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To: Mr. Wagner  

From:  Madison Mussomeli  
Date: September 12, 2019 
Subject: Restaurant Proposal 
As you are aware, I am in the process of completing T​ he Restaurant 
Entrepreneur ​simulation. In order to continue with the simulation, I am 
required to first establish the name and location of my restaurant. Please 
review the proposed restaurant provided below and indicate if I have your 
approval to use the proposed idea by completing the bottom portion of this 
memo and return it to me.  
Proposed Restaurant: 
The name of my restaurant will be Downtown Desires. The theme of my diner 
will be Modern making my customers feel as though they are eating at a fancy 
eatery but really are not. Even though my restaurant will be modern it will still 
be a comfortable place to relax and enjoy your food and/or beverages. The 
color scheme that I have decided to use is a combination of Flat Black, White, 
Grey, and maybe some Baby Blue. The signature dish at Downtown Desires is 
Chicken and Waffles. My restaurants is located in Downtown Pittsburgh, PA.  
Restaurant Reasoning:  
I have always loved the combination of diners and coffee shops. This way 
anybody can get anything they would need, Breakfast, Coffee, Lunch, Brunch, 
etc. when your restaurant is downtown and everybody is going to work, many 
people are going to be stopping in for a coffee or even breakfast. My location 
is convenient for the people of Pittsburgh. The name of my restaurant is 
Downtown Desires since my restaurant is downtown and serves the desires of 
any person. 

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