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Obese IT

It was just a normal day. I was busy with my work in my office and
suddenly my phone gave a beep. I ignored it as usual but as I could see
lots of notification just popping up on my mobile screen I got just
curious as what is the matter actually. So yes it was the notification
storm from WhatsApp group. My college group was flooded with
messages about the reunion party. I was really excited to meet all my
friends after a long time. Most of them were now living in different
cities and the mode of communication was only through the apps like
WhatsApp and facebook. So yes this was the real fun moment which I
was waiting for from a long time. But to be honest I really feared going
there. And the problem was my inner voice was telling me that they all
will wonder, Is she the same person or has she been eating everything
around her. Yes I had a massive weight gain and it made me really self
conscious whenever I meet old buddies.

The real cause of this obese body was not only overeating but also lack
of exercise or body movement. My job was actually of a programmer
and as we all know it doesn't require me to do any heavy lifting
physically. So even if my mind has to do tremendous workout whole
day, my body was being comfortable just sitting idle. As I my routine
was set only sitting long hours in my office just focusing on completing
my targets, my body was busy accumulating the excess fat. It was not
that I was not aware of this change in my physical appearance, as the
clothes which I have to try every day were becoming tighter. And my
closet was left with only few dresses which could easily fit me. I also
made a stupid attempt of joining the gym, but this plan failed eventually
as I had lots of deadlines to be met in office and It can only be
completed if I were to sacrifice my gym time. I know this sounds really
stupid, but yes this was the excuse I made to trick my mind to not go to
gym. So yes you guessed right I was still overweight.

But as these messages popped up on my screen I remembered one thing

that actually I am not a overweight person by nature. I was always slim
and fit in my college days. So what is that thing which I am ignoring
and Its making me feel so miserable. So now I made it a point to look
closely about my whole routine habits very minutely and point out the
real culprit. After about one day thinking about various ways to become
slim in short span of time. I noticed one thing that I was really not
enjoying the ways of losing weight. I knew that I wanted slim figure but
the exercises that the gym instructor would tell me were very hard and
they made me think that this can't be done by me. Also the diet plan
which I used to follow was so boring that I eventually ended up eating
more food than usual.
So I made a promise to myself that I will definitely lose weight but not
with these traditional stupid methods which we cannot continue our
whole life. I made small changes in my diet. These changes were really
minute, but they made a great impact on my weight as well as on my
overall health. So I would list them here and would be really happy if
anybody else is benefited by them.

 Say No to sugar
 Say No to salt
 Eat less carbohydrates
 Eat more protein
 Eat more fat
 Drink lots of water
 Drink green tea (I love it)
 Most important Stay happy :-)
 Spend time with your family
 Also go for a long walk in nature listening to beautiful songs
 Do some light exercise or you can even play your any favorite
outdoor game
I made these few changes and along with them I also included
meditation in my daily routine to stay positive and calm whole day. This
routine is still carried by me every day and to be honest, I don't do it
because I have to. But I do it because it makes me happy to see me
happy and healthy. And to end the story yes I did lose weight till my
reunion and I looked stunning in my dress. But I don't think my friends
were really impressed with my dress or physical body but they were
impressed with my positive aura and happy life.

So friends if you really want to look amazing just take a little break from
your busy job and make these little changes in your life. You will surely
be blessed with perfect body and perfect mind which will only attract
happiness in your life

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