Narration - Master of Ceremony

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M : Good Morning ladies and gentlemen. My name is Clara Monica, and my Co. MC, Aim
Ratnaningrum. It’s a precious chance for us to be your master of ceremony on this Seminar
“State Responsibility for Human Rights Compliance in Business Sector” and Atma Jaya
Yogyakarta International Law Society Organization Launching.

A: First of all let us praise to God Almighty because of His blessing and mercy, so we can
come together without any obstacle here. It is an honor for me to inform you that, among us
here, we have the vice dean III, Mr.B. Hengky Widhi Antoro., S.H., M.H. And also,we would
like to welcome our speakers today, The honorable Mr. Dr. Heribertus Jaka Triyana, S.H.,
LL.M, M.A. The honorable Ms. Joanna Silvia Neto Cerqueira Bastos,

M: Before we come to the main session, let us start this by praying, so the event that we will
hold on this day, will be running well without any barrier at all.

The opening pray will be lead by Krisna Mega, time and place is yours.

(opening prayers)

Thank you Mega for leading us to pray.

On this nice occasion, let us deliver the structure of the event today, as follows:

1. Opening, (2) The general lecture and discussion with the speakers, (3) Organization
launching and inauguration of AILS caretakers; (4) Handing over placard to the
speakers and moderator, continued by closing

A: Ladies and Gentlemen, please stand up for national anthem of Indonesia, Indonesia Raya

(Instrument playing). Attendees are kindly requested to sit back.

M: Now we invite the organizing committee of this seminar, Cristine Wijaya to give an
opening remarks. To Cristine, time and place are yours…..Thanks to Cristine for the opening
remarks.The next, opening remarks will be from Mr. B. Hengky Widhi Antoro, S.H.,
M.H. To Mr. Hengky, time and place are yours…..Thank you to Mr. Hengky for the speech.

A: This section will be conducted by our moderator who’s also our alumnae, Ms. Ratna Juwita,
S.H., LL,M., M.H. Ms. Ratna Juwita is a lecturer and researcher at Department of
International Law Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta. Moderator and speakers are invited to
take their place on stage
Question and Answer Session

M: It was truly an amazing and educating presentation from both of the speakers. Also, thank
you for the participants who joined the discussion.,Next, let us witness the establishment of
Atma Jaya Yogyakarta International Law Society Organization.
We will hear the Declaration of Atma Jaya Yogyakarta Internaional Law Society read by the
leader of AILS, Philipus Kristanto.

Coming up. The handover document will be signed officially by the founder and also the
elected president of AILS and the vice dean III, I would like to call upon Mr. Hengky Widhi
Antoro. (Document signing)

A: Ladies and gentlemen let us applaud the document signing, signify the establishment of the

Next, I would like to call the executive board of AILS;

President of AILS Phillipus Elyano Kristanto; VicePresident of AILS, Mallini Anthonia

Nahadin; Secretary, Elsye Stephi Yuneka; Treasurer,Sofia Angel Rafra; Internal
Coordinator; Ansella Maria Claudia Timbuleng; External Coordinator’ Sarah Novella
Luwuk; Research and Publication Coordinator’ Dimas Ramadhan Perdana and
Competition Coordinator, I Putu Adi Darmawan
to come here and pronouncing the vows as official officers. Pronouncing the vows will lead by
the vice dean III, Mr. Hengky Widhi Antoro

M: Thank you Mr. Hengky for legalizing the establishment of AILS also the caretakers, you
may cordially take the seat. In this session, Mrs. Ratna Juwita as the organization advisor,
will embedding pins to the Executive Board of AILS as a symbol of official running AILS
through period 2018-2019. Mrs. Ratna Juwita may come to the front.

A: Thank you Mrs. Ratna And finally the last chain of the launching, I would like to call Philip
as the leader of AILS to do the Tumpeng Ceremony. The tumpeng will be given to the vice
dean III, Mr. Hengky Widhi A. Both of them may take the time and place.

M: Thank you Mr. Hengky. The leader of AILS will give some words according to the
establishment of this organization. So.. Philip, time and place are yours. Ladies and gentlemen,
you have witnessed the whole establishment of Atma Jaya Yogyakarta International Law
Society. We hope that AILS would bring more interest to international law issue in our faculty.

A: In order to express our gratitude, we are going to hand placards to the speakers and the
moderator. We would like to call Mr. Jaka Triyana, Miss Joanna Silvia, and Mrs. Ratna
Juwita to come in front.
The placards will be given by Philip. Thank you, everyone may come back to the seats.

M: We finally reach the end of today’s event. We would like to thank to all the speakers who
has presented their materials relating to our Business and Human Rights seminar today. We
also would like to say thank you to vice dean, the lecturers, and all the participants who have
attended this seminar. We hope this seminar can strengthen the concept about Business and
Human Rights, and give more knowledge that can be useful in the future, both as an
academician, practicioner, or as a student, in general. We’re sorry for any mistakes that we
might made during the seminar.

I, Monica and Aim,

Thank you and see you in our next AILS event.

Photo session

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