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Q1. _______________ is the highest authority after a High Court Judge? (1)

Q2. Commercial secrets can be hidden through which kind of ADR? (1)

Q3. Which article consists of Rule of Law? (1)

Q4. The barons were dissatisfied with the taxation policy of the Britishers, this was resolved
by__________________________ (1)

Q5. True or False : The Supreme Court of India came into being in 1947. (1)

Q6. The judiciary is the apex organisation due to which jurisdiction? (1)

a. Original Jurisdiction

b. Advisory Jurisdiction

c. Special Leave to Appeal

d. Public Interest Litigation

Q7.________________________ was the united nations international treaty which gave us

human rights. (1)

Q8. Mr. Smith, a foreign national visited India and was arrested on the suspicion of smuggling
gold. He did not have the means to engage a lawyer and was thus unable to present his case.
Identify the fundamental right of Mr. Smith violated in the above situation: (1)

a. Article 14 – Right to equality

b. Article 19 – Right to freedom

c. Article 21 – Right to life and personal liberty

d. Article 24 – Right against exploitation

Q9. Which Article of the Indian constitution speaks about corporal punishment? (1)

Q10 Akhil is caught stealing merchandise from a stall at the trade fair. The stolen goods are
forcefully retrieved from him, resulting in injuries. Which of the following is true in this situation? (1)

(a) Using force to prevent a crime as part of one’s duty is not a criminal act.

(b) Causing injury to an assailant in self-defence is not a crime.

(c) The injury is caused with intent to take revenge and this act is criminal.

(d) Security guard’s behaviour is unethical as Akhil may have stolen due to some financial


Q11. Vishal, a lawyer appearing in the Supreme Court argues cases in court upon instructions
from another advocate. He wears gown that has flaps on the shoulders and cannot file a
vakalatnama. Which category of lawyers does Vishal belong to? (1)

a. Senior Advocate

b. Advocate on Record

c. Solicitor

d. Attorney General

Q12. Sadanand is a florist who relies on local flowers for his livelihood. The district administration
prohibits the plucking of wild flowers to conserve the local flora and fauna. Is Sadanand’s
constitutional right infringed upon ? (1)

(a) Yes, his sole means of earning a living is affected.

(b) Yes, Article 21 gives the fundamental right to life.

(c) No, the government is powerful and can make any law.

(d) No, because the government is sovereign and enacts laws for the common good.

Q13. What is preventive detention? (1)



Q21. What is the difference between an Advocate General and an attorney General? (2)


How does the corporate sector offer opportunity to law graduates ?

Q22. Khushi Arora was mercilessly beaten by her husband and in-laws for insufficient dowry. The
police refused to file an FIR because her in-laws are very affluent merchants in the area. (2)

(a) Identify the body she can approach for relief.

(b) State any two powers of this body similar to that of a civil court

Q23 (2)

Q24. A statutory body was created consisting of an eminent judicial member of impeccable
integrity as its chairman and 8 other members, out of which 4 were judicial members. Identify the
body and state its scope. (2)

Q25. Define the concept of Judicial Review. (2)


Q.26 Explain the provisions of the Advocates Act, 1961 that gave the legal profession a face-lift in
India. (4)


Give the statutory functions of the Bar Council of India.

Q27. How is the judiciary independent and impartial in India? (4)


What is PIL? What are the characteristics of PIL?

Q28. ‘The legislation aims to combat the acts of bribery and corruption of public servants’ – a term
that has been given a fairly wide interpretation in the Act. ` (4)

(a) Identify this legislation.

(b) State the categories of public servants included within the purview of this legislation and the
exceptions therein.

(c) Examine the conduct of inquiry under this legislation.


Q29. Given below are two situations. Read them and answer the questions that follow :

(a) Sunil was sentenced to death on charges of murder and robbery. He was held in a solitary
confinement by the jail authorities since the date of his conviction by the session court. Appeal
against the decision is pending in the High Court.


(b) Kharak Singh, an accused in dacoity case was let off due to the lack of evidence by the court.
Uttar Pradesh police regulations allowed domiciliary visits at night, secret picketing of Kharak
Singh’s house, tracking/verifying his movement and periodic inquiries by officers.

(i) Identify the fundamental right violated in the above two situations.

(ii) Explain the provisions of the article that is alleged to be violated.

(iii) On what grounds can Sunil and Kharak Singh challenge the actions of the authorities ? (6)

Q30. Define ADR and evaluate the role of ADR techniques and institutions help in promoting
lawyers as social engineers. (6)


Vitawin and Energo, two companies manufacturing health drinks had a dispute over manufacturing
technique. They want to resort to alternate dispute resolution to solve their dispute rather than
going for the traditional litigation. Suggest the most suited alternate dispute resolution mechanism.
Explain the procedure and compare the decision rendered under the suggested ADR mechanism
and court order.

Q31 Identify the related principles enunciated by the Hon’ble Supreme Court in various situations
and mention the case laws through Judicial Review and explaining them briefly. (6)

a. Part III of the Constitution, among others cannot be amended or taken away.

b. Sentence or punishment should not be disproportionate and burdensome.

c. Chance of hearing cannot be debarred completely.

Q32. Explain any 6 opportunities for law graduates in India. (6)


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