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Drug Study
Generic Name: Bacillus Calmette Guerin
Brand Name: Meracys
Therapeutic Classification: Vaccine
Dosage, Route and Frequency
0.2 to 0.3 ml of vaccine from syringe onto cleansed deltoid and spread over
a 1 to 2 inch area using the edge of a multiple puncture device.
Reduces dose by one half by using 2 ml of sterile water for injection when
- If responsive to a 5ml tuberculin test is a negative and indication vaccination
persist, administer a full of a dose after 1 year of age.

Exposure to TB of Skin test- Negative infants and children; treatment of groups
with high rates or Tb; travel to areas with high rates of endemic TB
Immunosuppression- BCG vaccine should not be given to person who are
immunosuppressed (HIV Person) or who are likely to become
immunocompromised (who are candidate for transplant)
Pregnancy- BCG Vaccination should not be given during pregnancy even
though no harmful effects of BCG Vaccination on the fetus have been observed,
further studies are needed to prove its safety.
Mechanism of Action
Mechanism of Action of BCG Vaccination on Neoplastic proliferation and host
immune response
Drug-to-Drug Interaction
Some products that may interact with the vaccine include:
Antibiotics (such as drugs to treat tuberculosis including isoniazid, rifampin,
ethambutol, pyrazinamide) drugs that weaken the immune system
Adverse Effect
Pain of the injection site or swollen lymph nodes may occur
Nursing Responsibilities
- Carefully question parents if they say the child had previous reaction to
- If a child had a serious adverse reaction to any previous dose, the next doses
should be referred
X. Drug Study
Generic Name: Hepatitis B Vaccine
Brand Name: Energy B and Recombivax HB
Therapeutic Classification: Vaccine
Dosage, Route and Frequency
10mcg/ml (Recombviax HB) IM
@ 0, 1 & 6 months
Energiy x 1ml (10mcg) IM
@ 0, 1 & 6 months
Infants born to HBsAg positive mothers: 0.5 ml IM withing 12 hours of birth
plus hepatitis B immunoglobulin test for HBsAg and antibody to HBsAg
(anti HB) 1-2 months after completion of hep B Vaccine series
- Mothers HBsAg status unknown: 0.5 ml in within 12 hours of birth plus gives
HBig if newborn’s weight is under 2kgs.
Recombixax HB is indicated for prevention of an infection caused by all known
subtypes of hepatitis B virus
Approved use in individual of all ages
Recombixax HB Dialysis patients 18 years old and older
Does not administer Recombixax HB to within a history of severe allergic or
hypersensitivity reactions (e. g. anaphylaxis) after grievous dose of any hepatitis
B containing vaccine including yeast
Mechanism of Action
Active immunization with Hepatitis B vaccine stimulates the immune system to
produce anti Hbs without exposing the patient to the risk of active infection
Drug-to-Drug Interaction
Do not mix Recombixax HB with any other vaccine in the same syringe or vial.
Use separate injection site and syringes for each vaccines.
Adverse Effect

Irritability (Especially in children) injection site reaction (pain, soreness, redness,

- Fever
- Headache
- Tiredness
- Sore Throat
- Stuffy nose
Nursing Responsibilities
- Be aware of maternal hepatitis states appropriate age.
- Notify Physicians of need per Vaccination
- Draw back on the plunger of the syringe injection

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