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David Johnston sworn in as new

Governor General of Canada

As some of you are aware DAVID JOHNSTON was sworn in as the new Governor General of Canada
today. I got home in time to switch on the news to watch the recorded swearing in of Johnston as the
Governor General of Canada and CBC showed him just starting to take the Oath and cut out the oath
completely and inserted the time segment just after he completed the oath. Surprise! Yip another
opportunity to do a public swearing in of the Commander and Chief of CANADA by a Supreme Court
Judge and they edited the whole thing out. Who is DAVID JONSTON? He is a Lawyer and Law
Professor. He helped write laws for the Government and as well as becoming a Dean for Western
University and then President at Miguel University in Montreal.

I managed to find the Installation Ceremony on YouTube so I thought I’ll listen to what this guy where a
blue tie signifying Royal Blue Bloodline and a Coat of Arms with a nice Candle on the top signifying the
Illuminated Ones of the Illuminati. While watching the video and at 4 min 20 seconds into part one of
the video he made reference to DeChamplain, who was an earlier explorer of North America and made
some statements about What Champlain’s dream was for CANADA to be. Stating it was a New Order
and a New World, shaking his head yes as he said this, slipping in their goal to have a New World Order
in place by 2017.

1 David Johnston Sworn in as the New Canadian Governor General

YouTube Link for the Installation Ceremony:

He also mentioned early in his

speech how he was so warmly
welcomed by the Queen and her
family in Scotland where he was a
month earlier with his wife.
Probably being read the riot act and
told what his place was in the grand
deception. CBC broadcast ended
the broadcast with him entering
Rideau Hall surrounded by Children.
I don’t have to tell you how
important children are to the
Satanic Network and how many of
them go missing every year through
government agencies. I just about
threw up when he spoke to the
Native people there about how
much he wanted to learn from them after for the past 200 years Canada has done everything they can
to rape, pillage, steal and destroy their culture and way of life.

His crest that he says he

designed has 5 books on the
top, one laying flat on the
bottom where the candle sits
on and the other four beside
the candle. Saying it was for
his 5 daughters, but rather 5
pointed Satanic Star used in
human sacrificing. The
diagonals in the middle are
meant to represent family,
but I suspect it has more to
do with the Masonic Order
than family as you see the
checkered squares on Bobby,
British Police hats etc. all
connected with the Masonic
Order symbology. The
Horses shoot out tongues of

2 David Johnston Sworn in as the New Canadian Governor General

flame and fire seems to surround their bodies. At the bottom are two human feet with angel wings
attached to them. Here is an article written about the coat of arms and also note that he and his wife
are wearing a medal that is shown at the bottom of the Coat of Arms. I have never heard of anyone
creating a Coat of Arms for being a Governor General of Canada before, but I assume it was done
because of possible Royal Bloodline, indicated by the blue tie.

Here is a link to a story about his Coat of Arms:

David Johnston stated in his speech that he wanted to create a Smart and Caring Nation. Well perhaps
not too smart as the people might wake up to the fact that CANADA is not a nation and he represents a
de facto head of state and has no authority of the people to be creating and enforcing laws onto them,
but that is just a side issue to him I suppose. I wonder how much money they spent on this today and
how that could have gone to help the homeless facing another cold winter of hunger and abuse by the
system? I would say he wants a better future of the Ruling Bloodline Families not necessarily for the
slaves of Canada.

Here is a quick blurb about him:

Here is the Oath of Office he supposedly stated and signed today:

3 David Johnston Sworn in as the New Canadian Governor General

October 1, 2010

4 David Johnston Sworn in as the New Canadian Governor General

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