Resreach Plan

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Research Plan Template

Name(s): Drew Zoblisien

Research Plan (to Accompany Form 1A)
A) Rationale
Include a brief synopsis of the background that supports your research problem and explain why this research is
important and if applicable, explain any societal impact of your research.
People drones to film many aerial scenes in either professional or amateur films. Some of these films may take place
over or near a body of water like a lake or the ocean. It is not a matter of if the battery dies, but when. So, the battery
could die over the water, or a propeller could break and send the drone hurdling to the ground. This then leads to
someone having to frantically running into the body of water to get the drone. This casing would take the frantically
out of the last sentence and ensure that the drone is recoverable and salvageable.
B) Research Question(s), Hypothesis(es), Engineering Goal(s), Expected
How is this based on the rationale described above?
Research Question(s): Is clay or an epoxy resin a better material to mix with hydrophobic silica?
Hypothesis(es): Resin will be better because I will be able to cast and dry it easier as compared to a clay.
Engineering Goal(s): To craft a proper casing for a mock device to decide whether clay or resin would be more suitable
for the inside of a drone.
Expected Outcomes: The resin will be the more desirable material to use when mixed with hydrophobic silica.
Detail all procedures and experimental design including methods for data collection. Describe only your project. Do
not include work done by mentor or others.
1. Gather the following:
a. Hydrophobic silica (100g)
b. Resin (1 Gallon)
c. Clay (1 pound)
d. 3D Printer
e. PLA/ABS Filament
f. 5 Raspberry pi 0s (SD card for function)
g. Testing peripherals (Mouse, Keyboard, Monitor)
h. Water from either a hose or faucet
i. Power saw
2. Design and model a mold to fit around a Raspberry Pi 0.
3. Print out the mold.
4. With proper PPE equipped, measure out 50g of hydrophobic silica and as much resin or clay needed to fill the mold,
and mix it together.
5. Pour/Pack down the substances into the mold.
6. Let dry for 48 hours.
7. Cut back the mold, leaving the hollow casing for the pi 0.
8. Insert the Pi 0.
9. Subject each casing with a unique pi 0 inside with water for either 1 minute above water or 1 min below water.
10. take out the pi 0 and plug them into the proper peripherals to test them.
11. record the test for possible water damage/short circuiting.
Mold Diagram:

Risk and Safety

Identify any potential risks and safety precautions needed.
Silicosis – I can prevent this by using a mask to prevent the inhalation of the hydrophobic silica.
Research Plan Template

Name(s): Drew Zoblisien

Cuts- exhibit proper blade safety precautions and have a “blood circle” around me to prevent cutting anything that
doesn’t need cutting.
Data Analysis
Describe the procedures you will use to analyze the data/results.
I will make two molds per each group using 25g of hydrophobic silica and then insert a Raspberry Pi 0 into each mold.
I then will splash one with water from a hose for one minute. After that, I will submerge the other casing of the same
group into water with 4 inches above the highest point ands leave it for one minute. After all of the tests have been
completed, I will plug each one in with the same peripherals to see if any have suffered major water damage. If funds
permit, I might create multiple molds, and/or buy more Pis to use.
IF Applicable
Below are subject-specific guidelines for additional items to be included in your
research plan/project summary as applicable.
Human participants research:
a. Participants: Describe age range, gender, racial/ethnic composition of participants. Identify vulnerable populations
(minors, pregnant women, prisoners, mentally disabled or economically disadvantaged).
b. Recruitment: Where will you find your participants? How will they be invited to participate?
c. Methods: What will participants be asked to do? Will you use any surveys, questionnaires or tests? What is the
frequency and length of time involved for each subject?
d. Risk Assessment: What are the risks or potential discomforts (physical, psychological, time involved, social, legal,
etc.) to participants? How will you minimize risks? List any benefits to society or participants.
e. Protection of Privacy: Will identifiable information (e.g., names, telephone numbers, birth dates, email addresses)
be collected? Will data be confidential/anonymous? If anonymous, describe how the data will be collected. If not
anonymous, what procedures are in place for safeguarding confidentiality? Where will data be stored? Who will have
access to the data? What will you do with the data after the study?
f. Informed Consent Process: Describe how you will inform participants about the purpose of the study, what they
will be asked to do, that their participation is voluntary and they have the right to stop at any time.

Vertebrate animal research:

a. Discuss potential ALTERNATIVES to vertebrate animal use and present justification for use of vertebrates.
b. Explain potential impact or contribution of this research.
c. Detail all procedures to be used, including methods used to minimize potential discomfort, distress, pain and injury
to the animals and detailed chemical concentrations and drug dosages.
d. Detail animal numbers, species, strain, sex, age, source, etc., include justification of the numbers planned.
e. Describe housing and oversight of daily care
f. Discuss disposition of the animals at the termination of the study.
Potentially hazardous biological agents research:
a. Give source of the organism and describe BSL assessment process and BSL determination.
b. Detail safety precautions and discuss methods of disposal.

Hazardous chemicals, activities & devices:

• Describe Risk Assessment process, supervision, safety precautions and methods of disposal.
I assessed the risk by looking up to see if hydrophobic silica was hazardous. Crystalline silica was the closest thing to
hydrophobic silica that I could find so I am treating it as such by using masks and making sure not to stir too much up.
I also will store any leftovers in an airtight container to prevent any from coming out.

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