Co Adsorption On Clean and Atomic-Layer-Cu-Covered Zno (1010) Surfaces

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ELSEVIER Applied Surface Science 82/83 (1994) 305-309
surface science

CO adsorption on clean and atomic-layer-Cu-covered

ZnO(1010) surfaces
Qingfeng Ge, Preben J. Moller *,I
Department of Chemistry, H.C. Qrsted Institute, University of Copenhagen, 5 Uniuersitetsparken, DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark

Received 25 April 1994; accepted for publication 1 July 1994


The adsorption at room temperature of CO on clean and atomic-layer-Cu-covered ZnO(lOi0) surfaces was studied by
temperature-programmed desorption (TPD). Submonolayer amounts of Cu on the surface enhance the ability of ZnO to
adsorb CO drastically. A small amount of CO, desorbed from the surface as a result of CO reaction with surface oxygen. A
desorption order of 2 and a desorption activation energy of about 60 kJ/mol were obtained for CO desorption from the
Cu-covered ZnO(lOi0) surface, which is in good agreement with the binding energy of CO adsorbed on Cu(100) surfaces.

1. Introduction near-edge-X-ray adsorption fine structure (NEXAPS)

[7]. The results suggest that CO binds carbon end
Cu/ZnO is an important catalyst for the synthesis down to the coordinatively unsaturated zinc site on
of methanol and for the water-gas shift reaction. ZnO(lOiO> surface, and the CO bond in the CO/ZnO
Therefore, studies of CO interaction with ZnO and surface complex is shorter and stronger relative to
Cu/ZnO are of great interest for understanding the the gas phase [8]. Temperature-programmed desorp-
reaction mechanisms involved in the above-men- tion (TPD) is the most frequently employed tech-
tioned reactions. As model catalysts, Cu deposited nique to study desorption kinetics in which the tem-
onto different ZnO single-crystal surfaces have been perature of the solid surface is raised as a function of
studied extensively [l-4]. As for CO adsorption, the time. CO TPD spectra from Cu-covered ZnO(OOOl)-
experiments in ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) are usually 0 surfaces were dominated by a peak at 220 K [9].
conducted at cryogenic temperatures. The CO coor- Reports on CO adsorption at room temperature to-
dination to ZnO(lOi0) surface has been studied by ward the clean and atomic-layer-Cu-covered ZnO
photoelectron spectroscopy (PES) [5], high resolution single-crystal surfaces have been rare [lo].
electron energy loss spectroscopy (HREELS) [6] and Here we present the results of temperature-pro-
grammed desorption (TPD) of CO from clean and
atomic-layer-Cu-covered ZnO(lOi0) surfaces. The
adsorption proceeded at room temperature under a
* Corresponding author. Tel.: (+45) 35320262; Fax: (+45)
relatively high pressure. The results show that CO is
1Present address: Research Institute of Electronics, Shizuoka adsorbed on both clean and Cu-covered ZnO sur-
University, Hamamatsu 432, Japan. Fax: (+ 81) 53 474 0630. faces. The kinetic parameters were determined from

0169-4332/94/$07.00 0 1994 Elsevier Science B.V. AR rights reserved

SSDI 0169-4332(94)00233-9
306 Q. Ge, P.J. M@ller /Applied Surface Science 82 / 83 (I 994) 305-309

the experimental data and compared with that from The ZnO sample was oriented by X-ray Laue
the adsorption of CO on Cu(100) surface. back-reflection technique to within 0.5”, followed by
cutting and polishing with i Frn diamond paste to a
mirror-like surface as checked by 200 magnification
2. Experimental details optical microscopy. The clean ZnO surface was pre-
pared by Art sputtering and heat treatment in cycles
The experiments were carried out in a, previously until it was free from contamination as checked by
described [ 111, multidetector ultra-high vacuum AES and LEED.
(UHV) chamber. The base pressure in the chamber The copper (purity 99.995%) was evaporated from
was about 2 X lo-* Pa. an electron beam evaporator (ESV-2) at a rate 0.06

~. L~~~..

360 370 380 390 400 410 420 430

Temperature (K)


320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420 430

Temperature (K)
Fig. 1. (a) TPD spectrum of CO from the clean surface after background subtraction. (b) Raw desorption spectra of CO from the clean
znO(loio) SurfaCc (A - A ) and the sample holder (0 - 0) after exposure to 100 Pa CO for 15 min.
Q. Ge, P.J. M&r/Applied Surface Science 82/83 (1994) 305-309 307

nm/min. The amount of Cu deposition was moni- increasing the exposure time did not increase the
tored by a quartz crystal microbalance (QCMul). The amount of adsorbed CO. Therefore, we chose 15 min
pressure increased to 5 X lo-’ Pa during the Cu as the exposure time for all experiments. By monitor-
deposition. ing CO, at the same time, we can see that a small
Heating of the sample was accomplished either by amount of the adsorbed CO also desorbs as CO,,
focusing light precisely onto the sample for the which is a reaction product of CO with surface
surface cleaning or by a tungsten filament that was oxygen since CO, desorbed at the same temperature
mounted behind the sample holder for the TPD at which CO desorbed. This result is in contrast to
experiments. The temperatures were measured by a that of Hotan, GSpel and Haul [12]. The only ob-
thin chromel-alumel thermocouple attached onto the served desorbing species was CO, in their TPD
sample front face. A heating rate of 2.5 K s-l was experiment. A similar result has been observed in
used in the TPD measurements. laser-induced desorption of CO from a ZnO(0001)
CO (purity 99.997%) adsorption was performed at surface [lo].
room temperature in a preparation chamber in order The CO TPD spectrum from the clean ZnO(lOiO>
to maintain the ultrahigh vacuum in the main UHV surface peaked at 360 K with a tail to 410 K. This
chamber. The base pressure of the preparation cham- long tail may be attributed to the heterogeneities of
ber prior to adsorption was 5 X 1Om8 Pa. After CO the surface.
dosing, the preparation chamber was evacuated and The clean and CO exposed ZnO(lOiO> surfaces
the samples were transferred to the main chamber. were also checked with HREELS. The CO loss
Upon moving the sample to the front of a quadrupole features were hardly distinguished from the over-
mass spectrometer (QMS) head and heating with a tones of znO(lOi0) surface phonons because of the
linear temperature increase, the TPD spectra were strong overlap between them. A little difference can
obtained. Besides the gases released during the tem- be observed in the region 230-260 meV between the
perature-programmed heating, the residual gas com- spectra from the clean and CO exposed surfaces,
ponents were also detected by the QMS. which was attributed to C-O stretch vibration of
adsorbed CO [13]. To determine the stretching fre-
quency precisely, a deconvolution technique is
3. Results and discussions needed to remove the effect of the substrate. Addi-
tionally, the intensity of the elastic peak from the CO
3.1. CO and ZnO(lOi0) interaction exposed surface was one order of magnitude lower
than that from a clean ZnO(lOiO> surface. This may
The ZnO(lOi0) sample was cleaned routinely as provide further evidence for the occurrence of CO
described in the above section. After being cleaned adsorption on the ZnO(lOi0) surface.
the surface exhibits a sharp LEED pattern with
3.2. CO and Cu/ZnO(lOiO) interaction
(1 X 1) structure and the contaminants are under the
detection limits of our AES which uses a cylindrical Cu deposition was performed at room tempera-
mirror analyzer. The clean ZnO(lOiO> surface was ture. The average thickness of the Cu deposited onto
exposed to CO ambient in the preparation chamber. the ZnO(lOi0) surface was read from the QCM.
The TPD spectrum from a sample was obtained after Considering the similarity of the (lOi0) and (ll?O)
background subtraction. ZnO surfaces, the reading from the QCM was corre-
Fig. la gives the CO TPD spectrum from a clean lated to the coverage with the reading of 0.2 nm
znO(lOi0) surface after exposure to 100 Pa CO corresponding to monolayer (ML) coverage [4]. A
ambient for 15 min. For comparison, a CO back- copper-substrate vibrational frequency at a low en-
ground desorption spectrum from the sample holder ergy loss could hardly be distinguished from the
is shown together with that from the clean ZnO(lOi0) HREEL spectra after Cu deposition because of the
surface in Fig. lb. The control experiments showed overlap from the elastic peak [13]. However, the
that the surface was saturated after having been intensity of the elastic-scattered electron peak de-
exposed to 100 Pa CO for about 10 min. Further creases.
308 Q. Ge, P.J. M@ller/Applied Surface Science 82 /83 (1994) 305-309

Fig. 2 gives the CO TPD spectra from the Cu- gest an appearance of two different adsorption states
covered ZnO(lOi0) surfaces after exposure to 100 on the surface.
Pa CO ambient for 15 min in the preparation cham- In the Polanyi-Wigner model it is assumed that
ber. The CO TPD spectrum from the clean surface is the rate of desorption of adsorbed species in state i
redrawn here for comparison. Comparing the desorp- on a surface may be written in the form:
tion spectrum from the 0.3 ML Cu-covered surface d Bi
with that from the clean surface we can easily find --=
that the capacity of the Cu-covered surface towards
CO adsorption is increased drastically. By further where n, is the reaction order for desorption from
increasing the Cu coverage on the ZnO surface, the state i, vi is a frequency factor, Ei is the desorption
intensity of the CO desorption does not increase activation energy. For a single state, the rate equa-
significantly. tion is simply
By analyzing the TPD spectrum shown in Fig. 2 d0 I E\
we find that the peak position shifted slightly and the --=
shapes of the spectra changed. The CO TPD spec-
trum from the 0.3 ML Cu-covered surface peaked at Assuming that v and E are coverage-independent,
363 K while the spectrum from the 1.5 ML Cu- we can obtain a set of values of v, II and E by
covered surface peaked at 370 K with the broadening fitting this equation to the experimental data with the
of the spectrum. The shoulder in the clean surface technique proposed by Tronconi and Lietti [14]. In
spectrum still can be distinguished in the 0.3 ML the case of CO desorption from the 0.3 ML Cu-
Cu-covered surface spectrum but it merged with the covered ZnO(lOi0) surface, we obtain n = 2 and
broadened peak in the 1.5 ML Cu-covered surface E = 60 kJ/mol, i.e. the reaction order of desorption
spectrum. The shift to a higher desorption tempera- from this Cu-covered surface is 2 and the activation
ture indicates that the binding of CO to the adsorbate energy is 60 kJ/mol. This activation energy is in the
is becoming stronger because of the presence of Cu binding-energy range for CO on a Cu(100) surface
on the surface. The broadening of the spectrum from [15]. It may imply that CO binds to the finely
the 1.5 ML Cu-covered surface spectrum may sug- divided Cu cluster even though the Cu did not grow

320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420

Temperature (K)
Fig. 2. TPD spectra of CO from the Cu-covered Zn@lOiO) surfaces, with different Cu coverages, after exposure to 100 Pa CO for 15 min
(A- A, clean surface; O- 0, 0.3 ML Cu; 0 - 0, 1.5 ML Cu).
Q. Ge, PJ. M@ller/Applied Surface Science 82 /83 (1994) 305-309 309

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