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CSS Selectors!

Delegating and Refining.

So far we have used a very basic CSS selector. We
have referred to HTML items directly. That is only
the beginning however. Selectors can actually get
quite complex in terms of how we define which
content will get which rules applied to it. In this
section we won't cover all selectors (that would be
way too long and confusing). Instead we'll cover
some of the more useful selectors and create a
base from which you should easily be able to
explore and learn the others.

This section is quite large but most of it is pretty

easy to take in and not too difficult to apply. To
begin with, understanding the first few selectors
(types, id's and classes) will be adequate for most

cases but you should be aware of the others so
you can come back and expand your knowledge
when you encounter scenarios which could take
advantage of them.

So What is a Selector?
We saw in an earlier section that the basic layout
of CSS rules is as follows:

selector {
property: value;
property: value;

The selector tells us which items in the HTML the

properties should be changed for. The properties
may be applied to a single item in the HTML, or to

Type Selectors
The type selector is the most basic selector. It is
the name of a HTML tag. When we use this
selector, every item in the HTML which is defined
by that tag will have the given properties applied to


h1 {
font-family: Times New Roman;
p {
font-family: Verdana;

<h1>Where are average things built?</h1>
<p>In the satisfactory.</p>

Type Selectors
Where are average things built?
In the satisfactory.

Id's and Classes
Often, we would like finer grained control over
where our CSS rules will be applied. An effective
way to achieve this is by way of id's and classes.
We apply both of these to the HTML as attributes
on tags. The examples below will make it clearer.

An id is used to identify a single item in the HTML.
To do so we add an attribute to the relevant HTML
tag as follows;

<tagName id="idName">

Then in the CSS our selector becomes a hash

symbol ( # ) followed by the idName like so:

#idName {
property: value;
property: value;

The id may be named with letters, digits,
underscores and dashes. It is best to name it as
something descriptive so you can easily identify
what it represents. You may have as many different
id's on a page as you like. You may apply an id to
any tag on the page.


#topmenu {
background-color: #cccccc;


<div id="topmenu" >Page1 | Page2 | Page 3</div>
<p>Page content goes here.</p>

Id Selectors

Page1 | Page2 | Page 3

Page content goes here.

A common mistake is to misplace the # symbol.

Remember, you don't use the # in the id attribute
within the tag, but you do use it for the selector in
the CSS.

Id's are good for identifying items which should

appear only once on a page such as a menu, or a
page heading or footer etc. They are also used a lot
with Javascript but that is another subject.

Technically, there should be a single instance of

each id on each page. That is, it is ok to use an id
on multiple pages, as long as it is used only once
on each page. Most browsers will happily let you
break this rule but you will find that it will get you
into trouble later on if you start adding Javascript to
the page. If you need to apply properties to multiple
items then you should use a class which is
discussed next.

A class is similar to an id except it applies to multiple
items as opposed to just a single item. To make an
item on our page part of a class we add the class
attribute to its tag like so:

<tagName class="className">

Then in the CSS our selector becomes a full stop

symbol ( . ) followed by the className like so:

.className {
property: value;
property: value;

Similar to the id, a class may be named with

letters, digits, underscores and dashes. Again, you
should name it as something descriptive. You may
also have as many different classes on a page as
you like.


.important {
font-weight: bold;
border: 2px #cc2244 solid;


<p class="important">Important: When everything is
important, nothing is important.</p>

It is perfectly fine to have a class which only refers

to a single item in the HTML. In fact it is better to
do this than have it as an id if you anticipate that
later on there may be a need to apply it to multiple
items. A single class may also be applied to
different types of tags on the same page as well.
It is also possible for a HTML item to have multiple
classes applied to it:

<tagName class="className1 className2 classname3">

Or both an id and class/classes

<tagName id="idName" class="className">

A common mistake is to misplace the . symbol.

Remember, you don't use the . in the class attribute
within the tag, but you do use it for the selector in
the CSS.

Classes are good for many different things. For

instance, maybe you want to identify particular
pieces of content as being important by making
them a different colour. The content could be in a
heading, or a paragraph, or list etc. Using a class
would be a good idea here.

Descendant Elements
With descendant elements we can say that any
items within another type of item should get a set of
properties applied to them. We do this by writing the
parent selector, followed by the child selector like

parentSelector childSelector {
property: value;
property: value;

Both the parent and child selectors may be either

a tag name, id or class.


.important {
font-weight: bold;
border: 2px #cc2244 solid;
.important b {
color: #ff1122;



<p class="important">Important: When everything is
<b>important&tl;/b>, nothing is important.</p>
<p>And this is perfectly <b>normal</b>.</p>

Multiple Selectors
Sometimes you find yourself repeating the same
set of properties and values for several different
selectors. To make life easier, you can put those
properties into their own block and specify that it
should apply to multiple selectors at once. To do
this, list all the selectors, separated by a comma
like so:

selector1, selector2, selector3 {
property: value;
property: value;

You may list as many selectors as you like.

Using this approach can be good if you know they

are always supposed to be the same. If you need
to change a value later on then you may make the
change in one place and have it automatically
applied to all of them.

You have most likely seen the hover selector used
to make links change when you hover your mouse
over them. We identify a set of properties to be
applied when the user hovers their mouse over an
item by adding the keyword :hover to the end of
the selector.

selector1:hover {
property: value;
property: value;

The selector may be a type, id orclass and you

may apply the hover effect to any item on the page
(you are not limited to just links).


p:hover {
padding-left: 30px;
color: #3366cc;


<p>Hover over me. I dare you!</p>

With a bit of creativity you can create some really
interesting effects using hover.

Pseudo Elements
Pseudo Elements are not specific items on the
page but virtual items you may target.

First Line
It is possible to change the first line of content for
an item using the ::first-line keyword (Note: 2
colons as opposed to 1 for hover).

selector1::first-line {
property: value;
property: value;

Not all properties work within this selector for

various reasons.

First Letter

As well as the first line, we may also target the first
letter. This is done using the ::first-letter keyword.

selector1::first-letter {
property: value;
property: value;

Similar to ::first-line, not all properties work within

this selector.

Before and After

The ::before and ::after keywords tell the browser
to insert a pseudo element on your page before or
after the item identified by the selector.

selector1::before {
content: value;
property: value;
property: value;

When using these, we include the property content
which sets what the content of this pseudo
element should be. The value could be a string:

content: "some text";

Or it could be an image:

content: url(/path/to/image.jpg);

Or it could be a counter:

content: counter(li);

Note: The content is rendered exactly as is. HTML

will not be rendered.
#topmenu a::before {
content: ' | ';
padding-left: 10px;
padding-right: 10px;


<p id="topmenu"> <a>Page1</a> <a>Page2</a>
<a>Page3</a> </p>

In the right scenarios, and with a bit of creativity,

these can be put to good effect.

Overlapping Rules
With all these different selectors at your disposal,
it is quite possible that a particular item in your
HTML will have multiple selectors applied to it and
that within those selectors there may be clashes in
terms of properties. How the browser determines
which property values actually get applied can be
a bit tricky and involves specificity, inheritance and

Specificity is the most important to understand and
has to do with how directly the selector relates to
the item. In general, from least direct, to most
direct, they are:

It can get more complex once descendants and
other mixes come into play.

Find out more about CSS Precedence Rules.

Let's have a look at an example with the colour


p {
color: #3366cc;

.whatcolor {
color: #66cc33;
#whatcolor {
color: #cc6633;


<p class="whatcolor" id="whatcolor">What colour am

Overlapping Rules
What colour am I?

Best Practice
With several different selectors and an almost
endless combination of ways they can be combined
and applied it may seem like a daunting task to work
out how best to structure your code. Working out
the best way to do things should come naturally with

time and experience as long as you are
experimenting and thinking about this as you go.
Don't worry if your first attempts seem clunky and
inefficient. Also, don't be afraid to rework your code
when you get stuck.

I can't really tell you how best to organise your code

as every page will be unique in terms of the content
on it and how it may grow over time. Here are some
general concepts you should consider however.

Removing duplication is always a good thing.

Descendant elements are a good way to avoid
having to add classes to many items within your
What we are aiming for is the ideal balance which
gives you the best separation of content (HTML)
from style (CSS). You could, for example, make
many classes which are quite specific in your CSS
to avoid duplicating properties many times. This
may look good from the point of view of having

clean and efficient CSS but then your HTML will
require many classes applied to many items and so
we have lost that separation. Getting the right
balance is something you will work out for yourself
over time with experience.

Different patterns of selectors are also more

efficient than others from the point of view of work
that needs to be done for the browser to render the
content but at this stage I wouldn't worry too much
about that. Until your content reaches a certain size
and complexity the performance hit isn't anything to
get excited over.


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