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Secret of Deliberate Creation

Quick Start Program

The Secret of Deliberate Creation Quick Start Program is designed to give you hands-on
experience in the science of manifesting your desires. In addition, it will allow you manifest
the cost of this program by following the simple instructions below.

In order to gain the most benefit from the Secret of Deliberate Creation Quick Start Program it
is important that you follow the instructions below - TO THE LETTER! Do not deviate or
change anything. Everything is designed to work together to give you the fastest possible

The key to your success lies in the use of the Quick Start Audio Training CD. However,
before you play it, you MUST listen to the entire Secret of Deliberate Creation 6 CD set IN
FULL at least once.

You may be tempted to play the Quick Start CD “just to see what it’s like”, but DON’T DO IT!
Help yourself by following these instructions EXACTLY.

1. Play The Secret of Deliberate Creation 6 CD set at least once. There is no rush. You
can play the 6 CD’s whenever you have the time to listen to them. The important thing
is you actually listen to ALL of them before playing the Quick Start Audio Training

2. Once you have completed the 6 CD set you are ready to being listening to the Quick
Start Audio Training CD.

3. Play the Quick Start Audio Training CD as often as you like UNTIL you manifest the
price you paid for this program. This is your goal. Read this again. I did not say IF
you manifest the price you paid for this program, I said UNTIL you manifest it.

4. Make the decision that you will NOT GIVE UP until you have manifested your goal.
This is the main reason why most people are not successful with personal
development programs. They just read or listen to the material once or twice and then
expect instant results. Perhaps you will have instant results, but if your don’t that does
not mean it is not working for you. Just follow through UNITL you reach your goal.
Make the decision NOW that you will do this.

5. There are also five (5) Quick Start Support Envelopes enclosed with this package.
Open the first envelope (# 1) 7 days from the time you begin listening to the Quick
Start Audio Training CD. Then open the second envelope (#2) 7 days later, the third
(#3) 7 days later, the fourth (#4) 7 days later and finally the fifth (#5) after the final 7
days. DO NOT OPEN THEM ALL AT ONCE. Of course you are curious, but did you
purchase this program to learn to become a Deliberate Creator or to satisfy you
curiosity? Just take it a step at a time and you will be delighted with the results.

6. Each Quick Start Support Envelope has as special message designed to coach you
along the way by pointing out some very importing things you must pay attention to
while learning the Deliberate Creation process. Each message is on a 3 x 5 card that
is convenient to carry around with you so that you can read it and program your sub-
conscious as often as possible.

7. It cannot get any easier than this. Just play the Secret of Deliberate Creation 6 CD’s
and listen to the Quick Start Audio Training CD as often as you feel is necessary
and open the Quick Start Support Envelopes every 7 days. Don’t make this difficult.
It is very easy and should be a lot of fun. In fact, if you are “working” at this, you are
doing it wrong! Simply put, if you are not having fun with this you are definitely NOT
going to manifest your goal. But if you follow the instructions have fun with it, there is
no way you CAN NOT manifest your goal. It is virtually guaranteed! How good is

8. It is not unusual for clients to manifest their goal long before they finish the entire
process outlined above. If this happens for you, please complete the entire process. It
is not only designed to assist you in manifesting your first goal (attracting the money
to pay for this program) but it is designed to train your mind so that you can easily
manifest anything you desire for the rest of your life.

The Secret of Deliberate Creation is a self-study program. This means it does not include on-
going consultation, questions and answers, personal advice, emails, etc. This comes under
the heading of “personal coaching”. The cost of The Secret of Deliberate Creation program is
a faction of the cost that my personal coaching clients must pay.

The main reason I decided to offer The Secret of Deliberate Creation program in this format
was to give those that cannot afford my personal coaching an opportunity to achieve the
same results if they are willing to put in the time to listen to the program and follow the simple

If you are interested in personal coaching you can contact us for details. However, normally
there is about a four-month waiting list.

Everything you need to manifest your desires is contained in The Secret of Deliberate
Creation program. If you are not sure of what to do next, rather than thinking you need ask
questions, just use your intuition. As you will learn, you have an Internal Guidance System
that cannot be wrong. It knows EXACTLY what to do. So rather than ask what to do, or what
is “correct” or “right” way to do it, let you intuition or your Internal Guidance System be your
guide. Just do what you FEEL is best and you will always be on the right path towards your

Okay, it’s time to begin. Sit back, relax, open the package and start listening to the first lesson
in the Secret of Deliberate Creation. And remember to have FUN! This will be a life changing
experience for you! I guarantee it!

I will be with you all the way…

All the best,

Dr. Robert Anthony

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