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Why is education important?

As rightly said, "we live our entire life in our brain," hence it is very
important to have thoughts that can create an impact in the society
and education acts as a compass which activates the magnet of
curiosity ,knowledge and wisdom that ultimately grooms an
individual and shapes his/her thought process. The biggest example
of this can be Women empowerment and elimination of caste based
discrimination in India. It was only after a very famous case study
that highlighted the fact that India could have been a 10 trillion
economy by 2015 had there been no gender and caste based
discrimination in the country.

In simple words just like our body needs nutritious food to work
properly, our brain needs latest data to shape an individual's
prospective. Education not only helps us in having a logical opinion
for a particular subject but also teaches us to present it to the
community with patience and participate in the overall development
of the society through innovation and creativity. As it is often said
that you are 7 people you live with, educating an individual means
imparting knowledge to his family and friends which was affirmed by
the phras," you educate a family if you educate a woman."

Since every action has an equal and opposite reaction, it is very

important to act sensibly. Education not only helps in eliminating the
harmful incidents in the society by keeping a person occupied but
also suggest ways to completely remove such social problems. A
highly educated society creates a rich and acceptable culture in
which even the uneducated individuals are required to follow a
decent code of conduct. This leads to overall growth,prosperity and
harmony as people realize the power of unity,personal space and
starts avoiding any task which may create a problem for others. The
term Sustainable development, United nation's policy of non
violence, globalisation, constitutions are all proud partners of such
campaigns where in a group of highly educated people shared their
prospective towards a problem in hand and searched for
alternatives to mitigate these issues which was ultimately followed
by different groups of the society.

In the end i would conclude by saying that the only thing that lasts
forever and can make a person immortal is education as
beauty,wealth etc might fade with time,but the thought process will
only improve with the amount of exposure and experience it gets.
Hence let's not aim to be a drop of ocean, let's aim to become the
entire ocean in one drop.

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