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I know why the caged bird sings


Type of text: Diary

Purpose: To show how Bailey really is

I decided to write a diary because I consider that it would be the best way
to explain my topic. In this literary place we can see that Marguerite and his
brother, bailey, move to their momma’s house after their parents broke up.
Since then, Bailey starts to have a more important role in Marguerite’s life
because he was the only one that she really knew and the one that shares similar

Here, in the written assignment, I intend to highlight Bailey's role and

show his true feelings about all the events that occur during the chapters and
what he really thinks and feels, and not what her sister thought he thought or
felt. And that is the reason why I chose to write a diary and because is the most
appropriate kind of text to do it. How is going to be written Bailey’s diary is
informal and very private because is for himself and he is going to tell the story
from his point of view.

I chose to Bailey because is one of the principal characters and I wanted

to give him more importance than he has in the book and show how he really is.

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