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इंटरनेट मानक

Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information

Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities,
in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

“जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न' 5 तरफ”

Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru
“The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New”

IS 14609 (1999, Reaffirmed 2010): Dry Chemical Powder for

Fighting A,B,C, Class Fires--Specification. ICS 13.220.10

“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”

Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”

“!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह”


“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”
IS 14609 : 1999

~, ~, x:lI, CfC1I~i 3TfT;:f ~P11 c5 ~

~ xxilll~Cf) QI\3\§x - ~~I~

Indian Standard

Ies 13.220.10

© BIS 1999


NEW DEUlI 110002

February 1999 Price Group 7

( Pa8~ 2. c!(lIt!,e 4.6.1) - Substitute the following for the existing:
'4.6.1 Procedure
Take 100 g of powder in a 250 ml beaker and store the beaker in an atmosphere

having relative humidity 90 percent at 271 20C for a period of 6 h. Then transfer
the same to a desicator containing sulphuric acid (98% w/w H2S04) for a period
of 24 h. Observe the fonnation of any caking or lump fonnalion, allow it to
drop from a height of 200 mm on a smooth hard surface. The lump shall be
friable to pass the requirements given in 4.4.'
( Page 3, clause lines 1 to 3 ) - Substitute the following for the
existing lines:
'Place 100 8 sample of powder in a nickle crucible shaped cup of suitable
capacity .•
( Page 5, Fig. 4) - Substitute 'dia 26' for 'dia 16' and 'I (XX) cc' for '500 cc·.
( Page 6. Fig. 5 ) - Height of tray shall be 200 mm.
( Page 10, clause 8.1 ) -Insert the following after(e):
f) Base material and its percentage.'

(CED 22)

Reprography Unit. DIS. New Delhi. India

( Pag~ 1, cltuu~ 4.3) - Insert the following matter at the end of the clause:
O1emical content of the declared base material shall be checked as per the procedure
given below.
4..3.1 The method is intended to determine the mono-ammonium phosphate
content of a multipurpose chemical fire extinguishing agent which may contain
wacerproofing and fluidizing agents and other materials required for satisfactory
perfonnance. It is not applicable to products containing other alkali phosphates
or water alcohol soluble compounds which react with aqueous sodium
Ul Apparatus
The following apparatus shall be used:
A = analytical balance, capable of weighing accurately to 0.1 mg;
8 ::z centrifuge tubes, capacity preferably cone-shaped;
C = centrifuge~
D = steam bath, capable of maintaining approximately 80°C;
E = pH meter or titrimeter;
F = burette, 5-ml capacity, graduated in 0.1 mt divisions, alkali-resistant
stopcock; and
G = oven, vacuum, capable of operating in the range of 6OOC.
4.3.3 Reagent grade chemicals shall be used, unless otherwise indicated. Other
grades may be usc:d. JXOvided it is first asceruined that the reagent is of sufficiently
high purity to permit its use without lessening the accuracy of the determination:
A = absolute or denatured ethanol (a reagent blank is required, if denatured
alcohol is used);
B = 50% ethanol - Mix. 1 volume of absolute ethanol (or appropriate
volume of denatured ethanol) with 1 volume of water; and
Amend No. :2 to IS 14609 : 1999

C == sodiuM hJ'dro:ddlf(l.O mo.lll),. 'DissOlve ~ to 45 g. 'Qf NaOH in one

litre of water. Standardize potentiometrically against primary standard
~~acld ph~"t& .. ;; \ ~.. '.; . ,)(..• ,. , .'
4.3.4 Weigh to the nearest a.1' mg: ~pProximately 3 g ofsampte $'M' ~ l00-ml
centrifuge tube. Add 50 ml of 50 percent ethanol and mix well. Support the
centrifuge tube in' a steam bath set 'at approximately 80° for about 5 min with
, fmqur~ntpcriods of Yig<mlS shaking.
4.3.5 Place the warm rubes in wanned centrifuge tube holders aOO centrifuge at
appuxi.mat.ely 1 SOO.rlmin fa" 5 mm. Without ,dday decant the~
quantitatively (with the aid oh little water} iDeo a W-ml beaker. Repeal the ~n
twice men transferriDg the extracts to the ooginal 250-ml beaker or wlil w:n~ &urns
white or narum.l oolour. .
, 4..3.6 Evaporate the extracts to cfryrless 00 a steam bath with the. aid of a ~t of~..
4.3.7 Dissolve the dried residue in approximately 75-ml water and titrate
potentiOOldrically with the standardized NaOH solution using a pH meter fttViously
standardized at pH 7.0. Add the NaOH in iracmeru of 1.1 ml near the equivalen£e
point (8.05). Plot pH readinp venus ml of NaOH added and determine the
equivalence point as the midpoint of the inflection in the titration curve (PH 8.05 ± 0.02).
4.3.8 Calculate the mooo-ammoniurn phosphate content., percent by mass; AS follows:

A = volume of NaOH used (corrected for any blank), in ml;
B = concentration of NaOH. in moVl; and
W= mass of sample as received, in g.
( Pa~ 11, clause .8-2.1, liM 10) - Insert 'percentBge of base mataiaJ' afirr the
wads 'free flowing'. ; ,~'

( CE.D22)
Reprography Unit, 81S. New Delhi. ladja
( Page 7, clause ) - Insert the following after 'indoors':
'or put 8 feet high mild steel sheet enclosing 3 sides'
( Page 7. clause ) - Add the following 'NOTE' at the end:
'NOTE - Provision has been made till infrastNcture is developed for indoor test facilities.'

( Page to. claust, Note 2 ) - Substitute 'Halo calbon clean agent' for
'Halon 1211'.

CED22 )
Reprography Unit. DIS. New Delhi, India
(Page I, clause 4.3,Ji/ih linc):

a) Substitute 'minimum' .li)r 'more than' before 50 percent.

b) Delete last sentence 'The allowed .•...... constituents.'

(CED 22)

I{c!)rllgraph~ 111111. IllS. Nc\\ Deihl 1\1\l\a

(Page I, c1awe 4.1) - Substitute 'The apparent density of the dry
chemical powder when determined by the method given in 4.1.1 shall be within
=*:10% of manufacturer's declared value in glm)' fol' 'The apparent density
.......... 1.10 glml'.

(Page t, clause 4.4) - Substitute the following for existing:

'4.4 Particle Size Distribution

Percentage retained on 100 mesh sieve, 200 mesh sieve and 325 mesh sieve
shall be within ± 10% of the manufacturer's declared value. Percentage retained
011 40 Mesh Sieve Bottom Pan to be deleted.

Procedure - The procedure for particle size distribution shall be as follows:

Apparatus - The apparatus shall comprise the following items:

c) Three sieves (100, 200 and 325 mesh) with a lid bottom pan.

d) Sieve-thaking device, capable of holding sieves and moving the nest in

a horizontal ellipse' with an impact from the bottom to the top of the
nest continuously.

Test Procedure
Weight approximately 200 g of powder in to the top sieve. Assemble on the
shaking device and shake for 10 min. Weigh the quantity of powder retained on
each sieve and report as percentage retained on each sieve.'

(Page 1, clawe 4.5.1, line 4) - Substitute 'absorption does not exceed 2.5
percent' for 'absorption does not exceed 1.5 percent'.

R.eprosrIphy Unit, 81S, New Delhi. IDdia
Fire Fighting Sectional Committee, CEO 22


This Indian Standard was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by the Fire
Figllling Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil Engineering Division CounciL

Fire fighting dry chemical powder meeting this standard is used in dry chemical powder fire extinguishers,
fixed installations and mobile fire tenders for fighting classes A, B, C, fires. However, dry chemical powder
for fjghting class Band C fire are covered under JS 4308: 1982 'Specification for dry powder for fire fighting
(jirsl revisioll)' and fire involving reactive metals that is, class D fires as also radioactive metals are separately
covered under IS 4!S6l;1984 'Specification for dry powder for fighting fires in burning metals (first revision)'.

The efficiency of a dry chemical powder for extinguishment is governed by its physical properties and chemical
(()mposition. Particle size of the powder is an important characteristic to determine its fire knock down
properties when used in extinguishers. Therefore tine and coarse powder panicle must be balanced while
manufacturing this powder. The dry chemical powder is generally composed of hasically mono ammonium
phosphate or ammonium poly phosphate and ammonium sulphate mixtures with additives to make it water
repcllant, free flowing and conforming to various requirements of this standard. While selecting the various
raW materials for the manufacture of this dry chemical powder, it shall be ensured that these are non-toxic,
non-corrosive, non-abrasive and electrically non-conductive.

In the following situations, the application of dry powder covered in this standard should not be considered
satis factory:

a) Fires involving chemicals-containing their own oxygen supply such as cellulose nitrate, etc.

h) Fires involving radio-active metals sUl:h as Radium, Uranium, Polonium. etc.

c) Areas where residual deposits of the powder may adversely affect electronic cquipments or delicate
electrical relays.

This standard is fonnulated to provide guidance regarding selection of materials and requirements in regard
III the quality of dry powder for other than in burning metals. The various tests for class A. B. C, fires
incorporated in this standard are based on the studies conducted at the Defence Institute of Fire Research.
New Delhi anti also taking into consideration the international standards such as ISO, EN, UL. etc.

The composition of the technical committee responsible for the formulation of this standard- is given at Annex C,

!:or the purpose of dc(iding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with the final
VitlUC. ohserved or calculated exprcssing the results of a test or analysis, shaH be roun'ded off in accordance
with IS 2 : 11)60 'Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised)', 111C number of significant places retained
in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
IS 14609 1999

Indian Standard

1 SCOPE than lOpercent by mass of the ex.tinguishing powder.

However, the chemical content declared shall cover
This standard lays down the requirements of dry more than 50 percent of mono-ammonium phosphate
powder for use as extinguishing medium for fighting polyammonium phosphate of total composition of the
Class A, Band C fires. extinguishing powder. The allowed tolerance shall
not exceed ±3 percent of the declared value for
The Indian Standards listed in Annex r\ contain 4.4 Particle Size Distribution
provisions which through reference in this text,
constitute provisions of this standard. At the time of When tested as per IS 1607 the particle size distribution
puhlication, the editions indicated were valid. All shall be as foHows:
standards are subject to revision. and parties to
agreements based on this standard are encouraged
to investigate the possibility of applying the most Base Characteristics
recent editions of the standards given at Annex A.
Panicle Size Minimum Maximum
3 TYPES Percent Retained on
The dry chemical powder shall be compatible with 0.425 mmJ40 mesh sieve o
all types of foams covered under IS 4989 (Part 1. 0.150 mm/lOO mesh sieve 2 IS
2 and 3). The test requirements for foam compatibility 0.075 mm/200 mesh· sieve 18 28
arc given in 4.11. 0.045 mm/325 mesh sieve 18 32
Bottom pan 25 62
4.5 Hygroscopicity
4.1 The sample of dry powder for testing shall be
drawn in such a manner that it represents the entire 4.5.1 A sample of dry chemical powder shall he
strata of powder from any container and shall be
deemed to have met the requirement of hygroscopicity
tested for properties mentioned in the following if the percentage gain in mass due to moisture
clauses. absorption does not exceed 1.5 percent.
4.2 Apparent Density
4.5.2 Procedure
The apparent density of the dry chemical powder
when determined by the method given in 4.2.1 shall Take an aluminium or glass or stainless steel made
he hetween 0.75 g/ml and 1.10 g/ml. dish having a loosely fitting flanged lid. The dish
shall have an internal diameter of 65 mm and deplh
4.2.1 A sample of 100 + 0.1 g of the dry powder 15 mm. Clean, dry and weigh the dish alongwith its
shall be placed in a clean, dry 250 ml stoppered glass lid. Let it be called WI' Remove the lid, fill the dish
graduated measuring cylinder having an approximate with the powder sample upto the top edge. gently
height of 320 mm and an approximate internal diameter tap its bottom so that the level of the powder surface
of 40 mm. Secure the stopper in cylinder. Rotate the falls to 1mm to 2 mm below the top edge.
cylinder for ten complete revolutions, slowly at a rate Clean the outer surface of the dish. Cap the dish
of approximately 1 revolution every 2 seconds. with its lid and weigh a(;curately. Let this weight
Immediately after the ten revolutions have been be called WI"
completed, sct the cylinder upright on a level surface
and allow the powder to settle for 180 seconds. Read 4.5.3 Exposure of the Sample to Humid Air
off the volume occupied by the powder and calculate Atmosphtre
the apparent density from the following equation:
Remove the cover and place the dish holding powder
Apparent density' = lOO/(volume of powder) on the round porcelain perforated plate kept in
250 mm internal diameter desiccator having a saturated
4.3 Chemkal Content solution of ammonium chloride in its bottom
compartment. The desiccator lld shall have rubber
The declared chemical content of the dry chemical cork through which two. L-shaped glass tubes of
powder need not include constituent making up less' .6 mm internal diameter shall be passed to serve as
IS 14609 : 1999
air inlet and outlet. The air inlet glass tube shall period of 48 h. At the end of this period take out
terminate 20 mm above the centre of the glazed the dish, put on its lid and weigh accurately. Let this
porcelain round plate ,kept in the desiccator. weight be called W3• Determine the gain in mass and
calculate the percentag~ gain in mass due to moisture During exposure of the powder sample to absorption if any, that is, hygroscopicity using the
humid air a humidified air stream at (he rate of following equation:
5 IImin shall be continuously circulated/fed into the
desiccator. For the purpose of humidification of air H = x 100
current, air coming out of an air rotameter shall be
first bubbled/passed through distiJIed water kept in where
a gas washing bottle of 200 ml capacity and the air
coming out of this bottle shall be passed through a H :: Hygroscopicity (gain in mass), in percent.
saturated aqueous solution of ammonium chloride
kept in another gas washing bottle of 200 ml capacity. WI:: Mass of empty clean and dry dish with
The air thus humidified and coming out of the NH CI lid, in g.
solution shall be fed into desiccator in which dry
powder sample is kept. The layout and general W2 = Mass of covered dish with powder
arrangement of the moving air stream humidifying sample, in g.
apparatus to be used is shown in Fig.I.
~l:: Mass of dish and lid with powder after
4.5.4 In order to obtain reproducible results following exposure, in g.
instructions shall be strictly followed:
4.6 HygroscopJcity and Caking Test
a) The humidification train specified in Fig.1
shall be strictly adhered to. 4.6.1 Procedure
b) It shall be ensured that throughout the duration
of exposure of the sample the liquid levels in Separately weigh two numbers of clean, dry watch
each of the two gas wash bottles shall be glasses marked A, B for distinguishment. Place about
maintained between 80 to 100 mm above the 5 g of dry chemical powder in each of them and
bottom of the bubbler tube in the bottles. weigh each of them accurately to fourth place of
decim~1 of gram. Also take 100 g of dry powder in
\.:) A uniform now rate of 5 Vmin of air shall a dean, dry gJass beaker of 250 ml capacity. The
he maintained. three samples shall be placed on a perforated porcelain
d) A suitable device to monitor the relative
round plate kept in a desiccator jar containing saturated
solution of ammonium chloride in water in the bottom
humidity of the air at the exit vent shaH be
compartment so as to produce a humid atmosphere
installed and relative humidity shall be
of 90 percent relative humidity in the desiccator. The
checked from time to time.
samples in watch glasses shall be weighed after
e) The specified temperature range. 48 h to note the increase in weight. The weight in
each case should not increase by more than 1.5 percent
4.5.5 The sample of the dry powder held in the dish at any stage. If this condition is satisfied, then the
shall he exposed to moving humid air maintained beaker holding the powder sample shaH be kept in
at 78 percent relative humidity and 27 ± SoC for a a desiccator containing anhydrous calcium chloride

. . .- - - - 1 - GLASS



IS 14609 : 1999
for 2 days and then in a desiccator containing NOTE-Stagnant air conditions found in the usual satumted
ammonium chloride saturated solution for 2 days and solution desiccator compartments may not give consistent
this cycle should be repeated for 20 days. Observe results and prec.o.utions shall be taken to ensure air circulation
the powder for formation of any cakes or lumps. In jf a desiccator is Uied as the humidifier. A 250 mm internal
diameter desiccator with a saturated Ammonium Chloride
case there is any caking or lump formation, allow solution in the lower compartment may be used in Ihis
them to drop from a height of 100 mm on a smooth determination. During the test, circulate air at ,) t/min. Pre·
clean, dry glass sheet or some other hard surface. saturate the air by bubbling through distilled water and then
This lumps shall be friable to pass the requirements through a satumtedAmmonium Chloride solution and introduce
of particle size distribution laid down in 4.4. into the desiccator of 6 mm. tenninnring 20 mm above the
centre in the desiccator porcelain round plate. Check. the retative
humidity of the exit air stream from time 10 time using some
4.6.2 Resistance to Caking. Lumping and Hardness convenient means.
of the Cakin~

A sample of dry chemical powder shall be deemed Equipmenl

to have passed the test if the penetration of the needle
is found more than 15 mm. The penetration apparatus consists of a penetrometer
(see Fig 2) with a needle in a holder (spindle) able
The resistance of the dry chemical powder to caking to move vertically without measurable friction and
and lumping shall be detennined by preparing the capable of indicating the depth of penetration to the
samples as described in and using a suitable nearest O. I mm. The mass of the spindle shall be
penetrometer as specified in and operating 47.5 ± 0.05 g and the total mass of needle and spindle
it as per instructions contained in Determine :lssembly 50.0 ± 0.05 g.
the penetration distance three times at three non-
collinear points across the surface of the dry powder The needle shall be made of fully hardened
fire extinguishing agent on each of the two samples. and tempered stainless steel. It shall be approximately
Detennine the arithmetic mean and report the same 50 mm in length and 1.02 mm in diameter,
as the penetration distance. symmetrically tapered at one end by grinding to a
cone having an angle between 8.7 0 and 9.7 0 for Sample preparativlI the entire cone length. The cone shall be coaxial
with the straight body of the needle. The total axial
Place 125 g sample of powder in a nickel crucible
variation of the intersl!ction between the conical and
shaped cup of 100 ml capacity. The cup shall be
64 mm deep and 60 mm in diameter at the rim.
straight surfaces shall not exceed 0.2 mm. The
Similarly prepare another sample. Mount hoth the cups truncated tip of the cone shall be within the diameter
on a suitable sieve shaker in holders and suhject the limits of 0.14 and 0.16 mm and square to the needle
powder to vibrations until there is no further axis within 2°. The entire edge of the truncated
compaction ohserved. but in any event for not less surfal.:e at the tip shall be sharp and free of burrs. The
than 5 min. surface roughness height of the tapered cone surface
shall be 0.2 to 0.3 microns arithmetic average. The
Expose the samples to humid atmosphere by keeping needle shall be mounted in a stainless steel ferrule
them in a moving air stream humidifier descrihed in and the exposed lenglh being between 40 and 45 10m.
4.5 Cree Fig. J) at 27 ± 5°C and minimum 78 percent The ferrule shall be 3.2 ± 0.05 mm in diameter and
relative hUl1iidity for 24 h. followed by drying for 24 38 ± I mm in length. The needle shall be rigidly
h by keeping in a electric oven maintained at mounted in the ferrule. The mass of the ferrule needle
4H ± 3°e. assemhly shall be 2.50 ± 0.05 g.





~= __""",-- SPIRIT l [vEl



IS 14609 : 1999 Penetrometer the ann and rotate the fine movement adjustrnen't
screw provided on the right side of the arc shaped
It is designed to measure in mm and tenths of a arm.
millimetre the permanently fixed in a brass ferrule
which in turn is held at the lower end of a vcrticaHy By moving the fine movement screw system
movable spindle which is made to fall freely without attached to the arm in anti-clockwise direction,
friction under the gravitational force into dry chemical the needle gets lowered and vice versa, that is.
powder held ina cup that has been compacted and by moving the fine movement screw the
exposed (0 humid atmosphere followed by drying as clockwise direction the level of needle goes up.
specified. Adjust the fine movement screw till the truncated
tip of the needle just touches the upper surface
Before letting the spindle fall down, it is held in static of the caked powder sample held in the cup.
position in a guide against a spring loaded button.
j) Now press the spring loaded button for 5 seconds
In order to let (he assembly of needle, ferrule and
to release the assembly of needle. ferrule and
spindle fall down the spring loaded button has to be
spindle and let this assembly of needle, ferrule
pressed and kept pressed for 5 seconds. The
and spindle fall freely under the earth's
penetration. that is, the distance the spindle, needle
gravitational pull. It is essential that this fall
and ferrule assembly has travelled down is manually
of needle should take place without friction.
measured by using a movable rack and fixed pinion
arrangement having a pointer· fix.ed on the axle of k) After releasing the button when the downward
the pinion. This pointer is fixed at the centre of a movement of needle and spindle assembly stops.
circular graduated dial. Note the distance the needle has penetrated into
the dry powder sample as read on the dial by
When the upper end of the vertical rack is manually manually pressing with thumb at the upper end
pressed. the pointer rotates over a circular dial having of the square ended rack till the lower end of
equal divisions graduated from 0 to 400. the rack touches the upper flat end of the spindle. Operating illstructiolls for penetrometer 4.7 Water Repellency Test
a) Note that the needle made of stainless steel is 4.7.1 Procedure
rigidly and pennanently fixed in a brass rod
called ferrule. Dry powder weighing 50 g shall be placed in a tared
h) Loosen the screw provided on the lower end beaker and gradually filled with 50 ml of distilled
of the spindle. lnsert the brass ferrule of the water. After 2 min. the dry powder and the water
penetration needle into the needle holder called from the beaker shall be gently poured out and the
spindle and tighten the screw so that needle beaker with wet powder, if any sticking to the beaker
may not come out during measurements. dried in an oven at 60°C for 2 h and then cooled
in a desiccator containing anhydrous calcium chloride
c) Level the penetrometer by suitably rotating the for) h. The beaker shall then be weighed and the
three levelling screws provided on the base and weight of dry residue calculated. The increase in the
seeing the air bubhle of the spirit level provided weight of the beaker due to powder residue sticking
on the base so that air bubble should rest in to the beaker shall not exceed 0.75 g, that is, 1.5
the centre of the spirit level. percent.
d) By keeping (he bulton pressed manually raise
the spindle. thal is. the needle holder with needle 4.8 Moisture Content
and ferrule assembly till the upper nat end of
(he spindle touches the lower end of the rack The moisture content shall not exceed 0.25 percent
made of square rod of brass. (mlm).

c) Loosen the small knob provided on the left of 4.8.1 In an atmosphere of 50 ± 5 percent relative
the graduated circular dial and manually sliding humidity, and a temperature of 27 ± SoC, place a
it up or down and lightening, that is. by sample of approximately 50 g into a tared aluminium
manipulating the screw set the dial such that moisture foil having 65 mm diameter and 15 mm
pointer reads 400 (or zero). depth and weigh accurately. Place the dish holding
powder sample in a desiccator using 95 to 98 percent
f) Kt:cp (he cup holding the caked sample powder
by mass reagent grade sulphuric acid as a drying
on the base of the penetrometer in the centre.
agent. Maintain the closed desiccator and contents
g) Holding the arc shaped arm loosen the L-shaped at a temperature of 21 ± SoC for 24 h. At the end
holt. Now lower the arc shaped ann (spindle of this time, remove the test sample and weigh
and needle assembly) till the truncated tip of accurately. Calculate the moisture content of the
the needle remains say 10 mm above the surface sample from the following equation:
of the dry powder. Now screw up the L~shaped
M= x 100
h) Loosen the screw provided on the left side of
IS 14609 : 1999
where Erlenmeyer flask is inverted over the horizontal one
and the rubber tube is slipped over so that it covers
M :: Moisture content, in percent; the neck. The purpose of rubber tube is to hold the
Original mass of sample, in g; and two flasks. A suitable apparatus is shown in Fig. 4.

Mass of sample, in grams, after 24 h 4.10.3 Procedure

This assembly is held vertically by their necks in
4.9 Heat Resistance Test a suitable stand. The assembly of the two flasks is
then turned/rotated by J 80· and kept held in this
The dry powder sample weighing 150 ± 2 g shall position, till all the powder moves/flows down to the
he placed in a tinned steel cup having 75 mm diameter lower flask. In this process some aeration of the
and 50 mm depth provided with a closely fitting powder sample takes place. As soon as the entire
flanged cover/lid. The lidded cup holding the powder quantity of powder falls into the lower flask. the
shall then he placed in a thermostatically controlled assembly is immediately again turned 1800 and held
oven maintained at a temperature of 60 ±2°C for a in this position. In this way the process of aeration
week. The sample shall then be cooled down and is continued and repeated so that in all aeration is
examined for caking or lumps formation. The lumps done only ten times. Note that this aeration is to be
or cakes, when dropped from a height of JOO mm done in quick succession without stopping in between
on a smooth glass surface of some other hard surface, consecutive aeration.
shall he friable to pass the requirement of particle
Immediately after the tenth run is over the
site distribulion laid down in 4.4.
measurement of fluidity is commenced by recording
NOTE - Meeting of this requirement ensures that the dry the period required for the powder to flow through
powder is thennally stable and shall not decompose in normal completely. In quick succession total ten measu-
ambient extreme temperature. Abo it ensure that none of its rements are carried out. The arithmetic mean time
aJtlitives shull melt ai an elevated temperature of 6(~'C. If it 'f' of these timings is cakulated. Then the rate of
j, Hnt so the powder shall he rendered non-effective
\.'xtinguishing agent when used in ell.tinguisher(s) kept In flow, that is, fluidity of powder is calculated hy
location, having higher temperatures such as boiler roo illS , and dividing the quantity 500 g by mean time 't' seconds.
Ileal' pipes carrying hot chernkuls, steam. etc, in industries.
The sample of the powder is deemed to have passed
4.10 Free Flowing Characteristics (Efficient the requirement of fluidity if the rate of flow is not
Fluidity) helow 50 g/s.

4.10.1 A dry chemical powder having howsoever

good fire inhibitory property when used in
extinguishers may be rendered ineffective if it does ERlENME¥(A
HAS~S ---
not /low in pipes satisfactorily. 100«

Dry powders arc generally filled in extinguisher

hodies whether portahle or wheeled units or in fixed
installations or in special dry chemical powder
(cnders. Moisture free compressed gases like
nitrogen, carhon dioxide or air are generally used
to Jrive out the powder. In doing so the powder
is required to flow through metal pipes. bends, ruhher
t1exihlc hoses, etc. If the powder has less mohility
it can not he driven out satisfactorily hence can not ~03

he projected on fire. .
In the design of good extinguishers an effort is made
to loosen or aerate the powder before its finding way
into the discharge pipes and fittings, etc, so that a
non-pulsating jet of power is obtained.

4.10.2 Equipm~llt

The device consists of two numbers of Erlenmeyer

glass conical flasks each of I 000 ml capacity. One
Ilask is inverted over the other such that they meet
mouth 10 mouth. A clean, dry flask holding a known I
mass of powder 500 g under test is kept horizontal. ~'---4>no---.-
A rubber tuhe is put on its neck. A dish made out
of 1 mm thick stainless steel sheet and having a All dimensions in millimelres.
concentric aperture of 26 mm diameter is fixed FIG. 4 ARRANGEM;ENT OF EQUIPMENT FOR FREE
horizontally in to the neck. A similar clean. dry FLOWtNG CHARACTERISTICS

IS 14609 : 1999
4. II Foam Compatibility c) Keep foam generating arrangement ready. The
pressure vessel is to be charged with a
4.11.1 Equipment premixed solution of protein foam concentrate
conforming to IS 4989 (Part 1) at 4 percent
The equipmenl shall consist of the following: concentration(vlv) in clean potable water.
a) A foam making branch pipe having water d) Pour 3 J of n·heptane into the fire tray holding
discharge capacity of 7.5 lImin at 7 kgflcm 2 water layer.
pressure connected to a pressure vesseJ
through a flexible rubber hose on one side. e) Ignite the fuel and let it burn freely for 10 s.
The pressure vessel is to be pressurized with
the help of an air compressor as shown in t) Using a suitable goose neck fitted on the
Fig. 3 of IS 4989 (Part 1). foam making branch pipe apply foam into
h) A fire tray made out of 3 mm thick mild the tray on fire for ) 0 s.
steel sheet. with all welded. leak proof
construction. The tray shall be kept on a stand g) Start a stop watch.
and shall have a sparged pipe of stainless
steel fitted ,.>0. one side as shown in Fig. 5. h) Meanwhile. immediately connect the
The sparged pipe shall have a spigot made domestic LPG gas line to the free end of the
on (he free end so that the LPG rubber tubing sparge pipe.
may be easily and securely connected to it.
j) Thirty seconds after the completion of foam
c) A domestic LPG gas cylinder fitted with application, open the gas line and ignite the
regulator and rubber tube. LPG bubbling out of the foam blanket from
the sparge pipe. Immediately start noting
d) A suitable torch to set petrol, LPG on fire. down the time period required for complete
area of tray to be involved into flames. Let
4.11.2 Procedure this time be called TI seconds.
The following procedure shall be followed: NOTE - Throughout the test LPG gas supply is to be
rTUlintained at full throttle.
a) Keep the fire tray measuring 60 cm length.
25 em breadth and 20 cm height on a k) Extinguish the fire. Let the tray cool down.
68 em high stand as shown in Fig. 5. The
tray should be clean and ensure that none m) Repeat the procedure as given above from
of the holes made in the sparge pipe are step (a) to (e).
n) Put 60 g of the dry chemical powder sample
b) Pour 8 I of clean potable water into the tray, under test.
so that the sparge pipe gets submerged.
p) Above the platfonn of the butterfly valve of
~ the puffer chamber.
By operating the puffer chamber at
~ 276 kN/m 2 (40 psi) apply the powder on the
burning tray. This makes the fuel surface hot
and powder particles remain on exposed
surface of fuel. The fire. mayor may not go
q) Immediately apply foam for 10. s as done
previously in steps (c) and (t).
r) Now repeat steps from (g) to (j).

s) Record the time taken for involvement of

complete area of lIay into flames. Let this
time be T2 seconds.
A dry powder sample shall be deemed
compatible with the foam sample with
which it is tested if Tl is not less than one
half of T•.
NOTE - For application or foam into tray the operator
should wear fire protective hand gloves and face
All dimensions in millimetres. shield and use 11 suitable,goose ned on the foam making

IS 14609 1999
4.12 Fire Knocking Down Properties Test fire construction

4.12.1 Procedure for Class A Fire The test fire shalf consist of a crib of wooden sticks
constructed on two 63 mm x 63 mm angle irons or
Extinguishing powder suitable for Class A Fire shaH other similar and appropriate supports. placed on
extinguish the test fire described below. The general concrete blocks having square cross section of
arrangements shaH be as shown in Fig. 6 and Fig. 7. 300 mm x 300 mm so that the height of the supports
above the flour is 405 mm. The sticks forming the Location and ambient conditions outside edges of the crib shall stapled or nailed together
to provide strength to the crib.
Carry out the tests indoors, sheltered from draughtsl Use wood sticks of species, sub- species or hybrids
winds, which does not impede the natural development of the general Pinus. Picea or Abies or the species
of the test ftre or effective fire fighting. Cryptomeria, Japonica or kail (local Indian name)
in the fonn of sticks of square cross section with
sides of 3g+.~ mm and 651 ± 10 mm long, with a
moisture content of 9 to 13 percent {mass/mass} and
COMPRISING 6 STICKS a density of 500 ± 50 kg/m J .
Stack the wooden sticks in 13 layers with 6 sticks
in each layer. Stack each layer of sticks at right
angles to the layer below. Stack individual sticks on
each layer with even spacing and in the form of a
square with sides equal to the stick length as shown
in Fig. 6. Ignition
Take a lighting tray made of mild steel sheet and
having an welded, leak proof construction and having
square shape with each side 686 mm. The tray shall
be 102 mm deep. Place this tray centrally and
symmetrically under the crib. Pour 5 I of water and
then 3.8 I of n-heptane into the tray. Ignite the fuel.
Wait till the entire quantity of fuel is burnt out.
Remove the tray once the liquid fuel has been
consumed. Allow the crib to burn until the sticks
SUPPOR1S t.05mm
KlGH CONCRETF. in the top row have unbumt core diameters of 19
BLOCKS to 25 mm before applying the extinguisher to the fire. Description of extinguisher for fire kTiock
FIG. 6 SET-Ur FOR CLASS 'A' TEST FIRE OF down test of A,H. C. dry powder on class 'A 'fire (wood

GAUGE 0- 21 "9!/t'"
l.C:o.0-5kg1/cm l




IS 14609 : 1999
For this test an extinguisher having gun metal wheel b) Unscrew the cap and remove it. Ensure that
type cap of 5 kg nominal capacity of dry chemical the rubber gasket/washer is there seated in
powder, conforming to IS 2171 is modified as under: the recess made in the cap.
c) Empty the extinguisher and clean it.
:.I) Its CO 2 gas cartridge is removed.
(Caution : Do not use water to clean).
b) In the dome portion at a point diametrically d) Screw up the cap and tighten it. Tum off the
opposite to the discharge elbow a hole is pressure release valve and purge the
made on which an elbow is welded to serve extinguisher system with moisture free
as an air-inlet point. This elbow is connected compressed air. Continue purging till only
10 a lee connection. On the tee connection air is seen coming out from the dry powder
an air pressure gauge of range 0 to discharge nozzle.
21 kgf/cm2 and least count of 0.5 kgf/cm2
e) Now, Slop compressed air supply and release
is screwed up. The free end of the tee is the pressure by operating pressure release
connected to a nipple which is connected to valve.
another lee. One end of the tee is connected
LO a pressure release valve and the other end f) Open up the cap by unscrewing it.
of the tee is connected to a fleltible high
g) Charge/fill the extinguisher body with 4 kg
pressure rubber hose pipe having l2 mm of A,B,C, dry chemical powder sample under
nominal bore. The free end of the hose pipe test.
is connected to a suitable moisture trap which
in lurn is connected to an electrically operated h) Screw up and completely lighten the gun
ai r I.:ompressor capable of supplying metal cap.
l:ompresscd air at 10 kgf/cm2 continuously j) Switch on the air compressor and build up
for 10 min. a pressure of minimum 14 kgflcml in the
compressor air tank.
c) Instead of the nonnal discharge hose pipe
usually connected to the syphon pipe, a k) Pressurize the extinguisher system to
3 m length of high pressure flexible hose pipe 10 kgf/cm 2.
of ruhber is connected. This discharge hose TIle system is now ready for application of
has a nominal bore of 12 mm. At the free dry powder on Class 'A' fire.
end of the hose fitted on discharge side, a
suitable squeeze grip type Or quarter turn NOTE - During the npplicalion of powder on fire keep
compressed air supply on and keep the operation lever
vJlue dry powder nozzle having a discharge of the squeeze grip nozzle fully pressed jntennillt.!nl
rate of Y2 kg/s at to kgf/cm2 pressure is discharge Ihroughout the entire duration of the fire ICst.
fitted. This nozzle and the design of the
Jisl.:harge mechanism shall be such as to
obtain a non-pulsating continuous discharge Method of application
of powder in jet fonn. The whole system
Apply the discharge of the extinguisher to the test
shall withstand a pressure of 25 kgflcm 2 and
fire, initially to the front and from a distance of not
shall be air leak tight.
less than 1.8 m. Reduce the distance of attack and
apply the discharge to the top, bottom, front or either Method of charging
sides but not the back of the crib. Maintain all devices
a) By operating pressure release valve, release for controlling the flow of the powder in the position
the pressure if any present in the extinguisher. for maximum discharge.


:'tT~~O~.f~lfO WITH
All dimensions in millimetre•.
IS 14609 : 1999
4.12..1.7 Condition for successful extinction. c) With the puffer chamber valve shut, regulate
the pressure of compressed air till the pressure
For the test to be successful, all flames shall be of the moisture free compressed air is set at
extinguished and the crib shall be in a state which 2.8 kN/m 2•
will not be subject to self-ignition or continue to
smoulder under the conditions of the test for a period d) Fill the outer area of the semielleptical shaped
of 14 min. fire pan up to 2 mm below the edges with
clean potable water.
4.12.2 Procedure jor Class B Fire e) Next. pour 5 I of water into the inner area
of the fire pan. Equipment
f) Weigh 30 ±l g of the sample powder. Weigh
The equipment shall consist of the following: 5 of such samples.
a) An air compressor. g) Remove the cap kept on the cylindrical
stainless steel pipe embodying the butterfly
b) An air pressure regulator and moisture trap valve. Pour this mass of powder into the pipe
(to eliminate moisture from compressed air) provided so as to place the powder on to the
suitably mounted on a stand. platform of the spring loaded butterfly valve
c) Weighing scales. weights and a plastic or
in closed position of the puffer chamber.
Replace the cap.
stainless steel spoon.
h) Gently pour 600 ml of n-heptane as fuel over
d) A slap watch.
water container in the inner area of the fire
pan taking care that no fuel is splashed into
c) A small torch and match box.
the outer area. The level of water is to be
f) Stainless steel fire pan. as shown in Fig. 9. adjusted in the inner area such that top layer
of the fuel is about 2 mm below the front
g) Stainless steel fire pan cover, made of asbestos edge. Due care is to be exercised while
sheet. pouring fuel to avoid splashing of the fuel
h) A puffer chamher made out of stainless steel into the outer area to avoid conditions
sheet mounted on a stand. as shown in Fig. to. resulting in inconsistent fires or fires in the
outer area and consequently inconsistent
j) A graduated glass measuring cylinder of results.
one litre capacity.
j) Ignite the fuel and simultaneously start the Fuel stop watch and let the fuel burn freely for
10 s. As soon as \0 s are over, simultaneously
600 ml of normal heptane. fully tum the butterfly valve in anti-clockwise
direction so as to open the valve. Also operate Procedure the pet cock/stop cock provided on the
a) Arrange the equipment as shown in Fig. 8 compressed air line so as to let compressed
on aim high table provided with a non- air line open and sample powder falling on
combustible top. kept in a draught free room the puffer chamber inner plate get introduced
or enclosure fitted with exhaust fan(s) to vent instantly into the air stream which is delivered
out smoke when the test is over. on the fire in the form of a dry powder cloud
or dry powder puff over the flames which
h) Connect the puffer chamber to compressed sweeps out the hurning flames to cause
air reservoir usi ng . a high pressure rubber extinction of fire.
hose line through an air pressure reducer-
cum-regulator and a moisture trap. Conduct the test five times out of which the



All dimensions in mill i metres.

All dimensions in millimetres. NOTE - Pennissible deviation :to.S.
IS 14609 : 1m
sample powder must extinguish the fIre four such corrosion. Mono-ammonium phosphate
times. If extinction is achieved in the first four based agent will require same scraping and
tests the fifth one need not be carried out. washing if exposed surfaces were hot when
the agent was applied. .
1 This test must be done in a room or enclosure where the
wind does not disturb the fire.
g) Multipurpose dry chemical powder shall not
2 A suitable Halon I 211 extinguisher or CO, extinguisher be considered satisfactory for use on
ur DC. P. extinguisher or AFFF stored pressure mechanical machinery such as carding equipment in
foum extinguisher must be kept in altendance to meet any ftre textile operations and delicate electrical
ullt·break exigency arising due to non-extinction of fire or
other reasons. equipment, because, upon exposure to
3 To obtain repeatable results the fire pan must be allowed temperatures j n excess of 121OC, or relative
to cool down before repeoting the test. humidity in ex.cess of 50 percent, deposits
will be formed which may be corrosive, Precautions conductive of electricity and difficult to
Following precautions shall be taken during the test: remove.

a) The distance between the lower edge of the 6 SAMPLING AND CRITERIA FOR
outlet of puffer chamber and the nearest edge CONFORMITY
of the fire pan is of critical importance and The details of the sampling and criteria for confonnity
should be maintained as shown in Fig. 8.
are given in Annex B.
h) The angle at which puffer chamber rests on 7 PACKING
the stand is also of critical importance.
7.1 The powder shall be packed in hennetically sealed
4.12.3 Procedure for Class C Fire moisture proof plastic bags or containers lined with Any powder meeting the requirements of plastic, in the quantities I, 2. 5, 10 and 25 kg.
Class B fire test as described in 4.12.2, in addition
be deemed to possess the potential for colour achieving 7.1.1 The strength of the container used shall be such
an adequate perfonnance on Class 'C' fires, that is, that no distortion or failure of the container shall
fires involving gases. occur when it is kept on a flat surface on any of
its sides/ends and a weight of 10 kg is applied to
4.13 Colour it. The container shall not disintegrate to any extent
when dropped from a height of 1 m on a concrete
A,S,C powder shall be of pale yellow colour. surface after being packed.
5 GUIDANCE NOTES 7.2 The powder of quantity 50 kg shall be packed
a) AlI extinguishing powder must be safe for in jute bag conforming to IS 7406 (Part 2).
use on live electrical equipment, and must
not contain any electrically conductive 8 MARKING
8.1 Each pack conlaining dry powder shall be labelled
h) The various materials and additives used to with the following information:
produce extinguishing powders shall be
generally recognized as being non-toxic to a) Manufacturer's name or trade-mark.
humans. b) Quantity of the powder in kilograms.
c) The discharge of large amounts of dry c) Type: Foam Compatible.
chemical powder may create hazards to
personnel in the vicinity such as reduced d) Date of manufacture/Batch No.
visibility and temporary breathing difficulty. e) Class of fire, that is, A, B, C.
d) Mono-ammonium phosphate and potassium 8.1.1 BIS Certification Marking
chloride are slightly acidic. and in the presence
of moisture, they can corrode metals such as The packing may also be marked with the Standard
steel, cast iron and aluminium. Mark.
e) Potassium bicarbonate, sodium bicarbonate The use of the Standard Mark is governed
and urea based potassium bicarbonate are by the provisions of the Bureau of Indian Standards
slightly basic. and in the presence of moisture Act, ) 986 and the Rules and Regulations made
they can corrode metals such as aluminium, thereunder. Details of conditions under which a licence
aluminium bronze and titanium. for the use of the Standard Mark may be granted
to manufac.turers or producers may be obtained from
t) However, prompt clean up, if done, can avoid the Bureau of Indian Standards.

IS 14609 1999
(Clause 2)

IS No. Title IS No. Title

1607 : 1977 Methods for test sieving (first (Part I): 1985 Protein foam (second revision)

4308: 1982 Specification for dry powder for (Part 2): 1984 Aqueous film Conning foam (AFFF)
fire fighting (first revision)
4861 : 1984 Specification for dry powder for (Part 3): ]987 Fluoro protein foam
fighting fires in burning metals
(first revision)
4905: 1968 Methods for random sampling 7406 Specification for jute bags for
(Part 2) : 1986 packing fertilizers : Part 2 Lami·
4989 Specification for foam concentrate nated bags manufactured from 380
(compound) for producing mech- glm2; 68 x 39 tarpaulin fabric (first
anical foam for fire fighting: revision)

(Clause 6)


B·1.1 Lot B-2.1 Draw with an appropriate sampling instrument
a small portion of the material from different parts
All the containers in a single consignment of the of each selected container. Thoroughly mix all portions
material of the same type drawn from a si ngle batch of the material drawn from the same container. The
of manufacture. shall constitute a lot. total quantity of the material drawn from each
container shall be sufficient to conduct all the tests
8-1.2 TIle samples shall be tested from each lot for given under 4. The material from each of the container
ascertaining the conformity of the material to the so selected. shall be subjected to the tests for apparent
requirements of the specification. The number of density, particle size distribution, water repellency
containers to be selected from each lot shall depend and free flowing. The lot shall be considered as
upon the size of the lot and shall be in accordance conforming to these requirements if all the samples
with col I and 2 of Table 1. meet the requirements.
B·2..2 For the tests for hygroscopicity and caking and
Table 1 Scale of Sampling heat lest. a composite sample shall be made of taking
(Clause B-I.2) small but equal quantity of material from each of
the selected containers and one lest shall be carried
Lot Size Sample Size out for each requirements. The lot shall be considered
(I) (2)
as confonning to these requirements if a sample passes
in both the requirements.
Up to 50 J
8-2.3 The fire test and foam compatibility test
.'il to 100
(applicable only to foam compatibility type) shall
101 10 150 5 also be carried out on the composite sample. Three
\)\ 10 300 6 samples shall be tested for Class B fire. However
.~O \ and above for Class A only one shall be carried out. The
lot shall be considered as conforming to the
requirements of fire test if at least two samples
8-1.2.1 These containers shall be selected from the completely ex.tinguish the fire. For foam compatibility.
lot at random. In order to ensure the randomness of two samples shall be tested. The lot shall be considered
selection, procedures given in IS 4905 may be as conforming to the requirements of this test if hath
followed. the samples pass.
IS 14609 1999

Fire Fighting Sectional Committee, CED 22

Clrllirnum R~prese"ling

SHRI OM PRAKASH (FIRE ADVISER) Ministry of Home Affairs, New Delhi


SIIKI D. K. SHAMI Ministry of Home Affairs, New Delhi

DR NAVINC'HANDRA JAIN Government of Mahlltnshtro, Mumbai

SHIH P N. SETIlNA Kooverji Devshl & Co (P) Ltd, Mumbai

SURJ N. T. PANJWANI (Alturmte)

SHRI SHN NArn Steelilge Industries Ltd, Chcnna.ilDelhi


SIlRI P. K. CHATIERJEE Ministry of Defence. Delhi

SHRI H. S. KAPARWAN (Allemtlle)

SHRl K. P. SHARMA Railway Board, Delhi


SHRI M GANGARAJU Dire~torate Genera! of Supplies & Disposals, Pune

SIlR! V. K. VERMA (Alltrnule)

SIlRI S K. DHERI Delhi Fire Servi~e, Delhi

SI!RI R. C. SHARMA (Allermlle)

SHRI V. L. N. RAO Controlleratc of Qualify Assurance. Pune

Lr-CCl. S. K. MAJlKANDEY (A/remate)

StiRl P. A. DUBEY Design & Consultancy, CME Campus. Pune

5100 NARINOER KUMAR Engineer-in-Chiefs Branch. New Delhi

FIIU'. ADVISER Defence Research & Development Organization. Delhi

SilK] S. C RAY (AltuMre)

SI\~1 J. N. VAKIL Tariff Advisory Conuniltee. Ahmadabad

StiR! K. RAVI (AltuMle)

DIRITIOR Home Deprutment (Fire Service). Chennai

!)nvrv DIRECTOR (AlrernlJll')

DR T P SHARMA Central Building Rese~h Institute (CSlR), Roorkee

DR A. K. Gt:PTA (Alternate)

StlRl B. PATHAK West Bengal Fire Service. CalcuttA

M.o\NAGING DIRECTOR Avon Services Pvt Ltd, Mumbai


SHRI P. S. BIIANDARI Ce~tral Industrial Security Force, New Delhi

SIIRI D. R. YAllAV (Alltrnale)

PRFSIDESl The Institution of Fire Engineers (India), Delhi

Gt.:NHAL SECRETARY (Alternate)

SHRl S. N. KUNDl.: rire & Safel), Appliances Co. Calcuttll

SHRJ P KUANNA Jaya Shri Te~tiles. Delhi

(Continued (1ft page J3)

(Continued from paRt 12) IS 14609 1999
Membu.w Repruellting

DIRECTOR OF EQUIPMENT National Airport AUlhority. New Delru


S~1Rl C. P. GOSAII'! Centrn.l Public Works DepDtmenl, New Delhi

SHPJ P. N. GHOSH In personal capacity (J-J916 ChitttJrunjun Park.. Ntw Delhi)

SHRI B. J. SHAH Newilge Industries. Gujanu

SHRI A. M. SHAH (Alturwle)

StiRl V. V. RAO Bombay Fire Brigade. Mumbai

SHRI G. V. SAW ANT (Allernate)

SHIll T. YOGESWARA Steel Authority of India Ltd, Rourkela


SHRI SURESH BABu Steel Authority of India Ltd. Dhanbad

Situ D. N. SINGH (AltuntJIe)

SHRI R. P. SAXENA Oil & Natural Gas Commission. Dehra Dun

SHRl NEERAl SHARMA (Alternate)

StiRl SWARANllT SEN Home (Police Department). Government of Andhra Pradesh. Hyderablld
Dm.rrr' DIRECTOR (A/tunUle)

SHRI T ARrr SUI{ Surex Production & Sales Pvt LId. Calcutta
SIIRI D. NEOCoI (Altern/at')

SHRI HARISH SAUlT Vijay Fire Protection Systems Pvt Ltd. Mumbai

Sllltl RAMESH R DHOBlEY Bhabha Atomic Research Centre. Mumbai

SHRI S. M. DESAI Eureka Firetech Pvt Ltd. Mumbai

SIIRl G. B. MENON In personal capacity ( No. 33123R A-5 Puzhaldwra Padam Vnmul.

SHill ASHOK SHARMA Mather & Plait (lndin) Ltd. Mumbai

SIIRI A. K. NANDI (Alu-mate)

MANAUING DIRECTOR Loss Prevention Association of India. Mumabi

SHRI P. N. PANCHAL In personal C4pacily (Fl(l( No. 46 8/lld E-I, Pocu/II. S~c/or 15. Rohini.

SHRI VINOD KUMAR. Director Geneml. BIS (hoI/Uk;(J Mtmbal

Director (Civ Engg)

Membtr·Su re/IJry
loint Director (Civ Engg). BIS

Bureau of indbn Standards
BIS is a statutory institu~ion establ ished under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods and
attending to connected matters in tbe country.

BIS has the copyright of aU its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permisSion in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and, lype or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to tbe Director (Publica_tion). 8IS ..

Review of Indian Standards

Amendments arc issued to sf2ndards as the need arlSes on the basis of comments. Sf2ndards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue
of 'BIS Handbook' and 'Standards Monthly Additions'
This Indian Standard has heen developed from Doc: No. CEO 22 (5272).

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected


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