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Early evidence and sources


3.1 Introduction the Iberian Peninsula, where a rich production of charters

and other legal texts documents the new functions of the
The first texts documenting the Romance vernaculars date written vernaculars, the contrast for the other Romance-
from the eighth and ninth centuries AD. One of the earliest of speaking areas is not as dramatic, but still considerable:
these texts is the Indovinello Veronese, a short riddle mixing Iberian Peninsula (without Catalonia) 750-1150: 7; 1150-
Romance and Latin sentences and scribbled between 730 and 1250: 870 (805 charters and legal texts); Catalan and Occitan
750 AD by an Italian copyist on the front pages of a Visigothic areas 750-1150: 88; 1150-1250: 216; Italian areas 750-1150:
prayer book (Frank and Hartmann 1997:1091). Another fam- 16; 1150-1250: 62; Sardinia 750-1150: 19; 1150-1250: 20;
ous example is provided in the Strasbourg Oaths, the citation Raeto-Romance areas 750-1150: 2; 1150-1250: 1.
of oral oath formulas in a Latin chronicle written by Nithard, The quantitative data are in accord with the sociocultural
a grandchild of Charlemagne, in the second half of the ninth development of the Romance-speaking world of late
century and transmitted in a tenth-century manuscript antiquity and the early and high Middle Ages. The decline
(Frank and Hartmann 1997:5016). Further references would in literacy from the seventh century onwards (e.g. the
add a multitude of pragmatic contexts in which Romance abandonment of lay schooling and the retreat of literacy
sentences or texts were written down. They show that the to clerical institutions) is reflected in a widening gap separ-
very first Romance documents are not attached to a cultural ating written clerical and oral lay culture (Riché 1962;
movement aiming at institutionalizing Romance vernaculars Banniard 1992). It is important to point out that this gap
as written languages, but to singular and varying circum- was not only cultural but also linguistic. Latin was, after the
stances in which writing in the vernacular was a preferable codification undertaken by, for instance, Quintilian in the
exception to using Latin, which was the normal written second century AD and Donatus in the fourth, a standard
language (Selig 2006; 2008a). language that integrated only some of the linguistic devel-
To detail and strengthen this view, let us first look at the opments characteristic of the spoken, diglossically low ver-
quantitative data. Up to 1150, Romance documentation is naculars (Cuzzolin and Haverling 2009). The extent to which
fragmentary and accidental. In northern France and Anglo- Latin in late antiquity became a diglossic high variety that
Norman England, for instance, there are 21 Romance manu- was ‘learned largely by formal education and [ . . . ] used for
scripts dating from the period between 750 and 1150; other most written and formal spoken purposes but [ . . . ] not used
Romance-speaking areas add another 132 manuscripts for by any sector of the community for ordinary conversation’
the same period (Iberian Peninsula, 7; Catalan and Occitan (Ferguson 1959:336) is the subject of lively debate among
areas, 88; Italian areas, 16; Sardinia, 19; Raeto-Romance Latin and Romance scholars (Banniard 1992; Wright 2002;
areas, 2). Though surely manuscripts have been lost, this is 2012; Varvaro 2013b; see also Ch. 2 and §36.3). Suffice it to
an extremely small number of documents compared not say that the Romance vernaculars developed in contexts
only to the Latin tradition but also to Old English and old complementary to formal and written communication, and
High German vernacular manuscripts (Lusignan 2011:15f.). that in late antiquity and the early Middle Ages the standard
Only from 1150 onwards do we have a continually increas- written language ceased to follow the changes characteris-
ing number of written Romance texts. Between 1150 and tic of the informal and non-elitist varieties. It should be
1250, the Inventaire (Frank and Hartmann 1997) lists 1,225 clear that this was not the end of Latin nor the end of Latin
manuscripts coming from Anglo-Norman England and communication between clerics and the laity (what
northern France and another 1,169 from other Romance- Banniard 1992 calls ‘vertical communication’). There was
speaking areas. In Anglo-Norman England and northern no communicative breakdown, necessitating the ‘invention’
France, this amounts to an increase to 58 times larger in of Romance writing. Rather, we have a long period of oligo-
only a quarter of the time in comparison to the preceding literacy (Goody and Watt 1968). During this situation, where
period: 750-1150: 21; 1150-1250: 1225. With the exception of literacy was restricted to a very small educated elite, two

The Oxford Guide to the Romance Languages. Adam Ledgeway and Martin Maiden (eds)
24 This chapter © Barbara Frank-Job and Maria Selig 2016. Published 2016 by Oxford University Press.


cultures—a clerical written, Latin culture and the oral the coexistence of two cultures: on the one hand, the highly
Romance culture of the laity—coexisted. Only in the twelfth literate Latin culture of the clergy and, on the other, the
century do we find clear evidence for the massive appro- oral culture of laypeople. These two cultures were inter-
priation of literacy outside the clerical elite (Martin woven, and there was no clear-cut border between tradi-
1988:121-77). By then, the overwhelming domination of tions attached to Latin and developing Romance literacy
Latin in written communication began to be weakened by (Selig 2006; 2011). The latter drew largely on the culture
the increasing use of Romance varieties in writing. This was of the centuries-long written tradition of Latin as an
the starting point of a centuries-long standardization pro- elaborated and codified standard language, known in
cess in the course of which the Romance vernaculars gained medieval times as grammatica. This included references
a new shape as they developed into diasystems with written to linguistic practices developed in Latin written trad-
vernacular varieties dominating them. ition, but also the adoption of the textual practices devel-
This brief survey of the sociolinguistic and sociocultural oped in the traditional domains of Latin writing and in its
evolution shows that we need to make an internal differen- well-defined range of discourse traditions (i.e. genres or
tiation of the written evidence. We propose to distinguish a text types; cf. Koch 1997a). These Latin discourse tradi-
first period which starts with the appearance of entire texts tions constituted an integral part of the medieval Lebens-
or parts of texts written in Romance, not in Latin (for prior welt functioning within the communicative needs and
and indirect documentation of Romance developments in aims of their practitioners.
Latin texts, see Ch. 1). These texts give direct access to the Latin and its discourse traditions were, however, not the
vernacular, and document a new awareness of the linguistic only source of early Romance written evidence. The second
differences between normal written Latin and varieties used sociocultural framework for the beginning of Romance writ-
outside this functional domain. By choosing non-Latin ing is provided by vernacular orality, be it the ceremonial
forms as a means of written communication, the scribe/ (diglossically high) communications of the laity (‘elaborated
author documents the new status of formerly solely spoken orality’; cf. Koch and Oesterreicher 2001; 2012; cf. also
Romance varieties. Yet it is not easy to decide whether Assmann and Czaplicka 1995:126) or discourse traditions
these varieties are still part of a diasystem including and rooted in the oral practices of everyday communication in
dominated by Latin or whether they should be analysed as pragmatic or informal contexts. These oral discourse prac-
autonomous languages. We will opt for the first solution, tices are only indirectly accessible nowadays through the
prolonging the diglossic situation up to the moment when medium of written texts. Yet their oral origins are still
the increasing use of Romance in writing initiates its full detectable due to some of their formal and semantic fea-
emancipation from Latin and the emergence of vernacular tures. Their written transmission is, however, overlaid with
varieties firmly attached to communicative distance and writ- typical features of the written tradition.
ten usage. This bipartite division of early Romance evidence Looking at the appearance of the vernaculars in the written
will be reflected in the following sections. First, we will talk media from the angle of discourse traditions and their prag-
about the early fragmentary and sporadic use of Romance matic anchoring in formal or informal communicative
forms in writing, showing the communicative contexts which conditions (‘communicative distance/communicative immedi-
are more prone to abandon Latin in favour of Romance acy’; cf. Koch 1997a; Koch and Oesterreicher 2001; 2012;
varieties (§3.2). The analysis of the early documentation Oesterreicher 1997) allows us to gain an overview of the
will be followed by some reflections on later developments medieval Romance-speaking world, which goes beyond their
attached to the institutionalization of Romance-language lit- many local particularities and helps us to detect the ‘path-
eracy, such as the development of local scribal traditions ways’ leading to early Romance written texts. In fact, we can
(scriptae) and tendencies to koineization (§3.3). Finally, we observe in all the Romance regions the emergence of the same
will conclude these reflections about the early Romance evi- types of written texts, which can be divided into three groups.
dence and sources with some remarks on the consequences First of all, there are short geographically and tempor-
for editorial work and linguistic data analysis (§3.4). ally scattered stretches of limited communicative impact
belonging to the everyday practices of communicative
immediacy (Koch and Oesterreicher 2001; 2012) as well as
texts or parts of texts which were not intended for
3.2 Early Romance texts: ‘pathways’ repeated reception, written outside the usual text field
to vernacular writing traditions of a manuscript and often accompanying or inserted in
Latin texts. Their transmission was exclusively due to the
The appearance of written evidence of the Romance lan- Latin texts and manuscripts they were added to. With
guages took place in a sociohistorical situation shaped by Oesterreicher (1993) we can call this type of Romance texts



‘in-scripturations’.1 Very often, these texts are bilingual, 1997:1093), and the oldest inscriptions in volgare (‘vernacular’)
Latin–Romance, attesting to the typical diglossic situation from the Italian area (Frank and Hartmann 1997:1001-4).
of the Romance-speaking societies of the early Middle Ages These documents were the continuation of a long-standing
(Selig 1993) with Latin representing the high variety, tradition of late Latin scribes who played with the linguistic
Romance the low (cf. §3.2.1). contrast between the high and the low varieties (e.g. Classical
A second context is provided by all sorts of ‘pragmatic’ vs vulgar Latin) for humoristic or ideological purposes (Selig
texts which facilitate the professional work of its authors, 1993). For the scribes of these vernacular texts or passages
such as administrative or juridical texts, but also lists of within texts, there was a smooth transition from the contrast
accounts, taxes, debtors, or goods (cf. §3.2.2). Finally, we between vulgar Latin and Classical Latin to that between
have to mention all those Romance texts which, as literary Romance vernaculars and Latin.
texts, contribute to the cultural memory of the society and The marginal and somewhat contingent character of
therefore account for their authors’ and scribes’ metalin- these short and often fragmentarily recorded texts in
guistic awareness of the vernaculars as languages in their Romance shows that writing them down was not perceived
own right, side by side with Latin (cf. §3.2.3). These texts are by medieval scribes as the start of a new tradition or even as
the very first and almost premature vestiges of discourse the launching of writing conventions for the vernaculars.
traditions which belonged to the collective memory of the On the contrary, the Romance texts or passages function as
secular society and whose unfolding and expansion first a stylistic contrast within the Latin context, and in this
started after 1150. Only these last two types of discourse sense represent the continuation of written vulgar Latin.
traditions contributed to the collective memory of the This is the case of the volgare (‘vernacular’) inscriptions
Romance-speaking communities and can therefore attest representing the utterances of ordinary people in mural
to ‘in-scripturalization’ (Oesterreicher 1993; Tristram paintings and mosaics of northern Italy (examples are listed
1998), the process that eventually resulted in the conven- in Frank and Hartmann 1997:1001-32), where the Italo-
tionalization of supraregional writing norms and text tra- Romance parts were meant to contrast with the Latin pas-
ditions, and, in the end, in the standardization of the sages within the text with a comic effect or an ideological
Romance languages. purpose (Koch 1999). In the mural paintings representing
the story of St Clement in Rome (Frank and Hartmann
1997:1003), for example, the evil pagans speak in the vulgar
3.2.1 In-scripturation: inserting Romance vernacular whereas the saint speaks in Latin. For most of
utterances in Latin texts the scribes using Romance in their probationes pennae,
namely their scribblings in the margins of Latin manu-
scripts, these utterances were clearly meant to represent
Accompanying the presentation of documents in Tables 3.1– spontaneous and expressive speech, be it vulgar Latin or
3.3, we give an overview of the documents stemming from Romance. This is the case in the oldest evidence for Raeto-
before the middle of the twelfth century, commenting on Romance, a probatio pennae added to the front page of a Latin
some of them in more detail.2 Due to limitations of space, the manuscript at the monastery of St Gallen in Switzerland
lists contain only the most important Romance texts (Frank and Hartmann 1997:1092). Here the scribe starts with
attested before 1150. The written documentation of spon- a biblical citation in Latin and continues with the spontan-
taneous utterances is attested in nearly all regions of the eous expression of his emotions:
Romance-speaking world, and in most cases, these attest-
ations represent the very first documentation of the respect- Hoc est deus meus. (Latin:) This is my God.
ive vernaculars: examples include the Probatio pennae (‘pen deus meus, ut quid dereli- my God, why hast Thou forsaken
trials’) in Raeto-Romance (Frank and Hartmann 1997:1092), quisti me j Diderros me j (Raeto-Romance:) Diderros
the Italo-Romance Postilla amiatina (Frank and Hartmann nehabe should
diegemuscha j earn a fly from it[ . . . ]
[...] [...]
The terms ‘in-scripturation’ and ‘in-scripturalization’ (Tristram In principio erat uerbum3 (Latin:) In the beginning was
1998:12) translate the corresponding German distinction between Verschrif- the Word
tung and Verschriftlichung (Oesterreicher 1993). The former refers to a more
or less word-for-word transfer from the spoken to the written medium,
while the latter implies the presence of such specific conventions of written
texts as textual coherence, structural completeness, and lexical precision. Liver (2010:84). Our translation follows the interpretation of Sabatini
Our overview will not include the Romanian area, which shows a (1963:153) cited by Liver (2010:84f.) and the reading of diege as a verbal form
considerable delay with respect to the appearance of the first vernacular following Liver (2002), who gives the corresponding Latin translation of the
documents (Windisch 1993; §8.1). utterance as: ‘Diderros inde habere debeat muscam’.



Table 3.1 In-scripturation: Romance utterances in Latin texts


8th c. Indovinello veronese probatio pennae; bilingual riddle added Latin–Italo-Romance

IS 1091 to the front pages of a prayer book
1st half of 9th Graffitto di Commodilla Mural inscription; graffito Italo-Romance
IS 1001
c.960–963 Placiti Cassinesi Citations of testimonies in Latin court Latin–Italo-Romance
documents (Campanian)
1087 Postilla amiatina Short commentary added to a Latin Italo-Romance added to a
IS 1093 charter Latin text
c.1000 Probatio Pennae of Würzburg Added to the first page of a Latin Latin–Raeto-Romance
IS 1092 manuscript
11th c., end Iscrizione di San Clemente Mural inscription; utterances of persons Latin–Italo-Romance
IS 1003 illustrated in a fresco (Roman)
10th–11th c. Nithardi Historiarum Libri IV, Romance oath formulas in a Latin Latin citations of spoken
containing the oaths of historiographic text oaths in French and German
IS 5016
11th c. Deux griffonnages français Marginal notes in the Latin Vita French added to a Latin text
IS 1094 Sancti Cilliani
11th c. Didascalia sopra una figura di Legend accompanying the picture Greek–Italo-Romance
leone of a lion added on the last flyleaf
IS 1024 of a Byzantine codex
11th c. Glosas Emilianenses Glosses in a Latin manuscript Spanish (Navarro-
IS 1050 Aragonese) and Basque
added to Latin texts
11th c. Glosas Silenses Glosses translating a Latin penitential Spanish translation added to
IS 1051 a Latin text
c.1148 Mosaico dei duellanti di Vercelli Italo-Romance inscriptions in a mosaic Italo-Romance utterances of
IS 1002 originating from the cathedral persons illustrated in the
of Vercelli mosaic
IS = Inventaire systématique in Frank and Hartmann (1997). The statistics are based on the overview in the same work.

Nearly the same case can be seen in a short marginal note [this] is well done for he will render it to you. Ave Maria
scrawled in a Latin collection of saints’ lives in which the gratia plena Dominus4
scribe expresses his emotions in Romance words, but
changes to Latin for the conventional text of the prayer
The palaeographic and linguistic analysis of these very
(all other scribblings in the margins of this manuscript are
short texts shows that each scribe had to overcome the
in Latin):
problems of recording a not yet codified language, and
had to devise his own system for rendering spoken utter-
[ . . . ] en noster segneur [ . . . ] ie croi ke uos ames par amos
ances using a graphic system designed for Latin. As can
nostre segnor
[ . . . ] in our Lord [ . . . ] I think that you love with love our
Lord 4
Frank and Hartmann 1997:1094: Douai, Bibliothèque municipale,
bin est raison | car il uos puet bin rendere aue Maria gracia ms. 857, f. 110v, the manuscript and scribbled note both date from the
plena Dominus 11th c. Text following Gysseling (1949:210, Appendice, no. 1).



easily be seen, most of the texts cited from this group are cela re/decir ka s(an)c(t)e Ius/te kesos .U.
written without using the system of abbreviations vineyard around [the monastery of] San Justo five cheeses.
employed in Latin writing. Furthermore, where spaces Inilo/alio de apa te/II kesos en que
were used between words, the amalgamation of preposi- In the other of the abbot’s, two cheeses.—In which
tions and articles with the lexemes they are associated with pu seron ogano/kesos : IIII Inilo
shows a Latin-based conception of morphology (Frank they planted this year, four. In the one
1994:42-60). However, these sporadic experiments with the de ka strelo :I:
vernacular could not lead to a tradition. They did not cor- of Castrillo, one,
respond to the needs of formal written communication. Inila uinia maIore/:II: [ . . . ]
Thus there was, for the scribes, no need for continuity in in the big vineyard, two [ . . . ].6
these writing practices.
For this kind of writing, the information-storage capaci-
ties of the graphic medium are decisive. Texts of this type
3.2.2 In-scripturalization I: pragmatic (In-scripturalization I) contain data of all kinds: information
texts in professional contexts about merchandise, estates, or properties as well as fees,
taxes, and lists of debtors among other things. With the
Conto navale pisano (end of the eleventh or beginning of the
The texts of this second group all turn out to be the (some- twelfth century), the enumeration of payments made by the
times premature) forerunners of pragmatic discourse tradi- city of Pisa for its merchant marine, the very beginnings of
tions which were to take over the functions of former Latin north Italian municipal administration in the vernacular is
practices in monasteries, chanceries, or the administrative represented. The survival of this early representation is
offices of courts and towns. Latin traditions provided a large due to the fact that the parchment containing it was used
repertoire of formulas and textual models for the vernacu- to protect the cover of a Latin codex. As a result, we can
lars that were first sporadically and later regularly inserted conclude that these types of Romance writing were not
into the respective Latin text formulas. intended for longer-lasting transmission. Yet as premature
Scribes of Latin charters frequently inserted citations of examples of an emerging writing practice, these early prag-
vernacular testimonies or oaths (originating from older matic texts show that Romance had become an ordinary
German oral law) into the framework of Latin charters, as part of communicative life in monasteries, chanceries, and
can be seen in the feudal oaths from southern France and urban offices.
Catalonia, which stood at the beginning of a broad medieval
tradition of private charters in the vernaculars (Frank 1996;
Kosto 2007). 3.2.3 In-scripturalization II: discourse
The linguistic form of these texts is rather simple—many
of them are mere lists (Koch 1990)—and many, such as the
traditions and cultural memory
feudal oaths, show a highly formulaic style. The scribes
inserted the vernacular into the Latin context without The texts belonging to this group clearly rank among the
highlighting the language switch in the layout of the docu- most famous early medieval texts of the Romance lan-
ments; or they added the vernacular in the blank spaces of guages. The scribes/authors of these texts willingly estab-
Latin charters or manuscripts. Thus, the Nodicia de kesos, the lished new discourse traditions and contributed to the
oldest extant pragmatic text from Spain, was added in the emergence of Romance conventions for texts belonging to
blank verso (reverse side) of a Latin charter dating from the the cultural memory of the lay community. Of course, the
tenth century. The text contains a short list which indicates emergence of diglossically high ceremonial texts in the
occasions of the donation of cheeses (for the work of the vernaculars was directly affected by Latin writing tradi-
monks of the abbey) followed by the respective number of tions, taking its point of departure from these. This was

No di cia de/kesos que/espisit f(rate)r /

Note about cheeses that Brother 6
Nodicia de kesos, León, Archivo de la Catedral, ms. 852, 1st part (end of
se meno Inlab[ore]/def(rat)r(e)s Inilo ba the 10th c.). For a complete reproduction of this selection see <http://
Semeno donated for the work of the brothers. In the> (last download 27 May
2013); for a detailed analysis with the complete transcription and Spanish
translation, see Morala Rodríguez (2008). See Frank (1994:55-7) for an
Our transcription follows the layout of the original text. analysis of the graphic conventions of the scribe.



Table 3.2 In-scripturalization I: pragmatic texts


1st quarter of Glossario di Monza Fragment of an Italo-Romance– Italo-Romance (Lombard)–Greek

the 10th IS 1078 Greek glossary for a travelling (Byzantine)
century clerk (the glossary contains a
vocabulary of everyday use)
c.980 Nodicia de kesos List written by a monk of the Spanish (Leonese) mixed with
IS 9059 abbey of San Justo y Pastor some Latin words
c.1034 Serment de fidélité prêté par Roger Oath of fealty sworn by the count Latin–Occitan (only parts of the
Ier, comte de Foix, à son oncle Peire, of Foix to the archbishop of oaths are in Romance)
évêque de Gérone Gérone
IS 72153
Middle to end Conjurations romanes dans le Conjuration formulae for the Latin–Occitan
of 10th c. Breviarium Alarici healing of injuries, added on in
IS 3076 the margins of a Latin
manuscript in the possession of
the cathedral of Clermont-
c.1050 Convention Convention with a feudal oath Latin–Catalan (only parts of the
IS 75002 between private individuals oaths are in Romance; the rest of
the charter and parts of the
oaths are in Latin)
1035–1055 Jurament feudal de Ramon Oath of fealty Latin–Catalan (only parts of the
IS 75001 oaths are in Romance)
c.1053 Serment de fidélité prété par Guillem Oath of fealty sworn by the count Latin–Occitan (only parts of the
II de Besalu of Besalu to the archbishop of oaths are in Romance)
IS 72150 Narbonne
c.1078 Serment de fidélité prêté par la Oath of fealty sworn by the Latin–Occitan (only parts of the
vicomtesse de Narbonne viscountess of Narbonne to the oaths are in Romance)
IS 72151 archbishop of Narbonne
Discourse tradition of feudal oaths in south France and Catalonia
1089 Carta cagliaritana Charter, confirmation of a Sardinian (written in the Greek
IS 74017 donation alphabet)
Discourse tradition of Sardinian charters in the Greek alphabet
c.1090 Partición de Huesca Note regarding the partition of Latin–Spanish
IS 9060 goods
End of 11th or Conto navale pisano List of expenses concerning the Italian (Tuscan)
beginning of IS 9061 equipping of ships by the city of
12th c. Pisa
c.1120 Premier et second cartulaire de Cartulary of the monastery of Latin–Occitan
l’aumônerie de Saint-Martial Saint-Martial de Limoges
contenant des notices de donations containing notes on donations
IS 9121–9212, 9123–9125
Before 1150 Cartulaire des vicomtes de Millau Cartulary of the viscounts of Occitan – Latin (only few parts
contenant le Censier de la vicomté Millau containing the Zinsbuch are relevant)
IS 9017 (Book of Tithes) of the county
Discourse traditions: charters and administrative texts of monasteries in Occitan
c.1150 Nota en català coŀloquial Short commentary added to a Catalan added to a Latin text
IS 1095 Latin charter
IS = Inventaire systématique in Frank and Hartmann (1997). The statistics are based on the overview in the same work.



only possible because, at least in the beginning, this was in had not yet been elaborated for this purpose. After a few
accordance with the interests of the clergy. In fact, nearly lines full of omissions and intricate phrases, the scribe gave
all the early texts we find in this group seem to stand in up (Liver 2010:85).
close relation to the instructional programme of the Caro- With the success of this type of Romance text production,
lingian Reform (see §2.9), and in particular to conform to the vernacular took on its role in the cultural domains
the wish of the Church to open to the laity the most hitherto reserved for the Latin of the Church. For the first
important parts of the Christian faith—whose practice had time in the Middle Ages, lay people participated in the
until then been exclusively in Latin. cultural memory of literacy, and this had a strong impact
Starting in northern France shortly after the Carolingian on the evolution of Romance written traditions. From the
reforms, these discourse traditions, which contributed to mid-twelfth century onwards we see, particularly in north-
the participation of the laity in Church ceremonies (e.g. ern and southern France, an explosion of written vernacular
para-liturgical songs, prayers and plays, sermons, and the texts—sermons, para-liturgical songs and plays, and hagio-
religious instructions of the laity), seemed to blaze trails for graphic narratives, but also examples of older oral narrative
the future use of writing in the Romance vernaculars. Most and lyrical forms which were, from then on, committed to
of these texts are bilingual, leaving the official (liturgical) writing: the chansons de geste, the poems of troubadours and
part in Latin and employing the Romance languages in the trouvères, courtly romances, and short narratives. Together
more emotional and imaginative parts. with these novel written text traditions, a new courtly and
The oldest of these texts, the Laudes de Soissons, added to urban Romance-language reading public was emerging.
the Latin Litany of the Saints a formula of benediction in the
vernacular which addressed the Carolingian princes. Even if
the Romance parts of the text are short (commonly only the
name(s) of the prince(s) followed by a collective To lo(s) iuva
‘May Thou bless him/them’), their repetitive and collective
3.3 Writing without focused norms:
use must, for the people who until then were not used to scriptae and koinés
participating in church ceremonies at all, have made a great
impression on lay churchgoers, and certainly had an impact From the mid-twelfth century, the increasing use of writing
on the collective identity of Carolingian congregants. Start- by the laity and the emergence of a lay public for written
ing from these subtle beginnings, the discourse traditions of vernacular literature changed the sociolinguistic conditions
para-liturgical songs, prayers, plays, and dances began their of vernacular literacy. In the diglossic situation in which
triumphant advance first in northern and southern France, Latin was the uncontested high written variety and
but from the twelfth century onwards in Italy and Spain Romance only sporadically surfaced in written texts, we
as well.7 cannot expect what modern sociolinguistics (in standard-
Within the context of the reforms of Cluny and, some- ization research) has described as the processes attached to
what later for the Spanish regions, the reform of Burgos, the the increasing use of written language (external/internal
translation of the most important sacred texts was part of elaboration, selection/acceptance, codification; cf. Haugen
the instructional programme for laypeople. In the textual 1983; see also Ch. 37). But when chansons de geste or other
transition to Romance this textual practice starts with literary genres became firmly associated with reading and
interlinear and marginal translations of the Bible or texts writing and when not only clerics but also lay people began
for the catechism (e.g. the Formula di confessione umbra, to use the written medium for demanding linguistic tasks
Frank and Hartmann 1997:2176, or the famous Eadwine Psal- (external elaboration), the linguistic situation changed: pro-
ter containing interlinear translations in English and cesses such as the creation of complex structures capable of
(Anglo-Norman) French, Frank and Hartmann 1997:2044). fulfilling the tasks typical of communicative distance
The very first instances show that the work of translation (internal elaboration) as well as tendencies to develop
from Latin to a completely un-normed language of everyday supra-local norms, the so-called scriptae (selection/accept-
use was complex and arduous. The Raeto-Romance transla- ance), accompanied the institutionalization of vernacular
tion of the beginning of a Latin sermon (interlinear trans- writing and prepared the ground for standardization.
lation from Einsiedeln, Frank and Hartmann 1997:2135) These processes varied in intensity from region to region,
shows the major difficulties the scribes had in rendering but throughout the Romance-speaking areas and continuing
the complex style of the Latin text in a vernacular which until at least the sixteenth century, the linguistic situation
was marked by the absence of codified standard written
See Frank and Hartmann (1997:213-41) with more examples from languages which were dominant within a stable vernacular
northern and southern France, Italy, Castile, and Catalonia. diasystem with low local or regional dialects. Thus, the



Table 3.3 In-scripturalization II: cultural memory


End of 8th c. Laudes de Soissons Formula of benediction in Latin–French

IS 2054 the Latin Litany of the Saints
End of 9th c. Séquence en l’honneur de Sequence about the life of a French
sainte Eulalie saint
IS 2055
1st half of 10th c. Sermon anonyme sur Jonas Outline of a bilingual sermon Latin–French
IS 2134
Last third of 10th c. Chanson de la Passion, Para-liturgical song about French
fragment from Augsburg the passion of Christ (Berschin and Berschin 2011)
IS 2056
Late 11th c. Interlinear translation Partial translation of a Latin Latin–Raeto-Romance
from Einsiedeln sermon added to a pseudo-
IS 2135 Augustinian sermon
End of 11th c. Formula di confessione umbra Confessional formula Italo-Romance (Umbrian)–Latin
IS 2176 inserted into a collection of (the texts to be spoken by the penitent
liturgical and para-liturgical and by the priest are in Umbrian; the
texts formula for the absolution is in Latin)
11th c. Boëci Hagiographic song about a Occitan
IS 2093 saint’s life
c.1000 Passion du Christ (1) et Saint Para-liturgical song about (1) French with evidence of influence
Léger (2) the passion of Christ (1) from Occitan–Latin
IS 2057 Para-liturgical song about (2) French
the life of a saint (2)
c.1000 Alba bilingue Para-liturgical song in Latin Latin–Occitan
IS 2058 and Occitan (a matins hymn)
c.1100 Chanson de Sainte Foy d’Agen Para-liturgical song about a Occitan
IS 2059 saint’s life
c.1100 Para-liturgical songs from Collection of para-liturgical Latin–Occitan (4 Occitan songs in a
Saint-Martial de Limoges songs related to Mary collection of Latin songs)
IS 2060
Beginning of 12th c. Cérémonial d’une épreuve Instructions for a trial by Latin–French (most of the text is in
judiciare ordeal Latin; the scribe performs
IS 2169 intrasentential code-switching
between French and Latin )
Beginning of 12th c. Sermons limousins First part of a collection of Occitan–Latin
IS 2136 sermons
1st part of 12th c. Epître farcie de saint Etienne Para-liturgical song about a Latin–French (region of Tours)
IS 2063 saint’s life inserted in a Latin
missal (missale turonense)
c.1150 Quant li solleiz Para-liturgical hymn about (Norman) French
IS 2061 the Song of Solomon
c.1150 Hilarii ludi Collection of para-liturgical Latin–French (2 of 15 plays are in
IS 2064 plays with French refrains French)
Middle of 12th c. Eadwine Psalter containing Interlinear translation of Latin–(Anglo-Norman) French–English
interlinear translations liturgical texts: the Latin text
IS 2044 with both an English and a
French translation
IS = Inventaire systématique in Frank and Hartmann (1997). The statistics are based on the overview in the same work.



process not only of elaboration and codification, but also of manuscripts by removing all non-Milanese elements. Cer-
selection and acceptance were far from being completed in tainly, the copyists did change the language of the texts by
the period we are looking at. adapting it to the public they were writing for. But the
Traditional approaches to the early phases of Romance Milanese version Contini creates is an ahistorical hypoth-
writing traditions have generally ignored the standardizing esis by a modern scholar and is certainly far from the
dynamics. The idea was that in the early phases, scribes and language of a medieval cleric who knew and practised
authors started by using their local dialects, and that the Latin as well as the vernacular, and who was writing not
emergence of supra-local standards was accomplished by for his urban compatriots but for a Christian discourse
taking over the most prestigious among the existing written community with no precise local restrictions (Wilhelm
dialects. This idea is much too simple to do justice to the 2009).
emergence of the new standard languages, nor does it do Many other editors besides Contini have tried to extrapo-
justice to the earliest texts. For, after all, the future standard late an ‘original’ on the basis of the differing manuscript
varieties would not turn out to be identical to any single versions of medieval texts. The work of the copyists was
regional dialect, but would be the result of a mixing of nearly always seen as a source of contamination, distorting
heterogeneous linguistic features. Furthermore, the early what was originally meant to be a locally homogeneous
scribes did not reproduce their local dialect faithfully when linguistic artefact. It is essential to emphasize that the
undertaking the task of writing a vernacular text. A local knowledge about what was, dialectically speaking, the cor-
dialect, which is an ensemble of linguistic forms anchored in rect form relied heavily on nineteenth-century data,
everyday conversation, is not readily adaptable to written because dialects, and especially dialect borders, were
vernacular communication aimed at a supra-local public. In assumed to be stable and not subject to divergence over
situations of communicative distance, the medieval authors time (cf. Dees 1980; 1987; Lodge 2004:53-102). Those inter-
could not yet switch to a supra-local variety, because only ested in securing medieval evidence for dialectal variation
Latin was suitable for this role. But they could ‘delocalize’ therefore suggested dismissing literary texts and concen-
their language by integrating Latinisms, by taking over the trating on charters handed down in only one copy, which
linguistic features of prestigious discourse traditions such could be localized and dated by using external evidence.
as Occitan or Sicilian courtly lyric poetry, or by choosing This, in turn, would permit scholars to localize the linguistic
forms common to more than one regional speech commu- features used in the text. But even in this case, the trad-
nity. In doing that, they created linguistically hybrid texts, itional idea of homogeneity turned out to be insufficient.
but the linguistic form of their texts was, consequently, now Remacle (1948), who analysed one of the earliest Wallon
clearly distant from everyday conversation (Selig 2008b). charters, discovered that even the language of charters was
The idea of linguistic hybridization in early Romance not local, but integrated elements belonging to other dialect
texts contrasts with traditional concepts, but is more suited areas. He therefore introduced the notion of scripta into
to an explanation of why we rarely, if ever, find dialectally medieval philology, by which he meant a written variety
homogeneous texts among the early written Romance used regularly by medieval scribes and containing local as
sources. One of the most widely debated problems, the well as supra-local features. Remacle insisted on the dis-
localization of the Strasbourg Oaths, is much less puzzling tance separating this variety from the medieval dialects. In
in view of a conception of the feudal oath as something used his opinion, even the charters could not reflect local dialects
throughout the entire Carolingian realm and leading to a because it was not one of the intentions of the scribes to
mixing of southern and northern dialect forms (and Latin document the spoken everyday language. On the other
forms as well). Such a solution obviates the need to search hand, he emphasized the regional nature of the scriptae,
for a place where all the isoglosses evoked by the text each scripta having a limited regional spread because unify-
coincide. Even if written in Poitiers, as Castellani (1969) ing factors such as central administrations or centralizing
proposes, the Strasbourg Oaths were not Poitevin, but Caro- literary traditions were still too weak.
lingian. The same argument is applicable when examining One of the major problems, then, is to explain why and
vernacular texts with an extended manuscript tradition. how supra-local practices developed and how they spread.
Traditional philology has persistently tried to reconstruct Remacle himself suggested that the scribe of the Wallon
a lost original in order to obtain a dialectally homogeneous charter he analysed tried to imitate central Parisian lan-
text. One of the most famous examples of such a reconstruc- guage, thus sticking to the idea that, from a very early date,
tion is Contini’s (1960) edition of Bonvesin da la Riva, a vernacular literacy in northern France was oriented
Milanese cleric writing religious instruction for the laity. towards the prestigious variety of the Île-de-France. As
Contini claims that Bonvesin originally wrote in his Milan- there are practically no vernacular documents from the
ese dialect, and therefore ‘expurgates’ even the earliest Île-de-France before the middle of the thirteenth century



(Lusignan 2011:65-84), this is equivalent to postulating that clearly dominant standard varieties. Consequently, there is
the central dialect must have been diffused orally, possibly still considerable room for individual variation.
by means of an epic tradition (Hilty 1968). The major prob-
lem posed by this approach is that the first written ver-
nacular evidence from the Île-de-France has no clear
dialectal identity because it integrates numerous linguistic
3.4 From medieval manuscripts
features not originating in the region (Lodge 2004:80-102).
To explain this dialect mixing, Cerquiglini (1991) formulated
to linguistic data: pragmatic and
the hypothesis that the forerunner of the written central sociolinguistic recontextualization
documents went back to the Carolingian chancery, which
planned and consciously created a hybrid variety unifying The preceding sections have clearly shown that the early
the different oïl-speaking areas. Another attempt to explain period of transmission of the Romance languages (eighth to
this dialect mixing is offered by Lodge (2004), who follows the twelfth centuries) constituted an exception to medieval
models of modern dialectology explaining the formation of Latin writing practices, on which they remained strongly
immigrant koinés in modern urban settings (Trudgill 1986; dependent for centuries. This is true also for the contexts
Kerswill 2002; Kerswill and Trudgill 2005; see also Grübl and the forms of transmission of the oldest documents.
2011). Lodge claims that the dialect mixing was the result of Particular codex forms and layouts for Romance texts only
an oral koineization process in medieval Paris. Immigrants, developed in the second phase (from 1150 onwards), the
coming to the new metropolitan centre and bringing with phase of tradition-building for the vernaculars. Before that,
them their autochthonous dialects, spontaneously created a the conservation of a written document in a Romance lan-
new vernacular that integrated the different dialect features guage represented fortuitous exceptions in which Romance
by accommodation processes in oral everyday conversation. documents written on a durable material survived, due in
It has also been suggested that written Castilian is based on all probability to their Latin context of transmission.
the result of koineization processes, in this case centred The profound influence of Latin writing traditions can be
around the migrations during the Reconquista period seen in the graphic conventions of early Romance texts, in
(Tuten 2003). Linguistic code-mixing, then, seems to be find- which Latin words served as orientation for word-separation
ing more and more acceptance among Romance scholars: practices (see §3.2.3) and in which layout patterns which
oral koineization is suggested to have taken place before were typical of Latin text traditions were chosen. This
the beginning of written documentation, as proposed by makes it indispensable that the editors of early Romance
Lodge or Tuten. Another approach sees hybridization as the texts respect these Latin contexts as carefully as possible.
result of written language planning among the clerks of the The editor should furnish a detailed description of the asso-
Carolingian chancery (Cerquiglini 1991). ciated Latin texts and the composition of the codex which
However that may be, it is not necessary to restrict contains the Romance text. Furthermore, the circumstances
accommodation processes to oral communication, nor to of its genesis and use also need to be indicated (locality, date,
restrict hybridization to a momentary effort at language identities of its owners, scribes and readers, etc.; Frank and
planning. The notion of scripta, introduced by Remacle and Hartmann 1997, I:13-16).
consolidated by subsequent research, or the conception of Traditional editions usually dating back to the nine-
written and oral koiné formation, formulated in order to teenth or the first half of the twentieth century rarely
explain the particularities of northern Italo-Romance writ- give a faithful representation of the medieval text. Hap-
ten vernacular (koiné padana; Sanga 1990), is sufficient to pily, most of the time we have a rich fund of information
grasp this peculiarity of written medieval vernaculars. The about the background of the manuscripts (and we should
language of medieval manuscripts is regional because it is make use of this contribution on the part of traditional
based on local dialects, the richest linguistic reality avail- philological scholarship). Unfortunately, however, these
able to medieval authors and scribes. It is, however, not a editions often distort the text of the manuscripts so much
direct reflection of the spoken dialects, because authors and that the original texts cannot—or can hardly—be recognized.
scribes created hybrid linguistic forms adapted to the new For a long time, indeed, it was common practice to remove
supra-local aims of their texts. If the intensity of written supposed inconsistencies or ‘faults’ whenever the editor
production triggers institutionalizing processes, these thought it necessary. Traditional editors also tried to minim-
forms can develop into scriptae, that is, specific linguistic ize the difference between medieval and modern layout
practices of chanceries and centres of manuscript produc- or (ortho)graphic conventions. Often, the editors did not
tion and/or associated with particular discourse traditions. indicate when they were expanding the abbreviations so
But these scriptae do not attain the status of fixed and frequently used in medieval manuscripts—a practice that



makes morphological research difficult, if not impossible cases of language contact and code-mixing, we still meet
(Schøsler 1984). with flexible and instable norms. In northern France, a
Editorial practices have changed, and we now have charter written for a local bourgeois public contains more
numerous editions which try to come as close as possible local and regional forms than one directed to aristocratic or
to the medieval situation. We can add that, with the possi- royal institutions—even when the same scribe wrote both of
bilities of modern digital editions, the wording chosen by them (Völker 2003). Another source of variation between
the editors can easily be supported with the help of digital texts according to their actual communicative background
images of the manuscript(s).8 There is an increasingly clear is the degree of dependence on Latin. When translating—or
tendency to avoid an anachronistic imposition of concepts better, adapting—the Dialogi of Gregory the Great to old
originating in modern standard language situations, and to French, the French author clearly devised new forms in
accept the specific textual and linguistic conditions of medi- trying to imitate Latin structures (Frank and Hartmann
eval vernacular texts. Zumthor (1987; 1990) showed that, in 1997:2156).
medieval vernacular culture, there was no idea of a fixed
(written) text to be preserved by the copiers, but rather that
of a fluid, flexible model to be followed (mouvance of the
medieval text). The many varying versions of a medieval 3.5 Final reflections
text often make it impossible for modern editors to distin-
guish clearly between author and scribe and between ori-
The analysis of the early evidence and sources of the
ginal and copy. We can adopt this conception of a flexible
Romance languages in the Middle Ages represents a field
model even when talking about linguistic norms. In medi-
of research in its own right that requires its own methods.
eval times, linguistic norms may have their sources in
The most important principle of this research is to avoid
everyday interaction, because these norms are grounded
anachronistic concepts and perspectives in the description
in a dense social network and frequent and continuous
and interpretation of the medieval data. Consequently, it is
interaction. However, the use of vernacular varieties in
necessary to abandon traditional conceptions of textual and
written communication entailed entering a communicative
linguistic norms, traditional ideas about written language
domain in which linguistic models existed, but in which
use, and clear-cut distinctions between languages or even
there was still considerable space for creativity in the
varieties. On the other hand, it is necessary to adopt the
search for solutions adapted to actual circumstances. One
results of modern sociolinguistic approaches to language
of the most striking examples of the openness of medieval
contact, multilingual practices in the everyday life of diglos-
linguistic norms is the hybrid language of some literary
sic communities, standardization, and the identitary and
adaptions (Occitan–French in the Girart de Roussillon or
normative power of writing the vernacular. In this sense
French–Lombardian in north Italian epics; cf. Pfister 1970;
old French, old Italian, and old Spanish are modern names
Holtus and Wunderli 2005). Even if we ignore these clear
for a linguistic reality which is difficult to capture: during
the first centuries of our period, we are confronted with the
coexistence of individual solutions produced within one
text, perhaps never to be reproduced by a larger speech
See <> (last downloaded 8 October 2015). For community. Then, from 1150 onwards, we encounter a
more information about digital editions of medieval texts, see <www.digi->. For the early Romance texts mentioned here, most of multitude of scriptae, which were flexible regional norms
the digital editing work still remains to be done. There are, however, a few and which were far from representing codified standard var-
remarkable initiatives, e.g. the Base de Français médiéval for old French from ieties. Consequently, medieval linguistic data should never
Lyon University: <> (last downloaded 8 October
2015), which gives information about the Strasbourg Oaths, the Eulalie, the be decontextualized: because the Romance varieties have
Passio Christi, and Saint Léger; for Spanish manuscripts see <http://admyte. such a low degree of codification, insights into the reasons
com/home.htm> (last downloaded 8 October 2015); for old Italo-Romance and the conditions governing this variation are more likely
texts, see (last downloaded on
8 October 2015) and (last downloaded on 8 October if it is seen in the light of the particular circumstances of
2015), a database for old Italo-Romance. its genesis.


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