Soundfest Bekasi What I Know What I What To Know What I Learned

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Kinanti vionanda pusparani



What I know What I what to know What I learned

SOUND FEST Sounthfest is an annual music It’s music festival and and
festival organized by mapspro. most of the guests are
the event is only once a year. Sheila on7,naïf,
The location of the event in kahitna, maliq D’essentials
SMB (Summarecon Mall ,fourtwenty, tulus and others.
Bekasi) parking. In this event we can sit or
This year (2019) will be the stand up and we can and can
fourth year of soundfest. The enjoy the available food.
date on 2019 is 24 until 25 if you arrive late it will be bad.
august. because, you will have a hard
The normal ticket in daily pass time finding a parking space.
idr 150k and 2nd day pas 275k. Be careful because many
the event during the day until people are watching that
evening or night. event.

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