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Hayley Tierney

Mrs. Godfrey
Honors Leadership
06 September 2019
Body Language

Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are​ ​(Amy Cuddy)
● “Nonverbals” are body language.
○ How we judge others, how they judge us, and the outcome.
● We make sweeping judgments from body language.
● We are influenced by our thoughts, feelings, and physiology.
● Nonverbal expressions of power and dominance- making yourself big and opening up.
○ Expressions of power are universal.
● When in the presence of someone expressing power, we complement their expression
(we do the opposite).
○ I.e if someone is talking down to us, we physically act as though we should be
talked down to.
● Women feel chronically less powerful than men.
○ They are more likely to naturally act smaller and retreat.
● Nonverbals govern how people think and feel about us AND how we think and feel about
● Pretending to be powerful versus actually being powerful can affect the way we feel.
● Physiological differences: testosterone (dominance) and cortisol (stress).
○ Powerful and effective leaders have high testosterone and low cortisol.
● Role changes can shape our minds.
● Risk tolerances increase when in high power poses.
● Evaluative situations (social threat situations) is where nonverbals should be applicable.
● Presence in speech over content of speech.
● Bodies change mind, mind changes behavior, behavior changes outcome.
● “Don’t fake until you make it, fake it until you become it.”

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