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Prefixes - Change the Meaning of Words Some of the most common prefixes are: Prefix ‘Meaning Examples un= not unhappy, unsuccessful, unable fe ‘again | redo, retuin, reappear cis- not. undo _| disappear. disgrace. discontinue inter between _| international, internet, intermission non not nonsense, nonfiction, nonviolent pre- before | predawn, prefix, precaution post ‘after | postpone. postscriot, postwar poly- many __| polygamy. polyester. polyglot sub- under___| subterranean, submarine, subordinate co- together | cooperate, collaborate, coordinate Suffixes - Change the Form of Words Some of the most common suffixes are: Form ‘Meaning Examples Noun action or process | mariage, voyage, pilarimage state or quality of | violence, absence, reficence ‘one who | servant, immigrant, assistant place for ‘aquarium. planetarium, auditorium slate or quality of | starvation, inspiration, tension slate or qualily of | accuracy. bankrupicy. conspiracy slate or quality of | freedom, boredom, wisdom person engineer, puppeleer, auctioneer surgical removal of _| tonsilecomy, appendectomy ‘one who superintendent, resident, regent ‘one who chauffeur, masseur slate or quality of | childhood, faischood, neighborhood plural ‘alumni, foci, syllabi doctrine of capitalism. socialism. patriotism: ‘one who works with _| playwright, shipwright study of biology, etymology. psycholoay ‘Adjective Is, can be, ‘comfortable, durable, perishable audacious, lsauacious, spacious vigilant, peasant, defiont inctined to be. ‘demonstrative, talkative. pejorative choracteristic of ‘comic, poetic, historic 5 characteristic of ‘nity, sunny, chewy Verb “ble repeated action stumble, squabble, mumble “ed past tense wanted, hated, looted sen made of strengthen, fasten, frighten ty to make temity. falsity. viity ie to make stondarcize, computerize, pulverize ‘Ravers [i resembing slowly, kindly, seriously -ward | direction forward, backward, onward wa manner sideways, Crossways

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