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Thursday, June 15, 2017


Math Lesson: Addition and Subtraction Bingo- Grade 2

Haley Harbinson Education 2500

Miss Harbinson began the lesson with a review of double digit addition and subtraction. She had visual
cues (posters) with poems to help the students remember what to do when adding and subtracting.
These were excellent visuals and I think she could have spent a few more minutes having the students
repeat the poems.

She explained the game to the students, providing a visual example in a PowerPoint. Miss Harbinson
provided wait time to see if the students had any questions about the game. When the students were
ready, she handed out the necessary materials and started the game.

Three things were especially impressive about the way in which Miss Harbinson ran the game:

1. She wrote addition and subtraction questions on the board so that students had a visual
reminder of what they were supposed to do
2. She varied the pace of the game based on how much time the students needed
3. There was a fire drill just after the game got started and she was able to resume the activity
when the students returned to the classroom

This lesson was carefully planned, prepared and executed. Miss Harbinson asked questions about the
planning process and about the suitability and time frame for the lesson. She showed attention to
student learning and maintained management of student behavior throughout the game.

As an Education 2500 student, Miss Harbinson was not required to teach a lesson but she requested the
opportunity to do so. I was impressed with the skills that she showed. I was able to step back during
the lesson because I had the confidence that she could handle it.

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