynamic job shop where the arrival use the quantitative measures of utility and sta-
and nature of jobs is governed by known proba- bility to assess the value and impact of schedule
bility distributions. He showed that if estimates of changes.
queue length are updated in response to real time Schedule repair plays an important role in some
information, then the performance of several dis- knowledge-based systems which have been devel-
patching rules could be improved. oped in the Artificial Intelligence community. ISIS
A dynamic scheduling system is one that uses (Fox and Smith, 1984), OPIS (Smith et al., 1990)
real time information as it arrives. The planning and IOSS (Park et al., 1996) are systems which
and scheduling process then consists of one or have used knowledge-based scheduling methods to
more nested feedback loops, where each feedback generate a feasible schedule and interactive
loop corresponds to a scheduling period (month, scheduling methods to revise the existing schedule.
week, day) and some group of processes which are CABINS (Miyashita, 1995) is an intelligent
undergone by the jobs. This group of processes scheduling system which integrates case-based
might involve something as simple as being pro- reasoning mechanisms for incremental accumula-
cessed on a single machine, right up to a full tion and re-use of past schedule repair experiences
manufacturing process. First, we formulate a static to achieve efficiency of the revision process while
schedule for each period. Then we obtain real time preserving the quality of the resulting schedule.
information concerning, for example, the progress Suresh and Chaudhari (1993) survey several other
of each job and the shop floor situation, and react knowledge based systems in this area.
to that information to revise the schedule for the Some work on schedule repair based on heu-
current period and processes, when circumstances ristic rules shows that schedule repair has the po-
make schedule changes desirable or necessary. tential to improve the efficiency and flexibility of
Each feedback loop defines a dynamic scheduling scheduling systems. Zweben et al. (1994) use sim-
problem. Each of our dynamic schedules will in- ulated annealing and constraint propagation to
teract with other dynamic schedules at different repair schedules for space shuttle ground opera-
time horizons and upstream and downstream tions. Efstathiou (1996) introduced a software
processes, so that the effects of modifying a local package, developed at Rover, to help schedulers
schedule in response to a given piece of real time carry out manual or semi-automatic schedule re-
information must be considered throughout the pair in response to real time events.
system. Work on dynamic scheduling is surveyed in the
Practical scheduling systems need to be able to paper of Suresh and Chaudhari (1993) and, more
react to significant real time events within an ac- recently, in the thesis of Guo (1999). When ma-
ceptable response time and revise schedules ap- chine failure requires rescheduling within a job
P. Cowling, M. Johansson / European Journal of Operational Research 139 (2002) 230–244 233

shop or flow shop environment we may use the Real time information relating to the status of
match-up scheduling approach, which has been resources includes information concerning ma-
considered in several papers including Akturk and chines, raw materials, tools, labour, etc. Real time
Gorgolu (1999) and Bean et al. (1991). When information relating to the status of jobs includes
machine failure requires revision of the current tracking data for each operation, data concerning
schedule, this revision is carried out subject to successfully completed processing stages and in-
ensuring that the revised schedule ‘‘matches up’’ to formation about schedule adherence. Information
the original schedule as soon as possible after the on actual or potential disruptions may relate to
machine breakdown, allowing some consideration resources or jobs. Machine breakdowns, material
of the stability of the shop. Jain and Elmaraghy or tool shortages and longer-than-expected pro-
(1997) used genetic algorithms to obtain an initial cessing times give resource problems. Job related
schedule and then heuristic rules to handle shop disturbances arising from planning systems and
floor disruption. Daniels and Kouvelis (1995) and customers include changes in priority, reassign-
Leon et al. (1994) discussed the concept of sched- ments of jobs to orders and the emergence of new
ule ‘‘robustness’’. Here we consider how adverse jobs. Quality problems may relate to both re-
the effects of our chosen schedule repair strategy sources and jobs.
may be in response to machine failure in order to By having well-defined procedures for handling
design a robust initial schedule to minimise these real time data we may both reduce the nervousness
effects. None of the above work deals with the of the system and opportunistically improve
trade off between schedule quality and schedule schedule performance, compared with using ad
stability in choosing an appropriate schedule re- hoc approaches. Most particularly, we can make a
pair strategy. Wu et al. (1993) consider this trade priori decisions as to what levels of system dis-
off for events taking place in real time, in order to ruption are tolerable for a given level of perfor-
compare the performance of three schedule repair mance improvement. When real time data arrives
strategies. All these approaches consider the best it is put through a four stage process: detection,
way of dealing with events as they occur, rather classification, identification and diagnosis. Since
than the arrival of real time information concern- real time events may occur every few minutes in a
ing anticipated future events, where the time of system (Stoop and Wiers, 1996) it is important
arrival of the information is critical to the way in that the procedure is standardised, with automatic
which the information may be effectively handled. computer intervention where possible. Detection:
Ehlers and Van Rensburg (1994) consider eight real time data are detected by, for example, sen-
different types of real time information. Such a sors, barcode scanners or operators. Understand-
taxonomy may be useful but we consider that there ing the detection process will lead to effective use
are essentially two kinds of real time information, of real time data capture devices, and removal of
illustrated in Fig. 1: that relating to the status of unnecessary and useless devices. Classification: we
resources and that relating to the status of jobs. must classify the event and decide whether it may
be handled automatically, or requires a human
decision-maker. Identification: after the real time
information has been classified and possibly dealt
with automatically, there will often remain a need
for a more detailed analysis of the disturbance
type. For example, we may wish more information
as to why a machine breakdown has occurred, e.g.
lack of maintenance or sabotage. Frequently oc-
curring types of disturbance need deeper investi-
gation, both for prevention and improved
prediction. Diagnosis: here we decide what action
Fig. 1. Classification of real time information. to take in response to the piece of real time
234 P. Cowling, M. Johansson / European Journal of Operational Research 139 (2002) 230–244

information. It is possible that we should take no schedule or to reschedule from scratch in response
action, conduct a limited repair or reschedule from to a real time event is identified in Lee et al. (1996)
scratch. We will use the quantitative measures of and Dorn and Kerr (1994). Both these papers
utility and stability to help us make this decision as discuss decision support for scheduling of primary
to what action should be taken. steel making processes, where a great deal of real
time process control information is available.
In this section we will define two measures to
3. Measures of utility and stability guide the decision as to what strategy should be
used to repair a schedule in response to real time
If we have a range of good techniques for re- information, utility and stability.
pairing schedules and rescheduling in the presence Utility will measure the benefit which may be
of real time information, we must still address the gained by using a particular rescheduling strategy.
important issue of whether to repair or reschedule Suppose that we have a mathematical model M of a
and which schedule repair or rescheduling strat- scheduling process, where we have n numerically
egy should be used in response to any given defined objective criteria ðO1 ; O2 ; . . . ; On Þ. Without
collection of real time information. When we re- loss of generality we suppose that each objective
ceive information concerning a highly significant criterion is to be maximised. For example a piece
anticipated future event, such as unplanned ma- of real time information arising from process
chine maintenance, the most appropriate course control computer might be that upstream process
of action may well be to discard the current controllers report that ‘‘the true size of job A123
schedule and reschedule from scratch. In doing is 50% greater than the scheduled size’’. Clearly
so, however, we must take into account the im- the value of this information for rescheduling
pact that this decision will have on current purposes depends heavily on the time at which it
schedules for upstream and downstream processes arrives. We suppose that for a (potentially
and on future plans and schedules. When infor- compound) piece of real time information E
mation concerning less significant anticipated fu- there is a strategy S0 , corresponding to the no-
ture events is received, it may be most tion of ‘‘do nothing’’, which yields objective
appropriate to adopt a schedule repair strategy, function values ða1 ; a2 ; . . . ; an Þ. For example S0
which attempts to find a revised schedule while might correspond to the strategy ‘‘make the
minimising the disturbance to current and future originally scheduled orders to stock in response
plans. This ‘‘wait and see’’ approach means that to the customer order cancellation in the hope of
we may do nothing or carry out only a small a later sale’’ or ‘‘create a buffer of work to be
local repair in response to events. Of course we done in front of the malfunctioning machine and
find, at some stage, that the accumulation of leave other machine schedules unchanged’’, with
small anticipated events mean that the disruption this latter strategy corresponding to the pushback
caused by rescheduling is justified. It is important strategy of Bean et al. (1991). A further example
to note that in any operation where there are is given in the following section. Suppose further
schedules which may be subject to unforeseen that we have a strategy S1 which will produce a
change, there must necessarily be a strategy for unique solution for the scheduling problem
dealing with these events. Our experience of the modified by this real time information, yielding
steel, furniture and paper industries suggests that objective function values ðb1 ; b2 ; . . . ; bn Þ. Then
the strategies which are used in industry are, the utility U is the multiple valued function gi-
however, often ad hoc and not subject to the ven by
same kind of analytical rigour or sophisticated
U ðM; S0 ; S1 ; EÞ ¼ ðb1  a1 ; b2  a2 ; . . . ; bn  an Þ:
techniques which are applied to the scheduling
decisions themselves. When the model M has only a single objective
The practical importance of the decision whe- criterion we will have a strategy Sopt which will
ther to do as little as possible, locally repair the give an optimal solution in response to the real
P. Cowling, M. Johansson / European Journal of Operational Research 139 (2002) 230–244 235

time information E arriving at time t. If there is a strategy Sstatic gives us a schedule where the start
clearly defined ‘‘do nothing’’ strategy S0 then for times are t1 ; t2 ; . . . ; tn and the completion times are
any given set of real time events E we may C1 ; C2 ; . . . ; Cn , respectively. Suppose that in re-
simply say that the utility of the real time in- sponse to the set of real time events E we apply
formation concerning real time events E, arriving scheduling strategy Sreact and the revised schedule
at time t, U ðM; E; tÞ ¼ vopt  v0 , where vopt is the has new start times t10 ; t20 ; . . . ; tn0 and new comple-
objective value given by strategy Sopt and v0 is the tion times C10 ; C20 ; . . . ; Cn0 , respectively. For real
objective value given by strategy S0 . By deriving time information E arriving at time t we define
such a function for utility, we may make minor the stability SðM; Sstatic ; Sreact ; E; t) to be some
changes to many scheduling models in order to function of the start and completion times before
evaluate the benefit which may be gained from and after rescheduling. Our stability measure
the use of real time information within that cannot be obtained directly from our scheduling
model. model in the same way that utility was obtained
To further increase the usefulness of our utility from the objective criteria. However, it seems
measure, we must also consider the disbenefits sensible to require that the stability function is
which occur due to disruption of the planned non-decreasing with each of jti  ti0 j and jCi  Ci0 j.
production processes for dynamic schedules at A simple example of a stability function might
different planning horizons or for upstream and then be
downstream processes. In the matchup scheduling
approach discussed earlier (see for example Ak- SðM; Sstatic ; Sreact ; E; tÞ
turk and Gorgolu, 1999) we measure the disrup- Xn

tion of schedule repair due to machine failure as ¼ minfaðjti  ti0 j þ jCi  Ci0 jÞ; Di g;
the time until the repaired schedule matches up
again with the planned schedule. Here we propose where Di represents the maximum possible dis-
a more general approach. The problems associ- turbance which might occur due to movement of
ated with changing a scheduling decision may be the job Ji (e.g. the cost of outsourcing the job) and
very complex. Any model built to support a is a parameter which represents the ‘‘cost’’ of
scheduling decisions is unlikely to be able to take the destabilising effect per time unit which the job
all of the possible factors into account and it may is moved. We will explore the properties of a
be appropriate to model the effect on stability in slightly different stability measure in the following
some simplified way. To accurately model the section.
stability effects of a given local schedule change Given measures for the utility and stability of
we would need to solve a global resource alloca- a strategy for the use of real time information in
tion, planning and scheduling problem across all scheduling decision making we may trade off the
upstream and downstream processes and within a desirable effects of high utility with the undesir-
time horizon of those schedules which are affected able effects of a large impact on the stability. In
by the local change. Since this is unlikely to be Section 4 we will consider how this might be
practically possible we suggest here some simple done in one particular case. The use of utility
stability measures based upon the temporal and stability measures as described in this sec-
movement of tasks, using the idea that the most tion gives us a basis upon which to analyse a
significant effects of the movement of jobs is in given planning and scheduling environment and
changing release dates for upstream and down- arrive at concrete recommendations to choose
stream processes. Our measure is related to that between strategies for dealing with real time in-
of Wu et al. (1993) which incorporates starting formation. We should be able to choose among
time movements and a measure of the change in a range of strategies, which are not dominated
job sequence. Suppose that in our model M we in terms of their stability and utility perfor-
have jobs J1 ; J2 ; . . . ; Jn to schedule through a mance, for dealing with real time information
subset of the production process, and that some effectively.
236 P. Cowling, M. Johansson / European Journal of Operational Research 139 (2002) 230–244

4. Stability and utility of a single event for n=1==C Consider the real time event E ‘‘the processing
time for job Jk changes from pk to pk0 ’’. The time t
In order to illustrate our notions of utility and at which this information arrives may be before,
stability, we will investigate these measures for the during or after the processing of job Jk in the
n=1==C scheduling model, where n jobs J1 ; J2 ; . . . ; original schedule. We will derive expressions for
Jn having processing times p1 6 p2 6

6 pn , are the utility of this piece of real time information
to be scheduled on a single machine in order to and the effect on stability of adopting a strategy
minimise the average completion time and pre- which maximises utility without considering
emption is not allowed. The optimal sequence S0 , stability.
given by the shortest processing time (SPT) rule, In Fig. 2 we illustrate the three separate cases
is ðJ1 ; J2 ; . . . ; Jn Þ. In this optimal sequence job Ji where job Jk will be moved in response to real
Pi have completion time Ci given by Ci ¼
will time data E arriving at time t. In (i) we see that
j¼1 pi ði ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; nÞ and the average comple- the processing time for Jk has become shorter and
tion time C is given by the revised processing time information has ar-
rived in time so that job Jk may be placed in the
1X n
1X n
C¼ Ci ¼ ðn  i þ 1Þpi : sequence at the position suggested by the SPT rule
n i¼1 n i¼1
to produce a new sequence to optimise utility. In
Suppose that we receive real time information (ii) we see that the processing time for Jk has be-
concerning an event E at time t and in response to come shorter, but this time the revised processing
this information we create a new schedule S 0 in time information has arrived too late for job Jk
which job Ji has processing time pi0 and completion may be placed in the sequence at the position
time Ci0 , where the job sequence and completion suggested by the SPT rule, so job Jk must simply
times may or may not be changed by the event and be placed as soon as possible after time t to make
the strategy for dealing with it. optimal use of the real time information with re-
Define the utility, U ðS0 ; S 0 ; E; tÞ, of information, spect to utility. In (iii) we see that the processing
arriving at time t, concerning real time event E as time for job Jk has increased and information
the difference in the objective C between a strategy about the revised processing time has arrived in
S0 which ignores the real time event E, thus staying time to revise the schedule in accordance with the
with the scheduled sequence, and strategy S 0 which SPT rule.
uses it. When S 0 makes optimal use of the infor- Let the set of jobs which are moved in the
mation given the nature of the anticipated future final sequence, apart from Jk , be denoted D. Let
event and the time t at which it arrives, we may a be the number of jobs coming after all the jobs
simply write U ðE; tÞ in the notation of the previous whose position in the sequence has changed,
section. then
The stability measure we shall consider for the k ¼ n;
< 0;
n=1==C model is the sum over all jobs of the ab-
a ¼ n  k; k < n; pk0 6 pkþ1 ;
solute change of start and finish times divided by >
the number of jobs. Hence our measure of the jfi : pi > pk0 gj; k < n; pk0 > pkþ1 :
impact of moving from schedule S0 to schedule
S 0 ; SðS0 ; S 0 ; E; tÞ is given by
SðS0 ; S 0 ; E; tÞ
1X n
¼ ðjCi  Ci0 j þ jðCi  pi Þ  ðCi0  pi0 ÞjÞ:
n i¼1
In writing our expressions for U and S above we
have omitted the model identifier M since we are
referring throughout to the n=1==C model. Fig. 2. Movements of job Jk for different values of pk0 and t.
P. Cowling, M. Johansson / European Journal of Operational Research 139 (2002) 230–244 237

Define p0 ¼ 0, pnþ1 ¼ 1 for notational conve- decreased by pkP , while job Jk will have its start time
nience. Then we have increased by i and its finish time in-
fi:Ji 2Dg pP
8 creased by jpk  pk0 j þ fi:Ji 2Dg pi . Jobs Jiþ1 ; Jiþ2 ;
> fJi ; Jiþ1 ; . . . ; Jk1 g
> . . . ; Jn will have their start and finish times in-
> t 6 Ci1 ; pi1 6 pk0 < pi < pk ;
> creased by jpk  pk0 j.
> fJ ; J ; . . . ; J g
< i iþ1 k1 To investigate the behaviour of utility and sta-
D¼ i > 1; Ci2 < t 6 Ci1 ; pk0 < pi < pk ; bility, we simulate a 20 job problem with pro-
> fJkþ1 ; Jkþ2 ; . . . ; Ji g cessing times uniformly distributed on the interval
> t 6 Ck1 ; pkþ1 < pk0 6 piþ1 ; ½0; 10. At time t, we receive the real time infor-
; otherwise; mation that the processing time for J10 , originally
5.53 changes to p10 . We will explore the behaviour
and we have 0
of utility and stability for different values of p10
U ðS0 ; S 0 ; E; tÞ ¼ U ððp1 ; p2 ; . . . ; pn Þ; k; pk0 ; tÞ 0
and t. In Fig. 3 we graph utility against p10 and t
assuming that we reschedule to optimise utility. In
1 X n 
pi  p0 
¼ k Fig. 4 we graph stability against p10 and t, both for
n fi:J 2Dg the case where we reschedule so as to optimise

and utility and in the case where we do not change the

job sequence.
1   We can see that when p10 undergoes a small
SðS0 ; S 0 ; E; tÞ ¼ ð2a þ 1Þpk  pk0  change then the utility of the information and the
! effects of rescheduling are both small. When p10
undergoes a larger change then the utility of the
þ2 ðpi þ minðpk ; pk0 ÞÞ : information is much higher as is the change in
fi:Ji 2Dg
schedule stability caused by acting upon the in-
The expression for utility arises by considering the formation. When the processing time for job J10 is
difference in completion times between the original reduced, then the utility of the information ex-
sequence, using a ‘‘do nothing’’ strategy in re- hibits a nearly linear dependence on the new pro-
sponse to the new processing time pk0 for job Jk , cessing time, increasing with the time of arrival of
and the sequence following the movement of job Jk the information. When the processing time for job
by strategy S 0 . If job Jk moves earlier in the se- J10 is increased, the utility’s dependence on the
quence, then the jobs in D will have their com- time is only insofar as the utility will be zero when
pletion times increased by pk0 , while
P job Jk will have the information arrives too late. The important
its completion decreased by fi:Ji 2Dg pi . If job Jk point to note from the two graphs is that the utility
moves later in the sequence, then the jobs in D will
have their completion times decreased by pk0 , while
job Jk will have its completion time increased by
fi:Ji 2Dg pi .
The expression for stability arises by consider-
ing the change in start and finish times between the
original and revised schedule. If job Jk moves
earlier in the sequence, then the jobs in D will have
their start and finish times increased by pk0 , while
job Jk will have its start time decreased by
fi:Ji 2Dg pi P and its finish time decreased by
jpk  pk0 j þ fi:Ji 2Dg pi . Jobs Jkþ1 ; Jkþ2 ; . . . ; Jn will
have their start and finish times decreased by
jpk  pk0 j. If job Jk moves later in the sequence, then
the jobs in D will have their start and finish times 0
Fig. 3. Utility for different values of p10 and t.
238 P. Cowling, M. Johansson / European Journal of Operational Research 139 (2002) 230–244

Fig. 4. (i) Change of stability for different values of p10 and t, assuming we do not change the job sequence. (ii) Change of stability for
different values of p10 and t, assuming we reschedule to optimise utility.

and stability give rise to surfaces of different Consider an n=1==C scheduling model, where
shapes and depend not only on the nature of the processing times are chosen in advance from a
anticipated future event, but also on the time of uniform distribution on the interval ½0; 10. The
arrival of the information. For example, we may pieces of real time information all have the same
see that when p10 is much smaller than p10 and we form, as considered previously: ‘‘at time t we find
receive limited prior warning, then rescheduling out that the processing time for job Jk changes
has substantial utility, but we see from Fig. 4(i) from pk to pk0 ’’. Then our events are all chosen in
and (ii) that the difference in stability between re- advance with job Jk chosen at random from the set
scheduling and not rescheduling is limited. We of jobs, pk0 chosen uniformly at random from
may consider a combination of utility and stability ½0; 10, and t chosen uniformly at random in the
in deciding what action to perform in response to interval ½0; ð5n=2Þ. It is then perfectly possible that
real time information to measure both the local a given job may be affected several times by dif-
improvement of schedule repair or rescheduling ferent pieces of real time information and that real
and any potential global adverse effects of re- time information may arrive too late to be acted
scheduling. Using this combination of utility and upon. In order that a significant number of pieces
stability, together with a variety of schedule repair of real time information do not arrive too late, our
and rescheduling strategies, will allow us to trade distribution ensures that real time information will
off the effects of utility and stability to provide a arrive during the first half of the schedule.
consistent response to real time information. We When real time information arrives we may put
will consider the behaviour of a number of these the action performed in one of four categories:
strategies in the following section. 1. No move: leave the job sequence unchanged, i.e.
ignore the information.
2. Repair the sequence by moving only the job
5. Strategies for handling real time data for n=1==C affected by the real time information. Try all
possible positions in the sequence.
In the previous section we have seen the be- 3. Reschedule the remaining jobs from the finish
haviour of measures of utility and stability within time of the job being processed currently using
the n=1==C scheduling model for a single piece of the SPT rule.
real time information. In this section we will con- 4. The event is infeasible since the information ar-
sider how we may use these measures to decide on rived too late to affect the schedule, i.e., it refers
a schedule repair or rescheduling strategy when to a job already completed.
there are multiple real time events. We use simu- The course of action that we should take is de-
lation in order to compare different strategies. termined by the resulting effect on average com-
P. Cowling, M. Johansson / European Journal of Operational Research 139 (2002) 230–244 239

pletion time (i.e., the utility of the real time in- strategy produced in response to the real time in-
formation) and the effect upon the schedule sta- formation and the sum of stability effects of all of
bility, together with our chosen strategy. The the moves which were made, divided by the num-
strategies which we consider are: ‘‘do nothing’’ in ber of jobs. The effects on stability come from two
response to real time information or maximise A sources, first, simply from changes in the process-
(utility) ) B (stability) for several different values ing time of a single job and second, from any
of A and B. When A ¼ 1; B ¼ 0 we have the change in the job sequence resulting from use of
strategy ‘‘maximise utility with no consideration of the real time information. Hence the total stability
stability’’. When A ¼ 0; B ¼ 1 we have the strategy effect of even the ‘‘do nothing’’ strategy will usu-
‘‘minimise the effect on stability without consid- ally be greater than zero.
ering utility’’. For A; B > 0 we have a range of In Tables 1 and 2 we summarise our results. We
strategies which bridge the gap between these two have carried out two series of experiments, one
extremes. with 25 jobs and 15 events, and one with 50 jobs
In order to compare our strategies, we measure and 15 events. We have randomly generated 5 sets
the overall utility by considering the average pro- of jobs together with 5 sets of events, giving 25
cessing time of the final sequence which each simulation runs for each series. For each simula-

Table 1
Summary of performance of the different strategies with 25 jobs and 15 events
Strategy Rank Rank Final Overall Reschedule No move Repair Infeasible
Cbar stability Cbar stability frequency frequency frequency frequency
Do nothing 9.36 2.24 40.82 6.06 0.00 6.96 0.00 8.04
A ¼ 0, B ¼ 1 10.52 1.00 40.89 5.54 0.00 6.08 1.00 7.92
A ¼ 1, B ¼ 1 9.84 1.48 40.80 5.61 0.00 6.44 0.64 7.92
A ¼ 2, B ¼ 1 8.84 2.80 40.46 6.25 0.00 6.00 1.12 7.88
A ¼ 3, B ¼ 1 7.36 4.40 38.85 9.80 0.16 4.44 2.32 8.08
A ¼ 5, B ¼ 1 5.48 5.84 37.73 13.26 0.24 3.32 3.24 8.20
A ¼ 6, B ¼ 1 4.60 6.52 37.62 13.80 0.24 3.16 3.48 8.12
A ¼ 8, B ¼ 1 4.48 7.32 37.54 14.41 0.28 2.8 3.80 8.12
A ¼ 10, B ¼ 1 3.36 7.80 37.36 15.48 0.32 2.48 3.96 8.24
A ¼ 15, B ¼ 1 2.48 9.32 37.22 16.36 0.44 1.92 4.44 8.20
A ¼ 25, B ¼ 1 1.60 10.12 37.06 17.10 0.44 1.80 4.60 8.16
A ¼ 1, B ¼ 0 1.72 10.96 37.16 19.12 0.00 1.08 5.80 8.12
All values are averages over 25 simulation runs.

Table 2
Summary of performance of the different strategies with 50 jobs and 15 events
Strategy Rank Rank Final Overall Reschedule No move Repair Infeasible
Cbar stability Cbar stability frequency frequency frequency frequency
Do nothing 7.60 2.56 82.25 7.85 0.00 7.12 0.00 7.88
A ¼ 0, B ¼ 1 8.32 1.36 82.05 7.10 0.04 5.52 1.72 7.72
A ¼ 1, B ¼ 1 7.80 1.72 81.96 7.31 0.04 5.72 1.52 7.72
A ¼ 2, B ¼ 1 6.64 2.84 81.43 7.77 0.08 5.64 1.56 7.72
A ¼ 3, B ¼ 1 5.60 4.12 80.08 10.98 0.16 4.40 2.76 7.68
A ¼ 5, B ¼ 1 4.68 4.96 79.31 13.90 0.20 3.52 3.56 7.72
A ¼ 8, B ¼ 1 3.68 6.68 78.87 15.37 0.16 2.92 4.16 7.76
A ¼ 10, B ¼ 1 2.92 7.68 78.70 16.79 0.20 2.24 4.80 7.76
A ¼ 20, B ¼ 1 2.04 8.84 78.48 19.48 0.16 1.44 5.68 7.72
A ¼ 1, B ¼ 0 1.20 9.96 78.36 24.68 0.00 0.28 6.92 7.80
All values are averages over 25 simulation runs.
240 P. Cowling, M. Johansson / European Journal of Operational Research 139 (2002) 230–244

tion run, we consider several strategies by giving behaviour in response to real time information
different values of parameters A and B, as well as based upon a consistent, rational approach. In an
the ‘‘do nothing’’ strategy. For each simulation environment where we may tolerate significant
run, we rank the strategies in terms of their final changes in stability, it still seems that strategies
value of C (Cbar) and the sum over all events of such as ðA ¼ 10; B ¼ 1Þ give a marked improve-
the effect on stability (stability). Recall that we ment in stability performance over the strategy
would wish to minimise both of these quantities. which ignores stability, for very minor changes in
The average rank for each strategy over all simu- mean completion time. Indeed, we see in Fig. 5
lation runs is given in columns 2 and 3 of the that the ðA ¼ 20; B ¼ 1Þ strategy strictly outper-
tables. The average values of final Cbar and sta- forms the ðA ¼ 1; B ¼ 0Þ strategy, however this is
bility sum are given in columns 4 and 5. In columns principally due to a single simulation run where a
6, 7, 8 and 9 we show the average frequency over all minor change in schedule sequence made a piece of
simulation runs of the category of action which was real time information infeasible for one strategy
taken in response to the real time information. but not the other. We see that in both Figs. 5 and
Figs. 5 and 6 illustrate the relationship between 6, the ‘‘Do Nothing’’ strategy is dominated since
Cbar and Stability for each series and strategy. the ðA ¼ 1; B ¼ 1Þ strategy gives strictly better
They clearly illustrate that there is a continuum of performance with respect to both Cbar and sta-
different strategic approaches to dealing with real bility. We may conclude that even in an environ-
time information between ‘‘do nothing’’ and ment where schedule stability is critical, using real
‘‘always reschedule to maximise utility without time information is better than ignoring it.
considering stability’’, where we may trade-off Figs. 7 and 8 show the average over all simu-
Cbar and stability. This enables a choice of lation runs of the frequency of each response cat-

Fig. 5. Average performance for each real time information strategy over 25 simulation runs of 25 jobs and 15 pieces of real time

Fig. 6. Average performance for each real time information strategy over 25 simulation runs of 50 jobs and 15 pieces of real time
P. Cowling, M. Johansson / European Journal of Operational Research 139 (2002) 230–244 241

Fig. 9. The performance of each strategy for five different sets

Fig. 7. Average frequency of each category of response to real of events and the same initial set of 25 jobs.
time information over 25 simulation runs of 25 jobs and 15
pieces of real time information.

Fig. 10. The performance of each strategy for five different sets
of events and the same initial set of 50 jobs.

Fig. 8. Average frequency of each category of response to real

time information over 25 simulation runs of 50 jobs and 15 these are due to one strategy perceiving insufficient
pieces of real time information.
utility to justify the large change in stability for a
rescheduling move, whereas for another strategy
egory to each piece of real time information. In- this is justified.
tuitively a large ratio A/B should give rise to more To summarise then, even in an environment
frequent rescheduling and schedule repair, in order where utility and thus our original scheduling ob-
to reduce Cbar. This behaviour is shown in both jective dominates, giving stability a small amount
graphs. Note that in the ðA ¼ 1; B ¼ 0Þ strategy, of weight will often produce schedules of compa-
where we wish to minimise Cbar with no consid- rable utility and greatly improved stability, and
eration of stability, there is no need for resched- vice versa. When neither consideration dominates,
uling since all schedule repairs give rise to the same we have continuum of strategies which allow us to
sequence that would be produced by rescheduling make a balanced choice, reflecting our view as to
the remaining jobs using the SPT rule. For strat- the relative importance of utility and stability.
egies with appropriately balanced A and B, we see
precisely the behaviour which we might wish in
practise, where minor or no changes are made in 6. Using real time information for scheduling a steel
order to minimise the impact on schedule stability continuous caster
until such time as rescheduling is justified by an
event having very large utility. A steel continuous caster uses one to eight
Figs. 9 and 10 show the marked difference in parallel oscillating moulds to transform large
behaviour, in terms of final Cbar and stability ladles of liquid steel, each weighing about 200
values, of the strategies for different sets of events tonne, of a known chemical composition, into hot
and the same initial schedule. We see a similar steel slabs, weighing 10–20 tonne, whose chemistry
‘‘reflected J’’ shape for each of the event sets. and dimensions match customer orders. Several
However some of the event sets give rise to very ladles are scheduled into a continuous sequence
large discontinuities in the ‘‘reflected J’’. In general which should be as long as possible to maximise
242 P. Cowling, M. Johansson / European Journal of Operational Research 139 (2002) 230–244

throughput and minimise setup costs. The sched- application of strategy 4. Once we have a model
uling problem is unusual in that in addition to the which has quantified scheduling objectives, see for
production pull due to the need to satisfy customer example (Cowling and Rezig, 2000), then we can
orders, there is a production push due to the need immediately use this to provide a measure of
to cast all the liquid steel coming from the blast utility. Our measure of stability of a scheduling
furnace. Lee et al. (1996), Cowling (2002) and strategy will be a measure of the cost of the dis-
Cowling and Rezig (2000) give more details of the ruption caused by changes in scheduled processing
scheduling problem. Our aim here is to discuss times, for the continuous caster as well as for the
how the techniques of dynamic scheduling dis- upstream steel making, downstream milling pro-
cussed in this paper might be applied to this cesses and medium term plans. Note that provid-
scheduling problem. ing a suitable measure of disruption will be a
The ladles of molten steel go through a complex difficult modelling task, but is an important part of
production process which may take a few hours putting our continuous caster scheduling model in
between leaving the blast furnace and arriving the a global context and avoiding global suboptimi-
continuous caster, with many parallel production sation through local optimisation of the casting
routes. Most of these processes are computer process. Our measures of utility and stability will
controlled and give rise to real time information. It give us a consistent method for handling real time
is not uncommon that we have available real time information in a scheduling environment where
information from process controllers as well as dealing with this information is critical. Work is
sales and marketing staff, a few hours before the continuing in this area.
impact of the real time information will be felt at
the caster, but usually after the caster schedule has
been generated. Principal real time events for 7. Conclusion
short-term scheduling of the continuous caster
include: information concerning the true weight of In this paper we have addressed an important
ladle contents, ladle timing information, ladles gap between scheduling theory and scheduling
having the wrong chemistry, upstream machine practice: that scheduling models and algorithms
failures which restrict the steel chemistries which are unable to make use of real time information,
can be manufactured and changes in downstream which is widely available from process control
steel demand to balance material flows, particu- computers and other monitoring systems. We have
larly in response to machine failure. When real surveyed and categorised the range of real time
time information arrives we can consider several information that may be captured and given ap-
strategies for dealing with this information: proaches for dealing with it. We have reviewed
1. Stay with the existing plan and make to stock. work in the literature which looks at techniques
2. Search order book for an unscheduled future for repairing schedules in response to real time
order, to change only the order which will be events, pointing out that the issue of constructively
made in the current ladle (schedule repair). using real time information concerning an antici-
3. Allow localised changes to the current schedule pated future event has been little considered.
in addition to 2, by changing the orders which We have identified two principal types of reac-
are made in ladles of the current sequence, tion to a real time information, rescheduling, which
which will not have significant impact on up- involves significant system wide schedule changes
stream/downstream schedules (schedule repair). and schedule repair, which makes only localised
4. Allow major changes which may affect up- changes. In order to decide what action to take in
stream and downstream plans, and change response to a given collection of real time infor-
plans at longer time horizons (rescheduling). mation, we have defined general measures of utility
Our measure of utility of a piece of real time and stability. We may use these two measures to
information will be the difference in some measure evaluate strategies for dealing with the real time
of profitability between strategy 1 and optimal information. We have then gone from this gener-
P. Cowling, M. Johansson / European Journal of Operational Research 139 (2002) 230–244 243

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