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Chapter 1:

1. What was the primary contribution of modern feminist writers to study of men? A
strong awareness of people as gendered begins.
2. How do men studies differ from traditional scholarship which was about men by
virtue of not being about women? Moved masculinity from the side-line but to the
center of inquiry.
3. What is the primary purpose of studying men from a gender aware perspective?
Address quality of life issue for both men and women
4. A boy who gets into a fight after another boy insults his mother is living up to which
of Brannon’s masculinity themes? Give ‘Em Hell
5. According to social scientific research, how is anti-femininity usually enforced in
male groups? Males are punished heavily for cross-gender behavior
6. Which of the following is/are way(s) gender roles exert power over men’s behavior?
All the above
7. Which of the following is NOT emphasized by the gender socialization perspective
in understanding gendered behavior? Biology
8. What is the primary critique of the Turkey Theory?
9. Why is avoiding the Turkey Theory important if one is interested in individual and
societal change? Historical events experienced by adult men cannot be changed
while the social environment can be
10. When competition or a threat to a man’s masculinity is manipulated in
experimental setting, men’s behavior varies considerably. What do these findings
11. Masculinity can have effects that both benefit men and hurt men. What was
recommended to be done about the benefits of traditional masculine attributes and
12. What aspect of privilege may lead a man of color to disagree with the notion that all
men are powerful? All the above
13. According to social constructionist, what primarily affects social definitions of
masculinity? All the above
Chapter 2:
14. In what way(s) is a gender role different from some other social roles?
15. What is a problem with the use of the term sex roles instead of gender role?
16. ________are prescriptive (narrow, rigid) or proscriptive (intolerant) beliefs about
men and women?
17. What is the social functions of using words real men when comparing men against
gender ideals?
18. Pleck (1981) described men who uncritically adopt the content of masculine norms
as prisoners of manliness. What did he mean by this statement? Men lose their
individuality when they rigidly conform to masculine norms
19. If someone you know and care about (your family member, friend) holds negative
stereotypes about a group of people, what does social scientific research suggest as
an effective means for altering these stereotypes ideas?
20. A grandfather is talking with his granddaughter and grandson about their career
aspirations. He mentions that possibly of his grandson becoming a policeman,
doctor, or businessman. When speaking to his granddaughter, he mentions the
possibly becoming a police woman, nurse, or homemaker. What cognitive process
would Bem (1993) attribute the grandfather’s behavior to?
21. IDK?
22. What assumption(s) underlies the gender identity model proposed by Freud and
23. How does the “androgyny model” differ from the “gender identity” model?
24. What are some negative consequences of being stereotypically masculine or
25. How does the gender role strain model view masculine behaviors differently from
the androgyny model?
Chapter 3:
26. What is the primary feminist critique of socio-biological position on gender?
27. What evidence do socio-biologist cite for the biological basis of promiscuity in men?
28. What is the role of culture in gender role behaviors from a sociobiology perspective?
29. What is the usual research method used in sociobiology studies of sex?
30. How does a Soci-biological perspective view aggression differently from a Gender
Role Strain perspective?
31. _______ is the collection of biological needs and undifferentiated psychic energy?
32. What is necessary in order for an individual to balance the conflicting demands of
society and biological instincts?
33. How would Freudian perspective explain hyper-masculine behavior?
34. From a psychoanalytic perspective, what do parents risk by being overly punitive
and controlling of their son?
35. According to Freudian analysis, if you were to observe a young boy, what behaviors
would indicate he had resolved the Oedipus complex successfully?
36. Which of the following explanations are a Freudian analysis of a school yard bully
that terrorizes younger and smaller children?
37. As a boy initial identification is with the mother, he is forced to separate from his
mother in order to successfully identify with his father. In addition to creating
psychological barriers between himself and his mother, what else is involved in the
separation process?
38. Chodorow and others proposed that male anti-feminine anxiety leads then to
experience themselves as separate from others while women experience themselves
as in relationship with others. What is recommended from this standpoint to
address men’s independence.
39. According to Freudian analysis boys’ Superego development depends on
identification with the _______?

Chapter 4:
40. How do the responses a girl receives for behaving in a stereotypically masculine way
differ from the responses a boy receives for behaving in a stereotypically feminine
manner? Boys are punished more for cross-gender behavior
41. From a Social Learning perspective, what is the origin of anti-femininity ideas men?
42. What does social learning research point to as causes of boys higher rates of
behavioral problems in schools?
43. What is a consequence of boy’s peer culture on boy’s behavior?
44. A father encouraged his son to use his to toolbox just like the father uses his toolbox.
Later his son begins to engage in other behaviors the father is doing, often without
direct reinforcement. What behavioral process is illustrated in this example?
45. According to Social Learning perspective what does shape a person’s gender
46. What does the strong influence of makes in the media do boys conceptions of
47. Men’s feelings of inadequacy are attributed to _____ by social learning theory?
48. Bem developed a theory of gender-dependent information processing that she
called______? Gender Schema Theory
49. Which of the following perspectives does propose that men and women often
experience pressure to behave in ways that they perceive as appropriate to the social
setting? Situational Influences
50. According to the studies what is men’s main motive to conform to social norms?

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