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Zuleyca Ventura

Professor Rodrick

English 115

4 October 2019

Blog Question #5

In a 100 words or more, what was the hardest part of writing your Project Web Essay?

Did you have any issues/struggles? If so, what were they?

Just by remembering on this 4 page essay that I did very well in last week, I realize that

me personally I believe that the hardest part when doing my essay would just be

researching the many sources and trying to find the right one that would talk

accordingly to the topic that I was writing about. Another would be the time

management that took me to write this essay because of the fact that I get distracted

many times. The types of struggles that I went throughout this essay was the citing. I

had the idea of citing the different sources, it was just when doing the MLA citing format

which kinda made me struggle.

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