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Have you ever thought about happiness?

Well, this is a common word that is used by most people on a

daily basis. However, what is it? Happiness can actually be relative. It actually refers to the state of being
satisfied with what you have or have achieved. You will note that when one is happy, his attitude
towards things changes. In addition, his mood also changes. There are several thing that can make you
feel happy. These include:

1. Finding a lost item

If you have misplaced an item in the past, you probably felt stressed and so on. You will note that some
people normally have some sentimental value for their items. This can be a title deed of a certain plot,
jewelry, car keys and so on. Some of these items are worth a lot of money. Misplacing them can make
you to panic. However, finding them can make you happy.

2. Passing an examination

Most students normally fear examinations. Most of them are always anxious about the outcome of the
results. You will note that most of them normally invest a lot of time revising for their papers. However,
not all students pass the test. Some pass and others fail. In this case, if you happen to do well in your
examinations, you are likely to be happy.

3. Achieving desired results.

Weight loss is a journey. You will note that most people normally invest more time in the gym in order
to look fit. You will note that you can visit the gym and still fail to achieve the desired results. You might
fail to gain muscles due to the nature of your body. However, others usually achieve their desired
results. This leads to happiness.

The same applies to wining a competition. You will note that during a competition, everyone want is to
win a trophy and so on. This can be music, athletics competition and so on. If you win the trophy, you
will definitely become happy.

4. Getting healed.

Some diseases normally suppress an individual. They can make your body feel weak. This can affect the
way you carry out your daily activities. You will note that some people normally even get bedridden in
order to get better. If you get healed from a disease that was about to make you succumb, you are
definitely to feel happy. Most people normally rejoice after getting healed.

It is true to say that happiness is relative. There are many things that can make you feel happy. As long
as you have some peace of mind and you are not experiencing any form of stress, you are likely to be a
happy person.

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