Instructor Memo 2

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To: Mr.Wagner

From: Yuba Poudel

Date: September 12, 2019

Subject: Restaurant Proposal

As you are aware, I am in the process of completing ​The Restaurant

Entrepreneur ​simulation. In order to continue with this simulation, I am
required to​ f​ irst establish the name and location of my restaurant. Please
review the proposed restaurant below and indicate if I have your approval to
use the proposed idea by completing the bottom portion of the memo and
returning it to me.

Proposed Restaurant:
The name of my restaurant is Sailing Stone World. The theme for my
restaurant is to give the customers that feeling when it's cold outside and
you’re eating something fresh and warm with a nice cold drink. The color
scheme for my restaurant is Red and Blue. The signature dish will be French
Fries. The restaurant will be located in Pittsburgh, PA.

Restaurant Reasoning:
The reason I have chosen a fast food restaurant is because not only do I like
most fast food, I feel like it would be popular and successful.


I approve this restaurant proposal for use in ​The Restaurant Entrepreneur

I do notapprove this restaurant proposal for use in ​The Restaurant
Entrepreneur ​simulation.

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