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Turning In Assignments Working Independently

After completing work, Miss V will tell you where you When working independently, students should be at a
should put it. Common places include: Level 0 volume. If you have a question, please raise
● Finished Work Bin (for work that is ready to be your hand. Students should be working at their desks,
checked) unless otherwise specified by a teacher.
● Your Go Home Folders (for work that can be
kept at home)
● Your In-Progress Work Folder (for work that
Working in Pairs or Groups
When working collaboratively, students should be at a
you are still working on completing)
Level 1-2 volume level. Students can work at desks,
on the rug, or at other classroom tables. If you are
Finishing Work Early unable to work appropriately with group members or
When you finish work early, follow these procedures: maintain your volume, you will be asked to return to
1. Show your work to Miss V your seats.
2. Complete the early-finisher task (if given by
Miss V)
3. Work from your in-progress work folder Teacher Signals
4. Read independently and quietly from your When Miss V needs your attention she will either:
book box ● Ring the chime in the classroom
● Say “Class, Class!”, and you will respond
“Yes, Yes!”
Snack Procedures ● Or clap a rhythm for class to repeat
You will eat your snack in the morning, and the After Miss V gets your attention you should stop what
afternoon. Students have assigned seats for snack. If you are doing, drop materials, put your eyes on Miss V
students are being disruptive or displaying unexpected and listen to the important information.
behaviors, they will be asked to find another seat.
Classroom Library
Our Classroom
Students will be given a 2-3 minute warning before
snack is over. I will remind students to eat their snack
We have a great classroom library for you to use. If
and not use all their time socializing. Please clean up
you would like to read a book, make sure to put it back
all of your trash and line up for recess. (Only morning
in the appropriate bin (it is labeled). If you would like to
take a book home, you must sign it out on the sign-out Student Name:
sheet. Be respectful and gentle with all books so
Homework future classmates can use them!
Homework will include extra practice in subject areas.
If you did not finish work during the day due to extra
talking or not giving your best effort, you may be
Lining Up _________________________________
When leaving the classroom, you will be called to line
asked to complete it for homework (Parents will be
I have read and understand all procedures and
up. When your name or group is called, line up in front
reminded if so).
of the door and signal you are ready to leave the

Using Technology
classroom by looking forward with your hands down
and voices off. You are expected to be at a Level 0 routines. I promise to follow these routines.
When using iPads, chromebooks, or other technology, volume and walking single file when in the hallways.
use two hands, use your own login, ask questions, use
Student Signature:
only assigned websites, and be respectful. If students
do not listen to teacher directions they will lose
When the Phone Rings
If Miss V is unable to get to the phone and you are
technology privileges and have to complete another
near it, you may answer and say “Miss V’s class,
student speaking” and then wait until Miss V or
another teacher can get to the phone.
Leaving the Classroom Morning Routine Pack-Up/Dismissal Procedures
You must ask a teacher before leaving the classroom Each morning, the students are expected to enter the At the end of the day students will complete the
for any reason. When leaving for the bathroom/ water classroom and complete the following tasks: following tasks:
you must turn on the light by the door. Bathroom and ● Put backpacks in your cubbies ● Complete their end the day classroom job, or
water trips are to be taken during morning work, ● Make your lunch choice pick up 3-5 materials or trash on the floor if
snack, lunch/recess, or when work is completed. You ● Listen respectfully and quietly while they don't have an end of the day job
may not go to the bathroom during a teaching time, participating in morning meeting, and stand ● Put folder in backpack (new info added in
unless it is an emergency. for the pledge of allegiance folder every Friday)
● Use the bathroom or get a drink before we ● Grab their backpack/coat from their cubby and
Classroom Bingo start our lessons for the day sit at their snack spot
● Wait patiently in sat as I read aloud to them
The class can earn bingo points by following
classroom procedures and routines, being great Entering the Classroom and wait for dismissal
● Put up your chair as you leave the classroom
classmates, or doing something spectacular as a When you enter the classroom after specials, lunch,
class! When we get to 50, and 100 points the whole recess, or other activities, you are expected to come
class will earn a reward. quietly to the rug and wait for directions. Supplies/Desk Organization
Every student is responsible for keeping his/her
Classroom Jobs In some cases, Miss V will tell you before heading
back to the classroom what materials you will need
supplies in their desk organized. Miss V will do “desk
checks” to ensure you are organized. Organization
Every student will have a classroom job to contribute
and where you should sit. If she doesn’t, then go to makes for smoother transitions and more learning time!
to the success of our classroom. You are expected to
the rug and wait for directions. Shared classroom materials (clipboards, whiteboards,
perform the duties of your job. Failure to complete
etc.) are to be treated respectfully and put back neatly.
your job in an appropriate way can result in a
loss/change of job, or a consequences. Attendance and Lunch/Lunch Bin
Every morning, students will write the appropriate Sharpening Pencils
Rewards and Consequences lunch choice for the day on the Ipad. This will let Miss
V know you are here.
If you need a pencil sharpened, place it in the pencil
sharpening bin, and it will be sharpened at an
I will have a spot in my classroom where students and
appropriate time. You may not sharpen pencils when a
I track their positive and negative choices on a chart.
S- School lunch, H- Home lunch, M- Milk teacher is teaching or during independent work. Just
This will allow me to praise the positives that I am
simply grab a new one from the already sharp bin.
seeing throughout the classroom (with a punch in their
punch card), as well as reset the negative behaviors Transitions
that might surface. When transitioning, you are expected to quickly and Noise Level Expectations
quietly put away the materials you are using, and Miss V will tell you which noise level the classroom is
Fun Friday Time & Punch Cards come back to the rug for the next activity. The
expectation is that the class transitions in 1-2 minutes
expected to be at during working times. Refer to the
following levels:
Students will all be able to participate in fun Friday,
and are ready to learn. Failure to transition quickly Level 0- totally silent, independent working times
however, if they haven’t gathered all the punches on
and quietly, will result in the class having to come Level 1- whisper, only one person can hear you
their punch cards for the week, then they will not be
back to the rug and try again. This might push our Level 2- talking quietly, working with group members
given the choice to move to another classroom’s fun
time back and take time away from other activities, Level 3-speak loudly, sharing thinking with the class
Friday activity. Punches are given out when my
like recess, in our day. Level 4-outside voice, never used in the classroom
students show that they are going above and beyond
with their school work, as a friend, or as a helper in the

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