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Description of the HDM-4 Road Network Export File Format

This document describes the format of the Road Network export file. Each export file is stored as a dBase file (.dbf). As a result, this document
assumes that the reader has a basic understanding of the ‘dbf’ file format, and dBase data types. Because export files are stored in dBase format,
they can be created/edited/viewed using a wide range of utilities including database tools such as Microsoft Access, and spreadsheets such as
Microsoft Excel.

A Road Network export file consists of one record for each Section in the road network represented by the file. Each record consists of 159 fields,
with one field for each possible Section parameter. The table below lists all 159 fields in the export file. The fields are listed in the order in which
they appear in the file. The following details are given for each field:

 Name – the name of the field

 Type – the dBase field type. Those used are character, numeric (integer), float, and logical.
 Width – the number of characters used in the export file to store field data (including decimal places for floats).
 Decimal Places – the number of characters defined in ‘Width’ to be used for decimal places (including decimal point character).
 Surface Class – denotes which surface class(es) the field applies to (see below)
 Comment - an explanatory description of the HDM-4 data item represented by the field.
 Volume 4 reference – parts of Volume 4 of the HDM-4 Series (“Analytical Framework and Model Descriptions”) in which the data item is used.
 User interface reference – a reference to the screen in the user interface where the data item is used.

Please note that not all fields are required for every Section. Some fields are specific to only one surface type. Others are specific to 2 or all
surface classes. The following symbols are used in the table to represent which surface class(es) each field applies to:

 B denotes that the field applies to bituminous Sections

 C denotes that the field applies to concrete Sections
 U denotes that the field applies to unsealed Sections
 All denotes that the field applies for all surface classes

In those cases where a particular field does not apply to the current section (because of surface class), the field is set to 0. Please note that certain
numeric fields (e.g. PAVE_TYPE ) are used to store enumerated values. Where this is the case, a reference is given in the ‘Comments’ column to
the section at the end of this document which lists the corresponding enumerated values. For a fuller description of all the parameters stored in the
various fields, please refer to the relevant parts of Volume 4.

Please note: when viewing an export file in Excel, each Section record will be displayed on a separate row of the worksheet, each column will
represent a particular field. The fields will be displayed in the order shown below. When creating an export file from scratch in Excel, ensure that
the first row contains the field names (as shown below), in the correct order, and with one field per column. The Sections should start on the next
row, with one Section per row. There should be no blank rows between Sections. If you have any problems interpreting the file format, try exporting
a small Road Network. The resultant file can be used as a template and viewed using one of the tools listed above.

The abbreviation TBS is sometimes used in the following table. The meaning of this abbreviation is ‘To Be Specified’.
Field Field Name Type Width DPs Surface Comments Volume 4 User Interface
# Class Reference Reference
1 SECT_ID Character 20 All Identification code for this road section (e.g. N1-026) N/A Definition Tab

2 SECT_NAME Character 100 All Description of this road section (e.g. Km 123.4 - 145.6) N/A Definition Tab

3 LINK_ID Character 20 All Identification code for link that section belongs to (e.g. N1) N/A Definition Tab

4 LINK_NAME Character 100 All Description of link that section belongs to (e.g. Dhaka - Chittagong) N/A Definition Tab

5 SPEED_FLOW Character 30 All Name of Speed Flow Type selected for this section E2-2 Definition Tab

6 TRAF_FLOW Character 30 All Name of Traffic Flow Pattern selected for this section E2-2 Definition Tab

7 ROAD_CLASS Character 30 All Name of Road Class selected for this section D1, D2, D4 Definition Tab

8 CLIM_ZONE Character 30 All Name of Climate Zone selected for this section C1-6 Definition Tab

9 SURF_CLASS Numeric 1 All Surface class (bituminous, unsealed or concrete) (see note below) C1-2 Definition Tab

10 PAVE_TYPE Numeric 1 All Pavement type (see note below) C1-2 Definition Tab

11 LENGTH Float 8 2 All Length of section in Km (L) D2, D3, D4, E2, Definition Tab
E3, E4
12 CWAY_WIDTH Float 7 2 All Width of carriageway in metres (CW) C2, D2, D3, D4 Definition Tab

13 SHLD_WIDTH Float 7 2 All Average width of shoulders in metres (SW, and used in W) D4-5 Definition Tab

14 NUM_LANES Float 7 2 All Number of lanes (NLANES) B1 Definition Tab

15 MT_AADT Float 10 2 All Annual Average Daily Traffic for motorised transport (veh/day in both directions) (AADT) Search on AADT Definition Tab

16 NM_AADT Float 10 2 All Annual Average Daily Traffic for non-motorised transport (veh/day in both directions) (AADT) E3 Definition Tab

17 AADT_YEAR Numeric 4 All Year in which above AADTs were recorded N/A Definition Tab

18 DIRECTION Numeric 1 All Direction of traffic on section (one-way downhill, one-way uphill, two-way) (see note below) E2, E3 Definition Tab

19 RF Float 7 2 All The average absolute rise plus fall of the road in m/km (RF) E2, E3, C2, C4 Geometry Tab

20 NUM_RFS Float 7 2 All Average number of road rises and falls per kilometre (minimum value = 0.1) (NUM_RF) E2-20 Alignment Tab

21 SUPERELEV Float 7 2 All Superelevation of the road (in %) (e) E2-34 Alignment Tab

22 CURVATURE Float 7 2 All Average horizontal curvature of the road (deg/km) (C) C4, E2-21 Geometry Tab

23 SIGM_ADRAL Float 7 2 All Natural acceleration noise due to driver behaviour and road alignment, in m/s2 (sigma adral) E2-28 Alignment Tab

24 SPEED_LIM Float 7 2 All Posted speed limit on section in km/hr (PLIMIT) E2-12 Geometry Tab
25 ENFORCEMNT Float 7 2 All Speed limit enforcement factor. Ratio of mean speed to posted speed limit. Typical value 1.1 - E2-12 Alignment Tab
users readily exceed limit (ENFAC)
26 XNMT Float 7 2 All Speed reduction of motorised transport due to non-motorised transport (1=no reduction, E2-9, E2-28, E3-4 Alignment Tab
0.6=significant reduction ) (XNMT)

27 XMT Float 7 2 All Speed reduction of non-motorised transport due to motorised traffic and roadside activities E3-6 Alignment Tab
(default = 1.0) (XMT)
28 XFRI Float 7 2 All Speed reduction of motorised transport due to road side activities ( 1=no side friction, E2-9 Alignment Tab
0.6=significant friction ) (XFRI)

29 SURF_MATRL Numeric 2 BU Surface material (see note below) C1,C2 Pavement Tab

30 HSNEW Float 7 2 B Thickness of most recent surfacing, in mm (HSNEW) C2 Pavement Tab

31 HSOLD Float 7 2 B Total thickness of underlying previous surface layers, in mm (HSOLD) C2 Pavement Tab

32 HBASE Float 7 2 B Thickness of base layer in original pavement in mm (for stabilised base only) (HBASE) D2 Pavement Tab &
SNP Wizard
33 RES_MODULU Float 7 2 B Resilient modulus of soil cement in GPa (for stabilised base only) (CMOD) C2-18 Pavement Tab

34 REL_COMPCT Float 7 2 B Relative compaction of the base, subbase and subgrade layers in % (COMP - construction C2-16, C2-39 History Tab
quality indicator)
35 SNP_DERIVE Numeric 1 B SNP derivation method (specified SNP, layer coefficients, benkelman beam, FWD) (see note C2, D2 Pavement Tab
36 SN Float 7 2 B Structural number for pavement (used to calculate SNP depending on derivation method – see C2, D2 Pavement Tab
37 CBR Float 7 2 B Subgrade California Bearing Ratio (CBR) (used to calculate SNP depending on derivation C2-10 - C2-15 Pavement Tab
method - see above)
38 SNP_DRY Logical 1 B TRUE if specified SNP is for dry season, FALSE if specified SNP is for wet season C2, D2 Pavement Tab

39 D0 Float 7 2 B Deflection at the centre of the bowl (at 700kPa) (used to calculate SNP) (D0) C2 SNP Wizard

40 BENKEL_DEF Float 7 2 B Benkelman beam rebound deflection under 80 kN axle load, 520 kPa tyre pressure and 30C C2-15 SNP Wizard
average asphalt temperature for season s (mm) (DEFs)
41 SURF_STREN Float 7 2 B Strength coefficient of the new surface layer (used to calculate SNP) (ai) C2 SNP Wizard

42 BASE_STREN Float 7 2 B Strength coefficient of the base layer (used to calculate SNP) (ai) C2 SNP Wizard

43 SUBB_STREN Float 7 2 B Strength coefficient of the subbase layer (used to calculate SNP) (ai) C2 SNP Wizard

44 HSUBBASE Float 7 2 B Height of subbase in mm (used to calculate SNP) C2 SNP Wizard

45 SUBG_TYPE Numeric 2 C TBC TBC Pavement Tab

46 KMODULUS Float 7 2 C TBC TBC Pavement Tab

47 SURF_THICK Float 7 2 C TBC TBC Pavement Tab

48 SLAB_LENTH Float 7 2 C TBC TBC Surface Layer Tab

49 ELAST_MOD Float 8 2 C TBC TBC Surface Layer Tab

50 RUPT_MOD Float 7 2 C TBC TBC Surface Layer Tab

51 SHRINKAGE Float 7 2 C TBC TBC Surface Layer Tab

52 THERMALEXP Float 7 2 C TBC TBC Surface Layer Tab

53 DOWEL_DIAM Float 7 2 C TBC TBC Surface Layer Tab

54 CORR_COAT Logical 1 C TBC TBC Surface Layer Tab

55 JOINT_SEAL Numeric 2 C TBC TBC Surface Layer Tab

56 REINFSTEEL Float 7 2 C TBC TBC Surface Layer Tab

57 REINFPLACE Numeric 1 C TBC TBC Surface Layer Tab

58 BASE_THICK Float 7 2 C TBC TBC Pavement Tab

59 BASE_MODUL Float 7 2 C TBC TBC Pavement Tab

60 BASE_TYPE Numeric 2 C TBC TBC Pavement Tab

61 PERMEABLE Logical 1 C TBC TBC Pavement Tab

62 CNSTR_YEAR Numeric 4 C TBC TBC Pavement Tab

63 SURF_D95 Float 7 2 U The maximum particle size of the surface material, defined as the equivalent sieve opening C4 Material Gradation Tab
through which 95% of the material passes (mm) (D95g)
64 SURF_PI Float 7 2 U The plasticity index of the surface material (%) (PIg) C4 Material Gradation Tab

65 SURF_P02 Float 7 2 U The amount of surface material passing the 2.0 mm sieve (or ASTM No. 10) % by mass (P02 g) C4 Material Gradation Tab

66 SURF_P425 Float 7 2 U The amount of surface material passing the 0.425 mm sieve (or ASTM No. 40 sieve) % by C4 Material Gradation Tab
mass (P425g)
67 SURF_P075 Float 7 2 U The amount of surface material passing the 0.075 mm sieve (or ASTM No. 200 sieve) % by C4 Material Gradation Tab
mass (P075g)
68 SUBG_PI Float 7 2 U The plasticity index of the subgrade material (%) (PIs) C4 Material Gradation Tab

69 SUBG_P02 Float 7 2 U The amount of subgrade material passing the 2.0 mm sieve (or ASTM No. 10) % by mass C4 Material Gradation Tab
70 SUBG_P425 Float 7 2 U The amount of subgrade material passing the 0.425 mm sieve (or ASTM No. 40 sieve) % by C4 Material Gradation Tab
mass (P425s)
71 SUBG_P075 Float 7 2 U The amount of subgrade material passing the 0.075 mm sieve (or ASTM No. 200 sieve) % by C4 Material Gradation Tab
mass (P075s)
72 SUBG_D95 Float 7 2 U The maximum particle size of the subgrade material, defined as the equivalent sieve opening C4 Material Gradation Tab
through which 95% of the material passes (mm) (D95s)
73 SUBG_MATRL Numeric 2 U Subgrade material for unsealed pavement (see note below) C4, D4 Pavement Tab

74 COMPMETHOD Numeric 2 U Method of compaction (mechanical or non-mechanical) (see note below) C4 Pavement Tab

75 COND_YEAR Numeric 4 B Year for which following condition measures apply C2 Condition Tab

76 ROUGHNESS Float 7 2 All Roughness in IRI m/km (RI) C2-44 Condition Tab

77 CRACKS_TOT Float 7 2 B Total area of cracking as % of total carriageway area (ACRA) C2-25 Condition Tab

78 RAVEL_AREA Float 7 2 B Ravelling area as % of total carriageway area (ARV) C2-26 Condition Tab

79 PHOLE_NUM Float 7 2 B Number of pothole units (0.1m²) per Km (no./km) (NPT) C2-28 Condition Tab

80 EDGEBREAK Float 7 2 B Broken edge in m2/km (VEB) C2-30 Condition Tab

81 RUT_DEPTH Float 7 2 B Mean rut depth in mm (RDM) C2-39 Condition Tab

82 TEXT_DEPTH Float 7 2 B Texture depth in mm (TD) C2-47 Condition Tab

83 SKIDRESIST Float 7 2 B Skid resistance (measured at 50 km/h) (SFC50) C2-49 Condition Tab

84 DRAIN_COND Numeric 2 B Drain condition (used to determine values for drainage factors DFmin, DFmax) (see note C2-12, D2-17 Condition Tab
85 FAULTING Float 7 2 C TBC TBC Condition Tab

86 SPALL_JNTS Float 7 2 C TBC TBC Condition Tab

87 CRACKSLABS Float 7 2 C TBC TBC Condition Tab

88 DETERCRACK Float 7 2 C TBC TBC Condition Tab

89 FAILURESKM Float 7 2 C TBC TBC Condition Tab

90 GRAV_THICK Float 7 2 U Thickness of gravel in mm (THG) C4, D4 Condition Tab

91 DEFECTSURF Float 7 2 B Construction defects indicator for bituminous surface (CDS), 5<=CDS<=1.5 C2-16 - C2-41 History Tab

92 DEFECTBASE Float 7 2 B Construction defects indicator for base (CDB), 0<=CDB<=1.5 C2-16, C2-28 History Tab

93 LAST_CONST Numeric 4 B Year of latest reconstruction / new construction activity (used in calculation of AGE indicators) C2, D2 Pavement Tab

94 LAST_SURF Numeric 4 B Last surfacing year (used in calculation of AGE indicators) C2, D2 Pavement Tab

95 LAST_PRVNT Numeric 4 B Year of last preventive treatment (used in calculation of AGE indicators) C2, D2 Pavement Tab

96 LAST_REHAB Numeric 4 B Year of last rehabilitation (used in calculation of AGE indicators) C2, D2 Pavement Tab
97 PREV_ACA Float 7 2 B Area of all structural cracking before latest reseal or overlay % of total carriageway area C2-17 History Tab
98 PREV_ACW Float 7 2 B Area of wide cracking before latest reseal or overlay % of total carriageway area (PCRW) C2-18 History Tab

99 PREV_NCT Float 7 2 B Number of transverse thermal cracks before the last overlay / resurfacing (no/km) (PNCT) C2-23 History Tab

100 LASTGRAVEL Numeric 4 U Year of last regravelling (used in calculating GAGE) C4-6 Pavement Tab

101 CRACK_CRT Float 7 2 B Crack retardation time due to maintenance in years (CRT) C2-18 Surface Distress Tab

102 RAVEL_RRF Float 7 2 B Ravelling retardation factor due to maintenance (RRF) C2-26, D2 Surface Distress Tab

103 ACA_INIT Float 7 2 B Calibration factor for initiation of all structural cracking (Kcia) C2-18 Surface Distress Tab

104 ACA_PROG Float 7 2 B Calibration factor for progression of all structural cracking (Kcpa) C2-20 Surface Distress Tab

105 ACW_INIT Float 7 2 B Calibration factor for initiation of wide structural cracking (Kciw) C2-18 Surface Distress Tab

106 ACW_PROG Float 7 2 B Calibration factor for progression of Wide structural cracking (Kcpw ) C2-21 Surface Distress Tab

107 ACT_INIT Float 7 2 B Calibration factor for initiation of transverse thermal cracking (Kcit) C2-24 Surface Distress Tab

108 ACT_PROG Float 7 2 B Calibration factor for progression of transverse thermal cracking (Kcpt) C2-24 Surface Distress Tab

109 RAVEL_INIT Float 7 2 B Calibration factor for the ravelling initiation factor (Kvi) C2-26 Surface Distress Tab

110 RAVEL_PROG Float 7 2 B Calibration factor for the ravelling progression model (Kvp) C2-27 Surface Distress Tab

111 PHOLE_INIT Float 7 2 B Calibration factor for the pothole initiation model (Kpi) C2-28 Surface Distress Tab

112 PHOLE_PROG Float 7 2 B Calibration factor for the pothole progression model (Kpp) C2-30 Surface Distress Tab

113 EDGEB_PROG Float 7 2 B Calibration factor for the edge break progression model (Keb) C2-30 Surface Distress Tab

114 TEXTD_FCTR Float 7 2 B Calibration factor for the texture depth model (Ktd) C2-47 Surface Texture Tab

115 SKIDR_FCTR Float 7 2 B Calibration factor for skid resistance model (Ksfc) C2-49 Surface Texture Tab

116 SKIDR_SPED Float 7 2 B Calibration factor for skid resistance speed effects (Ksfcs) C2-50 Surface Texture Tab

117 RUT_INITDN Float 7 2 B Calibration factor for initial densification of rutting (Krid) C2-39 Structural Defects Tab

118 RUT_STRUCT Float 7 2 B Calibration factor for structural deterioration/deformation of rutting (Krst) C2-40 Structural Defects Tab

119 RUT_PLASTC Float 7 2 B Calibration factor for plastic deformation of rutting (Krpd) C2-41 Structural Defects Tab

120 ELANES Float 7 2 BC Effective number of lanes (ELANES) B1 Structural Defects Tab
Model Calibration Tab
121 PATCH_TIME Numeric 1 B Time lapse to patching (see note below) C2 Surface Distress Tab

122 DRAINLIFE Float 7 2 B Calibration factor for the drain life model (Kdrain) C2 Drainage Tab

123 K_SNPK Float 7 2 B Calibration factor for calculation of SNPK - structural roughness component (Ksnpk) C2-44 Structural Defects Tab

124 DIST_ACA Float 6 2 B Distribution of ACRA to ACA C2 Surface Distress Tab

125 DIST_ACW Float 6 2 B Distribution of ACRA to ACW C2 Surface Distress Tab

126 DIST_ACT Float 6 2 B Distribution of ACRA to ACT C2 Surface Distress Tab

127 RUT_WEAR Float 7 2 B Calibration factor for surface wear due to studded tyres (Krsw) C2-42 Structural Defects Tab

128 SNP_RATIO Float 7 2 B Calibration factor for wet/dry season SNP ratio (range 0.6 to 10) (Kf) C2-12 Structural Defects Tab

129 ENVIR_FCTR Float 7 2 B Calibration factor for environmental coefficient of the structural component of roughness (Kgm) C2-44 Structural Defects Tab

130 ROUGH_FCTR Float 7 2 B Calibration factor for roughness progression (Kgp) C2-46 Structural Defects Tab

131 STUD_TYRES Float 7 2 B % of vehicles on section with studded tyres (used to calculate PASS - effects rutting) C2-42 Structural Defects Tab

132 SALTONROAD Logical 1 B Is salt used on the road for winter maintenance (yes/no)? (used to determine value of SALT) C2-42, D1-7 Structural Defects Tab

133 DRAINAGE Float 7 2 B Calibration factor for drainage factor (Kddf) C2-13 Drainage Tab

134 IRI_K0 Float 7 2 C TBC TBC Model Calibration

135 FAULTINGK0 Float 7 2 C TBC TBC Model Calibration

136 SPALLINGK0 Float 7 2 C TBC TBC Model Calibration

137 CRACKINGK0 Float 7 2 C TBC TBC Model Calibration

138 CRACKDETK0 Float 7 2 C TBC TBC Model Calibration

139 FAILURESK0 Float 7 2 C TBC TBC Model Calibration

140 ROUGH_USER Logical 1 U TRUE = roughness user specified/defined, FALSE = computed/derived C2 Model Calibration

141 SURFTMLOSS Float 7 2 U Traffic-induced surface material loss calibration factor (Kkt ) C4-13 Model Calibration

142 SURFGRVLOS Float 7 2 U Surface gravel material loss calibration factor (Kgl) C4-13 Model Calibration

143 MINSURFIRI Float 7 2 U The minimum roughness of the surface material in m/km (QIMINg) C4-1 - C4-13 Model Calibration

144 MAXSURFIRI Float 7 2 U The maximum roughness of the surface material in m/km (QIMAXg) C4-1 - C4-13 Model Calibration
145 SUBGTMLOSS Float 7 2 U Traffic-induced subgrade material loss calibration factor (Kkt ) C4-13 Model Calibration

146 SUBGGRVLOS Float 7 2 U Subgrade gravel material loss calibration factor (Kgl) C4-13 Model Calibration

147 MINSUBGIRI Float 7 2 U The minimum roughness of the surface material in m/km (QIMINs) C4-1 - C4-13 Model Calibration

148 MAXSUBGIRI Float 7 2 U The maximum roughness of the surface material in m/km (QIMAXs) C4-1 - C4-13 Model Calibration

149 NUM_SHLDRS Numeric 2 BU Number of shoulders D2 Shoulders Tab

150 EDGE_STEP Float 7 2 B Mean elevation difference between pavement and shoulder in mm (ESTEP) C2-30 Shoulders Tab

151 DRAIN_TYPE Numeric 2 B Type of drain (used to determine values for drainage factors DFmin & DFmax) (see note C2-12 Geometry Tab
152 ALTITUDE Float 7 2 All Elevation of the road section above the mean sea level in m (ALT) E2-13 Geometry Tab

153 SHOULDTYPE Numeric 2 C TBC TBC Shoulders Tab

154 WIDN_WIDTH Float 7 2 C TBC TBC Shoulders Tab

155 EDGEDRAINS Logical 1 C TBC TBC Geometry Tab

156 DRAIN_FCTR Float 7 2 C TBC TBC Drainage Tab

157 NMT_SEPAR Logical 1 All TRUE = separate NMT lanes, FALSE = no separate NMT lanes D2-67 NMT Lanes Tab

158 NMTLANES Numeric 2 All Number of non-motorised lanes (NMTLN) D2-68 NMT Lanes Tab

159 NMT_LTYPE Numeric 1 All Pavement surface type of non-motorised lane (see note below) D2-67 NMT Lanes Tab
Surface Class 0 = fine
0 = Bituminous 1 = coarse
1 = Unsealed
2 = Concrete Unsealed Subgrade Material
0 = well-graded gravel-sands with small clay content (GC)
Bituminous Pavement Type 1 = gravel-sand mixtures with excess fines (GF)
0 = AMBG (Asphalt Mix on Granular Base) 2 = sands with excess fines (SF)
1 = AMAB (Asphalt Mix on Asphalt Base) 3 = clayey silts, inorganic (CL)
2 = AMAP (Asphalt Mix on Asphalt Pavement) 4 = clays (inorganic) of medium plasticity (CI)
3 = AMSB (Asphalt Mix on Stabilised Base) 5 = clays (inorganic) of high plasticity (CH)
4 = STBG (Surface Treatment on Granular Base)
5 = STAB (Surface Treatment on Asphalt Base) Compaction Method
6 = STAP (Surface Treatment on Asphalt Pavement) 0 = mechanical
7 = STSB (Surface Treatment on Stabilised Base) 1 = non-mechanical

Unsealed Pavement Type Drain Condition

0 = Gravel 0 = Excellent
1 = Earth 1 = Good
2 = Sand 2 = Fair
3 = Poor
Concrete Pavement Type 4 = Very poor
0 = JPCP (Jointed Plain Concrete Pavement) + Dowel Time Lapse to Patching
1 = JPCP (Jointed Plain Concrete Pavement) no dowels 0 = < 2 weeks
2 = JRCP (Jointed Reinforced Concrete Pavement) 1 = 1 month
3 = CRCP (Continuous Reinforced Concrete Pavement) 2 = 2 months
3 = 3 months
Direction 4 = 4 months
0 = One-way downhill 5 = 6 months
1 = One-way uphill 6 = 12 months
2 = Two-way
Drain Type
Bituminous Surface Material 0 = Fully Lined and Linked
0 = AC (Asphalt Concrete) 1 = Surface lined
1 = HRA (Hot Rolled Asphalt) 2 = V-shaped hard
2 = PMA (Polymer Modified Asphalt) 3 = V-shaped soft
3 = RAC (Rubberised Asphalt Concrete) 4 = Shallow hard
4 = CM (Cold Mix / Soft Bituminous Mix) 5 = Shallow soft
5 = PA (Porous Asphalt) 6 = No invert overgrown
6 = SMA (Stone Mastic) 7 = No drainage effects
7 = SBSD (Single Bituminous Surface Dressing)
8 = DBSD (Double Bituminous Surface Dressing) Concrete Shoulder Type
9 = CAPE (Cape Seal) 0 = Non-concrete
10 = SL (Slurry Seal) 1 = Mono-concrete
11 = PM (Penetration Macadam) 2 = Tied-concrete

Unsealed Surface Material NMT Lane Surface Type

0 = lateritic gravel 0 = Bituminous
1 = quartzitic gravel 1 = Concrete
2 = volcanic gravels angular 2 = Block
3 = coral gravels angular 3 = Gravel
4 = Earth
SNP Derivation Method 5 = Sand
0 = specified SNP
1 = layer coefficients
2 = benkelman beam
3 = FWD
Concrete Base Type
Concrete Subgrade Type 0 = Granular
1 = Asphalt treated 0 = chairs
2 = Cement treated 1 = tubes

Concrete Joint Seal Type

0 = Silicon
1 = Asphalt
2 = Preformed
3 = None
Concrete Reinforced Steel Placement

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