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Robert Jason D.


Computer System Organization

Intel Microprocessor
 Introduced June 8, 1978
 Clock rates:
5 MHz, 0.33 MIPS
8 MHz, 0.66 MIPS
10 MHz, 0.75 MIPS
 The memory is divided into odd and even banks. It accesses both banks concurrently to
read 16 bits of data in one clock cycle
 Data bus width: 16 bits, address bus: 20 bits
 29000 transistors at 3 μm
 Addressable memory 1 megabyte
 Up to 10× the performance of 8080
 First used in the Compaq Deskpro IBM PC-compatible computers. Later used in portable
computing, and in the IBM PS/2 Model 25 and Model 30. Also used in the AT&T PC6300
/ Olivetti M24, a popular IBM PC-compatible (predating the IBM PS/2 line)
 Used segment registers to access more than 64 KB of data at once, which many
programmers complained made their work excessively difficult.[citation needed]
 The first x86 CPU
 Later renamed the iAPX 86


 Introduced June 1, 1979

 Clock rates:
4.77 MHz, 0.33 MIPS
8 MHz, 0.66 MIPS
 16-bit internal architecture
 External data bus width: 8 bits, address bus: 20 bits
 29000 transistors 29,000 at 3 μm
 Addressable memory 1 megabyte
 Identical to 8086 except for its 8-bit external bus (hence an 8 instead of a 6 at the end);
identical Execution Unit (EU), different Bus Interface Unit (BIU)
 Used in IBM PC and PC-XT and compatibles
 Later renamed the iAPX 88


 Introduced 1982
 Clock rates
6 MHz, > 1 MIPS
 55000 transistors
 Included two timers, a DMA controller, and an interrupt controller on the chip in
addition to the processor (these were at fixed addresses which differed from the IBM
PC, although it was used by several PC compatible vendors such as Australian company
 Added a few opcodes and exceptions to the 8086 design, otherwise identical instruction
set to 8086 and 8088
 Address calculation and shift operations are faster than 8086
 Used mostly in embedded applications – controllers, point-of-sale systems, terminals,
and the like
 Used in several non-PC compatible DOS computers including RM Nimbus, Tandy 2000,
and CP/M 86 Televideo PM16 server
 Later renamed to iAPX 186


 A version of the 80186 with an 8-bit external data bus

 Later renamed the iAPX 188

 Introduced February 2, 1982
 Clock rates:
6 MHz, 0.9 MIPS
8 MHz, 10 MHz, 1.5 MIPS
12.5 MHz, 2.66 MIPS
16 MHz, 20 MHz and 25 MHz available.
 Data bus width: 16 bits, address bus: 24 bits
 Included memory protection hardware to support multitasking operating systems with
per-process address space.
 134,000 transistors at 1.5 μm
 Addressable memory 16 MB
 Added protected-mode features to 8086 with essentially the same instruction set
 3–6× the performance of the 8086
 Widely used in IBM PC AT and AT clones contemporary to it

 Introduced June 16, 1988
 Clock rates:
16 MHz, 2.5 MIPS
20 MHz, 3.1 MIPS, introduced January 25, 1989
25 MHz, 3.9 MIPS, introduced January 25, 1989
33 MHz, 5.1 MIPS, introduced October 26, 1992
 32-bit internal architecture
 External data bus width: 16 bits
 External address bus width: 24 bits
 275,000 transistors at 1 μm
 Addressable memory 16 MB
 Virtual memory 64 TB
 Narrower buses enable low-cost 32-bit processing
 Used in entry-level desktop and portable computing
 No math co-processor
 No commercial software used protected mode or virtual storage for many years
 Later renamed Intel386 SX


 Introduced April 10, 1989

 Clock rates:
25 MHz, 20 MIPS (16.8 SPECint92, 7.40 SPECfp92)
33 MHz, 27 MIPS (22.4 SPECint92 on Micronics M4P 128 KB L2), introduced May 7, 1990
50 MHz, 41 MIPS (33.4 SPECint92, 14.5 SPECfp92 on Compaq/50L 256 KB L2),
introduced June 24, 1991
 Bus width: 32 bits
 1.2 million transistors at 1 μm; the 50 MHz was at 0.8 μm
 Addressable memory 4 GB
 Virtual memory 64 TB
 Level 1 cache of 8 KB on chip
 Math coprocessor on chip
 50× performance of the 8088
 Officially named Intel486 DX
 Used in Desktop computing and servers
 Family 4 model 1


 Introduced April 22, 1991

 Clock rates:
16 MHz, 13 MIPS
20 MHz, 16.5 MIPS, introduced September 16, 1991
25 MHz, 20 MIPS (12 SPECint92), introduced September 16, 1991
33 MHz, 27 MIPS (15.86 SPECint92), introduced September 21, 1992
 Bus width: 32 bits
 1.185 million transistors at 1 μm and 900,000 at 0.8 μm
 Addressable memory 4 GB
 Virtual memory 64 TB
 Identical in design to 486DX but without a math coprocessor. The first version was an
80486DX with disabled math coprocessor in the chip and different pin configuration. If
the user needed math coprocessor capabilities, he must add 487SX which was actually
an 486DX with different pin configuration to prevent the user from installing a 486DX
instead of 487SX, so with this configuration 486SX+487SX you had 2 identical CPU's with
only 1 effectively turned on
 Officially named Intel486 SX
 Used in low-cost entry to 486 CPU desktop computing, as well as extensively in low cost
mobile computing
 Upgradable with the Intel OverDrive processor
 Family 4 model 2


 Introduced March 3, 1992

 Runs at twice the speed of the external bus (FSB)
 Fits in Socket 3
 Clock rates:
40 MHz
50 MHz
66 MHz
 Officially named Intel486 DX2
 Family 4 model 3

 Introduced November 9, 1992

 Clock rates:
20 MHz, 15.4 MIPS
25 MHz, 19 MIPS
33 MHz, 25 MIPS
 Bus width: 32 bits
 1.4 million transistors at 0.8 μm
 Addressable memory 4 GB
 Virtual memory 64 TB
 Officially named Intel486 SL
 Used in notebook computers
 Family 4 model 4


 Introduced March 7, 1994

 Clock rates:
75 MHz, 53 MIPS (41.3 SPECint92, 20.1 SPECfp92 on Micronics M4P 256 KB L2)
100 MHz, 70.7 MIPS (54.59 SPECint92, 26.91 SPECfp92 on Micronics M4P 256 KB L2)
 1.6 million transistors at 0.6 μm
 Bus width: 32 bits
 Addressable memory 4 GB
 Virtual memory 64 TB
 Pin count 168 PGA Package, 208 sq. ftP Package
 Officially named Intel486 DX4
 Used in high performance entry-level desktops and value notebooks
 Family 4 model 8

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