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To: Mr. Wagner

From: Hannah Alaimo

Date: September 12, 2019

Subject: Restaurant Proposal

As you are aware, I am in the process of completing​ The Restaurant Entrepreneur ​simulation. In
order to continue with this simulation, I am required to first establish the mane and location of
my restaurant. Please review the proposed restaurant provided below and indicate if I have your
approval to use the use the proposed idea by completing the bottom portion of this memo and
returning it to me.

Proposed Restaurant:
The name of my restaurant is Brew Crew Coffee Shop. The theme for my restaurant is to make
the customers feel at home with a talking area with couches and many side tables to do work.
The color scheme that I have decided to use is a combination of red, gray, and brown. The
signature dish with be a Brew Crew Iced Coffee. The restaurant will be located in Caste Village
(5301, Grove Road).

Restaurant Reasoning:
I love going to coffee shops with my friends to grab something tasty and quick. Ot also make
same want to give people a place to concentrate on school or work. I always see people sitting
with a computer and doing some type of work or just listening to music. Lastly, a very popular
opinion is an iced coffee, which is why I made it my special dish/drink.


I approve this restaurant proposal for use in The Restaurant Entrepreneur simulation.

I do not approve of this restaurant proposal for use in The Restaurant Entrepreneur simulation.

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