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Trust Fever

by Alfred Adask

R ecent, remarkable re-

search by William Cooper
(Veritas Magazine, POB 3390 St.
Truth About Trusts”, this issue),
readers may find this article inco-
herent. Without some knowl-
roll tax increases on all Americans
or (2) withdraw Medicare benefits
from many who need them. . . . If
Johns, Arizona 85936) indicates edge of the various “patriot” the hospitalization trust fund
the Internal Revenue Service is theories (which try to make goes broke as scheduled in 2001,
really Puerto Rican Trust #62. sense of our loss of Constitu- the average American household
“Ah HA!” we shout. “That’s tional rights and freedoms), this will be forced to pay $4,000 in
the key! Those dastardly IRS bu- article may seem absurd. new taxes over the next four
reaucrats are not true represen- However, with a “little knowl- years to bail it out. . . . If nothing
tatives of our lawful government edge” (dangerous though it may is done, the total cost of Medi-
-- they are foreign agents be- be) of trusts and “patriot law”, a care Part B to the average house-
cause they operate out of Puerto few of you might find this article hold will be [another] $10,000 in
Rico!” (I should’ve known; the infectious. You, too, may be taxes between 1996 and 2005.”
pointy shoes, the slicked back struck down with a dose of “trust [emph. add.]
hair . . . .) fever”. The prospect of being
But maybe the real signifi- “forced” to pay another $14,000
cance of Cooper’s research is not
that the IRS is located in Puerto
Rico, but that the IRS is a trust.
T he word “trust” is so in
nocent-sounding and
commonly used, that we read or
in taxes to support Medicare over
the next nine years is hardly in-
triguing. However, I am fasci-
The majority of this article is hear it daily without noticing or nated by the realization that
pure speculation — and broad, attaching any significance to the Medicare (like the IRS) is not only
unsubstantiated speculation at term. For example, Robert Moffit a trust, but also an entity which
that. At times, it leaps from hunch reported in “Medicare Reform” we may be forced to support. Is
to conclusion like a mountain (Dallas Morning News; 11/24/96): it possible that trust relationships
goat on LSD, but its purpose is “The Medicare trust fund . . . include an inherent power to
only to explore an insight I find will post a $2 billion deficit this somehow force Americans to
intriguing, exciting – and quite year. . . . [T]he longer we wait to meet certain performance obliga-
possibly wrong. save Medicare from bankruptcy – tions (paying taxes?) not other-
Further, this article is incom- which will arrive for the hospital- wise justified or allowed by our
plete in that it presumes the ization trust fund by 2001, ac- Constitution?
reader has some personal knowl- cording to the Medicare trustees Social Security is also de-
edge of both trusts and “patriot – the worse the options become. scribed as a “Trust Fund”, and I’ve
law”. Without some background Eventually, they will narrow down seen references to the “National
information on trusts (see “The to two: (1) impose huge new pay- Highway Trust”. How many gov-

66 AntiShyster Volume 10, No. 1 972-418-8993

ernment “trusts” are there? Does argument to fend off government, cause most Americans are sel-
government use “trusts” (like but was his success based on the dom solvent let alone rich, we
Medicare or perhaps the IRS) as strength of his legal argument? understand trusts about as much
a fundamental strategy to bypass Or was his success based or his as we understand horse polo. As
constitutional law? Is it possible personal determination to cause a result of this “class un-con-
that the same trust structures we such endless, expensive litigation sciousness”, most Americans are
can use to protect our property that the “system” declined to as collectively “blind” to trusts as
from government can also be prosecute because he was more the Hindus were to elephants.
used by government to ensnare trouble than he was worth? The But like the elephant, unseen
our persons? same questions apply to the “citi- trusts may be much larger, pow-
zenship” arguments and all the erful, and fantastic than anything
Patriot hypotheses rest. They all sound like they most Americans can normally
The patriot/ constitutionalist should work, and all seem to work “see” or imagine.
movement is full of theories which some of the time, but none of
try to explain the glaring contra- ‘em works all the time. And so Improbable, but . . . .
dictions between the Rights and the patriot search for silver bul- Yes, it sounds farfetched to
Freedoms we are guaranteed by lets continues -- often amid the suppose government uses trusts
our Constitution, and the privi- smirks and guffaws of “licensed” in a sinister manner to deprive us
leges and obligations we in fact lawyers, judges, and even other of our rights. However, there are
receive. Like college girls who’ve patriot researchers who view pet “patriot” rumors of Supreme
been drugged on their dates and theories other than their own Court cases which declare that
abused, we know we’ve been with contempt. any individual who is merely in a
had – we just don’t know exactly While I’ve yet to understand position to accept a “benefit” is
how. a patriot law theory that’s com- thereby obligated to meet cer-
Some students of pletely right, I’ve yet to see one tain performance criteria – regard-
government’s unconstitutional that doesn’t contain at least a less of whether that individual
behavior have determined the kernel of truth. Maybe the prob- ever actually received a dime’s
cause of our lament lies in the lem isn’t that patriot theories are worth of tangible “benefit”.1 If
Social Security Number (SSN) — wrong so much as incomplete. those rumors are true, it would
some say it’s the Uniform Com- Maybe the patriot community is mean anyone who has been des-
mercial Code (UCC) or the Birth analyzing the legal system much ignated as a trust beneficiary –
Certificate. “FOOLS!” shouts the like that a bunch of blind Hindu’s even if he has no idea he’s been
fellow from Ohio, “it’s admiralty once analyzed an elephant: the designated and has never re-
law!” “You stupid sons of . . .” mut- blind man who felt the elephant’s ceived a single tangible trust
ters the West Coast guru, “it’s nose declared elephants were like “benefit” – is still obligated to meet
martial law imposed at the end of hoses; the blind man who felt the whatever performance criteria
the Civil War.” “Nahh,” say others tail declared elephants were like were mandated by the grantor
– “They got us with adhesion con- ropes; the blind man who felt a and trustees who created the
tracts!” Still more insist the prob- leg declared elephants were like trust.
lem stems from the national bank- posts. The problem wasn’t that For example, suppose the
ruptcy declared in the 1930’s any one blind man was exactly rules of the Social Security Trust
which makes us all, always, oper- wrong; the problem was that Fund specify that all beneficiaries
ate under bankruptcy law. And each blind man was trying to fit must file and pay income tax.
of course, there’s always the his evidence of elephants into his Then once you applied for a So-
time-honored 14th Amendment own limited knowledge of life. cial Security Number, you’d be-
“citizenship” (or is it “Citizenship”?) Having never seen the “big pic- come a beneficiary of the Social
and upper case (“JOHN W. DOE”) ture” of elephants, the blind men Security Trust Fund and thereby
versus capitalized (“John William reached amusing but inaccurate obligate yourself to pay income
Doe”) name arguments to explain conclusions. tax -- even though you may never
how we’ve been constitutionally Perhaps patriots do the same. receive one dime’s worth of So-
deflowered by the randy corpo- I suspect the “big picture” in cial Security payments.
rate state. legal reform may be trusts. Most My suspicions are strength-
All of these arguments and Americans dimly understand that ened by Glen Halliday’s assertion
explanations have value, but “trusts” are some sort of boring (“The Truth About Trusts”; previ-
none finally satisfy. One man may accounting device used by the ous article) that:
successfully use the “martial law” rich to protect their assets. Be- 1) In 1993, the IRS received

AntiShyster Volume 10, No. 1 972-418-8993 67

know these trusts exist – or that
your status as a beneficiary com-
$100,000.00+ Opportunity! pels you to obey the rules of the
Bales, Robert 101PAID
1/6 5K
Product sold only through Doctors for 16 years. Those potential benefits
International company sends out could include money, a welfare
check, Social Security disability,
FREE sponsoring packet for you. medical insurance, or use of the
state’s automobile – all depend-
C.E.O. has taken two other companies to ing on the particular trust in-
$1 Billion in sales. volved and the property it con-
For information call 888-493-8024 Because beneficiaries can be
“included” in charitable trusts
1.5 million tax returns from part- such in Article 1, Sect. 10 of the without their knowledge, trusts
nerships, 2.5 million from trusts, Constitution (“No State shall . . . sound like a potentially danger-
and 4 million from corporations; pass any . . . law impairing the Ob- ous device for seducing Ameri-
but, ligation of Contracts”). Given that cans into compelled performance
2) There are almost no trust common law trusts can be supe- and obedience to the state/ trust-
classes conducted in our rior to the Constitution, they are ees.
nation’s law schools or modern in some regards “above the law”. Divided title. The essential
classroom textbooks on trusts. As such, trusts are not only pow- feature of trusts is the division of
In other words, although erful but potentially dangerous. a trust property’s full title into “le-
there’s an enormous number of Three parties. Another es- gal” and “equitable” (possessory)
law school classes and texts on sential feature of trusts is that titles. For example, by placing
partnerships and corporations — they always involve at least three your business in trust, the “legal”
trusts (which are comparable in parties: grantors, trustees, and title to the business (ownership)
number, hold much wealth, and beneficiaries. The contracting will belong to the trust, but the
should therefore be the lawyers’ parties who create the trust are “equitable” title to the use, ben-
natural prey) are virtually ignored. typically the grantors and/or efits, and profits of the business
I find this institutionalized igno- trustees. They sign a contract will belong to the beneficiaries
rance suspicious and more rea- (called an “indenture”) under (perhaps your children). By divid-
son to suspect you and I may be which the grantor conveys legal ing title, certain tax and legal li-
the unwitting “beneficiaries” (we title to some property into the abilities are reduced or even elimi-
enjoy all those government “ben- trust which the trustees agree to nated. For example, if the trust-
efits”, remember?) of government manage for the “benefit” of the ees or trust property damage
trusts which entangle us in ad- beneficiaries (children, for ex- another party or property, only
ministrative law without constitu- ample). Hence the essence of a the trust property can be sued;
tional recourse. trust is that a mature grantor the grantors, trustees, and ben-
“trusts” his trustees to manage eficiaries are virtually immune
Trust features property for the “best interests” from personal legal liability.
Contracts. Trusts created of the relatively incompetent ben- Curiously, the “divided title” as-
with forms according to statutes eficiaries. pect of trusts is very similar to the
are subject to government regu- Again, note that beneficiaries patriots’ “divided title” theory con-
lation. However, common law need not sign or enter into a chari- cerning ownership of automo-
trusts can also be formed by pri- table trust contract as active par- biles. According to that theory,
vate contracts and as such are ticipants. In fact, beneficiaries – the “Certificate of Title” to your car
largely exempt from government who have equitable title (use) of is not “the” Title, it’s merely an of-
regulation. the property (money, cars, “ben- ficial document that “certifies”
Contracts are examples of efits”, whatever) owned by the (hence, the term “Certificate”) that
“private law” in which We The trust and managed by the trust- a “title” exists . . . somewhere –
People make our own (limited) ees – need not even know of the but you don’t have it.2
laws to govern you, me, or who- trust’s existence. Therefore, you Sounds nuts, no? After all,
ever signs our contracts. This could be a designated “benefi- why would anyone (even govern-
contractual power is superior to ciary” of several trusts (Medicare? ment) be dumb enough to give
the Constitution and protected as Social Security?) and not even you possession of an expensive

68 AntiShyster Volume 10, No. 1 972-418-8993

automobile but keep the mere or all of the nation’s highways trust, no?
scrap of paper called “title” for have been granted into that trust Consider your personal bank-
themselves? Perhaps the as trust property. ruptcy. Isn’t that formed by a
answer’s implied in a quote attrib- Hmm. contract (petition) to the bank-
uted to one of the Rockefellers: Then those of us who use the ruptcy court? Don’t the bank-
“Own nothing, control every- nation’s highway could be con- ruptcy judges wield unparalleled
thing.” strued as beneficiaries of the Na- judicial and administrative author-
It appears that the state holds tional Highway Trust. As benefi- ity? Isn’t that consistent with
legal title to “your” car while you – ciaries, we might be compelled to trustee status?
much like a teenager uses his obey the rules of the National What about the “national”
dad’s Ford for a Saturday night Highway Trust as a condition of bankruptcy? Generally speaking,
date — merely enjoy the benefit enjoying the benefits (driving on the patriot analysis runs like this:
of equitable (possessory) title – the highway). Those rules might the government was legally bank-
under certain conditions. I.e., just include having a drivers license, rupt about 1933, President
as a teenager must have the car insurance, obeying speed limits Franklin Roosevelt surreptitiously
back in the garage with a full tank that would otherwise apply only declared the bankruptcy, seized
of gas, undamaged, by midnight to commercial vehicles, etc. the public’s gold (real money),
(and rake the leaves on Sunday) if There’s no doubt that the and shifted the nation to a
he wants to use the car again — Social Security Administration (largely) paper (debt-based)
you may also use “your” car, but operates a Trust Fund. Presum- money system. Since then, the
only under certain conditions. Al- ably, your Social Security Number courts have operated as admin-
though you don’t have to rake (SSN) makes you a card-carrying istrators of the national bank-
leaves to continue using the “ben- beneficiary and therefore subject ruptcy and without real allegiance
efit” of the state’s car, you are re- to certain obligations (filing in- to the Constitution except as
quired to pay a modest rent (an- come tax returns?) mandated by “public policy”. (Note that the
nual registration and licensing the rules of that trust. bankruptcy hypothesis fits com-
fees) and agree to use the state’s If these car title, highway or fortably within the larger “trust hy-
car only according to the state/ SSN trust theories are valid, then pothesis”.)
owner’s terms (you must have a trusts form an unnoticed but criti- Federal Reserve Is it a
drivers license, auto insurance, cal aspect of our lives. Once you trust? I don’t know, but we do
wear your seatbelt, and don’t ex- “volunteer” into a trust as a ben- receive the “benefit” of using Fed-
ceed the speed limits, etc.). In this eficiary you have contracted to eral Reserve Notes (debt-instru-
way, the state owns your car, but obey certain unspecified rules, ments) instead of real money
controls you. even if those rules are unsup- (gold, silver, asset-instruments) to
My point is that the apparent ported by the Constitution. “discharge” our debts. Where
division of legal and equitable title there’s a “benefit”, I suspect
for automobiles is so similar to More rabbit trails you’ll usually find a trust.
the divided title feature of trusts, Bankruptcy What’s a Property Patriot law recog-
that I can’t avoid the suspicion bankruptcy? It administers prop- nizes a serious problem with
that government is using the Cer- erty. It has trustees. It works property rights -- we don’t truly
tificate of Title as evidence of a for the “best interests” of benefi- own anything anymore. Patriots
trust that converts us from auto ciaries (creditors). Sounds like a generally seek to correct this
owners to mere beneficiaries sub-
ject to the government/trustees’
administrative powers to tax and 100% TAX AUDIT PROTECTION
regulate our driving habits in
ways that seem unconstitutional. – GUARANTEED –
How ‘bout the “National High- Legally cut your taxes by up to 50% or more and
way Trust”? I’ve heard that term become Audit Proof! Keep more of your hard-earned money
bandied about on the news re- instead of “donating” it to the IRS.
cently. Other than the name, I Approved by the U.S. Congress and the IRS.
don’t have a clue to what the Interested??? Then call 24 Hr. toll free: 1–888–302–9737
“National Highway Trust” is, but and visit our Web Site: www .TheTaxPeople. net
obviously it’s a trust . . . and since
Then call me for more information:
trusts contain property, it seems
Maggie Kimball at 1–888–492–6368
reasonable to suppose that some

AntiShyster Volume 10, No. 1 972-418-8993 69

problem with allodial titles, com- As a result, Congressmen who
mon law liens, or purchase with
real money (gold, silver). Could
are not Social Security beneficia-
ries can legally serve as trustees
The Great
the problem be that we have
somehow placed our property
for the Social Security Trust Fund.
This may be a critical insight.
Gulleckson, Ken
101PAID 1/6 5k
into a government trust in which
we have equitable title (use) and
For example, if the beneficiaries
of the National Highway Trust are
Income Tax
government/trust has lawful
defined as “U.S. citizens”, the ad-
ministrators of that trust must be
Banks Is your bank account something other than “U.S. citi- by Ken Gullekson
a trust? Does this explain why, zens” since the administrators/ Affordable, Reader-
once the money is deposited, it trustees can’t also be beneficia- friendly, paints the
is legally the bank’s? Then the ries of the same trust. Big Picture so you can
bank allows you to withdraw and Could a traffic cop be con- Clearly See why...
use “its” money as a beneficiary? strued as a trustee? Probably not. You Are Not
You have equitable use, but no le- Traffic cops might be trust em- Legally Liable
gal right to the money once its ployees or even quasi-trustees,
been deposited? Is this why the but not full trustees. But judges
For The
IRS can seize money from your and U.S. Marshals are probably Income Tax!
bank/trust account without going trustees, and if so, can’t adminis- $10 (postpaid)
to court —because the rules of ter the trust (“enforce the law”) if per copy to:
your bank account/trust allow it? they are still beneficiaries (pre- Heisenberg Press
(Again, the bank account mystery sumably, “U.S. citizens”). Does c/o P.O. Box 1178, Glendale,
seems to “fit” within the structure this explain the rumors that the California, Postal Zone 91209
of the trust hypothesis.) “Secretary of the Treasury” and 818-507-7174
“Governor of the International
Trustees can’t benefit Monetary Fund (IMF)” must re-
Perhaps the last essential fea- nounce his U.S. citizenship to
ture of trusts is that, while a per- hold those offices or that many tinction between upper case
son can be a grantor and a government agents are report- (JOHN DOE) and capitalized (John
trustee of the same trust, no one edly operating as “foreign Doe) names remains unclear.
can be a trustee and a beneficiary agents”? So far, the patriot com- Is the upper case name (JOHN
in the same trust. There’s an ob- munity has viewed these official DOE) an artificial entity and/or “le-
vious conflict of interest and the revocations of citizenship as evi- gal title” to the flesh and blood
opportunity for “self-dealing”, etc. dence of some foreign plot by the “John Doe”? And once that title’s
Therefore, if government is “im- U.N. or bankers or New World been surrendered to the state in
posing” various trusts on us, gov- Order to take over the USA. But the form of a birth certificate and/
ernment officials (and perhaps maybe the revocation of citizen- or SSN, does the state “own” the
employees) who serve as trust- ship is less a “foreign” conspiracy artificial entity “JOHN DOE”? Based
ees cannot also be beneficiaries than a legal requirement to ad- on that ownership, is the state
in the same trust. minister a trust on behalf of ben- enabled to compel or deceive the
Again, there is circumstantial eficiaries designated as “U.S. citi- flesh and blood John Doe into ac-
evidence to support this govern- zens”. (Again, a cherished patriot cepting certain obligations of per-
ment-imposed trust theory: Do theory seems compatible with formance? If so, whenever “JOHN
government employees contrib- the trust hypothesis.) DOE” appeared in court, could he
ute to Social Security? Here in be “managed” by the judge/
Texas they don’t. Texas govern- What’s in a name? trustee as an object just like any
ment employees, cops, judges, Many patriots suspect that other form of property (“in rem”?)
etc., have their own state-based the upper case name (JOHN DOE) for the “best interests” of trust?
retirement fund and do not nor- creates or implies a serious legal Pretty bizarre notions, hmm?
mally contribute to Social Secu- liability for the flesh and blood But I can leap to stranger conclu-
rity. Likewise, our U.S. Senators “John Doe”, and exposes him to sions than that.
and Congressmen (presumably a degree of government control For example, using this trust
trustees for various federal which might not otherwise exist. hypothesis, I can imagine a sce-
trusts) have their own retirement However, the mechanism that ex- nario whereby you unwittingly
program other than Social Security. plains the significance of the dis- entered (created?) one or more

70 AntiShyster Volume 10, No. 1 972-418-8993

trusts through use of your mar- there is the moment of “allocu- that by making a motion or plea,
riage license, children’s birth cer- tion”. Here, the judge asks the you “apply” for the court’s ser-
tificates, and/or Social Security defendant if there is any reason vices (benefits) and thereby verify
applications. Depending on the why he should not pass judge- your status as a beneficiary sub-
documents used (contracts or ment. The defendant dutifully ject to the court/trustee’s admin-
“applications” for benefits), you replies “No sir” (hoping if he co- istrative powers.
might’ve contracted with the operates the judge might go
state to create/join a trust, de- easy), sacrifices his last chance to Hard to believe
clared your children to be that argue for his freedom and is ac- I frankly don’t believe all
trust’s unknowing beneficiaries, cordingly given the maximum sen- these patriot/ trust scenarios –
and thereby condemned your tence. they seem too risky, too far out.
own children to obey govern- There is a patriot argument I can’t believe the courts would
ment regulations to receive trust that, at the moment of allocution, dare go that far. . . . And yet, like
“benefits”. you can refuse the conviction and most patriot theories, these trust
Worse, you might’ve un- any potential penalty by claiming scenario’s seem to “fit”. The
knowingly contracted your chil- the flesh and blood “John Doe” whole idea of a trust is limited li-
dren into the trust as property to was not tried. Instead, the law- ability based on the division of full
managed by the state/ trustees yer who “represented” you in title into Legal and Equitable
for you, the beneficiary. This, of court (or the upper case “JOHN titles. The trust/ artificial entity
course, would give the state/ DOE”) was really on trial and you, that is numbered or perhaps
trustees the legal right to revoke “John Doe”, refuse to accept “his” named “JOHN DOE” (with a par-
your “equitable title” to your kids punishment. It’s another notion ticular Date of Birth and Mother’s
and take ‘em away from you any that sounds nuts but has report- Maiden Name to distinguish it
time the trustees thought it edly worked. from other similarly named trusts)
served the “best interests” of the If there’s any truth to the al- that has legal title to the “prop-
state/ trust to do so.4 These hy- locution strategy, it sounds sus- erty” JOHN DOE — is responsible
pothetical trusts might even allow piciously similar to “divided title” for trust errors. As beneficiary,
the state to “administer” your kids feature of trusts. Perhaps the the flesh and blood “John Doe” is
in courts as property (“in rem”) or “JOHN DOE” artificial entity is tried; immune to legal liability for errors
as artificial entities (requiring rep- but the “John Doe” flesh and committed by the trust.6
resentation by licensed “ad litum” blood entity is jailed. The trust is However, under the “sonam
lawyers) instead of as flesh and tried; the beneficiary unwittingly idems” rule for similar sounding
blood people with constitution- accepts the sentence. . . . names, the court is allowed to pre-
ally-guaranteed, God-given rights. It is also alleged that you can’t sume “JOHN DOE” and “John Doe”
The childhood disability im- be jailed without an attorney. are the same entity. Therefore,
posed by the birth certificate/ But why? Since the lawyer is an the court may prosecute the arti-
trust might have to be affirmed “officer” (trust officer?) of the ficial entity “JOHN DOE”, and then
by the child himself when he be- court, when you give him a jail the flesh and blood “John Doe”
came an adult (probably by “ap- “power of attorney”, have you as if he were “JOHN DOE” – unless
plying” for a SSN). Upon volun- contracted to grant or convey “John Doe” specifically objects.
tarily requesting those SSN ben- some aspect of your “self” as What’s his objection? “Misno-
efits, that disability would follow property into the body of the mer” (wrong name) on the charg-
the child into adult life. As a re- court trust (i.e., belly of the ing instrument. Misnomer has
sult, if “JOHN DOE” is property of beast)?5 been a central element of the
a particular trust (maybe the trust Could a similar conveyance of “abatement” defense strategies
is identified by a number like the your person be achieved if you that have enjoyed recent popu-
SSN or the certificate number on file a petition, pleading, form, larity in the patriot community.
a birth certificate), then “JOHN whatever, as a plaintiff with the However – if there’s any validity
DOE” can be tried as inanimate court in a civil trial? Do you be- to the idea of that we are being
trust property (in rem) and with- come a “beneficiary” of the court/ tried as trust property (JOHN DOE)
out the rights we assume are trust by filing a pleading and ask- – a better defense might be sim-
guaranteed to all “John Doe’s”. ing for the court/trust’s services? ply to say, “Sorry, I am not the trust
Patriots have long argued that (or property of the trust) named
Criminal Trials making a motion surrenders ju- ‘J-O-H-N D-O-E’; I am ‘J-o-h-n D-o-
After a judge or jury reaches risdiction to the courts. Perhaps e’, the beneficiary of that trust and
a guilty verdict in a criminal trial, the more accurate explanation, is therefore immune from prosecu-

AntiShyster Volume 10, No. 1 972-418-8993 71

tion or legal liability for any crimi- date” our status as “property”. you and your spouse were the
nal or civil offence committed by For example, if your birth certifi- child’s only trustees?
its trustees or trust property.” cate created some kind of trust, I don’t think so. If you formed
After all -- hard and fast rule -- ben- perhaps you can’t revoke it – but the first trust to include your child
eficiaries can’t be trustees. your parents (who were the origi- as “property”, no subsequent
nal grantors) could. But what if government trust should be able
Unlikely remedies your folks have died? Who can to claim the child as “government
Suppose my “trust fever” is revoke the original grant? Maybe property” and thereby obligate
more than delusional and actually you can’t revoke the grant, but that child to a lifetime of com-
grounded in some degree of fact. you might be able to perform a pelled performance rather than
Then how could we escape the “quiet title” action on yourself to personal freedom. Therefore,
grips of government trusts? regain full ownership of your le- with the proper understanding
1) Develop a solid under- gal and equitable titles. (Again, and application of trusts, you
standing of trust principles and the quiet title strategy has been might be able to free your own
strategies. advocated and used successfully child at birth from compelled gov-
2) Confirm whether the gov- by the patriot community and ernment servitude.
ernment trust hypothesis pre- seems to “fit” within the structure Of course, the idea that a
sented here is valid. of trusts.) child could be “granted” into a
3) Identify all the government And if Social Security is a trust as “property” may be legally
trusts to which we are bound. trust, did you grant yourself into absurd. OK. But how ‘bout
4) Determine our status rela- it? If so, perhaps it’s a “revocable” merely creating a trust which
tive to each trust (status might trust and you can therefore re- owned the upper case name (and
vary: in some trusts we might be voke that trust by removing your all variations) of your child’s flesh
beneficiaries; in others, property artificial self (JOHN DOE) from the and blood, capitalized name? I.e.,
or trustees; in some we might trust’s inventory of property and suppose Mr. and Mrs. Doe have
“enjoy” a dual status like grantor- your flesh and blood self (John a daughter which they name
beneficiary). Doe) from the trust’s list of ben- “Cynthia Joyce Doe”. Suppose
5) Discover the legal proce- eficiaries. they form a trust and somehow
dure for ending our legal relation- grant the names “CYNTHIA JOYCE
ship to each trust (we might “re- Freeing children DOE” and “CYNTHIA J. DOE” into
sign” as trustees, “revoke” our Suppose you and your their trust (and make it clear that
status as beneficiaries, cease spouse contract to form a trust these upper case names refer to
making contributions as grantors, when your child is born (perhaps the flesh and blood child with the
or file a quiet title action to eman- even conceived) and place that capitalized name born to those
cipate ourselves from the status child into your trust as property particular parents on the particu-
of trust property). to be administered by you and lar date of birth) -- and then make
6) Publish official notices of your spouse (trustees). Could it clear that those names in refer-
our separation from government any subsequent government ence to this particular child are
trusts. Create and carry official trust (birth certificate, SSN, etc. the exclusive property of their
documents confirming that sepa- created before your child turns trust and no one can use those
ration. 18 years old) alter the fact that names without a copyright in-
7) Prepare to sue any en- your trust “owned” your child and fringement . . . or maybe . . . .
forcement agency and officer –
and especially the background
trust(s) they operate under – For theotto
most accurate
skinner information
1/6 10K 101
should you be officially harassed
based on the mistaken notion on the so-called “income” tax
that you were still associated with and the 16th Amendment, see:
a particular trust.
If we’re trapped in trusts, can
we escape? In some cases, or write to
maybe not. That is, perhaps only
Don’t be fooled by those who claim that the
the grantor(s) who created the
trust and entered us as property 16th Amendment authorized a direct tax.
can revoke the trust and “liqui- See web site for free articles.

72 AntiShyster Volume 10, No. 1 972-418-8993

OK, you get the idea. By claim- judge administers) has been di- beneficiary and therefore bound
ing “ownership” of the upper case minished by the judge’s “unrea- to accept the administrative au-
name of your child (or perhaps the sonable” acts. thority of the judge/trustee.
child herself) before the state did, I was pleased to hear that the
you might be able to preempt the Silver Linings judge’s questions implicitly sup-
state from ever using her upper The Constitution’s prohibition port my notions on trusts, but I
case name to gain unconstitu- against “impairing the obligation was also shocked to realize the
tional authority over your daugh- of contracts” not only empowers extent of the “beneficial interests”
ter without the specific approval government to seduce us into we enjoy. It’s not just Social Se-
of the trustees (you and your trusts contrary to our interests, curity that establishes our status
spouse). If the state tried, it might it also prevents Congress from as beneficiaries; it’s using the
be liable for “impairing the obliga- passing a law that prohibits or nul- highways, buying groceries, and
tion of contracts” between your- lifies existing trusts. No generic probably using any product or ser-
self and your spouse. laws could be passed by Con- vice (public transportation and
gress to free us all at once from utilities?) that are subsidized by
Suing judges a contract-based trust. As a re- the government.
If the courts are functioning sult, the only way 250 million It appears that government
in some trust capacity, the Americans trapped in trusts can has constructed a web of ben-
judges may be the “trustees” who free themselves is one by one. efits so detailed and extensive,
sit in an administrative capacity Personally. Pretty diabolical, that no living American can es-
with the sole objective of oper- hmm? These trusts may not be cape the status of beneficiary and
ating in the “best interests” of the easily escaped. the obligations thereby imposed.
trust. If so, the judge/trustees Worse, a friend of mine (Mosie Does this render any attempt to
can exercise virtually unlimited Clark) was recently in court, “escape” trusts pointless? Are we
power, decide cases any way bumping heads with the IRS. hopelessly mired in trusts?
they please without regard for Mosie challenged the court’s ju- Should we therefore “learn to
the Constitution, stare decisis, risdiction. The judge responded enjoy it”?
etc., so long as they promote the by asking Mosie if he’d ever re- Only extensive study will tell,
“best interests” of their trust.7 ceived any Social Security ben- but for now, my answer is,
If this were true, the key to efits. Mosie is retired, his wife is “Maybe not”.
suing a judge would be to allege an invalid, so he answered, “Yes - Maybe the solution to our
he violated his fiduciary duties as - but I paid for all that with my con- problem is not to escape the
a trustee and committed acts con- tributions when I was working.” many trusts that bind us. After
trary to “public policy” and/or the The judge asked if Mosie had ever all, who can live without grocer-
“best interests” of the trust. For enjoyed the benefit of driving on ies, utilities, transportation, etc.?
example, if the judge committed the highways. Again, Mosie an- Maybe our deliverance is sug-
an act that caused a significant swered, “Yes -- but I paid for that gested in the Biblical query, “By
number of beneficiaries (not just with my gasoline and tire taxes.” what authority do you act?”
the defendant) to lose “confi- The judge smiled and asked if Maybe we need to inquire at
dence” in his administration of the Mosie ever bought food in the the very beginning of any trial or
trust, then that judge might be li- grocery store. Mosie though a confrontation with government if
able for some breach of his fidu- minute, then agreed that he had, they are acting as trustees, and if
ciary obligations (probably but couldn’t see the relevance. so, do they receive Social Secu-
spelled out in the Judicial Code The judge explained: Much or all rity benefits, do they enjoy the
of Ethics). This notion is consis- of that food was grown by farm- benefit of driving on the high-
tent with the observation that the ers receiving the benefit of gov- ways, do they benefit from any of
only thing this system seems to ernment subsidies, which meant the various government subsi-
fear is public exposure (the ad- Mosie had received a benefit. dies for food, transportation, or
verse opinion of large numbers The case remains to be re- utilities. As we’ve seen, it may
of people/ beneficiaries). There- solved, but the point seems to be virtually impossible for any
fore, the key to suing a judge be that it doesn’t matter if you mortal man -- even judges -- to
might be the presence of a multi- paid into social security, or paid escape government’s “beneficial”
tude of court watchers (benefi- gasoline taxes, or even purchased web. And given that fundamen-
ciaries) who could testify that your food with gold and silver. If tal trust rule that beneficiaries can-
their confidence in the judicial you enjoyed a “benefit” provided not also be trustees in a particu-
system (or whatever trust the by the government, you were a lar trust, if the judge has received

AntiShyster Volume 10, No. 1 972-418-8993 73

any “benefits”, then he may be in- Constitutional trust
eligible to exercise the trustee’s ad- A number of analysts have
ministrative powers. This doesn’t claimed the Constitution for the
necessarily mean a beneficiary/ United States of America is a
judge would be recused, but if he trust. I.e., We The People granted 1
“Voluntary acceptance of
continued to try you, it might be certain of our sovereign powers benefit of transaction is equiva-
only according to judicial/consti- (property) to our government of- lent to consent to all obligations
tutional law -- not trust/ adminis- ficials (trustees) for the purpose arising from it, so far as facts are
known, or ought to be known, to
trative procedure. of supporting the “general wel-
person accepting.” Norther
fare” of our Founders (grantors/ Assurance Co. v. Stout (1911), 16
Bind the rascals down beneficiaries) and their posterity C.A. 548, 117 p. 617.
There’s another, even a more (beneficiaries) — provided the 2
I.e., just as our paper “Silver
fantastic possibility. The essence trustees (government officials Certificates” were not silver (real
of “trust fever” is the possibility and employees) operate only ac- money), but merely “certified” that
that trusts can be created by gov- cording to the rules of the trust a certain sum of silver (real money)
ernment which bind us without (Articles I to VII of the Constitu- was in the bank, waiting to be
our active participation or knowl- tion plus the Amendments). claimed by holder of the Silver
edge. Is it also possible that we If the Constitution is a trust, Certificate — so a “Certificate of
Title” is not a title but merely
might create our trusts to bind did our trustees (government of-
“certifies” a real title exists.
government? ficials etc.) turn the tables on us 3
Do title search companies
Suppose each of us set up (probably around the Civil War) by reveal if their search is for full,
our own charitable trust and creating their own trusts which legal, or equitable title? Do they
named all officers and employees then bound We The People to declare you have full title, or
of the various branches of gov- obey the government’s rules? Is merely that no conflicting claims
ernment (federal, state, local) as that how they did it? Is that how were found?
beneficiaries. Suppose we struc- our government evaded the Con- 4
Anyone who’s experienced
tured our charity to “donate” a stitution and turned this nation a child custody battle can recall
certain amount of money each from a Republic into a “benign dic- the court’s use of the undefined
term “best interests of the child” –
year – maybe $500, maybe $5 – to, tatorship” (trust) ruled by admin-
was that slim clue evidence that
umm, say the IRS or the state and istrative law? custody battles are somehow
national Treasuries (not Federal Again, I emphasize I’m only tangled up in trusts?
Reserve accounts), or the local guessing, but I can’t avoid the 5
Or is it true that the lawyers
government employees retire- powerful suspicion that trusts are are property of the court trust,
ment fund for dispersal and ben- being used by government as the and the lawyers are in fact tried,
efit of all government employees fundamental device for convert- and you (a foreign entity to the
and officers. And suppose that ing unwitting Americans into ben- trust) then “volunteer” to accept
we wrote the rules of our trust eficiaries, indentured servants, the lawyer’s penalty?
such that all beneficiaries (govern- and virtual slaves. If so, it’s time
However, he’s not immune
to administrative action by the
ment officials and employees) of to stop “trusting” our lives and
trustees of the trust. Question:
our trust were compelled to relate our children’s lives to govern- while trustees might lawfully
to our trust’s grantors and trust- ment and instead start “trusting” deprive a beneficiary of the use of
ees (us), perhaps even to all fel- our lives to God and/or our- trust property, by what authority
low beneficiaries (other govern- selves. can they extort a fine from the
ment workers) only according to If my speculations are wrong beneficiary or worse, jail him?
the rules laid out in the Constitu- and trusts are universally benign Probably none. The only way you
tion for the United States of and lawful, well, great — no harm can be fined or jailed by trustees
America (or maybe your state con- done. In the process of search- is if you voluntarily accept their
stitution . . . or even the Bible). ing for a possibly malignant appli- punishment.
What limit could there be on
If they cashed our check as cation of trusts, we’ll also learn
the trustees’ general obligation to
beneficiaries, could we thereby enough to use trusts to minimize seek the “best interests” of the
bind government in our trusts just our taxes and protect our prop- trust? Only that they act “reason-
as government may now bind us? erty from legal liability. On the ably”?
Who knows? Even if this strategy other hand, if trusts are being
doesn’t work, I’ll bet it would slow used to exploit the American
prosecutors and give ‘em fits. people, a solid understanding
might set us free.

74 AntiShyster Volume 10, No. 1 972-418-8993

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