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Zuleyca Ventura

Professor Rodrick

English 115

25 October 2019

In a 100 words or more, describe any issues you had in writing this 2nd essay. What

were your weaknesses? What was easy? Did you learn anything from your first essay

that you were able to apply to this one?

When finishing my 2nd essay during this class, I realized that when doing this essay I

found it both easy and a little hard. I found this to be easy because of the topic that I

chose which was LGBTQIA. I kinda knew what they were going through. The only hard

part which were my weaknesses was when looking for specific information that was

tied into the U.S. within the community because most of these websites were talking

about other states that were dealing with this community when I wanted to only talk

about a specific place. I learned a lot from my first essay because the many mistakes I’ve

learned like for example, the work cited page, and not plagiarizing which helped me out

a lot towards to this essay. I feel really strong and confident within this essay.

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