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QUESTION BANK Class : VIII Subject ; English FM. $0 Reading : y Read the following passage carefully. After reading, answer the questions by choosing 7a correct option. VISIT TO A DENTIST Nobody visits the dentist of his own accord unless necessary. For the good of our dental health, we should visit dentist at least twice a year for regular checks and polishing, We should never visit a dentist only when pain occurs, It is important to take care of our teeth and gums form a young age. Mothers should start cleaning their babies gum with a soft and clean cloth even before the appearance of the first milk tooth. It is recommended that brushing of teeth should be done at least twice a day. To prevent tooth decay and gum disease, flossing our tecth on a daily basis should be done. Brushing helps to stimulate gums while flossing aids in the removal of food left in between teeth that could not be removed by brushing, Using the right kind of tooth brush and tooth paste is also very important, A tooth brush with hard bristles should never be used. It causes injury to our gums and teeth, Most toothpastes contain abrasives, detergents and foaming agents. The most important ingredient in toothpaste that prevents cavities is fluoride. People with sensitive teeth may experience a sharp pain or discomfort if pressure is put on the teeth or if they consume hot or cold food. A medicated toothpaste may have to be used in this case, However a visit to the dentist is a must if the problem persists. To avoid tooth decay, we should cut down on sugary foods and drinks, and brush our teeth before going to sleep. Extra visits to the dentist will definitely lesson if we adopt good dental care habits. Salas 1. We are advised to visit to the dentist at least @ year for regular checkups. a) once b) twice ©) thrice 4) fourtimes n . Best time to start caring for our teeth is : a) When we are young b) When we are old ©) Atnight 4) During aday 3. To prevent tooth decay we should : a) Brush our teeth twice a day b) Floss our teeth ©) Use right kind of tooth brush and toothpaste d) All the above. 4 is experienced due to sensitivity. a) Tooth decay b) Foul smell from teeth ©) Sharp pain d) None of these 5. The most important ingredient in toothpaste that prevents cavities is a) Fluoride) Foaming agents ¢) Abrasives d) Detergents th Read the poem carefully and attempt the following questions : (5) Oh, I wish I'd Looked After Me Teeth Pam Ayers Oh, | wish I'd looked after me teeth, And spotted the perils beneath. All the toffees I chewed, And the sweet sticky food. Oh, | wish I'd looked after me teeth. I wish, I'd been that much more willing When I had more tooth there than filling To pass up gobstoppers From respect to me chappers And to buy something else with me s! When I think of the lollies I licked, And the liquorire all sorts I picked, Sherbet dabs, big and little All that hard peanut brittle, My conscience gets horribly pricked Oh, | showed them the toothpaste all right I flashed it about late at night, But up-and-down brushing And poking and fussing Didn't seem worth the time ~ 1 could bite! If T'd known, I was paving the way To cavities, caps and decay, The murder of fillings Injections and drillings I would have thrown all me sherbet away. So | lay in the old dentist's chair, And I gaze up his nose in despair, And his drill it do whipe In these molars of mine. “Two amalgum,” he'll say, “for in there! How I laughed at my mother's false teeth, As they foamed in the waters beneath But now comes the reckoning It's me they are beckoning Oh, | wish I looked after me teeth 1) “And spotted the perils beneath” Beneath what? a) Toffees b) sweet sticky food : . ¢) teeth d) lollies Attempt any two of the following:~ 2) Whatis the poet's regret and how does she regret? 2 3) Explain the title of the poem and justify it. a 4) Why did the poet go to dentist? How could she have avoided it? 5) Give an appropriate proverb that conveys the message that this poem carries. 1) 3) Section ‘B’ (Writing and Grammar) You are a newspaper reporter. On hearing the appearance of the UFO in your area, you conducted a survey and made notes of the event Taking clues from the following hints write 4 report for your paper in not more than 150 words. SB ‘The UFO first sighted in the fields of village Bhiwandi near Ghaziabad _ July 10 alarge craft. round in shape ___hhissing sound___green light two strange creatures seen ___ entered the house of a poor labourer fainted to see the strange creatures ___another villager sighted them other wireless like gadget seen a strange experience went into the sky disappeared. [5] the blanks with, correct words keeping the subject ~ verb agreement, (4) No one will believe that a thirteen ~ year old girl a) completely alone. And I'm not. 1)_ loving parents and a sixteen — year old sister and there ¢) about thirty people. I can call friends. Thave a family. There d) loving aunts and cousins. All | think about when I’m with friends e) having aunts and cousins. The problem is that we f) not able to get any closer. May be it g) my fault that we don’t confide in each other. In any case, that's just how things h) and unfortunately they are not liable to change. Read the conversation given below and complete the passage that follows (4] Husband: Get my lunch quickly, Iam in great hurry. Wife : Oh really! Why did you not come a bit earlier? Husband : Now look, you have made a habit to argue with me and no husband likes that sort 3) of thing. The husband urged his wife a) adding that b hurry, The wife mockingly asked him c) hurry and required d) earlier. The husband speaking in a tone of irritation pointed out that he did not like her habit of arguing. Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners : 4k ‘Once there were a)- garland of flowers . It was extremely beautiful and artistic c) ~ -—~-aitists. One of them pointed 6) — bee came a 3). 4). 5) 6). 7). 8). 9) 10), I). b) Settled on d) s-sesessn== picture, €) =tneeessneane other artist painted {) «+--+ + basket of fruits .g) -------—-- ox tried to take hold of it. h) could judge which picture was batter of the two . i) --- really beautiful. G-1 ---- Visitor =the picture were Literature What is a metaphor ? consider the poem **The Guest House” as or extended metaphor. 3 He may be clearing you out for some new delight . | a) Whoishe? 2 b) What can be “some new delight “ the Guest House"* Describe the young man in the story “Dusk™* Did he belong to the hour of defeated (1+1)=2 “It’s lesson to me not to be too clever in judging by circumstances.” a) Name the speaker ? t b) Whom did the speaker judge? ' Explain the following line: a) Light! Give me light! ” was the wordless ery of my soul and the light of love shone on me in that very hour. (Helene keller) hd ‘What effect did the * living word " have on Helen ? (1) When did Gulliver begin his adventure and where had he gone ? (1) How did the ship wreck ? What happened to Gulliver, (1412 Describe the Lilliputian ? a How was Gulliver given food ? a The darted back in fright - a) Who are they ? t Why were frightened ? 1 DPS ,SAIL TOWNSHIP ,RANCHI-04 a PRACTICE PAPER -2016-2017 Chop \ Alo CLASS-VIII SUB- MATHS M.M-50 TOPIC- RATIONAL NUMBERS &SQUARE AND SQUARE ROOTS SECTION -A 1x2=2 Q1Find the square root of 169 by repeated subtraction method Q2. What number should be subtracted from 3/4 -2/3 to get -1/6? SECTION-6 2X36 Q3.Divide the sum of -13/5 and 12/7 by the product of -31/7 and -1/2. Q4.What is the value of P+Q/P-Q if P/Q=7? Q5.Write two Pythagorean triplets each having one of the number as 5. Show SECTION-C 3X6=18 Q6.Find 10 rational numbers between -2/5 and 1/2. Q7.{a)The area of a square field is 40401/400 sq m.find the length of one side of the field. (b) By what smallest number 3456 be divided to make it a perfect square. Q8.Amit earned 1 16000 per month . He spends quarter of his income on food 33/10 of the remainder on house rent and 5/21 of the remainder on the education of the children .How much money is still left with him? Q9.Find the least number which must be added to 306452 to make ita perfect square. Q10.The area of a square field is 60025 sq m. A man cycles along its boundary at 18 km/hr. In how much time will he return at the starting point? Q11.Find the least square number ,exactly divisible by each of the numbers 6,9,15and 20. SECTION-D 4X6=24 Q12.(a)Find the square root of 3 correct to three places of decimals. (b).Evaluate:v50625 and hence find the value of VS06.25 +V5.0625 . Q13.Find the least number of six digits which is a perfect square.Find the square root of the number obtained. Q14.Find the square root of (a) 0.053824 (b) 225.6004 Q15.Find the squares of the following numbers by diagonal method (a) 854 (b) 2576 Q16.Find the perimeter of the square Playground whose area is equal to the area of the a rectangular field of dimensions 72m and 338m. (Q17.Neha has to cut out circles of diameter 5/4 cm from an aluminium strip of dimension 35/4cm by 5/4cm.How many full circles can Neha cut? Also calculate the wastage of aluminium strip. Wyo MATERIALS : METALS AND NON-METALS. Qi. What are allotropes ? Name an element which shows allotropy (a). Q2. Give one example each of a combination reaction and a displacement reaction. (ay Q3. Name the acid and base from which Aluminium sulphate is formed. What is the nature of this salt? — (1) QA. Using 2 simple experiment how can you show that magnesium is placed above zinc inthe reactivity 9) series?gr QS. From amongst the following metals 2 Iron, Magnesium, Copper, Zinc, Calcium Choose {a} the metal which reacts with water only on Boiling. (b) the metal which reacts only with steam. {c) the metal which does not react even with steam. (d) the metal which forms amphoteric oxide. Q6. A student has been collectingsilver and copper coins.One day she observed a black coating on silver coins and a greenish coating on copper coins. Which chemical phenomena is responsible for this? Write the chemical equations involved. @) Q7. Show by an activity that metals are good conductors of electricity.Oraw a neat and well labelled diagram also @) Q8, Give reasons for the following: 8) {a) Aluminium is a highly reactive metal yet it is used to make cooking utensils. (b} Non metals do not displace hydrogen from dilute acids. (c) Copper is used to make electric wires, 9. A metal M when added to blue coloured solution of copper sulphate turns it colourless. 3) Is metal M more reactive than copper or less reactive? Identify M? Write the chemical equation involved. Draw a well labelled diagram, G10. A, Band C are three elements, which undergo chemical reactions as given below: 8) ASO, + 8 BS, + A 50g + B ————> BS + CSO, + A ———* ASO, + (i) Which element is most reactive? (i) Which element is teast reactive? (ii) Explain why. (iv) Will the following reactions take place? fa) B50, + C {b) ASO + C Give reasons to support your answer. Q11 A yellow brittle element X on burning produces a coloriess gas.¥, which turns moist blue litmus paper red. () Identity X and Y? (i) whatis the nature of solution of ¥ in water? (iil) Is Xa metal or non metal? {iv) Write the chemical equations involved. (v) Draw a neat well iabelled diagram to show the burning of X? (vi) Write the confirmatory test for the gas ¥. Qiz ss zn We kh / \ | | H,80, (8) + H20 COMPOUND ) Nespas eats HCO H (1 + ho Identify X, A, B and C. Write their chemical formula and name. Identify the type of chemical reaction for all three reactions. DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL SAIL Township, Ranchi Subject: Biology Class VIII Max. Marks: 30 Qa Qa Iv Q Write in Short (1x3) Why does the loosening of soil allow the roots to breathe easily? Why earthworms are called farmers friends? What are the purposes of the leveling of soil? Write the answers in brief (2x4) What is Eutrophication? How can we separate good, healthy seeds from the damaged ones? Why sowing seeds with seed drill is better than by hand? What is Organic Farming? Write the answers in detail (3x3) Explain how soil gets affected by the continuous plantation of crops in a field. What is buffer stock? Why is excessive irrigation harmful to the crops? Write long answers (5x2) Write three advantages and two disadvantages of using manure in the agriculture process. What is cold storage? For which kind of food items it is used? What are the three factors which are taken care of in cold storage? QUESTION BANK OF HISTORY-CHAPTER-1-HOW,WHEN AND WHERE CLASS-VIIL SESSION-2016-17 MAX. MARKS-30 Very Short Answer Type Question (1x6=6 Marks) ‘Q.1 What do you understand by the term “Colonization”? Q.2 who was James Mill? Name the book published by him, Q.3 Why are the dates so important in history? Q4 Who were calligraphists? Why were they serving in various government departments? Q.5 List the unofficial records or sources of modern Indian history. Q.6 List some of the surveys conducted during the British period. SHORT ANSWER TYPE QUESTION (3 x3=9 Marks) Q.7 Why did the British conduct so many surveys? Q8 Why was the preparation of maps essential in the British Empire? Who produced the first map during the British Period and in which year? Q.9 What are archives? Why were they important during British Period? LONG ANSWER TYPE QUESTION (5 x3=15 Marks) Q.10 What do you understand by periodization in History? Explain the periodization of Indian history that James Mill offers. Is it correct? Give reasons to support your answer. Q.11 What led the British to record or preserve every aspect of their administration? Do you think it was required? Why? Q.12 Explain the present classification of Indian History. Critically examine this classification in brief. QUESTION BANK OF CIVICS-CHAPTER-1-THE INDIAN CONSTITUTION CLASS. uL SES: IN-2016-17; MAX.MARKS. Very Short Answer Type Question (1x6=6 Marks) (Q.1 What do you understand by Universal adult franchise? Q.2 What is human trafficking? Q.3 Write a few lines on the making of the indian Constitution? Q.4 Write a short account of Or. 8.R.Ambedkar’s life? Q5 Why was secularism adopted as a key feature of Indian Constitution? Q.6 What is a Constitution and why do we need it? SHORT ANSWER TYPE QUESTION (3 x3=9 Marks) Q.7 Restrictions on the power of the elected representatives is essential. Why? 0.8 Explain the three components or organs of a state. Q.9 Differentiate between Democracy and Monarchy. LONG ANSWER TYPE QUESTION (5 x3=15 Marks) Q.10 Rules and laws are necessary for a society. Why? Support your answers with suitable reasons, Q.11 Explain the key features of the Indian Constitution, Q.12 Explain the fundamental rights given to us by the Indian Constitution. wv SION -1 RESOURCES UBS —GEOGRAPHY LASS — VII TOTAL -40 Answer in short: (1X 5-8) i) What are the (wo factors that can change substances into resources ? Explain this with the help of example. ii) Some resources have economic value, some do not. Explain this with the help of example. iii) What are Natural resources ? iv) Mention the criteria on the basis of which National Resources can be classified ? ¥) Define the term “Patent” and "Technology". Answer in mo‘three sentences i) ii) iii) What are Human made Resources ? in) What ts Rest es Conservation ? wy ‘What do you mean by “Stock” of Resources ? Name few and mention how their stock may get affected by overuse. wwable resources iste between the followings : GX5=15) #) Potential and Actual Resources. ii) Renewable and Non Renewable Resourees. a) fed resources. i) and Abiotic Resources. wy re Human Resourees.are important ? An (5X2= 10 i) Why ate resources distributed unequally over the carth, Explain all the points swith the help of example. Five principles of Sus inable Development, S. Ghosh . (a) How does the water pressure on a diver ehange i DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL SAIL TOWNSHIP, RANCHI Question Bank ~ SA-1 Class — VIL Subject - Physics Topic ~ Force & Pressure F.M. 30 . Name the (i) Strongest force (ii) Weakest force in nature a) Find acceleration of the object ay F.=8N F,=2N a rg fo l=-Pa a) L atm, Pressure = (a) The pillars holding the track of metro trains have a broad bse. Why? (b) A nail or board pin 's one end pointed and sharp while the other end is blunt oF flat, Why? @ - (a) What is the cause of the atmospheric pressure? (b) Mountaineers generally suffers from nose bleeding when they go upwards. Why? (2) . What is the magnitude of the force in Newton which exerts a pressure of 10 Pa on an area of S em#? (2) . If the ratio of the masses of two cubes placed on a table is 1:2 and ratio of their sides is 2:1. ‘What will be the ratio of pressure exerted by them on the table? Q) If the greatest and the least resultant of wwo forces acting at a point are 10N and 6N. Find the magnitude of the forces, (3) (a) Define one Pascal, (b) A vessel contains water to a height of 30 em. The density of the water is 1000kg m7 and g = 10ms", Find the pressure at the bottom of the vessel? G) ). (a) What do you mean by Paseal’s law? (b) Why do the bodies of the deep sea fishes burst while brought to the surface of the sea?( 3 ) (a) What do you mean by atmospheric pressure? Why does our body not feel the enormous atmospheric pressure? (b) Atmospheric pressure helps liquid to rise ina syringe when the piston is pulled up, Explain with the help of an activity (5) (i) he moves horizontally ? ) he moves to a greater depth? (b) Describe an activity to show that pressu : Liquids increases with depth, (GS) DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL, RANCHI SESSION 2016- 2017 QUESTION BANK SUBJECT- ENGLISH CLASS -VIIL CHAPTER -2 Total Marx:-50 SECTION.-A_[READING] Al. Read the following poem carefully Success is counted sweetest By those who never succeed To comprehend a nectar Requires sorest need Not one of alll the purple host who took the flag today can tell the definition so clear, of victory Ashe, defeated, dying, On whose forbidden ear ‘The distant strains of triumph Break .agonized and clear. [Ax8=4] Complete the summary of the poem by filling the blanks with word! words in your answer sheet. The poet says that only those people[a]----------- success who have (b] it. According to him if one has to appreciate the [¢]---- of nectar one has to[d]-—-- it. He further adds that none of the soldiers of the [e] ------army can clearly define the “meaning of [f]----for the (e}--— the victorious music is very (h]-----. 2. Write the rhyming scheme of first stanza. (ly C2.Read the given passage carefully Tam always amazed when I hear people saying that sport ereates goodwill between nations .and that if only the common people of the world could meet one another at a football or et ground they would have no inclination fo meet in the battlefield. Even if one didn't know from concrete examples that international sporting contests icad to could deduce it from general principles. Instead of gushing about the clean , healthy rivalry of football field and the great part played by the Olympic Games in bringing the nations together, it is more useful to inquire how and why this modem cult of sport arose. Most of the games we now play are of ancient origin, but sport does not seem to have been taken very seriously between Roman times and the nineteenth century. Even in the English public school ,the games cult did not start till the later part of the later part of the last century. Dr Amold generally regarded as the founder of modem public school. looked on games as a waste of time. Then chiefly in England and the United States, games were built up into a heavily financed acti capable of attracting vast crowds and arousing savage passions and the infection spread from country to country.It is the most violent sports, football and boxing,that have spread the widest. Organised games are more likely to flourish in urban communities where the average human being lives a sedentary or at least a confined life, and does not get much opportunity for creativity .Ina rustic community, a boy or young man works off a great deal of his surplus energy by walking, swimming, snowballing, climbing trees.and various sports involving cruelty to animals, such as fishing, cock fighting ete. On the basis of your reading of the passage answer the question. [Ix4=4] [a] How could sport reduce the feeling of hatred among people? [b] Why was sport not taken seriously even in English Public School? [c] Sport spread from country to country when [d] Organised games may do well in cities because- A2 Find word from the passage: i) a. village AND GRAMMAR, BI _Anold friend of yours is in town. He calls you up and wishes to meet you at a shopping, mall. You are alone at home, but you want to meet your friend,who will be returning to Chandigarh the next day. You decide to leave a message for your mother. Write this message in not more than 40 words. [4] (Hints; Where you are going .name of the friend; time when you will return and any other suitable information] B2.You have been to a special school for the physically challenged children and you are greatly impressed by the confidence and spirit of these children. These children are extremely talanted and you feel that you need to leam so much from them. Write a diary entry expressing your feelings. [4] B3. You are Karan ,a student of class viii .you got an opportunity to participate in the ceremony held at the Red Fort , Delhi on Independence Day along with the other students of your school. Write a brief report in about 150 words mentioning the title and all that you witnessed there, (4) B4,Write a paragraph on the following topic All that glitters is not gold 13] OR Social service and it's value for students BS.Underline the verbs in the following sentences. Write whether they are transitive[T]or intransitive{l]. In case of transitive verbs, circle the object. 1.Sachin hit the ball very hard. 2.She laughed loudly. B6. Underline the verb and state the tense. 1.She slipped on the polished floor while she was dancing, 2..Anil has forgotten to lock the door. 3.1 had washed the dishes before the maid arrived. B7.Rewrite the following sentences in the tense indicated in the brackets. Make the necessary changes. [1x3=3] 1.She draws beautiful pietures. [past perfect] 2. went to the market daily. [simple future] 3.The plane will land at 7pm.[future perfect tense] B8.Fill in the blanks with suitable modals. [4x4=2] 1.We ------ serve our motherland. 2.We-———-help the poor. 3. | cook food for you? 4.You ----- try to help the needy. B9. Fill in the blanks with suitable verbs choosing from the brackets. [4x4=2] 1. A few persons ----honest.[ is; are] 2. Half of mangoes ---- rotten fis. are] 3.A parcel of books -+---been received. {has.have] 4.The jury -=-- divided in its opinion. [was, were] BI10-Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs given in brackets. [Ix3=3] LIf you ----this house two years ago it would have cost you much less,[buy] 2.1f he had worked harder he----- the examination.[pass] 3.What would you do if you ----by a dinosaur?{ attack] Chat SECTION -C [ LITERATURE C1 Answer the following question in detail. [(1.5x5=7.5] 1What was the mistake Gulliver made while having dinner with the king and his court one day? 2. Describe how the Lilliputians took measurement for stitching Gulliver's clothes? 3.Why the methods of Ms Sullivan for educating Helen was helpful for her in acq new sight? 4. What was the reason of change in Mr Scrooge behaviour? 5.How Ms Sullivan was able to make Helen understand the difference between the words "mug and water’? C2.Annotation: (4+1+1=24)] Iv’s only once a year. sit: a. Who is the speaker? 'b. What is ‘It's’ refer to? ¢. Name the author of the lesson. ing a QUESTIONS BANK FOR SAI DPS, RANCHI 2016-2017 ‘SUB :* MATHEMATICS [LINEAR EQUATIONS IN ONE VARIABLE) CLASS #8 Crowe NOTE:: Question no. 1 and 2 of 1 marks each a ee Question no 3 to S of2 marks each Question no6 to 11 of 3 marks each Question noi2 to 17 of 4 marks each 1. How many solutions does a linear equation in one variable has? How is it represented geometrically 2. Solve forx : V2x=5-3=2 3. Solve fory : By=5 6y-8 2y+3 4yt7 4, Solve for? : (52-1) 5. Solve for p: 2(1.Sp + 2.5)=0.5p +3 6. Solve for m: 7. The sum of three consecutives multiples of 6 is 666. Find these multiples. %. Astudent has to secure 40% marks to pass. He got 40 marks and failed by 40 marks. Find the ‘maximum marks. 9. There are only two candidates in an electi 144 votes. Find the total numbers of voters. . One got 625 votes and was elected by a margin of 10. From a group of boys and girls, 15 girls left. There are then two boys for each girl. After this, 45 boys left. There are then 5 girls for each boy. Find the number of girls in the beginning. 11. Anumber consists of two digits whose sum is 10. If 18 is added to the number then the digits change their places. Find the number 12, Ina class there are x seats. If each student occupies one seat, 9 students remain standing. If two. students occupy one seat,7 seat are left empty. Find the number of seats in the class. 13. An altitude of the triangle is five third the length of its corresponding the altitude were increased by 4cm and the base decreased by 2cm, the area of the triangle would remain the same. Find the base and altitude of the triangle. 14, MesVerma went for shopping. She spendone third of the amount she had on a navel and Rs 10 on its packaging. She spent three fifth of what was left on stationary for her son and gave Rs 6 to a beggar. Then went to vegetable market and bought vegetables with half the money left with her. She spent Rs 25 on fare to her home and was left with Rs 50 in the end. How much money did she have in the beginning? 15. A motorboat goes downstream in a river and covers a certain distance in 5 hours. It covers the same distance upstream in 7 hours. If the speed of the boat in still water is 18 km/hr , Find the speed of stream. 16. The sum of the ages of Asit and his father is 115 years. When Asit is as old as his father now, he will be five times as old as his son Amit is now, Amit will be ten years older than Asit is now, When Asit is as old as his father. What are their present ages? 17. A shopkeeper buys two brands of tea leaves in the ratio 4:5. He bought the 1" type at Rs 250 per kg and 2 type at Rs 200 per kg. He sold the two brands at 10% and 20% profit respectively. IF his total profit is Rs 3000. Find the quantity of two brands of tea leaves he had purchased. CHEMISTRY ASSIGNMENT-CHAP-2 Class VIII SYNTHETIC FIBRES AND PLASTICS FM:30 Q1. Which is the world’s first fully synthetic fibre? a) 2. Name a fibre which has a wool like feel? a) Q3. What are biodegradable and non-biodegradable plastics? (1) 4 What are the two ways in which monomers can combine to form a polymer? (2) 5. What happens when cows swallow polythene bags and wrappers of food? (2) Q6. Write any two disadvantages of synthetic polymer. (2) Q7. What is meant by polymerisation? Explain with the help of example (2) Q8. Mention any three uses of plastics. (3) Q9. Write three differences between synthetic fibres and natural fibres (3) Q10. Give reasons for the following: (1x3=3) i) Bakelite is used in making handles of utensils and electrical plugs. ii) Melamine is used in the manufacture of kitchenware. iii) Polystyrene is used for making hot drink cups. Q11. With the help of an activity show the effect of heat on thermoplastic and (4+1=5) also give two examples of thermoplastics. Q12. Drawa well labelled diagram to compare the tensile strength of different types of fibres and also write the procedure (342) Vandana Chaubey PGT Chemistry 29.6.16 Delhi Public School SAIL Township, Dhurwa, Ranchi Class VIII CHAP TER-2. Max. Marks-30. Cell Structure and Functions |. Answer in one sentence 1X3=3 1> Are any bacteria made of more than one cell? 2> Which structure packages the protein and routes them to their destination? 3> Why do we resemble our parents even if we are independent organism? Il. Very Short answer questions ~ 2X48 1> Are membranes only present on the outside of the cells? 2> What are “cleaners” ina cell? Why are they called so? 3> What will happen if mitochondria is removed from a cell? 4> When we trim our nails or cut our hairs, we don’t feel any pain. Why? I. Short answer questions 3X3=9 15 Amoeba has a single cell, yet it survives. How? 2> What will happen if there is no nucleus in the cell? 3> Plants already have a cell wall, so why plasma membrane is present in them? IV. Long answer questions 5X2=10 1> What happens to an animal cell placed in a hypotonic solution ? Draw a well labelled diagram of an animal cell showing the following parts {i) Cell membrane (ii) Mitochondria (iii) Nucleus ( iv) Endoplasmic reticulum 2>What are chromosomes ?Where are they found? Draw a well labelled diagram of an eukaryotic cell nucleus showing its various components. Write one function of each DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL SAIL TOWNSHIP, RANCHI Question Bank — SA-I Class — VIL Subject - Physics Topic - Friction CHAPTER 2 F.M-30 Ql. Put proper sign <> or Limiting friction __Kiinetie frietion Q2. Observe the following arrangements a How will frictional force vary in the above three cases ? Give reason for your _rolling friction 1 answer. 1 The force of friction between the block and the surface is 30 N. Find the acceleration of the block in each case i Reten F=20n Q4. Friction is a necessary evil. Justify the statement 2 QS. Pulling a lawn roller is easier than pushing it. Give reason. 2 Q6. A balloon of gross weight W Newton is falling vertically downwards with a constant acceleration a (< g). What will be the magnitude of air resistance in terms of W, aand g? 2 Q7. How does friction help in walking on road. 2 Q8. (a) State the cause of friction. (b) Frictional force increases when the surface is polished beyond a certain limit. Comment. 3 Q9. (a) Why does an object entering the earth's atmosphere at high velocity catch fire? (b) Why it is difficult to move the cycle along the road with its brakes on? 3 Q10. One day Ranu found her mother’s sewing machine was not running smoothly. Her mother was finding difficulty while sewing cloths. She discussed the problem with her teacher. She suggested her to put some oil into the machine and by doing so it started to run smoothly. (a) By putting oil into the sewing machine it started to run smoothly, why? (b) What are the moral values shown by Ranu? Write at least three QI. (i) Define static, limiting and kinetic friction. Why limiting frietion is more than kinetic friction? (ii) Explain an activity to measure limiting friction using spring balance. (1.5+1+2. Q12. (a) Describe any three method of reducing friction. (b) Compare fluid and solid friction. (c) Explain why objects moving in fluids have special shape. (34241 = 5) 5) DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL SAIL TOWNSHIP, DHURWA, RANCHI QUESTION BANK : SUB : HISTORY - CMAP TER- 2. CLASS : Vil SESSION 2016-2017 FULL MARKS 30 VERY SHORT ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS : 1X6=6 (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) Name the trading company who set up trading centres in different parts of India by the early dre century. Who was the last powerful Mughal ruler. What is meant by Paramountcy. Who annexed many kingdoms under the Doctrine of Lapse. Name the Indian spices which were in great demand in Europe. Who were the residents appointed by the company during the British rule in India. SHORT ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS: 3X3 =9 (i) (ii) (iii) What were the factories? Why were they called so. What was the British stand who gain through the system of subsidiary alliance Discuss the growth of British influence with special reference to Mysore. LONG ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS : 3x5 = 15 (i) (ii) (iii) Had the British not defeated the combined forces of Awadh, Bengal and the Mughals, the course of Indian History would have been differed. How?. A few years back an Indian industrialist bought Tipu Sultan's sword at an auction in London. Why an industrialist of this era be interested in buying the sword of Tipu Sultan? What prompted the Rani of Jhansi to fight against the British. CLASS:-8 ; SUBJECT:- CIVICS ; CHAPTER-2 UNDERSTANDING SECULARISM [F.M.30] A> Answer the following questions very briefly:- [1x6=6] 1> Why is wearing helmet not compulsory for the males of the Sikh community? 2> Government schools/government-aided schools don’t celebrate any religious festival within the school. Why? 3> Mention the article of constitution which gives freedom to establish a religious educational institution by a minority citizen. 4> Describe the concept of a “secular state”. 5> Throw light on the controversy related to the ‘Pledge of Allegiance’ in the schools in USA. 6> Mention the article of constitution that bans “untouchability”. B>Answer the following questions in short:- [3x3=9] 1> As “Freedom of Religion” is incorporated in the chapter of “Fundamental Rights” in our constitution, secularism becomes really effective in India. Support. 2> Illustrate (with an example) the strategy of intervention followed by the Indian secularism. What purpose does it solve? 3> Mention article (25-28) of our constitution depicting the “ freedom of religion”. C>Answer the following question in detail:- [5x3=15] 1> Itis important to separate religion from the state. Support. 2> Indian state works in various ways to prevent the domination of one religious community over the others. Elucidate . a> The principle of secularism has always been the most successful way to rule in India Trace the fact in the politics of Ashoka and Akbar .

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