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Name : Yoel Aditya Nugraha

Nim : 19622077

Class : Business Administration ( International class )


• Explain about Indonesia economy condition.

• East Kalimantan province government economics condition.
• PT. Telkom prospect business.
• Family condition economy

I. Your family economic condition based on scarcity.

II. Explain regarding to:

a. Inplation rate
b. Exchange rate
c. Poverty rate
d. Unemplayment rate
e. Devalution
f. Depreciation
g. Appreciation
h. Economic growth
i. Gross domestic Production
j. Gross national Product

Answer: Based on scarcity

1. Land :
Losses about water scarcity are most severe in Indonesia and the
Philipines, as many as 67% of respondents in these two countries
strongly agree that air scarcity can affect economic growth, compared
to 43% in Singapore, 44% in Thailand and 60% in India. Based on
this report, Indonesia is ranked among the top countries for
populations at risk of air vulnerability because Indonesia rank fourth
in the water and sanitation index and ranks sixth in the flood index.
Water scarcity is a big challenge in Indonesia, like other countries in
asia, the challenge is to keep up with demand for water supply
through increased participation and lifestyle in dietary changes

Economic capital :

At present capital markets in Indonesia are smaller and fewer than other
ASEAN countries and other developing countries. This is related to the low
use of the capital market to finance investments and restrictions on
intermediaries by non-bank financial institutions (inadequate hedges and
insurance facilities). The securities market and the current (relative)
securities market are underdeveloped and the market capitalization of
companies listed on the IDX is lower than companies listed in other
countries in Southeast Asia. The positive side of this problem is that
Indonesia still has ample room to grow.

Labor :
A characteristic of Indonesia is that the unemployment rate is highest for people between
the age of 15 and 24, far above the country's national average. Freshly graduated students
from universities, vocational schools and secondary schools have difficulties finding their
place in the national workforce. Almost half of Indonesia's total number of workers possess
a primary school degree only. The higher the education degree, the lower its share towards
Indonesia's workforce. In recent years, however, there is a changing trend visible: the share
of higher education degree holders rises, while the share of those that went to primary
school only decreases.

Vulnerable employment (unpaid workers and own-account workers) for both men and
women is rather high in Indonesia compared to developed countries and regional peers. For
Indonesian men the figure has been around 60 percent of the country's total male
employment force during the last decade, while the figure is around 70 percent for women.
Most people that fall in the category of vulnerable employment belong to the informal sector.

2. East kalimantan economy condition

East Kalimantan's economy heavily depends on earth resources such as

oilfield exploration, natural gas, coal and gold. Balikpapan has an oil
refinery plant that was built by Dutch governance before World War II,
destroyed during World War II, and rebuilt after Indonesian independence.
Other developing economic sectors include agriculture and tourism
Obstacles to economic development include a lack of transportation
infrastructure Transportation depends on traditional boats connecting
coastal cities and areas along main river, Mahakam River
In 2012, Russia's state railway firm Joint Stock Company (JSC) signed a
Memorandum of Understanding with the East Kalimantan Governor over
railway lines to transport coal and other freight. The first stage will connect
an area near Balikpapan port to West Kutai Regency in a 183-kilometer line
and is estimated to cost about $1.8 billion. It will commence in 2013 and by
2017 it is hoped that it carry 20 million tons of coal annually. The second
phase will connect a line to Murung Raya in Central Kalimantan with a 60
kilometer line, which will cost an estimated $600 million
Several oil fields have been discovered in the Mahakam
River Delta including Attaka, Badak (1971), Semberah, Nilam, Sanga
Sanga, Bekapai (1972), Handil (1974), Samboja, Jakin and
Sepinggan. The Handil, Badak and Bekapai fields are anticline structural
traps with oil reservoir sandstones between 450 and 2900 m399 The delta
is in the Kutei basin, bounded by the Mankalihat and Paternoster carbonate
arch, containing Eocene shales overlain by Oligocene fluvial deposits
during marine regression, culminating in the formation of the delta in the
late Miocene.

3. PT Telkom prospect business

PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk. (TLKM) recorded revenue growth in

semester I / 2019 of 7.72% compared to the same period last year.

Quoted from a financial report published Wednesday (7/31/2019), the

company collected revenue of IDR69.34 trillion during the first half of 2019,
up 7.72% compared to the same period in 2018 which was IDR64.37

Meanwhile, the company's revenue is dominated by the data, internet and

technology services segments, which contribute more than half of total
revenue. In the first semester of 2019, the company earned revenue from
this business line of Rp.44.23 trillion, up 17.6% compared to the
achievements in the first semester of 2018, which was Rp.37.61 trillion.

Then, telephone revenues amounted to Rp15.51 trillion, down 17.1%

compared to the realization in semester I / 2018 which was Rp18.7 trillion.
Although revenue from the telephone business tends to fall, the company
still receives interconnection revenue growth of Rp3.3 trillion, up 39.8%
compared to the same period in 2018.

On the profitability side, the issuer coded in TLKM shares earned profit for
the period attributable to the parent entity of Rp.11.07 trillion in the first
semester of 2019. This achievement increased by 27.36% from the
achievement of IDR8.69 trillion in semester I / 2018.

As of June 30, 2019, Telkom's total liabilities were recorded at IDR 107.35
trillion, while its equity was IDR 108.34 trillion. The total assets of the
BUMN company reached Rp215.69 trillion in the first semester of 2019.

4 Family economy condition

the economic condition of my family is sufficient and to get through the

future is very enough because my family is accustomed to living simply and
for economic activities our family's work is as a basic food seller

and currently i study while working on my passion that is as a photographer

so that for my own family's economy today even though simple but always
there to cover existing expenses

What is inflation
Inflation is a quantitative measure of the rate at which the average price
level of a basket of selected goods and services in an economy increases
over a period of time. It is the constant rise in the general level of prices
where a unit of currency buys less than it did in prior periods. Often
expressed as a percentage, inflation indicates a decrease in the purchasing
power of a nation’s currency.

What is an Exchange Rate

An exchange rate is the value of one nation's currency versus the currency
of another nation or economic zone. For example, how many U.S. dollars
does it take to buy one euro? As of February 23, 2019, the exchange rate
is 1.13, meaning it takes $1.13 to buy €1.

What is Poverty Rate

The poverty rate is the ratio of the number of people (in a given age group)
whose income falls below the poverty line; taken as half the median
household income of the total population. It is also available by broad age
group: child poverty (0-17 years old), working-age poverty and elderly
poverty (66 year-olds or more). However, two countries with the same
poverty rates may differ in terms of the relative income-level of the poor.

What Is Unemployment Rate?

The unemployment rate is the share of the labor force that is jobless,
expressed as a percentage. It is a lagging indicator, meaning that it
generally rises or falls in the wake of changing economic conditions, rather
than anticipating them. When the economy is in poor shape and jobs are
scarce, the unemployment rate can be expected to rise. When the
economy is growing at a healthy rate and jobs are relatively plentiful, it can
be expected to fall
What Is Devaluation?
Devaluation is the deliberate downward adjustment of the value of a
country's money relative to another currency, group of currencies, or
currency standard. Countries that have a fixed exchange rate or semi-fixed
exchange rate use this monetary policy tool. It is often confused with
depreciation and is the opposite of revaluation, which refers to the
readjustment of a currency's exchange rate.

What is Depreciation
Depreciation is an accounting method of allocating the cost of a tangible
asset over its useful life and is used to account for declines in value.
Businesses depreciate long-term assets for both tax and accounting
purposes. For tax purposes, businesses can deduct the cost of the tangible
assets they purchase as business expenses; however, businesses must
depreciate these assets according to IRS rules about how and when the
company can take the deduction.

What is Appreciation

Appreciation is an increase in the value of an asset over time. The term is

widely used in several disciplines, including economics, finance, and

What is Economic Growth?

Economic growth is an increase in the the production of economic goods
and services, compared from one period of time to another. It can be
measured in nominal or real (adjusted for inflation) terms. Traditionally,
aggregate economic growth is measured in terms of gross national product
(GNP) or gross domestic product (GDP), although alternative metrics are
sometimes used.

Gross domestic products (GDP)

is a monetary measure of the market value of all the final goods and
services produced in a specific time period, often annually. GDP (nominal)
per capita does not, however, reflect differences in the cost of living and
the inflation rates of the countries; therefore using a basis of GDP per
capita at purchasing power parity (PPP) is arguably more useful when
comparing differences in living standards between nations.

What is Gross National Product (GNP)?

Gross national product (GNP) is an estimate of total value of all the final
products and services turned out in a given period by the means of
production owned by a country's residents. GNP is commonly calculated by
taking the sum of personal consumption expenditures, private domestic
investment, government expenditure, net exports and any income earned
by residents from overseas investments, minus income earned within the
domestic economy by foreign residents. Net exports represent the
difference between what a country exports minus any imports of goods and

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