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Commercial Cooling of

Fruits, Vegetables,
and Flowers
Revised Edition



UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Agriculture and Natural Resources

Publication 21567
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Publication 2 1567
Revised edition, 2002

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Commercial Cooling of Fruits,
Vegetables, and Flowers
Revised Edition






This One


UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ImSl Agriculture and Natural Resources

Publication 21 567

List of Illustrations ii 8. Cooling Data .42

List of Tables iii
Appendix A-l:
Preface iv
Cooling and Long-Term Storage
1. The Commodity 1 Requirements for Fruits and Vegetables 44
2. Forced-Air Cooling 8 Cooling and Long-Term Storage Requirements
THOMPSON, RUMSEY, AND MITCHELL for Cut Flowers, Florist Greens, Bulbs, Cuttings,
and Miscellaneous Nursery Stock 50
3. Hydrocooling 19
THOMPSON Appendix B-l:
Room Cooling and Hydrocooling Times 53
4. Room, Ice, Vacuum, and Transport Cooling 28
Appendix B-2:
Airflow Rates and Static Pressure Required to
5. Selecting a Cooling Method 33 Force-Air-Cool Common Produce 55
THOMPSON Appendix B-3:
6. Measuring Temperatures 35 Static Pressure, Airflow, and Time Required
THOMPSON to Cool Selected Flowers 57
7. Cooling Calculations 37 References 58
THOMPSON Color Plates... 61

FIGURES 6. Effect of holding cherries at
four temperature patterns 7
1. Simplified description of plant respiration...
7. Schematic of a tunnel-type
2. Effect of temperature on respiration of forced-air cooler 8
several products
8. Schematic of a serpentine forced-air cooler 9
3. Effect of cooling delay on
market quality of Shasta strawberries 9. Schematic of a cold-wall-type
forced-air cooler 9
4. Primary routes of water loss
in fresh produce 10. Typical temperature pattern
in produce cooling 10
5. Table grape weight loss resulting from
two different cooling and handling regimes. 11. Product temperature in a forced-air-
cooled pallet of packed cantaloupe boxes 10
12. Product temperature in a forced-air- 27. Airflow pattern in a room cooler
cooled pallet of packed cherry boxes 10 with unit evaporators 28
13. Effect of product diameter and 28. Airflow pattern in a room cooler
airflow rate on forced-air cooling times 11 with a slotted ceiling duct 28
14. Pressure drop versus airflow through 29. Airflow pattern in a room cooler
pallets of Thompson seedless grapes 12 with a slotted plenum wall 29
15. Pressure drop versus airflow through 30. Key components of a 20-pallet-capacity
pallets of Bartlett pears 12 vacuum cooler 31
16. Air vent design allowing box cross stacking 13 31. Airflow in a bottom air delivery
17. Effect of carrot temperature reduction on system for marine containers 32
weight loss during forced-air cooling 14
18. Design of air-supply and air-return
plenums in a tunnel-type cooler 15 1. Gas pathways in a pear 61
19. Recommended dimensions of 2. Tunnel-type forced-air cooler 61
air-supply and air-return plenums in a 3. Serpentine-type forced-air cooler
tunnel-type forced-air cooler 15 for product in pallet bins 61
20. Uninsulated walls separating 4. Cold-wall-type forced-air cooler 61
tunnel cooling positions 17 5. Cold-wall cooler for cut flowers 61
21. Cutaway side view of a continuous-flow 6. Well-vented box for forced-air cooling 61
shower hydrocooler 19
7. In-line shower hydrocooler
22. Cutaway front view of a batch for cherries . back cover
hydrocooler with product in bins 20
8. Immersion-type hydrocooler
23. Cutaway side view of a continuous-flow for cherries back cover
immersion hydrocooler 21
9. Manually operated ice-injection system. .back cover
24. Effect of minimum product diameter
on cooling time in shower-type hydrocoolers 22 10. Automated ice injector for palletized
product; broccoli in ice back cover
25. Conveyor load capacity for a
continuous-flow hydrocooler 23 11. Vacuum cooler back cover
26. Approximate refrigeration capacity
for an uninsulated hydrocooler 23

1. Respiration of selected fruits and 7. Data for estimating expected
vegetables at near their recommended seven-eighths cooling time
lowest safe long-term storage temperature. and temperature 37
2. Water loss at which commodities 8. Example calculation of refrigeration
become unsalable load for a forced-air cooler 39
3. Transpiration coefficients for 9. Refrigeration effect conversions 40
selected fruits and vegetables 10. Approximate compressor horsepower
4. Comparison of energy use efficiency per ton of refrigeration 40
of coolers 16 11. Approximate compressor power in kW per kW
5. Factors affecting room-cooling of pallet of refrigeration 40
loads of tight-fill packed plums 30 12. Heat input to refrigerated spaces 41
6. Comparison of product effects and 1 3 . Physical properties of materials 41
cost for six common cooling methods 33
14. Conversion factors, customary to SI units 41

This publication is the second major revision of Cool who wants a better understanding of practical operation
ers for Fruits and Vegetables by Rene Guillou (UC Agric. guidelines. The publication has a complete discussion of
Exp. Stn. Bull. 773), published in 1960. It was revised hydrocooler and forced-air cooler design, the two most
in 1972 by F. G. Mitchell, Rene Guillou, and R. A. Par commonly used cooling methods that can be designed
sons and retitled Commercial Cooling of Fruits and Veg by most people with a good background in industrial
etables (UC Agric. Exp. Stn. Manual 43). refrigeration. There is little discussion of refrigeration
This publication describes both proper temperature equipment design because there are many other good ref
management practices for perishable commodities and erences that deal with this, such as Stoecker 1988, 1995,
the commercially used methods of cooling fruits, vegeta and those by the American Society of Heating, Refriger
bles, and cut flowers. It is written for a person who is ini ating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers; the Refrigerating
tially investigating produce cooling, for a professional Engineers and Technicians Association; and the Interna
designer who needs design details, and for an operator tional Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration.
The Commodity

CAUSES OF POSTHARVEST tion is a portion of the energy originally stored in the

DETERIORATION plant during photosynthesis.
Respiration is regulated by the catalytic action of
Fruits, vegetables, and flowers are living organisms protein molecules called enzymes. Enzyme activity is
that undergo all the physiological and pathological temperature sensitive and increases about two to four
processes associated with plants. To sustain essential times for each 10°C (18°F) temperature rise (fig. 2) up
chemical and physiological activities after harvest, to temperatures of about 25° to 30°C (77° to 86°F).
plants draw energy from stored food reserves. Because Above this temperature range, increases in respiration
they deteriorate continuously after picking, slowing rates slow, and the product is killed at higher tempera
deterioration processes allows adequate time for suc tures. Temperature is the greatest determinant of fresh
cessful marketing. produce deterioration rate and potential market life.
Physiological breakdown, physical injury to tissue, For example, uncooled table grapes deteriorate more
moisture loss, or invasion by microorganisms can all in 1 hour at 32°C (90°F), than they will in 1 day at a
cause product damage. Decay-causing fungi and bacte typical transport temperature of 4°C (39°F), or in 1
ria that attack fresh products are also living organisms week at a storage temperature of 0°C (32°F) (Nelson
and are major contributors to postharvest loss. Some 1985).
decay organisms can directly penetrate healthy tissue; Respiration rate varies widely among commodities
others enter only after produce has been weakened or (table 1) and even among varieties of the same com
injured. Each perishable product is a complex living modity. Commodities noted for long storage life, such
system of plant tissue and microorganisms, and satis as grapes, apples, cabbage, and potatoes, have low res
factory produce management requires protection of the piration rates and produce heat slowly. Vegetables,
produce while discouraging growth and spread of such as peas and asparagus, which are rapidly growing
Most causes of deterioration operate more rapidly Stored food Fermentation:
at high product temperatures. Understanding the rela (starches and sugars) carbon dioxide
tionship of temperature management to causes and alcohol
off flavors
effects of deterioration is essential to properly protect \ tissue collapse
ing produce.


Fresh fruits, vegetables, and flowers respire through a

complex series of chemical reactions. Starches and sug
ars stored in their tissues are converted to carbon diox
ide and water, a process (fig. 1) that utilizes energy Carbon dioxide
from the stored food reserves and oxygen from the sur Heat
rounding air. If oxygen absorption is restricted, nor Normal flavors
Normal texture
mal respiration cannot proceed, and fermentation
quickly destroys the produce. Heat released by respira Figure 1. Simplified description of plant respiration.

Table 1. Respiration of selected fruits and vegetables at near their recommended lowest safe long-term storage
temperature, in order of maximum increasing respiration rate

Class Commodity Respiration rate Temperaturet Class Commodity Respiration rate Temperaturet
(Btu/ton/day)* °C (°F) (Btu/ton/day)* °C (°F)

Very low Moderate (continued)

Dried fruits, nuts, <220 — Cauliflower 3,500-4,200 0(32)
vegetables Blackberry 4,000-4,400 0(32)
Low Carrots, topped 2,200-4,400 0(32)
Grapes, vinifera 220-440 0(32) Broccoli 4,200-4,600 0(32)
Plum, Wickson 220-660 0(32) Spinach 4,200-4,800 0(32)
Kiwifruit 660 0(32) Brussels sprouts 2,200-6,600 0(32)
Onion, dry 660 0(32) Onion, mature green 2,200-7,000 0(32)
Apple 220-880 0(32)
Cherry, sweet 880-1,100 0(32)
Peach 880-1,300 0(32)
Sweet potato 4,400-5,300 15(59)
Raspberry 4,000-5,500 0(32)
Cabbage 880-1,300 0(32)
Orange 880-1,500 5(41)
Bean sprouts 4,600-5,500 0(32)
Beet, topped 1,100-1,500 0(32)
Lettuce, leaf 4,200-5,900 0(32)
Pear, Bartlett 660-1,500 0(32)
Tomato, green 3,500-6,200 15(59)

Radish, topped 660-2,000 0(32)

Cucumber 5,100-6,400 10(50)
Potato 660-2,000 4(39)
Bean, snap 7,700 5(41)
Turnip 660-2,000 0(32)
Parsley 6,600-8,800 0(32)
Mushroom 6,200-9,700 0(32)
Watermelon 660-2,000 10(50)
Grapefruit 1,500-2,000 10(50)
Artichoke, globe 3,300-9,900 0(32)
Sweet corn with husks 6,600-11,200 0(32)
Kohlrabi 2,200 0(32)
Very high
Mango 9,900 15(59)
Pepper, sweet 3,100 10(50)
Endive 9,900 0(32)
Lettuce, head 1,300-3,700 0(32)
Peas, shelled 10,300-16,500 0(32)
Strawberry 2,600-4,000 0(32)
Asparagus 5,900-17,600 0(32)
Squash, summer 3,100-4,200 5(41)

Source: Adapted from Hardenburg et al. 1986.

*Btu/ton/24 hrx 0.00455 = mg '-hr '. Btu/ton/24 hr x 0.278 = kcal.1,000 kg '-day1.
tTemperature is the recommended long-term storage condition to the nearest 5°C.

plant parts (immature fruit and shoots respectively) Produce temperature management must begin from
have high respiration rates and short postharvest lives the instant of harvest when postharvest deterioration
and produce heat rapidly. Highly perishable fruits, begins. With highly perishable commodities, a few
such as berries, and many green vegetables have an hours' delay before starting cooling can cause damage
intermediate postharvest life. that cannot be overcome by subsequent good handling
practices. For example, strawberry cooling should
begin within 2 hours of harvest. The longer the delay
400 beyond this time, the greater the deterioration of the
Unshelled peas fruit (fig. 3). Apples, which have low respiration rates
and low water-vapor loss rates, can be marketed effec
o tively even if 1 or 2 days are required to achieve proper
Artichoke fruit temperatures.
- 200 Strawberry


Wilting and shriveling seriously damage the appear
40 50
ance of produce and reduce a product's consumer
10 15 20 25 °C
appeal and market value. Some perishables, particu
larly leafy vegetables, appear shriveled or wilted after
Figure 2. Effect of product temperature on respiration of water loss of only a small percentage of their weight at
several products. harvest (table 2). Stem shrivel can occur in grapes

Table 2. Water loss at which commodities become

(Crisosto et al. 1994) and cherries with less than 2 per
unsalable, in order of increasing maximum
cent weight loss. Other products do not show symp weight loss
toms until higher levels of weight loss, and their
postharvest life may be more limited by decay, physio Commodity Maximum weight loss Reason for loss
logical damage, or loss of taste (Robinson et al. 1975). (% fresh weight)
Lost produce weight as a result of water loss is a Spinach 3 wilting
direct marketing loss. A 5 percent weight loss causes 1 Broccoli 4 taste, wilting
lb less salable product in each 20-lb package, or 100 Ib Turnip with leaves 4 wilting
less for each ton of produce handled. Water loss may Tomato 4 shrivel
Leaf lettuce 3-5 wilting, decay
cause additional losses; for example, wilted leafy pro
Grapes 5 berry shrivel
duce may require trimming to make it marketable; Pear 6 shrivel
grapes may shatter loose from the cluster if their stems Cabbage 6 shrivel
are dry; and shriveled fruits must be discarded before Apple 7 shrivel
sale. Water loss also weakens plant cells, making cells Watercress 7 wilting
Persimmon 7 shrivel
more susceptible to pathogens, which may result in
Carrot 8 wilting
greater ethylene production and increased chlorophyll Brussels sprouts 8 wilting, rot, yellowing
loss, causing yellowing. Green pepper 8 shrivel
Water is lost from produce in the form of water Peach 11 shrivel
vapor. Fruits and vegetables are composed of cells Winter squash 15 hollow neck

loosely bound together, with a considerable amount Sources: Hardenburg etal. 1986; Hruschka 1977; Nelson 1985;
of interconnecting intercellular spaces that lead to Robinson et al. 1975.
natural openings and wounds (fig. 4). Water from the
cells vaporizes into the intercellular space and main
tains a nearly saturated atmosphere within the prod
uct. Water vapor moves to the outside atmosphere
through lenticles, stomates, stem scars, injured areas, 100
or directly through the cuticle (color plate 1). Rate
of moisture loss is also influenced by a product's ratio 80
of surface area to volume. Perishables such as leafy
vegetables have a high ratio of surface area to volume
and lose moisture more rapidly than fruits or fruit- 40
type vegetables.
The total effect of a product's physiological mecha 20
nisms of water loss and surface-to-volume ratio is
described by a measurement called the transpiration
coefficient, which is the milligram-per-second mois
Hours at 30°C (86°F)
ture-loss rate per kilogram of product, per megapascal
of vapor pressure difference between the product and Figure 3. Effect of cooling delay on market quality of
the surrounding air. Transpiration coefficients can vary Shasta strawberries.
among different products (table 3). For example, let
tuce and Brussels sprouts have transpiration coeffi
cients more than a hundred times greater than
potatoes, apples, or onions. Products with high mois
ture-loss potential must be carefully protected from Cuticle
Broken cuticle
dehydration by moisture-resistant packaging, like poly
ethylene bags.
The rate of product moisture loss can be estimated Wound
given a product's transpiration coefficient, the temper
ature difference between the product and its surround
ing air, and the humidity of the air around the product.
The last two factors are combined in a term called
vapor-pressure difference (VPD), which is the vapor Intercellular air
pressure in the interior of a commodity minus the space saturated
with water vapor
vapor pressure of the air surrounding the commodity.
The air inside the commodity is usually assumed to be Figure 4. Primary routes of water loss in fresh produce.

Table 3. Transpiration coefficients for selected fruits

and vegetables, in order of increasing maxi Calculating Product Moisture Loss
mum transpiration coefficient Moisture-loss rate can be estimated by calculating the vapor
pressure difference between a product and the air surround
Commodity Transpiration Range of coefficients
coefficient reported in literature ing it and multiplying this times the transpiration coefficient
(mg-kg'.sec'.MPa1) of the product. For example, if carrots at 0°C (32°F) were
exposed to moving air at 0°C (32°F), 90 percent RH, the vapor
Apple 42 16-100
pressure difference would be:
Potato 44 2-171
Onion 60 13-123 vapor pressure in carrot
Pear 69 10-144
Grapefruit 81 29-167 0.00380x0.101
'carrot — = 0.00061 7 MPa
Orange 117 25-227 0.622
Grapes 123 21-254
where 0.00380 is the humidity ratio for air at 0°C (32°F) and
Plum 136 110-221
Tomato 140 71-365 1 00 percent RH; and
Lemon 186 139-229 vapor pressure in air
Cabbage 223 40-667
Rutabaga 469 — 0.00340 x 0.1 01
Peach 572 142-2,089 0.622
Leek 790 530-1,042
Carrot 1,207 106-3,250 where 0.00340 is the humidity ratio for air at 0°C (32°F) and
Celery 1,760 104-3,313 90 percent RH. Therefore, moisture-loss rate is
Parsnip 1,939 1,094-2,771
moisture loss =
Brussels sprouts 6,150 3,250-9,770
Lettuce 7,400 680-8,750 (0.000617-0.000552) MPa x 1,207 mg-kg-'.sec'.MPa1

Source: Adapted from Sastry et al. 1978.

= 0.0785 mg .kg-1 .sec1
where 1,207'-sec'-MPa-1 is the transpiration coeffi
cient of carrots from table 3.

saturated or have a 100 percent relative humidity (RH). This rate corresponds to 0.68 percent weight loss per day.
High VPD causes rapid water loss. This loss would occur for an unprotected product with air-
Vapor pressure is calculated with the following flowing past it. In most circumstances, products are placed in
equation: a bag or container that increases the humidity of the air sur
rounding them and dramatically reduces moisture-loss. In
W X Pa these instances, product moisture-loss rate is controlled by
VP =
0.622 the moisture-loss rate through the package, not by the loss
rate through surface of the product.

Vp = vapor pressure (in same units as Pa ) product and the air around it. The saturated air inside
a warm product has a high vapor pressure compared
w = humidity ratio (kg of water vapor per kg of dry with the relatively dry air surrounding the product.
air, usually determined using a psychrometric Cooled product has a much lower vapor pressure. After
chart) cooling, it is important to keep a high relative humid
ity around the product. Most perishables should be
P(, = atmospheric pressure (MPa or inches of Hg) held in cold storage conditions near 95 percent relative
humidity, although a few that lose moisture slowly,
0.622 = ratio of molecular weight of water divided like citrus fruits, are held near 90 percent relative
by molecular weight of air. humidity to reduce decay growth. High humidity can
be attained by keeping the humidity high in the refrig
Humidity ratio of air is closely related to its tem erated space or by covering the product with a mois
perature. Cold air has a much lower capacity to hold ture barrier, like a plastic bag. High relative humidity
water vapor than does warm air; therefore, cold air in the storage air weakens fiberboard containers and
usually has a low vapor pressure and warm air tends to may cause crushed containers and compression dam
have a high vapor pressure. age to the product. Plastic bags or box liners allow high
Moisture loss is minimized by quickly cooling a humidity around the product without exposing fiber-
perishable product to its recommended storage tem board to moisture-induced damage. Some long-stored
perature and thereby reducing the VPD between the products are packed in plastic containers that do not

absorb water from the product and are not weakened Use of colder and more humid air during cooling
by high relative humidity. reduces water loss slightly and cools produce to a
Because airflow past a product sweeps released mois lower, more desirable temperature for storage or
ture from the air surrounding the produce and speeds shipment.
moisture loss, forced-air cooling may not be appropriate
for some wilting-sensitive products. Even products Proper storage conditions (cooling grapes to near
suited to forced-air cooling should be protected from storage temperature, reducing air speed and
unnecessary airflow after cooling. Perishable products humidifying storage air) reduce water loss by 0.2
can lose water rapidly when exposed to windy condi percent of produce weight in 3 or 4 days.
tions or during transport on an open vehicle.
Airflow can cause serious loss during storage. Grapes cooled to 0°C (32°F) lose less weight in 4°C
Unless air is near 95 percent relative humidity, it is (40°F) transport than fruit cooled to 4°C (40°F).
extremely important to limit air movement in the stor
age to just enough to carry away heat produced by
product respiration and outside heat entering the stor DECAY
age. Airflow of 20 to 40 cubic feet per minute (cfm) per
ton of stored product (0.06-0.12 m3-min '-metric Temperatures favorable for maximum growth and
ton'1) is often sufficient to maintain the desired prod development of rot organisms often coincide with tem
uct temperature of thoroughly cooled produce. peratures encountered during harvest. Rapid handling
Figure 5 depicts the influence of management vari and cooling minimize decay development. The inhibit
ables on water loss of grapes. Although more severe ing effect of low temperatures varies with the organ
handling practices (heavy line) resulted in greater ism. Postharvest pathogens, such as Botrytis cinerea
weight loss, the treatments shown are less extreme than (gray mold), Penicillium expansion (blue mold),
those sometimes encountered in commercial practice. Alternaria aternata, Cladosporium herbarum, and
The following observations about relative humid Monilinia fructicula (brown rot of stone fruit) continue
ity, air temperature, and air speed can be made from to grow, although slowly, below 0°C (32°F). Other fun
the example in figure 5. gal rot organisms, such as Rhizopus sto/oni/era and
Aspergilhts nigcr, do not grow at temperatures below
^ Each hour of exposure to warm, dry air results in 5°C (41°F). In fact, R. stolonifera is rarely a postharvest
over twice as much water loss as holding in high- problem even in rewarmed product if perishables have
humidity cold storage for 1 week. been exposed to temperatures below 0°C (32°F) for

/ Cooling delay at 26.7°C (80°F), 20% rh

, 6-hr cooling

5 10 15

Time after harvest (days)

Figure 5. Table grape weight loss resulting from two different cooling and handling regimes. Lower line
represents nearly ideal conditions; upper line represents the effect of poor handling.

several days. Holding perishable commodities at low Temperature has a noticeable but contradictory
temperatures is an important tool in controlling effect on the susceptibility of produce to mechanical
postharvest decay. injury. Most products are more susceptible to compres
sion and impact damage when they are cold than when
they are warm. Although packing before cooling may
ETHYLENE DAMAGE reduce mechanical damage, it is better to eliminate the
causes of these injuries in packing operations and cool
Ethylene gas (CiH-O is produced by most plant materi the product as soon as possible.
als and can have beneficial or detrimental effects dur In contrast to impact and compression bruising,
ing postharvest handling. It induces ripening in fruits vibration damage is more serious when fruits are warm.
and symptoms of aging (Ioss of green color, shedding This type of damage occurs during transit from fruit
of leaves, etc.) in other plant tissues. Ethylene concen rubbing or vibrating against each other or packing
trations near 1 ppm can cause damage such as russet materials. Perishable products should be shipped at the
spotting in iceberg lettuce, petal drop in carnations, coolest possible temperature. Transport vibration dam
and green color loss in cucumbers and leafy vegetables. age can be reduced by using vehicles equipped with
Damage often occurs after about 24 hours of exposure air-ride suspensions; packing fruit in polyethylene
to harmful concentrations, and exposures are cumula bags; not shipping products sensitive to vibration dam
tive. A few products are even more sensitive to dam age on the rear of a vehicle, where vibration levels are
age. For example, 6 hours of exposure to 0.02 ppm greatest (Hinsch et al. 1993); or immobilizing product
ethylene can cause premature softening in kiwifruit. with tight-fill packing techniques (Mitchell et al.
Low product temperatures reduce ethylene produc 1968).
tion, product sensitivity to ethylene, and the rate of
damage development. Rapid and complete cooling and
good temperature management help to reduce product CHILLING AND FREEZING
damage. For most commodities, the maximum effect
occurs when produce temperatures range from 16° to Near-freezing temperatures that protect many com
21°C (60° to 70°F). modities may damage others, especially fruits and veg
Ethylene concentrations can be reduced by elimi etables of tropical and subtropical origin. This damage
nating internal combustion engines from cold rooms, is called chilling injury and occurs at temperatures
periodically venting the storage with outside air, using above 0°C (32°F). Symptoms of chilling injury include
ethylene-adsorbing materials or scrubbers, and venting tissue darkening and drying, surface pitting, failure to
ripening rooms to the outside before opening them. ripen normally, off flavors, or increased susceptibility
Ethylene levels of about 100 ppm for 1 to 3 days are to decay. Some commodities show chilling injury only
used commercially to speed ripening of bananas, toma after prolonged storage, whereas others may be injured
toes, and avocados. This dose also improves the tex by brief exposures to low temperatures. Severity of
ture and the ripening uniformity of Bartlett pears. chilling injury increases as exposure time increases and
Early-season oranges often do not have a fully devel as the magnitude of temperature drop below the chill
oped color, and exposure of 2 to 5 ppm for several days ing threshold temperature increases. Chilling injury is
causes chlorophyll to disappear, giving oranges their cumulative.
distinctive bright color. Products not sensitive to chilling injury are usually
cooled to near their freezing temperature. Although
water freezes at 0°C (32°F), fruits and some vegetables
MECHANICAL DAMAGE freeze at temperatures several degrees lower because of
their high soluble solids content. Minimum tempera
Bruises, cuts, abrasions, and other injuries cause seri ture limits of selected perishable products are listed in
ous produce loss during distribution and marketing appendix A.
and usually speed deterioration from other causes.
Mechanical damage to plant tissues accelerates respira
tion and often induces ethylene production, which PRODUCE TEMPERATURE
causes faster heat release, faster ripening, and a short DURING MARKETING
ened shelf life. Mechanical damage also disrupts a
product's natural moisture barrier, accelerating water Because the market life of produce is affected by time
loss. In addition, damaged areas are entry points for and temperature, produce should be kept as cold as
decay organisms. possible without causing injury. Deterioration level is

related directly to the length of exposure to higher tem Temperature history Wt. loss Shrivel
peratures regardless of when exposure occurs. There •f
fore, effective protection of produce requires quick 68
cooling and good temperature maintenance through 1.9 10
out distribution. Maintaining low temperatures may
not be possible under all marketing conditions, but
tests have shown that keeping produce at its optimum
2.7 26
storage temperature for only a portion of the distribu 33
tion time is better than no refrigeration at all. Even i I
produce undergoing repeated cooling and warming
deteriorates at a slower rate than produce that has not
been cooled. 33
_T~ i i


Rapid marketing can minimize deterioration of pro

duce. For example, air transport is used for some high-
value and highly perishable products sold to overseas 4.4 42
markets. Rapid marketing does not, however, eliminate i i

the need for refrigeration, as shown in tests with cher 0 18 36 54 72

ries (fig. 6), which indicate that higher produce tem Time (hr)
peratures result in much greater loss (from
physiological deterioration, fruit rot, and desiccation), Figure 6. Effect of holding cherries at four temperature patterns.
even in a 2- or 3-day marketing period.
Forced-Air Cooling

Forced-air cooling is a widely used method of cool process, the fan is slowed, reducing fan energy use,
ing fruits, vegetables, or cut flowers (Guillou heat input to the refrigeration system, and possibly
1960; Parsons et al. 1970, 1972; Rij et al. 1979; product moisture loss.
Baird et al. 1988). Cooling is achieved by forcing cold
air through containers and past individual pieces of
product. Nearly all fresh market commodities can be SERPENTINE COOLER
cooled with forced air, but it is commonly used for tree
fruits, berries, melons, and cut flowers. It does not The serpentine cooler is designed to cool product in
require a water-resistant container as do hydrocooling pallet bins with vented bottoms. The openings under
and ice-cooling methods. Disadvantages of forced air neath the bins for the forklift tines are used as air-sup
are that it is usually slower than the other methods ply and air-return channels. Stacks of even numbers
(except room cooling), and it causes excessive water of bins are placed against a plenum wall, which has
loss in some commodities. slots that align with every other bin air channel (fig. 8,
Effective forced-air cooling requires packaging color plate 3). Narrow tarps are placed over alternate
designed so that cold air flows past individual pieces of bin openings on the bins farthest from the fan. The
product and air is kept at a consistent low temperature. tarps are placed only on the bin openings that are
opposite the plenum wall slits, thereby forcing the cold
air in the room to flow in alternate levels of bin open
TUNNEL COOLER ings, through product in the bins, and back to the
plenum wall through the channels formed by the fork-
The tunnel cooler is the most common design for forc lift openings.
ing air through product in boxes. Pallet loads of prod
uct are placed in two lanes on either side of an open
Cold air
channel (fig. 7, color plate 2). A tarp is placed over the Tarp
product, covering the open channel, and a fan removes Cold air
air from the channel, forcing air through the packed
product. The warmed air is directed to evaporator
coils, recoooled, and returned to the room. In the past,
ice blocks were used to cool the air. Pallets can be
stacked two high to obtain better use of the interior
volume of the cooler room. Product in pallet bins can
also be cooled with this air management system if bin
walls are vented.
This system cools large amounts of product in a
single batch without specifically managing the temper
ature of individual boxes or pallet loads. Many installa
tions are set up so that each batch has a separate fan.
The fan is sometimes fitted with motor-speed control
and, as the return air drops in temperature during the Figure 7. Schematic of a tunnel-type forced-air cooler.

Because forklift openings allow a small area for air

flow, a serpentine cooler is limited to relatively long
cooling times if the standard 0.6-meter (2-ft) deep fruit Evaporator coil
bins are stacked more than two or three deep from the
wall. Air speed through bin openings should not
exceed 5 nTsec"1(about 1,000 fpm), although it may
be possible to use airspeeds of 7.5 nvsec"1 (1,500 fpm)
Pallet openings
and still have acceptable variation in cooling times
between bins in different positions. Most systems are
designed for initial product cooling prior to packing.
Airflow rates are low (often 0.25 to 0.5 cfm/lb or less).
Cooling is usually done overnight, and product is con
sidered adequately cool when it reaches 5° to 10°C (41°
This system is often operated as a single batch,
although airflow can be started as soon as several
Figure 8. Schematic of a serpentine forced-air cooler.
lanes of bins are stacked as many away from the
wall as needed. Serpentine cooling uses cold room
volume well.


The cold-wall cooler efficiently cools small lots and

incomplete pallet loads of produce. Single pallets are
placed side by side against a plenum, usually in one
row on the floor and in one or two rows above on ele Cold air
vated brackets or shelves (fig. 9). The interior of the
plenum is under suction or, in some coolers, under Damper is opened
pressure. Dampers at each pallet position open with when pallet is
pushed against
pallet contact, allowing airflow to begin (color plate 4). bumper
Dampers can be arranged to open only as high as the
stack of containers on the pallet, allowing stacks of var
Figure 9. Schematic of a cold-wall-type forced-air cooler.
ious heights to be cooled without adjustments or loss
of air.
Cut flowers are often cooled with pressure-type
cold-wall coolers (color plate 5). Packed boxes are
placed against a plenum pressurized to about 2 to 4 cm operators to monitor product temperature continu
(1 to 1.5 in) of water-column (w.c.) static pressure. ously and thereby prevent unnecessary exposure to air
The plenum has holes that align with the box vents and flow after cooling. Some coolers have been set up with
are designed to be small enough so that the pressure a time-clock control system. Damper opening turns on
drop across the holes is relatively large compared with a green light and starts a timer. After a set period, the
the pressure drop through the box. Airflow through timer turns off the green light and turns on a red light,
the holes does not change much when the box is placed alerting the operator to check the temperature of prod
in position, so that the holes are always left open and uct in that position to determine whether cooling is
there is no need for a damper system. complete.
Produce placed in a shelf-type cooler starts to cool
immediately. Operators do not need to position tarps
or start fans. Every pallet or bin is accessible for COOLING TIME
removal at any time and may be immediately replaced
by another, allowing virtually continuous use of all Average product temperature during cooling follows
cooling positions. These advantages are offset by the a pattern shown in figure 10. (This same pattern is
costs of shelves and dampers and the large floor area followed by products in a hydrocooler.) The rate
needed in relation to the volume of material cooled. In of temperature drop is related to the temperature
addition, each load finishes at a different time, forcing difference between the product and the cold air.

Product temperature drop per hour is rapid at the ning of the cooling period minus the temperature of
beginning of cooling and slows as the product nears the cold air. But, because the temperature difference at
final temperature. This process is often approximated the beginning of the second period is half of the tem
with the concept of half cooling time, the time required perature difference at the beginning of the first half
for the product temperature to drop half the difference cooling period, the temperature drop during the sec
between the initial product temperature and the tem ond half cooling period is half as much, only 5°C. Most
perature of the cold air. In figure 10, the product products are left on the cooler for three half cooling
cooled 10°C, from 20°C to 10°C, in the first half cool periods, seven-eighths cool, or four half cooling peri
ing period. During the next half cooling period, equal ods, fifteen-sixteenths cool.
in time to the first, the product also loses half the dif This cooling pattern demonstrates the need to keep
ference between the product temperature at the begin- cold air close to its set point temperature, especially
near the end of cooling. If the refrigerated air tempera
ture rises only a few degrees in the third or fourth half
cooling periods, product may nearly stop cooling. Tun
nel coolers should be built as individual rooms or
20(1) . Initial product temperature divided into sections so that warm product arriving
later in the day will not affect the air temperature near
batches that are almost cooled.
£ 15(3/4)
/Average product temperature
Figures 11 and 12 are more accurate representa
tions of product cooling patterns. The lengths of the
half cooling periods are not exactly equal, although
* 10 0/2) assuming equal times is a good approximation. The fig
ures also show that product closest to the cool air sup
1 ply takes less time to cool. For a large-diameter product
Air temperature
5 (V4)
like cantaloupes, the difference between the fastest-
V8 cool
and slowest-cooling product is not great. The time
2.5 (V8) required for heat to be removed from the center of a
1.25 (V16) melon is about the same as the time required for heat
6 9 12 15 to be removed from the melons that receive cooling air
Hours of cooling last. For a small-diameter product like cherries, how
ever the difference between the cooling times for the
Figure 10. Typical temperature pattern in produce cooling. The fastest- and slowest-cooling product is large. A cooler
numbers in parentheses indicate the fraction obtained operator must ensure that a load is not removed from
by dividing the difference between the product tempera
ture and the air temperature in the cooler by the differ the cooler until the warmest product has reached
ence between the initial product temperature and the air proper temperature.

Cantaloupes at 2 cfm/lb or 1-s '. ki| ' Cherries at 2 cfm/lb or 1 . s"1- kg '
100 7/8 15/,6 C00|

_ 80

"a 70 - 20
Most shielded
Most shielded
| 6° Mass average
Mass average
ft 50 -10 Most exposed
Most exposed

02468 0 0.5 1.0
Hours of cooling Hours of cooling

Figure 1 1 . Product temperature in a forced-air-cooled pallet of Figure 12. Product temperature in a forced-air-cooled pallet of
packed cantaloupe boxes. packed cherry boxes.

12 -
Total cooling time depends on airflow rate and
product diameter. Figure 13 shows that a large diameter
product takes considerably longer to cool than small-
diameter fruit. A 15-cm (6-in) diameter cantaloupe
takes 2 times more cooling time than a 1.3-cm (0.5-in)
diameter cherry. Cut flowers, which usually have very
small minimum diameters, have seven-eighths cooling .E

times of 10 minutes to 1 hour at 2.5 cm (1 in) w.c. sta

tic pressure, producing 2 to 4 l-sec"1'kg"1 (2 to 4
cfm/lb). Figure 13 also shows that increased airflow,
measured in air volume per time divided by mass of
Grapes Plum Cantaloupe
product, reduces cooling time. Coolers are often
designed to provide airflow of about 1 l-sec"^kg"1
(1 cfm/lb), which provides rapid cooling and requires
a reasonably sized fan. Doubling the airflow to 2 1-
Airflow rate (cfm/lb or I -s 1-kg"1)
sec"1 -kg"1 (2 cfm/lb) reduces cooling times by about
40 percent for plums and cantaloupes. Doubling air Figure 13. Effect of product diameter and airflow rate on forced-air
flow rate requires the fan to operate against about four cooling times.
times more pressure and would require a motor with
about six to seven times more power. Reducing airflow
by one half increases cooling time by about 50 to 75
percent for all three fruits and dramatically reduces fan FAN SELECTION
motor size and energy costs. The disadvantages of slow
cooling are the need for more cooler floor area to han Fans are selected on the basis of the airflow they must
dle an equivalent daily cooling need and slightly produce and the static pressure difference between the
increased product moisture loss. inlet and the outlet of the fan. Most coolers operate
Some packages allow air to bypass the product and with airflow rates of 0.5 to 2.0 l-secr'-kg"1 (0.5 to 2.0
are commonly cooled with airflow rates above 2 !• cfm/lb). As mentioned earlier, high rates allow quick
sec"1 -kg"' (2 cfm/lb) to achieve acceptable cooling cooling but cause high energy use. Total airflow equals
times. These packages generally require low pressure the product weight placed on the cooler multiplied by
differences to produce high airflow. the airflow rate plus air that bypasses boxes and air
leaks. Some box designs, such as nestable plastic boxes,
allow some cooling air to flow between boxes rather
WIDTH OF CONTAINER STACKS than only through them. The fan airflow rate should
FOR FORCED-AIR COOLING be increased to account for this. To produce the same
cooling times, grapes in wood-end boxes with 2-cm
Wider product stacks increase the distance that cool (0.75-in) cleats between box layers require twice as
ing air must pass through product. This usually much airflow as grapes in boxes without box separa
increases the temperature difference between the tors. Air can leak through pallet openings, gaps
coolest and warmest product at the end of cooling. If, between pallet stacks, and poorly placed tarps. Little
however airflow is increased in a wide stack so that air information is available on air leakage, but it may be as
flow per product mass (I-sec"'-kgor cfm/lb) remains low as 10 percent in a well-operated system and over
the same, the temperature difference between the 30 percent in a poorly operated one.
warmest and coolest product will be about the same as Forced-air cooler fans need to operate against a
that for a narrow stack. The static pressure required to range of airflows. Even if a cooler is specified to oper
move air increases rapidly as stack width is increased. ate at a single airflow rate (cfm/lb), the total flow may
Coolers for products in containers are usually designed change because different amounts of product are on
for air to flow across the width of one pallet (maximum the cooler during the day or different products may be
product width of 1.2 m [4 ft]). Shipping containers are placed on the cooler during the season. Some coolers
commonly stacked two- or three-wide on pallets, but also are designed to reduce airflow as the process nears
stacks one box wide permit large airflow volumes for the end point. To accommodate a range in airflow
fast cooling with low static pressure and are sometimes needs, some coolers are operated with several fans in
used in conveyor-type coolers. various series or parallel combinations and sometimes
with fans powered by two-speed motors. A simpler way
to obtain airflow control is to operate fan motors with

a variable-frequency motor speed controller that pro operate against less than 6 mm ('/* in) inch w.c. to more
duces a wide range of airflow rates. than 5 cm (2 in) w.c. The low air pressure is needed
It is often difficult to predict the static pressures for wood-end boxes, that allow air to flow between
that forced-air cooling fans must operate against. Pres boxes and bypass the fruit. The high pressures are
sure drop across a pallet load of packed boxes is needed for boxes that are packed with paper-wrapped
affected by box sidewall vent area, measured as a per fruit or other internal packaging materials that impede
centage of total sidewall area; number of vent open airflow. Bartlett pears (fig. 15) require higher static
ings; vent alignment between neighboring boxes; pressures because they are often packed in boxes with
number of boxes through which air travels; type of low vent area and may be paper-wrapped or bagged. If
interior packaging materials used; and alignment of the same fans cooled both pears and grapes, then pres
box vents with packaging material vents. Figure 14 sure range would be extremely broad. Because of this
shows a range of airflow and static pressure measure uncertainty, a variable speed motor drive is often
ments for various commercial package designs used for needed.
Thompson seedless grapes. To provide 1 l-sec"1'kg"1 Total pressure drop across the fan also includes
(1 cfm/lb) for pallet loads of grapes, a fan may need to pressure drop across evaporator coils and resistances
in any ducts. As a general rule, forced-air cooling fans
should be selected to provide airflow against at least 5
cm (2 in) w.c. unless specific testing indicates lower
c in cm pressures are acceptable.
I 3 • Axial-flow (propeller) and centrifugal (squirrel
cage) fans are both used for forced-air coolers. Most
axial fans are better suited for systems where the fan
operates against less than 5 cm (2 in) w.c. Centrifugal
fans can be selected to operate against much higher
pressures and are generally quieter than axial flow fans.
Plug fans, which are centrifugal fans without a housing,
are commonly used in forced-air coolers.
0 1 2
Fast cooling generally requires high airflow rates
Airflow rate (cfm/lb, l-s-'-kg-')
and high static pressures that result in high energy use.
Figure 14. Pressure drop versus airflow through pallets of Thomp Fan horsepower requirements are related to these two
son seedless grapes. The line in the graph represents the factors with the following formulas.
typical airflow for nearly spherical product packed in
boxes with 5% venting, no interior packaging, and no
bypass air channels. Low pressure drops are caused In customary units,
by boxes that allow air to flow between boxes and
bypass fruit.
P/ =
ex 470


P! = fan power (horse power)

q = airflow (cfm)

y = density of air (0.08 lb/ft5 at 32°F)

H = total pressure (in inches of water column and

often approximated as static pressure across fan)
0 1 2

Airflow rate (cfm/lb, l-s-'-kg-1) e = fan efficiency (properly selected fans have effi
ciencies in the range of 0.4 to 0.7).
Figure 15. Pressure drop versus airflow through pallets of Bartlett
pears. The line in the graph represents the typical air
flow for nearly spherical product packed in boxes with In SI units,
5% venting, no interior packaging, and no bypass air
channels. High pressure requirements are caused by
inadequate venting of boxes and paper wrapping
PI- ex IOC
of fruit.


P/ = fan power (kW)

q = airflow (m3-sec"1)

p = pressure (Pa)

£ = fan efficiency (properly selected fans have effi

ciencies in the range of 0.4 to 0.7).


The packing method and the containers must permit a

satisfactory volume of airflow with a reasonable pres
Figure 16. Air vent design allowing box cross stacking.
sure difference across the stack (Mitchell et al. 1971;
Wang and Tunpun 1968). Packs in which spaces
between product are occupied by packing material
(such as paper wraps) restrict airflow and slow cool
ing. Unvented, plastic-film box liners prevent air from
passing through a pack and cause very slow cooling. ^ For cross stacking, use the vent arrangement illus
Fruit packed in plastic trays will cool satisfactorily if trated in figure 16 and color plate 6.
the containers are designed to let air pass both over and
under each tray. Grapes packed in vented, lidded con If containers have a plastic liner or product is packed
tainers cool well by forced air despite their compact in bags, the packaging system should be designed to
mass (Luvisi et al. 1995). Air passing between unlid- allow an air passage through the containers. For exam
ded trays of strawberries makes good contact with the ple, liner-packed grapes can be packed in a carton that
berries as it eddies over and among them, making them is slightly taller than the product, allowing air to flow
well suited to forced-air cooling. over the top of the liner in each container.
Area of container vent holes should equal at least 5 Foam plastic boxes provide about the same heat
percent of the total side panel area. Vent area less than insulation through their walls as do the two layers of
this restricts airflow, causing increased cooling time corrugated board in the walls of full telescope contain
and increased cooling costs. Most corrugated fiber- ers. Cooling rates for foam plastic and two-layer corru
board containers can have up to 5 percent venting gated containers are about the same if the venting is
without significantly reducing stacking strength. the same.
Open-top trays, as are used for berries and some veg
etables, can be designed with open sides, allowing
more than 15 percent vent area. Box venting should be REFRIGERATION CAPACITY
designed according to the following:
Refrigeration capacity for a forced-air cooler is calcu
^ Vent size and shape should not allow vents to be lated the same as for cold storage. Heat inputs are
blocked by produce. summed from the following sources: product heat loss;
fans and motors; heat loss from packing materials; air
^ Avoid round vents if produce shape allows them to infiltration; heat conducted through cold room exte
be easily blocked. rior surfaces; heat input from lights, lift trucks, and
people; and product respiration. Heat released from
^ Use a few large vents instead of many small vents. the product is great at the beginning of cooling and
drops rapidly during the process. The refrigeration sys
^ Vents should be 1 cm (Yi in) wide or greater. tem must be sized to handle the high initial heat
release. A method of calculating refrigeration demand
^ Keep vents 4 to 7 cm (1.5 to 3 in) from all corners. is in chapter 7.

^ Vent area should be 5 percent of the side area.


are sometimes packed in film box liners to retard mois

ture loss. The liners are folded over at the top and not
tightly sealed. They sometimes have a few holes to
reduce moisture condensation. Products suited for
liner packing have slow respiration rates and can with
stand the slow cooling. Liner-packed grapes must also
have a sulfur-dioxide-generating pad inside the liner
to prevent decay growth (Gentry and Nelson 1964).
0.5 The data in figure 17 show that moisture loss is not
affected by greater airflow rates used for faster cooling.
10 20 30 40 CF) Flockens and Meffert (1972) and Gan and Woods
(1989) drew the same conclusion from heat-transfer
5 10 15 20 25 fC) modeling and testing on other products.
Temperature drop during cooling If cooling-air relative humidity is above 80 percent,
it has a negligible effect on moisture loss (Gan and
Woods 1989). Most of the vapor pressure difference
Figure 17. Effect of carrot temperature reduction on weight loss between the cooling air and the product is a result of
during forced-air cooling. Open points are cooling with
an airflow rate of 0.5 cfm/lb, and closed points are
the warm product, not the humidity of the cooling air.
cooling with an airflow rate of 2.0 cfm/lb. An advantage of high humidity during cooling is that
it may add moisture to fiberboard containers and
reduce product moisture loss in subsequent handling
because the packaging material will not remove as
much moisture from the product.
MOISTURE LOSS IN FORCED- A forced-air cooler should be designed and oper
AIR COOLING ated to reduce or stop airflow through the produce as
soon as it is cooled. Continued flow may cause serious
Forced-air cooling causes virtually no moisture loss water loss from produce unless air is nearly saturated.
under some conditions. In other cases, losses are great Some cooler fans are controlled on the basis of return-
enough to damage the product and prevent the use of air plenum temperature. Fans are slowed when the
this cooling method. The amount of moisture loss plenum air temperature is very close to the supply air
depends on initial temperature of the product, product temperature. Less air is needed near the end of cooling
transpiration coefficient, use of waxes or moisture- than at the beginning because the heat-loss rate of the
resistant packaging, speed of cooling, humidity of the product slows greatly near the end of cooling.
cooling air, and exposure to unnecessary airflow after
cooling is completed.
Product with high initial temperature loses more AIR-CHANNEL DIMENSIONS
weight than product with a low initial temperature (fig. IN FORCED-AIR COOLERS
17). Initial product temperature can be kept low by
harvesting early in the morning or at night, shading Narrow air-supply and air-return channels in tunnel
product that must be temporarily stored in the field, coolers cause uneven pressure drop across pallets and
and by starting cooling as soon as possible after har uneven cooling (Guillou 1963; Haerter 1963). The
vest. Some products are cooled before packing and channels should be wide enough so that air speeds are
then recooled after they are packed. Minimize reheating less than 7.5 nrsec"1 (1,500 fpm). A narrow air-supply
during packing to reduce moisture loss. channel (fig. 18) will cause bottom boxes in pallet
Products like oranges, which have a low transpira loads to cool slower than top boxes, and a narrow air-
tion coefficient (see table 3), lose virtually no water return channel will cause pallets farthest from the fan
during cooling and are well suited to forced-air cool to cool slower than pallets closer to the fan.
ing. The transpiration coefficient of carrots is 10 times Besides measuring temperature variation, another
greater than that of oranges, and carrots can lose 0.6 to way to determine poor air-channel design is to mea
1.8 percent of their uncooled weight in the tests sure the pressure drop across pallets at various heights
described in figure 17. Packing carrots in polyethylene in individual pallets and at the same height for pallets
bags reduced moisture loss to 0.08 percent, although at various distances from the cooling fan. Large differ
cooling times were five times longer than those of ences in pressure drop indicate differences in airflow
unbagged carrots. Apples, pears, kiwifruit, and grapes through pallets.

Air-return area

Figure 18. Design of air-supply and air-return plenums in a tunnel-type cooler.

The following equations can be used to calculate 12 Pallet height in feet Pallet length in feet
for determining for determining
optimal air-channel widths. The distance between return channel width supply channel width
pallet loads in neighboring cooling positions is two
times Ws.
Lx2S 4

10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000

Fan air volume (cfm)

Pallet height in meters Pallet length in meters
Q = fan air volume (cfm or m3-sec"1) 4.0
for determining for determining
return channel width supply channel width
L = length of pallets on cooler (ft or m) 3.0 •-

Ws = air-supply channel width (ft or m) 2.0 -

H = height of pallets on cooler (ft or m) 1.0 -

Wr= air-return channel width (ft or m)

5 10 15
5= maximum air speed (1,500 fpm or Fan air volume (m3-*1
7.5 m-sec"1).
Figure 19. Recommended dimensions of air-supply and air-return
Air-channel widths can also be determined using fig plenums in a tunnel-type forced-air cooler. Top graph is
ure 19, which is based on the above equations. in customary units; bottom graph is in SI units.

REDUCING ENERGY COSTS the use of stationary engines in some regions. Using
less airflow and slowing cooling can work well if a
Table 4 compares the energy efficiency of the five sys facility has unused cooling capacity at night. Quality of
tems based on a number called an energy coefficient. most commodities is not adversely affected if product
The coefficient equals the cooling work done divided can begin cooling quickly after harvest and final cool
by the energy purchased to operate the cooler. High ing postponed to night hours. Battery-operated lift
values represent high efficiency. Vacuum cooling is the trucks reduce demand because they produce less heat
most energy efficient followed by hydrocooling, water- than propane-powered units and the battery charging
spray vacuum cooling, package icing, and forced-air can be done at night. Electric lifts are slightly more
cooling. Part of the reason for the high efficiency of expensive to operate than propane, but in some
vacuum cooling is that it removes heat only from the instances it is not legal to operate propane lifts inside
product being cooled. The other types of coolers enclosed spaces because they expose workers to car
remove heat from fans, pumps, infiltration of outside bon monoxide. Propane lifts also release ethylene,
air, heat conducted through exterior walls, lights, fork- which can damage some products. Packed tower refrig
lifts, and people working in the cooler. Nearly all eration systems, which use cold water to cool air, are
forced-air coolers are used for some short-term prod well suited to ice-building equipment, but they are not
uct storage. This contributes to their particularly low easily set up to cool air below 0°C (32°F) as is often
energy-coefficient numbers, but it is not possible to needed in tunnel coolers. Cold-wall systems can be set
separate energy use for storage from the total. up to force the air directly from the heat exchanger to
The data in table 4 show a great difference between the product, preventing the cooling air from warming
the most efficient and least efficient coolers of a given before it reaches the product, as it does in tunnel cool
type. For example, a well-operated hydrocooler can ers.
operate more efficiently than most vacuum coolers. An energy accounting of two forced-air coolers
However, a poorly operated hydrocooler can have (Thompson and Chen 1988) showed that 47 percent
nearly as low an energy efficiency as a forced-air cooler. of the refrigeration energy used was for product cool
The difference in efficiency between a given cooler and ing. The rest was used for removing heat from fans
the best cooler of its type represents the potential for (37%), propane lift trucks (8%), heat conducted across
energy savings. exterior cooler surfaces and through air infiltration
Use of expensive peak-time electricity can be (7%), and heat from miscellaneous sources such as
reduced by installing an engine-generator set on-site; lights and workers (1%). Heat input to forced-air cool
slowing product cooling rate to shift refrigeration ers and the refrigeration needed to remove it can be
demand to later in the day; using electric lift trucks and reduced in several ways:
charging their batteries at night; or by installing ice-
building equipment, which allows refrigeration equip ^ Reduce fan energy by using well-vented boxes;
ment to operate at night and store ice for use the selecting an evaporator coil with about three fins
following day (Thompson and Knutson 1989). The per inch to reduce pressure drop across coil; turn
financial feasibility of generating power on-site ing off or slowing fans when not needed for cool
depends mainly on the local cost of electricity and fuel. ing; selecting fans with good efficiency under
Facilities in areas where electricity costs are high can typical air pressures and flow rates; and using high-
pay for the investment in equipment in a few seasons efficiency motors.
of electricity savings. Air-pollution regulations restrict
^ Use electric lift trucks in the cooler.

^ Insulate the cooler; new coolers are often built with

Table 4. Comparison of energy use efficiency of
coolers, in order of increasing average R-40 in the walls and R-60 in the ceiling.
energy coefficient
^ Restrict air infiltration by using fast-acting doors,
Cooling method Average energy coefficient Range flap doors, and seals between building and refriger
Forced air 0.4 0.3-0.5 ated transport vehicles.
Package icing 0.7 0.3 - 1 .0
Water-spray vacuum 1.1 0.9-1.3 ^ Use energy-efficient lighting.
Hydro 1.4 0.7-2.3
Vacuum 1.8 1.5-2.5 ^ Cool products after culling to eliminate cooling
Source: Adapted from Thompson and Chen 1988. fruit that will not be sold.

TROUBLESHOOTING SLOW- Symptom: Temperature records show that cooling air

COOLING PROBLEMS temperature is consistently at the set point, but all out
side boxes on pallets, which have first contact with the
Slow cooling in tunnel-type forced-air coolers is caused cold air, cool slowly.
by a refrigeration system that does not maintain con
sistent air temperature or inadequate airflow through Cause: Not enough air is flowing through the boxes:
^ Boxes are not adequately vented (5 percent carton-
Symptom: Cooling air temperatures rise during peri wall venting is needed and vents must align when
ods when large amounts of product are being cooled. boxes are palletized).

Cause: Refrigeration capacity is probably inadequate. ^ Packing materials are blocking airflow.

Undersized refrigeration equipment or poor main ^ Fan has too little airflow capacity (1 to 2 I'sec"1'kg"1
tenance may allow air temperature to rise. Work with [1 to 2 cfm/lb] of product on the cooler is needed).
a refrigeration engineer to evaluate equipment perfor
mance and to determine the best and least expensive ^ Too many boxes are being placed on the cooler
way to increase refrigeration capacity. (each pound of product needs 1 to 2 cfm for rapid
In tunnel-type coolers, warm product entering the cooling).
cooler and initial cooling may cause a temporary
increase in air temperature in certain parts of a cooler, ^ Air is bypassing boxes through pallet openings or a
thereby slowing or even warming product that is near- poorly sealed tarp on a tunnel-type cooler.
ing completion. Instead of buying extra refrigeration
capacity for occasional peak loads, divide the cooler Fan capacity, measured in cubic feet minute (cfm)
into separate airspaces (fig. 20) to prevent the air from or cubic meters per second (m3-sec"1), can be esti
one cooling position from affecting the cooling in mated by measuring the static pressure difference
neighboring positions. If each cooling position in a between the fan inlet and outlet and the fan's rotational
large room has its own evaporator coil, then each posi speed and then using fan manufacturer's performance
tion can be set up as a separate airspace. If several data to estimate airflow capacity. A permanently
positions are cooled with the same evaporator, then installed pressure gauge measuring return-air plenum
it may be best to have one airspace per evaporator. pressure will alert operators to airflow problems. For
Uninsulated walls or even curtains can be used to example, air bypassing boxes is associated with unusu
divide the cooler. ally low air pressure in the return-air duct.

Top view Top view

Figure 20. In a tunnel-type cooler without dividers (A), warm air from one cooling position can mix with air from other positions. Uninsulated
walls can be used to separate tunnel cooling positions (B) and prevent warm air from a recently loaded position from slowing the
cooling of a neighboring position.

Symptom: Temperature records show that cooling air Channels should be wide enough so that air speed
temperature is consistently at the set point, and some in them does not exceed a maximum of 7.5 nvsec"1
outside boxes, those that get first contact with the cold (1,500 fpm). High air speeds cause uneven air distrib
air, cool fast but others cool slowly. ution and large static pressure variations in the
air-supply or air-return air channels. Highest air
Cause: Air-supply or air-return channels (see fig. 18) speeds are near the top of the pallets in the air-
are not wide enough: supply channel and near the fan in the air-return chan
nel. A hot-wire anemometer or vane anemometer can
^ A narrow air-supply channel causes slow cooling of be used to measure air speeds in air channels. A pres
boxes near the floor. sure gauge can be used to check for air-pressure varia
tion in the channels.
^ A narrow air-return channel causes slow cooling of
pallets farthest from the fan.
1 9


Hydrocoding is used for many fresh market prod The two main types of hydrocoolers are water-
ucts, including many types of tree fruit, melons, shower and product-immersion designs. In the first
root vegetables, and stem vegetables (Bennett type, water is pumped above the product and rains
1963; Stewart and Upton 1960; Mitchell et al. 1972; down past it. Produce in containers or unpacked prod
Pentzer et al. 1936; Perry and Perkins 1968; Toussaint uct moves slowly and continuously through the
et al. 1955). This method is never used for grapes, cut shower (fig. 21, color plate 7), or produce in contain
flowers, and most berries because the surface water left ers can be loaded as a batch in the cooler (fig. 22).
after cooling encourages decay. Most leaf vegetables Shower-type coolers have a drilled metal pan that dis
can be hydrocooled but are usually vacuum-cooled or tributes cold water over the top of the product. Spray
water-spray vacuum-cooled because these methods are nozzles are sometimes used to distribute water, but
faster and vacuum cooling does not require a water- they require much more pump energy than a shower-
resistant box. Hydrocooling removes no water from the pan distribution system. Immersion coolers (fig. 23,
produce and may even revive slightly wilted produce. color plate 8) are used mainly for bulk product. They
Effective hydrocooling requires that cooling water are best suited for products like cherries that are denser
than water and stay completely immersed. A conveyor
^ Should move over the surface of the produce. with raised cleats of flights is often used to move fruit
through the cold-water bath.
^ Should contact as much of the product surface as Cooling time in shower-type coolers depends
possible. mainly on product minimum diameter. Figure 24 is a
summary of data from Stewart and Couey (1963),
^ Must be kept as cold as possible. Stewart and Lipton (1960), and ASHRAE (1990) show
ing that seven-eighths cooling time increases with
^ Must be kept free of decay-causing organisms. increasing minimum product diameter. Small-diameter

Water recirculation

Product in

Water reservoir
Figure 21. Cutaway side view of a continuous-flow shower hydrocooler.

products such as asparagus and radishes cool in less cooling, but the effect has been inconsistent, and they
than 10 minutes, whereas large cantaloupe can take 1 are not used commercially.
hour to cool. A leafy covering over a product, like the Hydrocoolers should be designed so that the dis
husk on sweet corn, causes longer cooling times than tance between the water distribution pan and the top
would be expected from a solid product with the same product never exceeds 15 to 20 cm (6 to 8 in). Leafy
diameter. The leaf layers in cabbage also retard heat vegetables and other vegetables such as broccoli and
transfer, causing a 13-cm (5.5-in) diameter head to asparagus are subject to water-beating damage if the
have a 3.5-to 4-hour seven-eighths cooling time. drop height exceeds this range. The damage appears as
In shower-type coolers, water flow for product in dark water-soaked areas on the exposed leaves. A
shallow layers needs to be in the range of 4.8 to 6.8 water-drop distance of more than 20 cm (8 in) can
liters per second per square meter (I'sec"'-m"2; 7 to 10 cause surface pitting of sweet cherries. Install the
gallons per minute per square foot of cooling area water-distribution pan as close to the product as possi
[gpm/ft2]), to get fastest cooling. As product depth ble. If the product height in a cooler is not consistent,
increases, particularly when produce is in boxes or a second, adjustable height pan can be installed below
bins, water tends to flow around certain locations caus the fixed pan. Product in pallet bins or field boxes can
ing slow cooling in these regions. Increasing the water be covered with a perforated lid to reduce effective
flow ensures that the locations with restricted flow get water-drop height.
enough water flow. Commercial coolers designed to Batch coolers need the same water-flow rates as
handle double-stacked pallet bins (about a 1.2-m [4-ft] continuous-flow shower coolers. Batch units are usu
product depth) use rates of 13.6 to 17.0 l-sec"'-m"2 (20 ally used in smaller operations that handle palletized
to 25 gpm/ft2). Water-flow rates above this level rarely product.
reduce cooling time, and there is little temperature dif Immersing product in cold water brings it in con
ference between top and bottom layers of product at tact with all surfaces, but water must actively circulate
these rates. past each individual product for fast cooling. Because
Uniform rapid cooling can be obtained at flow rates motion of the produce through a tank is seldom suffi
lower than those recommended above if container cient to do this, propellers or pumps must be installed
venting is limited so that water nearly fills the con to circulate the water. Bennett (1963) recommended
tainer during cooling. Because of difficulties in adjust an average water speed of 0.076 nrs"1 (15 fpm) past
ing and maintaining bottom vent openings to allow peaches for rapid cooling. Some coolers use an air-bub
water filling, it is easier to speed cooling by increasing bling system to agitate the water. This technique is
the water-flow rate. Adding wetting agents to the energy inefficient unless the air, which cools as it rises
cooler water has been tested as a means of speeding through the tank, is recirculated or used to cool a stor-

Water distribution pan



Trash screen
Drip pan
Water reservoir

Figure 22. Cutaway front view of a batch hydrocooler with product in bins.

product Product in

Evaporator ^ Water recirculation

Figure 23. Cutaway side view of a continuous-flow immersion hydrocooler.

age area around the cooler. Immersion coolers usually infectant in a few commercial operations. Cooler water
require more cooling time than shower coolers. should be changed at least daily unless the product is
Water temperature should be kept at 0° to 0.5°C unusually clean. Waste water, which may contain pes
(32° to 33°F) for most products. Even chilling-sensi ticide residues, sediment, and chlorine, can usually be
tive products that are cooled only to temperatures applied to nearby land, but pollution control regula
above 5°C (41°F) can be cooled with 0°C (32°F) water tions may forbid this means of disposal.
if cooling time is limited. These products are not The cooler should be designed for easy and thor
usually injured if their average flesh temperature does ough cleaning. All parts of the water-distribution pan
not drop below their damage threshold (Gaffney and should be accessible. If it is covered with insulated pan
Baird 1975). els, they should be easily removable to permit conve
Containers must have adequate top and bottom nient inspection for plugged holes. The reservoir must
venting to allow cooling water to flow through the also be accessible, so that sediment and debris can be
package. This is a particular problem in hydrocooling removed when the water is changed. The drain should
products packed in corrugated fiberboard containers, be large for fast draining and placed low so that all of
especially where containers are palletized. Vent holes the water drains out. Self-cleaning trash screens are used
must align even when the boxes are cross stacked. in most hydrocoolers.
Leaves can cause water channeling or block poorly Chlorine is corrosive to common metals, but some
designed vents thereby slowing cooling. cooler parts in contact with water can be made of plas
Containers and packing materials must be water- tic or wood, which resist chlorine attack. Although
resistant. Wood and plastic work well in hydrocoolers, stainless steel is also resistant to chlorine, it is expen
but corrugated fiberboard can be used if it has been sive. Mild steel must be painted to provide some pro
wax-dipped. Although even wax-dipped fiberboard tection, although paint requires regular maintenance.
sometimes fails if exposed to long hydrocooling times The hydrocooler conveyor capacity can be esti
and waxing increases the container cost, sometimes to mated knowing product cooling time and product pro
nearly half the total cooling charge. duction rate. Use figure 25 or the following formula,
Hydrocooler water must be relatively free of decay-
causing organisms to prevent disease spread. Water
supply should be potable, from a clean well or domes 60
tic supply. Water from streams or ponds is rarely clean where
enough. Because nearly all coolers recirculate water,
the cooler must be designed to control disease organ C = conveyor capacity (tons or metric tons, consis
isms that enter the system from incoming product. tent with P )
Extremely dirty produce should be washed before
entering the cooler. In some cases, washing may also P = weight of produce cooled per hour (tons or
be used for initial cooling if the water is not recircu- metric tons per hour)
lated and the water supply is cool. Moving screens are
placed in front of the pump inlet to remove leaves or T = cooling time (minutes).
large-sized trash. Chlorine, a powerful oxidizing agent,
is commonly used to disinfect the water. Water near For an example in customary units, figure 24 shows
0°C (32°F) requires 100 to 150 ppm of available chlo that peaches can be hydrocooled in 20 minutes. Figure
rine and a pH near 7.0. Ozone has been used as a dis 25 shows that with this cooling time and a production

rate of 60 tons per hour, the cooler must be large . Packed sweet corn
with husk
enough to hold 20 tons of product. 80
The area of the cooler conveyor (area under the
shower) can be calculated by dividing the conveyor capac
ity by the area needed per unit of product weight. . Individual sweet r t
60 * corn with husk Cantaloupe .

• Citrus
-5 40

where Potato • Cantaloupe

Celery in crate
Tomato '
20 I- Brussels Peach
A = cooler area (square feet or square meters, con sprouts • • Individual celery
sistent with C and B) U Carrotj
- Radish 5 10
Asparagus ^ (cm)
B = product weight per unit area (tons per square
2 3 5 (in)
foot or metric tons per square meter)
Product diameter

C = conveyor capacity (tons or metric tons)

Figure 24. Effect of minimum product diameter on cooling time in
shower-type hydrocoolers.
Peaches weigh about 1,000 lb in a typical 4-by-4-ft
pallet bin and, if they are placed two high in the cooler,
1 ton occupies 16 ft2. Therefore, the cooler needs a
cooling area of 20 tons divided by Y\« ton/ft2, equaling
320 ft2. The two-bin-wide conveyor for the peach cooler
Conveyor length depends on selecting a convenient would need to travel at a speed of 2 feet (0.6 m)
conveyor width. For example, product in bins requires per minute.
a 4-ft-wide (1.2-m-wide) conveyor for a single-bin Most hydrocoolers use mechanical refrigeration.
design or an 8-ft-wide (2.4-m-wide) conveyor to Figure 26 shows the approximate amount of refrigera
accommodate two bins across. tion needed for an uninsulated hydrocooler, installed
outside. Detailed calculations of refrigeration demand
are in chapter 7.
w Ice is used in a few small coolers with short-use sea
where sons. It is expensive and, because large blocks of ice do
not have enough surface area to keep water at low
A = cooler area (square feet or square meters, con enough temperatures, a lot of labor is required to break
sistent with C and B) the ice into fist-sized pieces and load it into the cooler.
Refrigeration evaporator coils are traditionally
L = conveyor length (feet or meters) installed in the water reservoir below the product. Plac
ing the evaporator above the distribution pan allows
W = conveyor width (feet or meters) more rapid water flow past the coil, produces a better
heat-exchange rate, and allows a smaller, less expen
A two-bin-wide cooler for the peach example will sive coil to be used. Top-mounted coils also allow the
have a length of 40 feet (12 m). reservoir to be smaller, reducing both water and energy
Conveyor speed can be calculated with the follow use. Without immersed coils, the reservoir needs to be
ing formula, large enough to accommodate the pump intake and
screens and have enough extra volume during opera
tion to handle the draw down caused by filling the
pipes, distribution pan, and packages with water.
where Water-pump capacity can be calculated by select
ing a water-flow rate based on the earlier discussion
L = conveyor width (feet or meters) and multiplying this by the conveyor area. Pressure
that the pump operates against is called head, mea
T = cooling time (minutes) sured in water-column height. A hydrocooler designed
for product in bins and an evaporator mounted above
V = conveyor speed (feet or meters per minute, con the water-distribution pan has a head of about 9 meters
sistent with L ) (30 ft). Motor size for the pump should be determined

based on manufacturer's data supplied with the pump. REDUCING ENERGY COSTS
It can be approximated with the following formulas. In
customary units, Many electric utilities charge more for electricity use
in the daytime than at night to encourage their cus
QxH tomers to shift their electricity use to the night hours.
e x 3,960 Unfortunately, produce usually needs to be cooled dur
where ing the day. Daytime electricity demand can be reduced
by using an ice-accumulator refrigeration system. A
M = motor power (horsepower) moderate-capacity refrigeration unit freezes water on
evaporator coils that are built into a water tank. The
Q = water flow rate (gpm) system can operate 24 hours a day or even just during
the off-peak electrical rate period, making ice that
H = static head (ft) melts when refrigeration demand is great during the
day. The overall economics of this system are favorable
e = pump efficiency (usually between 0.50 and if the electricity load-shifting equipment is a part of a
0.70). new installation. The ice-building equipment cost is
nearly equal to the cost savings of being able to install
In SI units, a smaller-capacity compressor and condenser. Water
freezing around the coils tends to concentrate dirt in
Qxp the remaining unfrozen water, but much of this accu
mulated dirt can be drained off with a minimum loss
where of refrigeration when there is a maximum ice load on
the coils.
M = motor power (kW) An energy accounting of two stone-fruit hydrocool-
ers (Thompson and Chen 1989) showed that 53 per
Q = water-flow rate (m3-sec"1) cent of the refrigeration energy used was for product
cooling. The rest was used for removing heat conducted
p = pressure (kPa) across exterior cooler surfaces and pipes and through
air infiltration (27%); eliminating heat added by the
e = pump efficiency (usually between 0.50 and water pumps (10%); cooling water before startup (8%);
0.70). and cooling well water added to replace leakage (2%).
Hydrocooler energy use can be reduced by

Product temperature drop (°C or °F)
100 -

0 10 20 30 40 50

Product cooling rate (tons/hr or metric tons/hr)

Product throughput (tons/hr or metric tons/hr)

Figure 26. Approximate refrigeration capacity for an uninsulated
hydrocooler installed outdoors. For refrigeration capac
Figure 25. Conveyor load capacity for a continuous-flow hydro- ity in tons, use °F and tons per hour; for refrigeration
cooler. capacity in kW, use °C and metric tons per hour.

Insulating the cooler and piping, restricting air mw = weight of water in the cooler (lb or kg);
infiltration and installing a shade over the cooler or 1 ft3 of water weighs 62.4 Ib, or 1 m3 of water
installing the cooler inside an insulated cold room. weighs 1,000kg

Minimizing the amount of water pumped and head cw = specific heat of water (1 Btu/lb/°F or 4.19

Using a shower pan instead of pressurized nozzles DT = average rate of water temperature increase
to distribute water. (°F/hr or "Ohr1)

Reducing the water reservoir volume to lower the Qp= heat (in Btuh) added by water pump. Assume
amount of cooling at startup. 90 percent of the motor energy use ends up as heat
in the water and 1 Hp = 2,540 Btuh. For example, a
Designing the cooler exit to catch most of the water 30-Hp pump motor adds (30)x(2,540)x(0.90) =
applied to the product. 68,580 Btuh. A fully loaded 22-kW motor adds 19.8
kW of heat.
Cooling products after culling in the packing
house, to eliminate cooling the culled fruit. k = 12,000 Bum/ton or 3,600 s-hr1.

Operating at maximum capacity during the day This procedure will determine the exterior heat
(this minimizes energy use per unit cooled associ gain at the average ambient conditions during the test.
ated with pumps and with removing conduction Heat gain will vary with air temperature and humidity,
and infiltration heat; these energy uses depend on wind conditions, sun orientation, and cloud cover. For
the amount of time the cooler is in operation, not example, a test conducted at solar noon, on a hot, clear
on the amount of product cooled). day, with a strong wind determines maximum heat



Conduction and infiltration heat entering a free-stand Hydrocooler water needs about 100 ppm of available
ing hydrocooler can be a significant amount of the total chlorine, measured as hypochlorus acid (HOC1), to
load on the refrigeration system. The size of this load prevent the spread of decay organisms. Chlorine can
can be estimated by cooling the water reservoir to oper be obtained by adding chlorine gas (Ch), sodium
ating temperature. With the water pump operating and hypochlorite (NaOCl), or calcium hypochlorite
the refrigeration system off, measure the rate of tem (Ca(OCl)2). Check supplier's labels to determine
perature rise in the water in the reservoir. Water tem which formulations are registered for a particular com
perature should be measured every few minutes for modity and to determine recommended chlorine con
about 15 minutes. The following formula relates the centrations. Chlorine is not presently registered for cut
average water warming rate to refrigeration capacity. flowers or other ornamental crops. Chlorine gas is the
least expensive of the three sources and is usually used
(mc-cc + DT - Qp in larger operations with automatic chlorine and pH
monitoring and control systems. Sodium hypochlorite
is ordinarily sold as a liquid solution. Household chlo
where rine bleach usually has a 5.25 percent sodium hypo
chlorite concentration. Commercial solutions are
R = refrigeration capacity (tons or kW) concentrations of 9.5 percent to 15 percent. Adding 19
fluid ounces of 5.25 percent chlorine to 100 gallons of
iric = weight of the empty cooler, includes all parts chlorine-free water produces a 100-ppm HOC1 solu
that are cooled (lb or kg) tion (2.7 liters of bleach to 1,000 liters of water). Cal
cium hypochlorite is sold as a powder or tablet with
cc = specific heat of the cooler (assume cooler is about 65 percent active ingredient. Adding 2.8 ounces
made entirely of steel and 0.11 Btu/lb/°F or 0.46 of 65 percent calcium hypochlorite to 100 gallons pro
kJ-kg-'^C-' for steel) duces a 100-ppm HOC1 solution (210 g to 1,000 liters

of water). Because the powder does not rapidly dissolve HYDROCOOLER OPERATION
in cold water and undissolved particles cause bleach AND TROUBLESHOOTING
ing or product burns, the powder should be dissolved
in tepid water before being added to the cooler. The Water should be changed daily unless the product is
tablets are added directly to the cooler reservoir and, if particularly clean when entering the cooler. Available
properly used, will slowly dissolve, providing a contin chlorine levels should be checked at least daily. Incom
uous chlorine supply. ing product with a lot of trash or dirt will cause a rapid
Excess sodium concentrations can cause damage to drop in available chlorine, and chlorine levels will need
some fruits, particularly apples. A 100-ppm HOC1 to be checked several times a day. The section on chlo-
solution made from sodium hypochlorite will have rination gives more details on chlorine measurement.
a 30-ppm sodium concentration. As more sodium Proper operation of a hydrocooler requires regular
hypochlorite is added to replenish the hypochlorus ion product temperature measurement. The cooler opera
concentration, more sodium is added. Because sodium tor should measure and record the incoming and out
levels above 100 ppm will damage sensitive apple cul- going temperature of each lot of product. Product
tivars, water must be regularly changed to prevent temperatures are best measured with a lightweight,
sodium buildup. sharp probe. Electronic or even dial thermometers can
Water pH (acidity or alkalinity) should be kept in be used. Do not use glass thermometers because of the
the range of 6.5 to 7.5. Levels below this range cause danger of broken glass remaining in fruit. If the ther
equipment corrosion problems and release of toxic mometer probe is initially much warmer than the prod
chlorine gas. Above 7.5 pH, the chlorine is mostly in uct, it should be placed in a fruit to cool and then a
the form of hypochlorite ion (OC1"), which is not par second probing done for final temperature measure
ticularly germicidal. Automated chlorine systems con ment. Calibrate thermometers using a well-stirred mix
tinuously check and control pH, but litmus paper or ture of ice and clean water. Thermometers should
electronic meters can be used to measure pH in manu equilibrate to 0°C (32°F) after a few minutes. Many
ally controlled operations. Muratic acid, a common units can be adjusted to read correctly at this tempera
name for hydrochloric acid, is often used to decrease ture. Sample product from various locations in the
pH, and lye (sodium hydroxide) can be added to cooler. With some experience, an operator will learn
increase pH. All of these materials must be used where the warmest product is likely to be in a particu
according to their labels. Chlorine source also has an lar cooler. If outgoing fruit temperature rises above the
effect on pH. Chlorine gas decreases pH, whereas desired range, the cooler operation needs to be checked
sodium and calcium hypochlorite increase pH. carefully. The following section describes a systematic
Organic matter in the cooling water ties up chlo way of diagnosing hydrocooler problems.
rine, making it unavailable for disinfection. Tests in
stone-fruit hydrocoolers showed that available chlo
rine levels dropped by 50 percent after 48 bins were TROUBLESHOOTING SHOWER-
cooled, a few hours of operation (Ritenour and TYPE HYDROCOOLERS
Crisosto 1996). Chlorine levels may need to be moni
tored several times a day in a well-used cooler. Avail In shower hydrocoolers with the evaporator installed
able chlorine can be measured with a chemical test kit. above the water-distribution pan or between the reser
Some testing systems measure total chlorine (available voir and the pan, water temperature in the water-dis
chlorine and chlorine combined with organic matter) tribution pan above the product and water temperature
and should not be used unless the cooling water is very in the reservoir under the product are clues to the rea
clean. Some test kits will not measure available chlo son for the poor cooling performance.
rine levels above several ppm. They can be used if the
cooling water is diluted with 100 parts of deionized Symptom: Water temperature increases in the distrib
water and the reading multiplied by 100. This proce ution pan and in the reservoir during a cooling cycle
dure provides poor resolution in reading levels. or increases as the air temperature rises during the day.
Automatic control systems produce constant chlo
rine and pH levels in the water, allowing the active Cause: Inadequate refrigeration capacity. To solve the
chlorine level to be set near lower recommended lev problem
els. Manual control allows much more variation in
chlorine concentration during cooler operation. ^ Reduce external heat gain by insulating the cooler,
protecting it from the sun, installing plastic flap
curtains or roll-down doors to restrict air infiltra
tion, or installing it in a cold room. Heat entering

the cooler from air infiltration and conduction > Ensure that package vents align if packages are
across the walls can equal 25 percent to 30 percent stacked in the cooler.
of the refrigeration requirements of a hydrocooler
installed in the open. ^ Leafy products may shed water like shingles on a
roof; consider using a different packing method.
^ Reduce incoming product temperature by initial
cooling with high-quality well water. Water should ^ Ensure that water is supplied uniformly to the dis
be used only once and then used for irrigation. This tribution pan.
initial cooling also cleans the product, reducing
trash buildup and soil accumulation in the cooler. Cause: Trying to cool faster than heat can be removed
from product interior (see fig. 24 for typical cooling
^ Check refrigeration maintenance. times). To solve the problem

^ Increase refrigeration capacity. There are many ^ Leave product in the cooler longer; this may require
ways this can be done depending on the design of a additional hydrocooler capacity.
particular system. In ice-operated coolers, this
problem can be solved by adding more ice or break ^ Reduce incoming product temperature by using
ing the ice into smaller pieces. shades in receiving area, harvesting earlier in the
day or at night, and quickly transporting product
^ Put less product on a batch cooler, or slow the con to the cooler after harvest.
veyor on a continuous-flow cooler.

Symptom: Water temperature increases in the reser TROUBLESHOOTING

voir during a cooling cycle but remains cold in the dis IMMERSION HYDROCOOLERS
tribution pan.
Water temperature is the first thing to check when
Cause: Inadequate water flow through the distribution troubleshooting immersion coolers. The common
pan. A continuous-flow cooler with a shallow product problems are poor water flow or not leaving the prod
depth (as is used for cherries) needs about 4.8 to 6.8 uct in the cooler long enough. If the product floats, it
I'sec"1'm"2 (7 to 10 gpm/ft2); a batch or continuous- is better suited to a shower cooler.
flow cooler for a deep product bed (pallet loads of cel
ery) needs 13.6 to 17.0 l-sec-'-nr2 (20 to 25 gpm/ft2). Symptom: Water temperature is cold (0° to 0.5°C [32°
To solve the problem to 33°F] for nonchilling sensitive products), but prod
uct is not adequately cooled.
^ Check water pump.
Cause: Water agitation or water movement past the
^ Check trash screens. product is not adequate. To solve the problem

^ Check for debris plugging the shower pan holes. ^ Increase pump capacity to increase water speed
past the product. Relative speed of the water past
^ Install more water-flow capacity and perhaps increase the product should be at least 0.075 nvsec"1
the number of holes in the distribution pan. (15 fpm).

^ Put less product on the cooler. ^ Add a water agitation system; an air bubbler will
speed cooling.
Symptom: Water temperature remains cold in the
reservoir and in the distribution pan but product cools ^ Leave product in the cooler longer; this may require
slowly or nonuniformly. additional hydrocooler capacity.

Cause: Inadequate water flow through packaged prod ^ Reduce incoming product temperature by using
uct. To solve the problem shades in receiving area, harvesting earlier in the
day or at night, and quickly transporting product
^ Increase top and bottom package vent area. to the cooler after harvest.

Cause: Trying to cool faster than heat can be removed Replace an air bubbler with another type of water-
from product interior. To solve the problem agitation system, or design the air-handling system
to recirculate air from the bubbler.
^ Leave product in the cooler longer.
Reduce incoming product temperature by initial
^ Reduce incoming product temperature. cooling with high-quality well water. Water should
be used only once and then used for irrigation.
Symptom: Water temperature is not cold enough;
water should be at least 0.5° to 1.0°C (1° to 2°F) colder Check refrigeration maintenance.
than the desired temperature of the product at the exit
of the cooler. Increase refrigeration capacity; this can be done in
many ways, depending on the design of a particular
Cause: Inadequate water-cooling capacity. To solve the system.

^ Put less product through the cooler.

^ Reduce external heat gain. Most immersion coolers

are installed as part of a packing house so they are
usually inside a building. If they are outside, heat
gain can be reduced by insulating the cooler, pro
tecting it from the sun, installing plastic flap cur
tains, or installing it in a cold room.

Room, Ice, Vacuum, and Transport Cooling

ROOM COOLING plenum wall has floor-to-ceiling slits, directing air to

the gap between pallets. Air flows horizontally past
Exposing produce containers to cold air in refriger product, rises up to the ceiling, and returns to the top
ated storage is a common method (Guillou 1960; of the plenum wall (fig. 29). It has the advantage of
Sainsbury 1961) for cooling apples and pears in directing the coolest and most humid air past the prod
controlled-atmosphere storage and citrus fruits in uct first before it picks up heat from infiltration, con
atmospheric storage. It is well suited for finish cooling duction through walls, and other sources.
of product that has been cooled to within a few degrees
of optimal temperature during packing, such as cher Room cooling has several advantages.
ries packed in plastic liners and fresh cut vegetables. A
simple arrangement is to discharge cold air into a cold ^ There is less rehandling because the produce can
room horizontally just below the ceiling. The air be cooled and stored in the same place.
sweeps the ceiling and returns past the produce
stacked on the floor (fig. 27). In rooms more than 15 ^ Facility design and operation are simple.
m (50 ft) long, ceiling ducts may be used to ensure that
cooled air reaches all parts of the room (fig. 28). Air ^ Peak loads on the refrigeration system are less than
flow out the end of the ceiling duct or plenum pro with faster cooling methods.
duces good flow past the end pallets and product near
the floor. The openings along the ceiling plenum direct ^ There is no investment in equipment for fast cooling.
air past the center pallets. Another commonly used air-
handling system directs cooled air to a plenum wall. ^ It works well for unpacked flowers, which have
Palletized product is stacked against the wall with a 9- good exposure to airflow.
to 13-cm (3.5- to 5-inch) gap between pallet lanes. The

\' \ X \\v\\
Air is recooled by evaporators
in plenum and supplied to the /
room through ceiling duct.

Figure 27. Airflow pattern in a room cooler with unit evaporators. Figure 28. Airflow pattern in a room cooler with a slotted ceiling duct.

Room cooling does have severe limitations, however.

^ Cooling is slow, requiring at least 24 hours and

sometimes several days.

^ Produce is often shipped without adequate cooling,

or shipment may be delayed.

^ Sensitive produce can deteriorate measurably in the

time required for cooling.
Air is recooled by evaporators in
plenum and supplied to the room
>- Moisture loss is greater than for faster cooling through slots in plenum wall.
methods unless the product is packed in bags or
liners. Figure 29. Airflow pattern in a room cooler with a slotted
plenum wall.
^ More floor space is needed for a given output than
with faster cooling methods.
boxes must be squeezed together later for long-term
^ Use of the same space for cooling and for storage storage or shipping. Well-vented containers, with vents
exposes previously cooled produce to high air that align between stacked boxes, cool almost twice as
speeds and fluctuating temperatures, which can fast as closed containers at moderate air volumes. Vent
cause water loss. Moving cooled produce to sepa shape, location, and other design constraints are the
rate storage involves the same rehandling as for same as mentioned earlier for forced-air cooling.
faster cooling methods without their advantages. Use the lowest possible air temperature in the cold
room. This is usually 0.5° to 1°C (1° to 2°F) below the
^ Produce in containers with poor venting, or in con freezing or chilling temperature of the product.
tainers tightly stacked on pallets, are particularly Room cooler operation should be monitored by
slow to cool. Even less perishable products, such as measuring air temperature in several locations to locate
apples or pears, may deteriorate unacceptably warm or cold areas in the room. Temperature-sensing
before they are completely cooled. units should not be placed on outside walls, because
heat from outside will cause erroneously high readings.
^ Moisture released by warm interior produce may Warm areas are usually a result of poor airflow. Change
condense and cause moisture on colder outside the air-distribution system or the product stacking pat
produce, causing decay growth on some products. tern to increase airflow to the warm area.

^ Cooling rates for the same product are variable and

difficult to manage. PACKAGE ICING

Because of these limitations, most products require Packing finely crushed or flaked ice with produce is a
faster cooling methods to better maintain quality and traditional method of cooling, and it is particularly
to allow shipping soon after harvest. valuable for products shipped in nonrefrigerated vehi
Fastest possible room cooling requires a fan capac cles. Ice is often packed in flower boxes because they
ity of 0.005 m3-sec"1-ton"1 (100 cfm/ton) of maximum are frequently delivered by public or commercial mail
product capacity in the cold room. The air-handling services. Ice also maintains a high humidity in the box
system must be designed to distribute air uniformly and will minimize moisture loss once the product has
throughout the cold room. cooled to the temperature of the ice.
When cooling is complete, airflow should be Fast cooling with ice requires that it be in contact
reduced to the lowest level that will keep the product with most of the product. Just placing ice on the top of
cool in all locations in the storage. Airflow rates of a carton of product (called top icing) will not cause fast
0.001 to 0.002 m3-sec-'-ton-' (20 to 40 cfm/ton) of cooling. Injecting a slurry of ice and water is an effec
stored product are often sufficient. tive way to distribute ice in boxes. This is called liquid
Fastest possible room cooling also requires that icing or ice-injection cooling. The slurry of ice, water,
containers allow air to flow past them (see table 5; and a little salt to prevent the slurry from freezing, is
Guillou 1963; Mitchell et al. 1971). Spaced stacking of pumped into the hand holes of waxed fiberboard car
containers allows air to flow between them, but the tons. The slurry flows throughout the box, ice fills the

voids, and the water drains out. The slurry can be can then be forced-air cooled. The box vents are closed
injected with a manually operated nozzle (color plate after cooling.
9) or an automated system (color plate 10). The auto
mated system takes only 3 or 4 minutes to uniformly
ice a pallet load of boxes. VACUUM COOLING
Flaked or crushed ice can be manufactured on site
with several types of commercially available equip Leafy green vegetables like head lettuce are generally
ment. It is usually manufactured continuously and vacuum cooled (color plate 11). The product is placed
stored in an ice bunker, allowing the refrigeration sys in an air-tight chamber and the atmospheric pressure
tem to use inexpensive off-peak electricity. If the cool reduced. This reduces the boiling temperature of water
ing season is short and ice use is only a few tons per to field temperatures, and boiling conditions cause
day, it is often cheaper to buy block ice and transport rapid water vaporization. Heat of vaporization comes
it to an on-site crusher. Liquid ice equipment can be from the product, causing cooling. Final pressure in
made portable, and some companies lease the equip the retort is 4.6 mm of mercury absolute pressure,
ment and move it to the cooling site as needed. which corresponds to a water boiling temperature of
Ice has a cooling capacity of 335 kj-kg-' (144 0°C(32°F).
Btu/lb), and one weight unit (kg or lb) of ice will drop Air is pumped out with a rotary-vane vacuum
the temperature of three times its weight of product by pump, and water vapor is condensed on refrigerated
about 28°C (50°F). However, commercial ice-injection surfaces located inside the cooling chamber (fig. 30). A
systems require much more ice than is needed just for typical 640- to 800-carton cooler (23 to 27 kg [51 to
product cooling. For example, a 9-kg (20-lb) net 59 lb] of lettuce per carton) has about 190 kW (250
weight box of broccoli requires about 14.5 kg (32 lb) hp) of vacuum pumps and 370 kW (500 hp) of refrig
of manufactured ice. A little more than 3 kg (7 lb) is eration compressors. Sixty to 70 percent of total elec
use for broccoli cooling, 4.5 kg (10 lb) melts in trans tricity is consumed by the refrigeration system
port, 5.5 kg (12 lb) is melted in heat gain in the injec (Thompson et al. 1987). Early cooler designs used
tion equipment, and the customer usually wants to see steam-jet pumps to remove both air and water vapor.
about 4.5 kg (10 lb) of ice in the box upon arrival. The Products lose moisture through their exterior sur
high ice requirement makes liquid icing an energy- faces. The interior of a solid product is cooled by heat
inefficient and expensive cooling method. conducted to the cold exterior surface. Produce with
There are a number of other disadvantages. The high transpiration coefficients can be cooled quickly
weight of the ice reduces the amount of product that and uniformly in large loads with this method. Iceberg
can be transported in a highway vehicle. Ice requires lettuce is generally cooled in a 25-to 30-minute cycle
the extra expense of using a water-resistant container. with adequately sized vacuum-pump and refrigeration
In a mixed load, the water produced by the melting ice capacity. Products having lower transpiration coeffi
can damage neighboring containers that are not water- cients are not as well adapted to vacuum cooling. For
resistant, and the water is a safety hazard in ware example, cauliflower is sometimes vacuum-cooled, but
houses. Free water can not be released from packages cooling times are 2.5 to 4 hours. Celery and sweet corn
shipped by air freight. are also sometimes commercially vacuum-cooled, but
Some of these disadvantages can be eliminated if cycle times are also long.
the ice is not used for cooling but only for maintaining Vacuum cooling causes a water loss equal to about
temperature in transit. Flowers are often packed with 1 percent of the produce weight for each 6°C (11°F)
gel-pack ice, which is sealed in a bag and cannot leak. of cooling (Barger 1963). Two to 4 percent weight loss
The ice is placed in the box during packing and the box is common, and this level can cause noticeable wilting
in some leafy vegetables. Spraying water on produce
before vacuum cooling allows wilt-sensitive products
to be cooled. Much of the cooling effect comes from
Table 5. Factors affecting room-cooling of pallet loads evaporation of the added water rather than product
of tight-fill packed plums moisture. Water-spray vacuum coolers are designed to
spray water on the product during the cooling cycle.
Vent area Package
(% of side- spacing Stacking cooling They are simpler to operate than a unit with a sepa
wall area) cm (in) pattern time (hr) rate spray system. Evaporation of surface water also
causes faster cooling for produce with low transpira
0 0(0) Vents not aligned 84 tion rates. Products such as green onions, leaf lettuce,
4 2.5(1) Vents not aligned 22
4 2.5(1) Vents aligned 18 celery, and spinach are often cooled in water-spray
vacuum coolers.

Drip pan to collect

condensed water \
Refrigeration coil to
condense water vapor %
\ \

— »—
Q •>0 pallets of pa eked product

\T\ \ HH -4—
— .^^^-^ =j=|l—*—I
Pressure guage
x Air bleed valve to regulate low chamber pressure

1 90 kW (250 hp) compressor 0.7 to 1.1 m3 -s '(1500 to 2500 cfm) ,

and evaporative condenser two-stage rotary-vane vacuum pump

Figure 30. Key components of a 20-pallet-capacity vacuum cooler.

Rapid release of air into the vacuum chamber at the probe inserted in a sample of the produce tends to indi
end of water-spray cooling can cause leaves to appear cate the temperature of coldest product because the
water-soaked. The damage is apparently caused by sur probe damages cells, releasing moisture around the
face water being forced into the tissue by the rapid probe. Operators must learn to correlate temperature-
pressure rise around it. Damage is eliminated by releas probe measurements with final product temperature.
ing the vacuum over several minutes. A wet-bulb thermometer (which measures the boiling
Plastic film covering a product can act as a barrier temperature of water in a vacuum) can be used as an
to water-vapor release and can seriously slow cooling indicator of minimum product temperature for rapidly
(Harvey 1963). Tiny holes in the plastic will allow cooled products. Pulp temperature of product leaving
enough water vapor to escape for rapid cooling while the cooler should be routinely checked to ensure
still reducing water loss during subsequent marketing proper cooling.
(Cheyney et al. 1979). Plastic-film box liners also can For the use of costly vacuum cooling equipment to
be used in packages of vacuum-cooled product as long be economically feasible, there must be a consistent
as the liner is only folded over the top of the product daily and annual output of cooled produce. Most vac
and not sealed. uum coolers are trailer-mounted so they can be used
Measurement of produce temperature in a vacuum year-round as production areas change during the year.
cooler is important to ensure that the product is ade Coolers have been built small enough to cool a single
quately cooled without freezing. A gauge that measures pallet and large enough to cool 60 pallets per cycle.
absolute pressure in the chamber gives a direct indica Vacuum coolers are very energy efficient compared
tion of the boiling temperature of water in the cham to other types of coolers. They remove heat only from
ber, and provides a good estimate of the coldest product, whereas a forced-air cooler's refrigeration sys
product in the cooler. Cooling usually begins when tem removes heat from lift trucks, lights, fans, walls,
retort pressure drops to 18 to 32 mm Hg absolute, and air infiltration, in addition to the product (Thomp
which corresponds to water boiling temperatures of son and Chen 1988). Electricity use can be reduced in
20° and 30°C (68° and 86°F) respectively. Cooling is vacuum coolers by reducing vacuum pump capacity
finished after the product remains at 4.6 mm Hg for a after cooling begins in a cycle; filling the retort with as
time period that depends on the product. Lettuce cools much product as possible; shutting down refrigeration
quickly, and warmest portions cool adequately if the compressors or switching their capacity to other cool
product is held at 4.6 mm Hg for 3 to 6 minutes. Slow- ers when refrigeration is not needed at the beginning
cooling products like cauliflower may require hours at of a cycle; always operating the cooler with a full load
this low pressure. of product (e.g., to cool a half load of lettuce requires
Because vacuum coolers do not use a cooling 50 percent more energy per than a full load); and do
medium, only product temperatures need to be mea not cool products that require long cooling times
sured to monitor cooler performance. A temperature (Thompson et al. 1987).

High-capacity fan

Packaged product

—J _t 4 —J

Deep channel floor for air supply '

to product and wall channels

Figure 31. Airflow in a bottom air delivery system for marine containers. A similar airflow is used
in break bulk ships.

TRANSPORT COOLING Flaked or crushed ice or liquid ice (ice-water

slurry) is sometimes blown on top of warm loads in
Typical refrigerated highway trailers do not have refrigerated rail cars. The ice supplements mechanical
enough airflow or refrigeration capacity to cool perish refrigeration during initial cooling of a warm load.
able commodities rapidly. Products should always be Crushed ice solidifies, however, forming a blanket that
cooled to their desired transit temperature before load may block air circulation through the load and cause
ing in highway trailers. slow cooling. Interference with air circulation can be
Refrigerated marine containers, cargo ships, and minimized by top-icing in windrows down the center
rail cars can do some cooling during transport, but of a vehicle, thus allowing air to enter the load freely
cooling is slow. Containers and refrigerated ships usu through the open areas between the windrows. Can
ally have bottom-delivery airflow and refrigerated air is taloupes in wood crates have been satisfactorily cooled
supplied to the product through a floor plenum (fig. in less than 24 hours by combining this method of
31). Fastest cooling is obtained when the floor is com icing with operation of fans and mechanical refrigera
pletely covered with product. Uncovered areas allow tion in rail cars. Portable auxiliary fans cannot increase
poor air distribution in the air plenum and airflow airflow through the load sufficiently to significantly
around cartons rather than through them. Cartons speed cooling under these conditions (Kasmire and
must have top and bottom vents to allow vertical air Parsons 1971).
flow through the packages, and vents must align
between layers of containers. Inner packaging materi
als must also allow vertical airflow.

Selecting a Cooling Method

Many commodities can be cooled with several fully disinfected to prevent spread of decay organisms;
types of coolers. Selection of the best type of some products, like berries and mushrooms, do not
cooler for a particular operation depends on tolerate water contact; and packaged produce must use
several considerations, such as the mix of commodities water-resistant containers. In addition, wax-dipped,
handled, the length of the cooling season, the need for corrugated fiberboard is significantly more expensive
fast cooling, and so on. Table 6 compares the common than untreated fiberboard and is not easily recyclable.
cooling methods. Vacuum and water-spray vacuum coolers are used
Forced-air cooling, the most widely adaptable cool mainly for vegetables that lose water easily, such as leaf
ing method, is widely used for fruits, fruit-type vegeta vegetables. Short cooling times are needed to spread
bles, and cut flowers. Most perishable commodities can the high capital cost of this equipment over enough
be effectively cooled with this method. Its main disad product. Iceberg lettuce is vacuum-cooled; most other
vantage is water loss (fig. 17), which can be minimized commodities are cooled with water-spray vacuum cool
by cooling as fast as possible after harvest and using ing. The water spray has all the disadvantages of hydro-
high airflow rates in the cooler. Applying waxes or cooling. Vacuum and water-spray vacuum coolers are
packing produce in plastic bags also reduces moisture often made portable so they can be used year around
loss in this cooling method. as production areas change.
The next most commonly used cooling method is Ice cooling is limited to a few commodities that
hydrocooling, which is used for root, stem, and flower have been traditionally cooled with this method. Broc
vegetables and some temperate tree fruits. Produce coli is often ice cooled, and some cut flowers are
exposed to adequate water flow cools quickly with no packed with gel or crushed ice to maintain low tem
moisture loss. In some cases, wilted product may actu peratures in nonrefrigerated transport and storage con
ally gain some moisture. The main disadvantages of ditions. Although the product is often wetted by the
hydrocooling are that recirculated water must be care melting ice, decay spread is usually not a problem

Table 6. Comparison of product effects and cost for six common cooling methods

Water spray
Forced-air Hydro Vacuum vacuum Ice Room

Typical cooling time (hr) 1-10 0.1-1 0.3-2 0.3-2 0.1-0.3* 20-100
Product moisture loss (%) 0.1-2.0 0-0.5 2.0-4.0 no data no data 0.1-2.0
Water contact with product no yes no yes yes, unless bagged no
Potential for decay contamination low high none high low low
Capital cost low low medium medium high lowt
Energy efficiency low high high medium low low
Water-resistant packaging needed no yes no yes yes no
Portable sometimes rarely done common common common no
Feasibility of in-line cooling rarely done yes no no rarely done no
*Top icing can take much longer.
How if product is also stored in cooler as is done with apples; otherwise long cooling times make it an expensive system.

because water is not recirculated in the system. Ice they are packed. Cooling on arrival ensures minimum
cooling is expensive, and water from ice melt is a nui time at field temperature and allows short-term storage
sance. Ice increases gross package weight and usually before packing to provide more even product flow to
reduces the amount of product that can be shipped in the packing operation. Product that will be sorted out
a truck. in the packing operation is unnecessarily cooled and
Room cooling is very slow and limited to situations product usually rewarms a bit during packing and must
where the product is individually exposed to cold air, be recooled. Some stone-fruit packing operations cool
like flowers in stored buckets. Citrus fruits are still fruit upon arrival at the packing house to 7° to 10°C
commonly room cooled, and some controlled-atmos- (45° to 50°F) rather than 0°C (32°F) for short-term
phere stored products are allowed to cool slowly so storage before packing and then finish cooling to 0°C
that their respiration can be used to lower oxygen and (32°F) after packing. This reduces refrigeration energy
raise carbon dioxide concentrations in storage. use for cooling culls and recooling packed fruit but still
After perishables are cooled, they should be imme preserves fruit quality and has the added advantage of
diately placed in cold storage to prevent product not running cold fruit, which are susceptible to
reheating. In many operations, it is not feasible to leave mechanical damage, through packing machinery.
product in a cooler long enough for each piece to reach Rewarming of cooled produce can be reduced by
desired temperature. Cold storage also allows some enclosing the packing facility to reduce air movement.
final cooling to be obtained. As an alternative, dumping and palletizing operations
Most perishable products should be cooled as can be done in refrigerated areas to shorten the time
quickly after harvest as possible. Field-packed vegeta that produce is exposed to warm air. Compared with
bles are cooled upon arrival at the cooling and storage hand packing, mechanized packing equipment greatly
facility. Products packed in a packing house can be speeds packing and reduces product heating.
cooled as soon as they arrive at the pack house or after
3 5

Measuring Temperatures

EQUIPMENT FOR MEASURING Bimetallic, dial, and pocket-sized electronic ther

TEMPERATURE mometers, which cost from $5 to $30, are inexpensive
devices for measuring produce temperature. Bimetallic
Wall-mounted alcohol-filled glass thermometers pro thermometers can usually be recalibrated with an
vide good temperature measurement at low cost; long- adjusting nut located under the dial. Electronic ther
stem types can be read more accurately. Electronic mometers must be replaced if they go out of calibra
thermometers with long lead wires allow measurement tion but are easily read under difficult light conditions.
of coolant temperatures in inaccessible locations. Ther Bimetallic thermometers can be purchased with dials
mocouple wire costs $0.10 to $0.15 per foot, and a large enough for accurate reading. Because both types
readout device costs as little as $100. Thermistor sen of units tend to respond slowly to product tempera
sors, which are more accurate than thermocouples, ture, operators need to determine the response time of
cost more but allow the use of less-expensive copper their equipment.
lead wires. Both of these devices can be connected to Electronic thermometers (thermocouple and ther
data logging equipment to allow temperatures to be mistor units) can be purchased with very thin, strong
recorded. Monitoring equipment costs about $100 per probes for fast response, providing an accurate reading
recording channel. Recently, several manufacturers in about 8 to 10 seconds. Most units cost from $200 to
have developed self-contained temperature monitors $300 and can be purchased with lighted readouts for
and recorders, which are small, can be packed in a box operation in dark areas. Most units display both
with product, and cost as little as $50 per unit. Data is Fahrenheit and Celsius temperature scales.
read by connecting the units to a personal computer. Infrared thermometers give instantaneous response
but cost from $200 to $1,000. They measure the sur
face temperature of the material in front of them. Sur
PRODUCE TEMPERATURE face temperature represents product temperature if the
MEASUREMENT product has been in a constant temperature environ
ment for many hours, as is the case for produce in
Cold produce may absorb enough heat from a ther long-term storage. These units work well for rapidly
mometer to warm the flesh near the probe, resulting in surveying the temperature of produce coming out of
an erroneously high temperature reading. This error refrigerated vehicles. During and shortly after initial
can be prevented by probing the produce once to cool cooldown, the product's surface temperature is usually
the thermometer and then reinserting it in another area the coldest portion and not a good indicator of average
to take the actual reading. During cooling, the warmest temperature. The temperature reading also depends on
part of a product will be near its center. Probes are usu a property of the surface called emissiviry. Most units
ally inserted in the center of a product. Some probes, have an emissivity adjustment to account for emissiv-
particularly dial thermometers, have an immersion ity differences between plant material and packaging
depth marked on the stem. All of the probe from the materials or painted or metal surfaces.
tip to the immersion mark must be within the product An infrared thermometer reads accurately only
for accurate temperature measurement. Punctured when the thermometer's temperature is close to the
product should be discarded if the puncture damage is temperature of the environment in which it is used.
in a portion of the product that will be eaten. Store an infrared thermometer in the cold room if it is

used to measure product in the cold room. A warm Check the accuracy of temperature-measuring
thermometer used in a cold room can give readings sig equipment and note corrections at the beginning of
nificantly higher than actual product temperatures. the season and perhaps more frequently if accuracy
Cooling operations are usually managed on the is questionable.
basis of the warmest product in the process. An opera
tor needs to survey product temperature thoroughly Precool a thermometer by inserting it into a piece
in different positions within containers, in different of produce before starting actual measurements.
container positions on pallets, and in different pallet or
bin locations on a cooler to determine where the Take temperatures from the warmest product in
warmest produce is located. For example, in tunnel- coolers.
type forced-air coolers, the warmest product is usually
farthest from the fan, near the air-return channel. In Measure core or pit temperatures of produce.
shower-type hydrocoolers, the warmest product is at
the bottom of a pallet load. After this, temperature Remember that air temperatures tell little about
monitoring can be focused on the product in the inner temperatures of produce.
warm locations.
Storage operations are usually evaluated on the
basis of both average and extreme produce tempera CALIBRATING TEMPERATURE-
tures. Many measurements should be taken top-to-bot MEASURING EQUIPMENT
tom, side-to-side, and end-to-end within a batch.
Average temperature indicates the overall calibration All temperature-measurement equipment should be cal
of the refrigeration and control system. Extreme tem ibrated at least once a year. Accuracy can be checked by
peratures (high or low) point to local problems caused submerging the sensing unit in an ice-water bath, which
by factors such as regions with poor airflow, inade has a temperature of 0°C (32°F). Infrared thermometers
quate insulation, poor mixing of air from evaporators can also be calibrated by pointing them at the water in
with storage room air, and excess air infiltration. an icebath. The bath should contain both ice and water,
Temperature measurement is time consuming, but should be continuously stirred, and should be free of
it is a valuable management tool for evaluating the effi contaminants (distilled ice and water are best). The
ciency of the operation and must be done routinely to sensing unit should be held in the water, but not touch
assure that good cooling has been accomplished. Sev ing ice or the container, until it reaches a constant tem
eral steps are part of a good temperature-measurement perature. Many instruments have adjustments to allow
program for fresh produce: for recalibration. If adjustment is not possible, purchase
a new instrument.
^ Routinely measure and record coolant temperatures.

^ Routinely check and record temperatures of pro

duce as it enters and especially as it leaves the
cooler, regardless of your confidence in the facility.
3 7

Cooling Calculations

COOLING TIMES AND Multiply 50 minutes by 3 to find an expected seven-

TEMPERATURES eighths cooling time of 150 minutes At seven-eighths
cool, the product will have lost 7/» times 33.3°C (60°F)
Exact calculations of time and temperature relation (the difference between the initial product temperature
ships in produce cooling involve characteristics that and the coolant temperature). Subtracting seven-
are seldom known, but satisfactory estimates for design eighths of the difference from the initial product
and operation of cooling facilities can be based on temperature gives a seven-eighths cooling temperature
assumption of logarithmic cooling as depicted in fig of3.1°C(37.5°F).
ure 10 (Guillou 1960). This approximation is reasonably good if the aver
age temperature of the mass of produce being cooled is
estimated. This is fairly easy to measure in hydrocool-
USE OF SEVEN-EIGHTHS ers where there is not much temperature difference
COOLING TIME between product in various locations along the path of
water flow. In forced-air coolers, however, the most
Many of the calculations and much of the data in this exposed produce cools faster and the most protected
publication are designated by the time for seven- produce cools slower than the above formula indicates.
eighths cooling, which is the time required to cool Seven-eighths cooling times are three times as long
produce through seven-eighths of the initial product- as half-cooling times. Seven-eighths cooling, like half
coolant temperature difference (or to one-eighth of its cooling, is the same for given produce exposed in a
initial value). Table 7 is useful for making rough esti given way regardless of temperatures of produce and
mates of expected seven-eighths cooling time and tem coolant. Seven-eighths cooling times and temperatures
perature. are quite practical estimates of cooling in commercial
For example, if after 50 minutes in a forced-air operations, and are more closely related to commercial
cooler the product has cooled from 32.2° to 15.6°C cooling times than half-cooling times.
(90° to 60°F), and the cooling air is held at -1.1°C Seven-eighths cooling time can be measured
(30°F) the product is half cool (16.7°C [30°F] of cool directly and has a physical meaning only when a
ing represents half of the difference between the initial coolant temperature is constant. It is a general measure
product temperature and the coolant temperature). of exposure of produce to coolant, however, and is use

Table 7. Data for estimating expected seven-eighths cooling time

and temperature

Ratio of product temperature drop

during cooling divided by difference 1:2 3:4 . 7:8 15:16 31:32
between initial product temperature
and cooling medium

Multiply elapsed cooling time by

the following to find seven-eighths 3 3/2 1 % %
cooling time

ful in calculations whether coolant temperature is con temperature differences that approximate actual tem
stant or varying, as explained below. perature differences.
Test results with variable coolant temperatures may
be applied to operations with constant coolant temper
CALCULATING MOMENTARY atures, or the reverse, by the relation between cooling
COOLING RATE coefficient and seven-eighths cooling time,

In designing cooling systems it may be necessary to 2.08

know the rate at which a batch of produce will be cool
ing at some specific time. Using
R = 2.08 (t-to)
S = 2.08

S = % cooling time (hours) REFRIGERATION LOAD

(t-to) = produce-to-coolant temperature difference
(°F or °C) Forced-air coolers

R = momentary cooling rate (°F/hour or "C-h"1) Selecting evaporator coils and compressor and con
denser equipment in forced-air coolers requires calcu
2.08 = natural logarithm of Vs. lating peak refrigeration demand. The majority of the
demand is for fruit cooling, and the peak demand is
This formula applies whether coolant temperature is found by knowing product arrival times during the day
constant or varying and may also be used to estimate S and temperature of incoming product and assuming an
from test measurements of R and (t—to). acceptable cooling rate. Table 8 shows an example cal
culation in customary units. The following assump
tions are made in calculating refrigeration capacity.
^ Weighted average heat capacity of each load, cp=
Cooling rates are sometimes designated by a cooling 0.9 Btu/lb/°F.
coefficient, the temperature reduction in degrees per
hour divided by the average temperature difference ^ Cooling air temperature = 30°F.
between produce and coolant. For example, produce
cooled by 40° (°C or °F) in 10 hours would have cooled ^ Seven-eighths cooling time = 3 hours (half cooling
at an average rate of 4° per hour. If the average temper = lhr).
ature difference between produce and coolant over the
10-hour period had been 16°, the cooling coefficient ^ Product is removed from the cooler when it reaches
would have been seven-eighths cool.

4° per hour A -,,- , , , ^ Load is calculated based on hourly average cooling

—r^— = 0.25 degree per hour-degree.

Neglecting departures from idealized logarithmic cool „... CpXATxm

t\. 1 = :
ing, the cooling coefficient is the same for any period
of a cooling operation or at any moment. Therefore,
using C for cooling coefficient (degrees per hour- where
RT= refrigeration capacity (tons or kW)
R = C(t-to)
AT= temperature drop (°F or °C) per hour based on
In practice, cooling coefficients may vary considerably the time period selected (1 hr). In this example, 1
as cooling progresses and should be measured over hour equals a half-cooling period. The product

Table 8. Example calculation of refrigeration load for a forced-air cooler

Refrigeration load for each batch (tons)

Time Product load (Ib) Product temp. (°F) 10am Noon 2pm 4pm 6pm Total load (tons)
10am 10,000 70 15.0 15.0
11 am SHW^^Vto'fc'^B?**:.' 7.5 7.5
Noon 10,000 80 3.8 18.8 22.6
1 pm Viltt-!HfflBi£il!!( * ';.'.- .I'UBStt ?.'-' 9.4 9.4
2pm 10,000 90 4.7 22.5 27.2
3pm Si^^iT;E-iv/;; "rvw^.-' vr. .-.;v i ."" 11.3 11.3
4pm 10,000 90 5.6 22.5 28.1
5pm SHBBeSWjS'^"'-'*^! : ./" > ;^iw*;< 11.3
6pm 10,000 90 5.6 22.5 28.1
7pm ;rasip^^^»>'f $Sft£" 11.3
8 pm 5.6 5.6

cools half the difference between its initial temper where

ature and the temperature of the cooling air.
RT = refrigeration capacity (tons or kW)
m = weight of product (lb or kg)
AT = total temperature drop (°F or °C) of product
cp = weighted average heat capacity of product and during cooling.
packing material (Btu/lb/°F or kW-kg-'^Cr1) (0.9
Btu/lb-l/°F in this example) M = weight of product entering cooler per hour
(lb/hr or kg-sec"1)
k = 12,000 Btuh/ton of refrigeration or 3,600 s-rr1.
cp = weighted average heat capacity of product and
The peak refrigeration tonnage associated with packing material (typically about 0.9 Btu/lb/°F or
product cooling is 28.1 tons. Total refrigeration equals 3.77kJ-kg-'-°C-')
product cooling load plus heat from miscellaneous
sources such as fan motors, lift trucks, lights, air infil k = 12,000 Btuh per ton of refrigeration or 3,600
tration, people, and conduction through walls. As a s-h"'.
rule of thumb, heat from miscellaneous sources equal
25 percent of the product load. An extra 10 percent to Total refrigeration equals product cooling load plus
15 percent of the total heat load is added as a safety fac heat from miscellaneous sources such as pumps, air
tor to account for facility use beyond assumptions, for infiltration, makeup water cooling, and conduction
example, starting two batches simultaneously or cool through walls. As a rule of thumb, heat from miscella
ing unusually warm product. neous sources equals 25 percent of the product load
for a well-insulated cooler and 50 percent for a poorly
Hydrocoolers insulated cooler. An extra 10 percent to 15 percent of
the total heat load is added as a safety factor to account
Peak demand for batch coolers can be calculated using for facility use beyond assumptions.
the method used for forced-air coolers. Because seven- In some hydrocoolers, the maximum refrigeration
eighths cooling times are much shorter than in forced- demand may be cooling the water before startup. This
air cooling, loads may need to be calculated using is especially true if the water reservoir is large and the
shorter time periods, usually equal to the half-cooling operators want freshly added water to cool quickly to
time. operating temperature.
Continuous-flow hydrocooler refrigeration load The following formula can be used to calculate
can be calculated with the following formula, refrigeration load for water cooldown:

RT = Cp x AT x M RT = V x d x cp x AT

where t = water cooldown time (hours)

RT = refrigeration capacity (tons or kW) k = 12,000 Btuh per ton of refrigeration or 3,600 s-tr1.

V = volume of water in reservoir (ft3 or m3)

d= density of water, 62.4 lb of water per cubic foot CONVERSIONS
or l,000kg-nr3
Tables 9 through 14 give constants and conversions
AT = total temperature drop (°F or °C) of water that are useful in refrigeration and cooling calculations.

cp = heat capacity of water (1.0 Btu/lb/°F or 4.187

Table 9. Refrigeration effect conversions

Refrigeration source Cooling effect

1 ton of refrigeration Heat absorbed by melting water ice, or given off by
freezing water ice, at a rate of 1 ton in 24 hr

288,000 Btu/day

12,000 Btuh

200 Btu/min

Melting 1 Ib of water ice 144Btu

Melting 1 kg of water ice 335 kJ

Vaporizing 1 Ib of water 1 ,073 Btu at 32°F or 1 ,035 Btu at 1 00°F

Vaporizing 1 kg of water 2,496 kJ at 0°C or 2,408 kJ at 38°C

Vaporizing 1 Ib of dry ice and warming the vapor to 32°F 264 Btu (equal to melting 1 .8 Ib of water ice)

Vaporizing 1 kg of dry ice and warming the vapor to 0°C 61 4 kJ (equal to melting 1 .8 kg of water ice)

Vaporizing 1 Ib of liquid nitrogen or 1 Ib of liquid carbon dioxide 1 75 Btu (equal to melting 1 .2 Ib of water ice)
and warming the vapor to 32°F

Vaporizing 1 kg of liquid nitrogen or 1 kg of liquid carbon dioxide 407 kJ (equal to melting 1 .2 kg of water ice)
and warming the vapor to 0°C

Table 10. Approximate compressor horsepower per ton Table 11. Approximate compressor power in kW per kW
of refrigeration of refrigeration

Evaporating temp (°F) Condensing temp (°F) Evaporating temp (°C) Condensing temp (°C)
95 115 135 35 45 55

30 1.1 1.5 2.0 0 0.23 0.29 0.39

20 1.3 1.8 2.4 -5 0.26 0.35 0.46
10 1.5 2.1 2.7 -10 0.30 0.41 0.51

Table 12. Heat input to refrigerated spaces

Heat source Heat input

I shaft horsepower (fans or pumps 2,540 Btuh
with motor outside refrigerated 0.21 tons of refrigeration
space) 0.74 kW of refrigeration

1 kW (lights, motors) 3,41 3 Btuh

0.28 tons of refrigeration
1 kW of refrigeration

Table 13. Physical properties of materials

Property Customary units SI units

Specific heat of fruits and vegetables 0.85 to 0.95 Btu/lb/°F, 3.56 to 3.98 kJ-kg-'-°C.'

avg 0.90 Btu/lb/°F avg 3. 77 kJ- kg-' -"C-1

Specific heat of dry wood and paper 0.30 Btu/lb/°F 1.26 kJ-kg-1 -"(:-'
Specific volume of air at 0°C (32°F) 12.5ft3/lb 0.78m3-kg"'

Density of ice in blocks 56 Ib/ft3 897 kg-m-3

Density of water at 0°C (32°F) 62.4 Ib/ft3 1000kg-nr3

8.3 Ib/gal

Table 14. Conversion factors, customary to SI units

Customary X Factor = SI unit

ft X 0.3048 - m
ft2 X 0.0929 = m2
ft3 X 0.02832 = m3

ft3/min X 0.000472 m3'sec1
ft3/min/lb X 0.00104 = m3'sec"1'kg"1
ft3/min/lb X 1.04 = m3'sec1 -tonne'1
Ib X 0.4536 = kg
ton X 907.2 = Mg (= 1,000 kg = 1,000,000 g = 1 tonne)
Ib/in2 X 6.895 = kPa
Ib/in2 X 51.713 = mm Hg @ 0°C
Ib/ft3 X 16.02 = kg-rrr3 (kg-nr3 = g-h1)
inches of water column X 0.2487 = kPa
Btu X 1.055 = kJ (= kW-sec)
Btu/lb/°F X 4.1868 = kJ-kg-1-"C"1
hp X 0.746 = kW
ton of refrigeration X 3.52 = kW of refrigeration
gpm X 0.0631 = l-sec-1
gpm/ft2 X 0.6791 = l-secr'-tir2
PF-32) X = °C

Cooling Data


PRODUCE A relative humidity of 90 to 95 percent is recom
mended for most fresh commodities. Commodities can
Appendix A summarizes environmental information only benefit from relative humidity this high if they are
for many products, but because of climatic, variety, and uniformly cooled to near their optimal storage temper
cultural differences, there may be variations from the ature. High relative humidity weakens unwaxed corru
data. (Where exceptions are known, they are noted in gated containers. The storage room can be at lower
parentheses on the tables.) Because handling require humidity if commodities are packed in film bags, keep
ments for these commodities are often complex, refer ing humidity high around the product.
to Hardenburg et al. (1986) for more complete infor
TEMPERATURES The freezing points shown in appendix A are the high
est noted for any test of that commodity (Whiteman
The temperatures shown in appendix A are generally 1957), with many varieties having been observed to
considered optimal for the commodity. Unless produce have lower freezing points. Because of limitations of
is subject to chilling injury, it should be held as closely test data, readers should be aware that some varieties
to its freezing point as possible. Many commodities may have freezing points higher than those shown here
respond best if held at 0°C (32°F) or below. Storage for a commodity. The freezing point of a commodity is
near the freezing point is possible only if temperature influenced by the level of soluble solids. Fruits or veg
fluctuations of the cooling system are not great enough etables having low soluble solids content may freeze at
to cause freezing. temperatures usually considered safe for them. Freez
Products with ideal holding temperatures greater ing has occurred at temperatures not generally harmful
than 0°C (32°F) may be subject to chilling injury if in Bartlett pears containing low soluble solids, with
held below their ideal temperature. Injury can take freezing occurring first among the least ripe pears in
several forms, including surface pitting, tissue discol the lot.
oration, increased susceptibility to microorganisms,
altered flavor or texture, and loss of ability to ripen.
Chilling injury is often found only for some varieties MAXIMUM MARKET LI FE
or for produce grown under certain climatic condi OF PRODUCE
tions. Chilling injury is a time-temperature function,
and thus it may be possible to hold some commodi There is a maximum time during which a product can
ties safely for short periods at temperatures below remain marketable under good storage and distribu
those found to cause injury. Holding temperature tion conditions, with considerable variations resulting
requirements may also vary according to ripeness of from variety, seasonal, or handling differences. To
the produce. obtain the longest market life, produce must be prop
erly handled before as well as during storage. Often

special treatments noted in the "comments" column

are essential to maintaining maximum market life for a
particular commodity.



Appendix B contains cooling times, airflow rates, and

pressure drop for selected commodities. These figures
should be considered estimates if no other data is avail
able. Air-vent design and packing materials may cause
the actual pressure for a given commodity to be very
different from these values.

Appendix A-1

Commodity Ideal holding RH (%) Chilling Highest freezing Maximum Comments

temp(°F) temp(°F) temp (°F) life

Alfalfa sprouts 32 95-100

Amaranth 32-36 95-100 10-1 4 days
Anise 32-36 90-95 30.0 2-3 wk
Apple-nonchilling sensitive 30-31 90-95 29.3 3-6 mo Some varieties, including
chilling-sensitive 38-40 90-95 40 29.3 1-2 mo Yellow Newtown,
varieties (varietal) Mclntosh, some Jonathan,
and some Grimes Golden
subject to chilling injury;
controlled atmosphere
used for long storage
Apricot 31-32 90-95 30.0 1-3wk Ripenat65°to75°F
Artichoke, globe 32 95-100 29.9 2-3 wk
Arugula 32 90-100 7-10 days Sensitive to ethylene
Asparagus 32 95-100 31.0 1 0 days Chilling injury if kept
(if stored) (36) (95-100) (36) (2-3 wk) more than 1 0 days below
36°F; sensitive to ethylene
Atemoya 55 85-90 55 4-6 wk
Avocado 40-55 85-90 40-55 29.9 1 mo Ripen at 60° to 75°F; ripe
avocados can be held at
36°F without chilling injury

Babaco 45 85-90 45 1-3wk
Banana 56-59 90-95 55 30.5 1-4 wk
Barbados cherry (acerola) 32 85-90 29.4 6-8 wk
Basil 45-50 85-95
Beans, fava 32 90-95 1-2 wk
Beans, green, wax 40-45 85-95 30.7 7-10 days Ethylene senstive
Beans, lima 41-43 90 31.0 5-7 days Shell for longest life
Beans, snap 40-45 95 45-50 30.7 7-10 days Ethylene sensitve
Bean sprouts 32 95-100 7-9 days
Beets 32 98-100 30.3 4 mo Top for holding; maximum
(tops 31. 3) topped life with tops attached is
Belgian endive (chicory) 36-38 95-98 — 2-4 wk Sensitive to ethylene
Blackberry 31-32 90-95 30.5 3-6 days
Blueberry 31-32 90-95 29.7 10-1 8 days
Boysenberry 31-32 90-98 2-3 days

Commodity Ideal holding RH (%) Chilling Highest freezing Maximum Comments

temp (°F) temp (°F) temp (°F) life
Berries (continued):
Bushberries 31-32 95 — — 2-3 days Cool promptly and
Dewberry 31-32 90-95 29.7 2-3 days
Elderberry 31-32 90-95 — 30.0 5-1 4 days
Gooseberry 31-32 90-95 — 30.0 3-4 wk
Loganberry 31-32 90-95 29.0 2-3 days
Raspberry 31-32 90-95 30.4 3-6 days
Strawberry 32 95 30.6 7-10 days Cool promptly and thor
oughly; carbon dioxide
decay control in transit
Bitter melon 50-54 85-90 — — 2-3 wk
Black sapote 55-60 85-90 54 2-3 wk
Boniato 55-60 85-90 54 4-5 mo
Breadfruit 55-60 85-90 — — 2wk
Broccoli 32 95-100 31.0 10-1 4 days
Broccoflower 32-36 95-100 — — — Sensitive to ethylene
Brussels sprouts 32 95-100 30.5 3-5 wk Sensitive to ethylene

Cabbage 32 98-100 — 30.4 2-6 mo Storage life depends on
variety and season of
harvest; sensitive to
ethylene damage
Cactus leaves (nopales) 41-50 90-95 — — 2-3 wk
Cactus pear (tuna) 41 85-90 — — 2-3 wk
Caimito(star apple) 38 90 — 29.9 3wk
Calabaza 50-55 50-70 40 2-3 mo
Calamondin 48-50 90 28.3 2wk
Canistel 55-60 85-90 28.7 3wk
Carambola 48-50 85-90 — 29.8 3-4 wk
Carrots 32 98-100 29.5 6-8 mo Top carrots for best market
(varietal) life maximum life with tops
attached is 2 weeks;
mature carrots have
longest life
Cashew apple 32-36 85-90 — — 5wk
Cassava 32-41 85-90 — — 1-2 mo no CA benefit
Cauliflower 32 95-98 30.6 3-4 wk Sensitive to ethylene
Celeriac 32 97-99 — 30.3 6-8 mo
Celery 32 98-100 — 31.1 1-2 mo Sensitive to ethylene
Chard 32 95-100 — — 10-1 4 days Sensitive to ethylene
Chayote 45 85-90 — — 4-6 wk Sensitive to ethylene
Cherimoya 55 90-95 28.0 2-4 wk Ethylene producer
Cherry, sweet 30-32 90-95 28.8 2-4 wk Modified atmosphere
packaging used
Chinese broccoli (Kailan) 32 95-100 — — 10-1 4 days
Chinese cabbage 32 95-100 — — 2-3 mo
Chinese turnip 32-36 90-98 30.4 —
Grapefruit, CA, AZ 58-60 85-90 50 30.0 6-8 wk Curing for 3 days at 70°F
FL 50-60 85-90 — 30.0 6-8 wk Sometimes used to coun-
teract low temperature-
Kumquat 40 90-95 — 2-4 wk
Commodity Ideal holding RH (%) Chilling Highest freezing Maximum Comments
temp (°F) temp (°F) temp (°F) life
Citrus (continued)
Lemon 50-55 85-90 29.4 1-6 mo Storage at 32° to 40°F is
(immediate (32-40) possible if market period is
marketing) less than 1 month; cure at
72° to 78°F and 85-90%
RH for 6-10 days
Lime 48-50 85-90 39 29.1 6-8 wk Sensitive to ethylene
Limequat 45-50 85-90 30.5
Orange 38^14 85-90 37 30.6 3-6 wk
(some Valencia) (48) — — (29.7) (3-4 wk)
Pummelo 45-48 85-90 29.1 12 wk
Tangelo 45-50 85-95 30.3 —
Tangerine 40-45 90-95 33 30.1 2-4 wk
and mandarins
Coconut 32-35 80-85 30.4 1-2 mo Rapid temperature change
will cause cracking
Collards 32 95-100 — 31.1 10-1 4 days Sensitive to ethylene
Corn (sweet and baby) 32 95-98 30.9 5-8 days Chill quickly and
thoroughly to prevent
conversion of sugar
to starch
Cranberry 36^0 90-95 - 30.4 6-1 6 wk
Cucumber 50-55 85-90 50 31.1 10-1 4 days Waxing used to reduce
weight loss
Currant 31-32 90-95 — 30.2 1-4 wk
Custard apple 55 90-95 — — 2-4 wk
Cut fruits 32-36 90-98 — —
Cut vegetables 32-36 90-98 — —

Daikon (black radish) 32-34 95-100 — 4 mo Sensitive to ethylene
damage; top for long stem
Date 32 75 3.7 6-12 mo
Dry onion 60-65 65-70 — —
Durian 39-43 85-90 — 6-8 wk Very strong odor; do not
mix with other perishables
Eggplant 50-54 90-95 50 30.6 1-2wk Waxing used to reduce
weight loss
Escarole, endive 32 95-100 31.9 2-4 wk Sensitive to ethylene
Feijoa 41-50 90 41 — 2-3 wk
Fennel 32-36 90-95 30.1 2-3 wk
Figs, fresh 31-32 85-90 27.6 7-10 days Ethylene producer

Garlic, dry 32 65-70 30.5 6-7 mo
Ginger 55 65 - — 6 mo
Granadilla 50 85-90 — 3-4 wk
Grapes 30-31 90-95 28.4 (stem) 1-6 mo Weekly S02 fumigation
27.1 (fruit) (varietal) used for disease control
Guava 41-50 90 36 — 2-3 wk Ethylene producer
Herbs (not basil) 32-36 90-98 — — Sensitive to ethylene
Horseradish 30-32 98-100 — 28.7 10-1 2 mo
Commodity Ideal holding RH (%) Chilling Highest freezing Maximum Comments
temp (°F) temp (°F) temp (°F) life

Jaboticaba 55-60 90-95 — — 2-3 days
Jackfruit 55 85-90 — — 2-4 wk
Jerusalem artichoke 31-32 90-95 27.5 4 mo
Jicama 55-65 85-90 — — 1-2 mo Sprouts at high temper-
ture, subject to decay at
high humidity
Kale 32 95-100 31.1 2-3 wk
Kiwano (horned melon) 55-60 90 — — 6 mo
Kiwifruit 32 99-100 — 30.4 3-5 mo Sensitive to ethylene
Kohlrabi 32 95-100 30.4 2-3 mo

Langsat 52-58 85-90 — — 2wk
Leeks 32 95-100 — 30.7 2 mo
Lettuce 32 98-100 - 31.7 2-3 wk Vacuum cooling generally
used for prompt removal of
field heat
Lo bok(black radish) 32-34 95-100 — — 4 mo
Long bean 39-45 90-95 — — 7-10 days
Longan 39-45 90-95 27.9 2-4 wk
Loquat 32 90-95 28.6 3wk
Lychee 34-36 90-95 — — 3-5 wk

Malanga 45 70-80 — — 3 mo
Mamey 55-60 90-95 — — 2-3 wk
Mango 55 85-90 50 29.5 2-3 wk Ethylene producer
Mangosteen 55 85-90 — — 2-4 wk Ethylene producer
Cantaloupe 36-41 95 40 29.9 2-3 wk Storage temperature of
honeydew and cantaloupe
depends on maturity and
length of storage; chilling
possible below about 40°F
Cassaba 49-50 85-90 30.3 3wk
Crenshaw 45-50 90-95 45-50 30.5 2wk Hold partially ripe melons
above 50°F
Honeydew 41-50 90-95 45 30.3 2wk Gas with ethylene at
temperature above 68°F
for ripening; gassing time
depends on initial maturity
Juan Canary 45-50 85-95 — — —
Persian 45 90-95 30.5 2wk
Watermelon 50-59 90 40 31.3 2-3 wk Ethylene sensitive
Mint 32 95-100 — — —
Mushroom 32 90 30.4 7-1 4 days
Mustard greens 32-36 90-95 31.4 7-1 4 days Sensitive to ethylene

Nectarine 31-32 90-95 — 30.4 2-4 wk
Commodity Ideal holding RH (%) Chilling Highest freezing Maximum Comments
temp (°F) temp (°F) temp (°F) life

Okra 45-50 90-95 45 28.7 7-10 days

Olives 41-50 90-95 29.4 4-6 wk
Onion, dry 32 65-70 30.6 1-8 mo Market life depends on
variety and season; cure
with warm, moist air
circulation until 3-5%
weight is lost.
Onion, green 32 95-100 — 30.4 3wk

Papaya 45-55 85-90 30.4 1-3wk Ethylene producer

Parsley 32 95-100 — 30.0 1-2 mo
Parsnips 32 95-100 30.4 4-6 mo Handle like carrots
Passion fruit 50 85-90 3-4 wk Ethylene producer
Peach 31-32 90-95 — 30.4 2-4 wk Internal breakdown can
(varietal) occur at 36°to 50°F; ripen
at 65° to 70°F
Pear, Asian and European 29-31 90-95 29.0 2-7 mo Storage life depends on
variety, maturity and
storage conditions; very
low solids (pears, 9%
solids) may be damaged at
29° to 30°F; controlled-
atmospheres extend
storage; ripen at 60° to 70°F
Peas, sweet and snow 32-34 90-98 — 30.9 1-2wk Prompt, thorough chilling
needed to maintain sugar;
fresh peas keep better if
Pepino 41-50 95 1 mo
Pepper, bell and chili 45-50 95-98 45 30.7 2-3 wk Waxed to reduce water
Persimmon 32 90 28.1 1-3 mo Ethylene producer
Pineapple 45-55 85-90 30.0 2-4 wk Does not ripen after
Plantain 56-59 90-95 54 30.4 1-5 wk
Plum and fresh prunes 30-32 90-95 30.5 2-5 wk Storage life depends on
variety, maturity and
storage conditions; ripen at
65° to 70°F; only high-
solids, well-matured fruits
can be held at 30°F
Plumcot 32 90-98
Pomegranate 41-45 90-95 26.6 2-3 mo
Early, immature 50-59 90-95 38-40 30.5 10-1 4 days Market life depends on
condition and curing; cure
4-5 days at 70°F; store in
dark; store cured potatoes
at 40°F; without curing,
hold at 50°F; hold chip
potatoes at 70°F
Late, mature 40-55 95-98 38-40 30.9 5-1 0 mo Cure at 45° to 50°F and
high RH for 10-1 4 days;
store in dark; condition
chip potatoes for 1-3 wk at
70°F just before use
Pumpkin 54-59 50-70 — 30.5 2-3 mo
Commodity Ideal holding RH (%) Chilling Highest freezing Maximum Comments
temp (°F) temp (°F) temp (°F) life

Quince 31-32 90 — 28.4 2-3 mo Treat like early apples such
as Jonathan
Radicchio 32-34 95-100 — — 3-4 wk Subject to moisture loss
Radish 32 95-100 — 30.7 1-2 mo Top before storage
Rambutan 54 90-95 — — 1-3 wk
Rhubarb 32 95-100 — 30.3 2-4 wk
Rutabaga 32 98-100 — 30.1 4-6 mo Wax to reduce weight loss,
handle as topped carrots

s —
Salsify 32 95-98 30.0 2-4 mo Handle as topped carrots
Sapodilla 59-68 85-90 — — 2wk
Scorzonera (black salsify) 32-36 95-98 — — 6 mo
Shallot 32-36 90-98 — 30.7 —
Soursop 55 85-90 — — 1-2 wk
Spinach 32 95-100 31.5 10-1 4 days Cool rapidly and thor
Squash, summer, 45-50 95 41 31.1 1-2 wk Sensitive to ethylene
(soft rind) damage
Squash, winter 54-59 50-70 50 30.5 2-3 mo May be cured 10-20 days
(varietal) at 80°to 85°F
Sugar apple (sweetsop) 45 85-90 — — 4wk
Sweet potato 55-60 85-95 55 29.7 4-7 mo Cure for 4-7 days at 85°
and 85-90% RH
Swiss chard 32-36 90-98 — — 10-1 4 days

Tamarillo 37-40 85-90 — — 10 wk
Tamarind 36-45 90-95 — 25.4 3^1 wk
Taro (dasheen) 45-50 85-90 — 30.3 4 mo
Tomatillo 45-55 85-90 — — 3wk
Mature green 50-55 90-95 55 31.0 2-5 wk Ethylene sometimes used
to ripen; fastest ripening at
65° to 68°F; slow ripening
at 57° to 60°F
Firm ripe 45-50 85-90 45 31.1 1-3 wk
Turnip 32 95 — 30.1 4-5 mo Top for extended storage;
store as topped carrots
Turnip greens 32 95-100 — 31.7 2wk

Ugli fruit 40 90-95 — — 2-3 wk
Waterchestnut 32-36 85-90 — — 2-4 mo Subject to moisture loss
Watercress 32 95-100 — 31.4 2-3 wk Sensitive to ethylene
White sapote 67-70 85-90 — 28.4 2-3 wk
Winged bean 50 90 — — 4wk
Yam 59 70-80 55 — 2-7 mo Sensitive to ethylene
Yucca root (cassava) 32-41 85-90 — — 1-2 mo no CA benefit

Sources: Hardenburg et al. 1986; McGregor 1 987; Whiteman 1957.

Wore: A dash indicates data not available.

Appendix A-2

Commodity Ideal holding Highest Maximum Commodity Ideal holding Highest Maximum
temp (°F) freezing life temp (°F) freezing life
temp (°F) temp (°F)
Cut flowers Godetia 50 — 1 wk
Gypsophila 40 1-3 wk
Acacia 40 25.7 3-4 days
Heather 40 28.8 1-3wk
Allium 32—35 2 wk
Heliconia 54 10 days
Alstroemeria 40 2-3 days
Hyacinth 32-33 31.5 2wk
Anemone 40-45 28.2 2 days
Iris, bulbous 31-32 30.6 1-2 wk
Anthurium 56 2-4 wk
Laceflower 40 3 days
Aster, China 32^10 30.4 1-3 wk
Lilac, forced 40 4-6 days
Bird-of-paradise 45-46 1-3 wk
uij 32-34 31.1 2-3 wk
Bouvardia 32-35 1 wk
— Lilly-of-the-valley 31-32 2-3 wk
Buddleia 40 1-2 days
Lupine 40 3 days
Calendula 40 3-6 days
Marigold 40 1-2 wk
Calla 40 1 wk
Mignonette 40 3-5 days
Camellia 45 30.7 3-6 days
Narcissus 32-33 31.8 1-3 wk
Candytuft 40 3 days
Orchid, cattleya 45-50 31.5 2wk
Carnation 31-32 30.7 3-4 wk
Orchid, cymbidium 31-40 2wk
Carnation buds 31-32 30.7 4-12 wk
Orchid, vanda 55 5 days
Carnation, miniature 31-32 2wk
Ornithogalum 40 4-6 wk
Chrysanthemum 31-32 30.6 3-4 wk
Peony, tight buds 32-34 30.0 2-6 wk
Clarkia 40 3 days
Phlox 40 1-3 days
Columbine 40 31.1 2 days
Poinsettia 50-60 30.0 4-7 days
Coreopsis 40 3-4 days
Poppy 40 3-5 days
Cornflower 40 30.9 3 days
Primrose 40 1-2 days
Cosmos 40 3-4 days
Protea 40 7-10 days
Crocus 33-36 1-2 wk
Ranunculus 32-41 28.9 7-10 days
Dahlia 40 3-5 days
Rose (dry pack) 32 31.1 2wk
Daisy, English 40 3 days
Rose (in preservative) 33-35 31.1 4-5 days
Daisy, Marguerite 36 1-2 wk
Snapdragon 40 30.4 1-2 wk
Daisy, Shasta 40 30.0 7-8 days
Snowdrop 40 2-4 days
Delphinium 40 29.1 1-2 days
Squill 32-33 2wk
Eucharis 45-50 7-10 days
Statice 35-40 3-4 wk
Feverfew 40 30.9 3 days
Stephanotis 40 1 wk
Forget-me-not 40 1-2 days
Stevia 40 3 days
Foxglove 40 1-2 days
Stock 40 31.3 3-5 days
Freesia 32-33 10-1 4 days
Strawflower, fresh 35-40 3-4 wk
Gaillardia 40 3 days
Sweet pea 31-32 30.4 2wk
Gardenia 32-34 30.9 2wk
Sweet-william 45 3-4 days
Gerbera 34-40 1-2wk
Tulip 31-32 2-3 wk
Ginger 55 4-7 days
Violet 34-41 28.8 3-7 days
Gladiolus 35-42 31.5 5-8 days
Zinnia 40 5-7 days
Gloriosa 40-45 4-7 days

Commodity Ideal holding Highest Maximum Commodity Ideal holding Highest Maximum
temp (°F) freezing life temp (°F) freezing life
temp (°F) temp (°F)
Florist greens (decorative foliage) Erythronium 48-63 —
Freesia 86 3-4 mo
Adiantum (maidenhair) 32-40
Fritillaria imperialis 73-77
Asparagus (plumosa) 35-40 26.1 2-3 wk
Fritillaria meleagris 48-55
Asparagus (sprenger) 35-40 2-3 wk
Galanthus 55-63
Buxus (boxwood) 35-40
Galtonia 45-55 —
Camellia 40
Gladiolus 45-50 28.2 5-8 mo
Cedar 32
— Gloriosa lily 50-63 3-4 mo
Chamaedorea 45 2-3 wk
— Gloxinia 41-50 30.6 5-7 mo
Cordyline 45-50 2-3 wk
Hemerocallis 50 1 mo
Croton 35-40
Hippeastrum 38-45 30.9 5 mo
Dagger and wood ferns 32 28.9 2-3 mo
Hyacinthus 63-68 29.3 2-5 mo
Dieffenbachia 55
Hymenocallis 60-70 —
Dracaena 35-40 29.1
Iris, Dutch 68-77 4-1 2 mo
Eucalyptus 35-40 28.8 1-3 wk
Iris, English 63 — —
Galax 32
Iris, German 32-41
Ground pine 32
Iris, reticulata 63 —
Hedera 35^10 29.8 2-3 wk
Ixia 68-77 —
Ilex (holly) 32-40 27.0 3-5 wk
Ixiolirion 68
Juniper 32 1-2 mo
Liatirs 32-35
Leatherleaf (baker fern) 34-40 1-2 mo
Lilium 31-33 28.9 1-10 mo
Leucothoe, drooping 35-40
Montbretia 35-41
Magnolia 35-40 27.0 2-4 wk
Muscari 63 2-4 mo
Mistletoe 32 25.0 3^1 wk
Narcissus 55-63 29.7 2-4 mo
Mountain-laurel 32 27.5 2-4 wk
— Ornithogalum 68
Mytus (myrtle) 35-40
Palm 45
Ornithogalum 77 —
Philodendron 35-40
Pittosporum 35-40 2-3 wk
Oxalis adenophylla 63-68 —
Podocarpus 45 27.9
Oxalis deppei 35-41
Pothos 35-40
Peony 32-35 5 mo
Rhododendron 32 27.5 2-4 wk
Primula 45-50 —
Salal (lemon leaf) 32 26.8 2-3 wk
Puschkinia 60-68 —
Scotch-broom 40 2-3 wk
Ranunculus 50-55 —
Smilax, southern 40
Scilla 63-73 —
Staghorn fern 55
Sparaxis 77 —
Vaccinium (huckleberry) 32 26.6 1-4 wk
Tigridia 35-41 — —
Woodwardia fern 32-40
Trillium 32-35 —
Bulbs, corms, rhizomes, tubers, and roots Tulipa 63 27.7 2-6 mo
Watsonia 40-45 — —
Achimenes 45-50
Zantedeschia 40-55 27.5 —
Acidanthera 45-55
Zephyranthes 40-45 —
Allium giganteum 73-77 — —
Alstroemeria 40-50 — — Cuttings and scions
Anemone coronaria 45-55 3-4 mo
Azalea, unrooted 31-40 4-1 Owk
Begonia, tuberous 35-45 31.1 3-5 mo
Blueberry wood, 30 5 mo
Bletilla orchid 35-40
Ulll UULcu
Brodiaea laxa 68-77 — —
Carnation, rooted
Caladium 70 29.7
and unrooted 31-32 5-6 mo
Camassia 63—68
Chrysanthemum, 31-35 3-6 wk
Canna 40-50
Chionodoxa 68
— — Chrysanthemum, 31-33 5-6 wk
Colchicum 63
Convallaria 25-30 1 year
Geranium, unrooted 31 4-6 wk
Crocus 63 2-3 mo
Poinsettia, rooted 41 1 wk
Cypella herbertii 40-50
Privet, unrooted 34-36 6wk
Dahlia 40-48 28.8 5 mo
Raspberry, unrooted 30 12-1 5 wk
Endymion 63-68
Rose budwood 28-31 1-2 years
Eranthis 41-48

Commodity Ideal holding Highest Maximum

temp (°F) freezing life
temp (°F)
Nursery stock
Asparagus rhizomes 30-32 — 3-4 mo
Bedding plants 40-55 — 2-4 wk
Christmas trees 22-32 — 6-7 wk
Conifer seedlings 32-36 — 3-6 mo
Herbaceous perennials 27-35 — 3-8 mo
Rose bushes 31-36 — 4-5 mo
Seeds 32-50 — 1 year
Strawberry plants 30-32 — 8-10 mo
Tomato plants 50-55 — 10 days
Woody ornamentals 32-36 — 4-5 mo
and evergreens

Source. Adapted from Hardenburg et al. 1986.

Note: A relative humidity (RH) of 90-95% is recommended for long-term

storage of all cut flwers and greens. A dash indicates data not available.

Appendix B-1


Commodity Container, packing method, stacking pattern, Seven-eighths cooling times*

air circulation (reference) Average Slowest
Apple Wooden box, unpacked, pallet loads (7) 2-3.3 days
Wooden box, packed, pallet loads (7) 6-8 days

Artichoke Corrugated container (9) 24 hr

Grapes Wooden lug, solid stacked, on pallets (1 ) 30 hr

Nectarine Plastic tray pack, packed and stacked, on pallets, air velocity 400 fpm (3):
Wooden container, 20.5% side vent area (9) 12 hr
Corrugated container, 1 0-1 3% side vent area (9) 12 hr
Corrugated container, 6% side vent area (9) 12 hr
Corrugated container, 1 .9-3.4% side vent area (9) 27 hr

Pear Wooden box, 48 Ib, wrapped and upwrapped, on pallet (6, 7) 2.5 days 3-4 days
LA lug, 24 Ib (9) 16hr 20 hr
LA lug, corrugated, 24 Ib, wrapped (9) 30 hr 39 hr
Telescope container, 12" x 18" x 10" high, 36 Ib, tightfill, cross-stacked C\):
54 containers per pallet, two 1 V' holes in each side, '/2" space between sides 2.5 days 4-6 days
48 containers per pallet, two 1 'A" holes in each side, 3 3/a" space between sides 2 days 3.6 days
3'/2% side vent, 1 " spacing between containers 16hr 23 hr
5% side vent, no space between containers 24 hr 40 hr

Plum Corrugated containers, 1 1 " x 1 7 '/2 " x 8 " high, 28 Ib, tight-fill, cross-stacked on pallet (9) :
No vent and no spacing between containers, cross-stacked 84 hr
4% vent area, 1 " spacing between containers, cross-stacked 22 hr
4% vent area, no spacing, register stacked 18 hr
Single 4-basket crate, 2 sides exposed 27 hr

Plum Fruit in 47" square bins (9):

24" deep, no side vents 24-46 hr
24" deep, six Vs" x 16" slots on each side 23-40 hr
Metal bin, perforated, 'A" holes on 1 " centers 18-33 hr
Metal bin, perforated, six Va" x 16" slots on each side 20-32 hr

Orange Fruit in 47" square bins (9):

24" deep, no side vents 33 hr
30" deep, no side vents 45 hr —


Commodity Postharvest handling or packing (reference) Seven-eighths cooling times*

Average Slowest
Asparagus Bunches immersed in flowing water (5) 6 min

Cantaloupe Bulk in commercial hydrocooler (2) 45-60 min

Peach 47" square bins, 24" deep, water shower 1 50 gpm per bin (4):
Bin bottom with slots allowing free drainage 30 min
Bin bottom with ten 1 " holes allowing bin to fill 24 min
Commercial hydrocooler (8) 33 min

Pear, Anjou Open lug, 1 50 fruit, water spray 4 gpm per square foot (9) 42 min
Sweet corn Wirebound crates, immersion (6):
No agitation 46-84 min
Agitation 28 min
Wirebound crates, water shower 5 gpm per square foot, free drainage (9) 45 min

References: (1) Guillou 1960; (2) Lipton and Stewart 1959; (3) Mitchell et al. 1971; (4) O'Brien and Gentry 1967; (5) Pentzer et al. 1936; (6) Perry and Perkins
1968; (7) Sainsbury 1961; (8) Toussaint et al. 1955; (9) unpublished test data.

* Times are approximate and are to be used only as guides. Small differences in containers, packing procedures, or exposure to the coolant can affect cooling
rates considerably. A dash in either column indicates that information is not available.

Appendix B-2

Flow rate needed to cool to times indicated, cfm/lb

(Pressure needed to force air through stack, inches w.c.)
Commodity, container, method of airflow
Cooling time to 7/sths cool downstream produce, hr*
1.5 2 3 4 6 9 12 18
Containers placed three-deep and in register

Artichoke, corrugated containers, 9% side-area vented 1.5 1.0

(2.4) (1.2)

Cantaloupe, corrugated containers, 6% side-area vented 2.0 1.2 0.6 0.3 0.20
(2.0) (1.0) (0.4) (0.15) (0.08)
Cherry, 18-lb Calex lug, cleat. 0.9 0.5 0.3 0.2
(0.20) (0.07) (0.03) (0.02)

Grapes, lidded paper-wood laminated containers, — 2.8 1.6 0.7 0.4 0.25
no bottom cleat (2-3) (0.4-0.7) (0.20) (0.10)

Grapes, lidded paper-wood laminated containers, 2.5 1.3 0.7 0.5

3A" bottom cleat (0.7) (0.25) (0.10) (0.05)

Grapes, full telescoping containers, 17'/4" x 15" x 6" high, 1.4 1.0 0.6 0.4 0.27 0.17
5.8% side-area vented (3.0) (1 .7) (0.7) (0.4) (0.16) (0.07)

Grapes, partial telescoping containers, 17'A" x 14" x 63A" high, 1.5 1.1 0.7 0.5 0.3 0.22
3.5% side-area vented (>4) (2.6) (1.1) (0.5) (0.23) (0.09)

Kiwifruit, corrugated flats, single-layer tray, poly-wrapped

No top pad — 0.8 0.5 0.26
(1.3) (0.8) (0.4)
With top pad — 1.5 0.9 0.4
NA (2.1) (1.0)

Nectarine (or peach), corrugated containers with plastic trays, NA NA 0.8 0.5 0.20 0.10
6% side-area vented (0.9) (0.4) (0.15) (0.04) N N
Nectarine, Bliss 2-layer tray, top pad, 5% side vent
Standard 0.8 0.5 0.3 0.2
(0.9) (0.4) (0.10) (0.06)
Poly-wrap top tray 1.0 0.6 0.4 0.25
(1.7) (0.7) (0.15) (0.08)

Peach (or nectarine), plastic trays in lidded wood lugs, NA 1 .6 1.0 0.7 0.4 0.25
20% side-area vented (2.3) (0.7) (0.3) (0.10) (0.03) N
Pear, corrugated containers, 12" x 18" x 9 Viz" high 1.2 0.8 0.5 0.3 0.20
2% side-area vented NA (4) (1.5) (0.5) (0.25)
5% side-area vented — — 1.0 0.7 0.4 0.20 0.15
(1.8) (0.6) (0.20) (0.09) N

Flow rate needed to cool to times indicated, cfm/lb

(Pressure needed to force air through stack, inches w.c.)
Lommocmy, container, meinou 01 aimow
Cooling time to 7/sths cool downstream produce, hr*
1.5 2 3 4 6 9 12 18
Pear, 46-lb wrapped cartons, 5% side vent — — — 0.7 0.4 0.22
(2.1) (1.1) (0.5)

Plum, corrugated containers, 11 " x 171/2" x 8" high, 1.2 0.8 0.4 0.25 0.18
4% side-area vented (2.9) (1.3) (0.3) (0.15) NA

Strawberry, open crates on pallets 2.0 1 .4 0.8 0.5 0.3 0.20 — —

(0.4) (0.20) (0.08) (0.04) (0.02) N

Tomato, corrugated containers, 10% side-area vented NA 2.9 1.6 1.1 0.6 0.4 0.25
(2.3) (1.2) (0.8) (0.4) (0.20) (0.13) NA

Vertical airflow through slotted bin bottoms


2-ft depth 1.0 0.6 0.4 0.20 0.15

(0.09) (0.04) (0.02) N N

3-ft depth 1.0 0.6 0.4 0.20 0.15

(0.20) (0.10) (0.04) (0.02) N

4-ft depth 0.9 0.6 0.20 0.3 0.15

(0.20) (0.07) (0.03) (0.02) N

Bulk bins (47" square), airflow horizontally through slots in bin sides

Pear, wooden bins (slowest), 4' x 4' x 2', 5.2% side vent — — — — 0.7 0.5 0.3 0.2
(0.4) 0.15) (0.08) (0.05)

Plum, 3% side-area vented

Average fruit NA 0.7 0.4 0.20 0.10

(0.9) (0.25) (0.07) N N

Slowest-cooling fruit — — — — 1.0 0.6 0.4 0.20

(1.8) (0.7) (0.3) (0.12)

Plum, 5-6% side-area vented

Average fruit — 0.6 0.3 0.17 — —

(0.4) (0.13) NA

Slowest-cooling fruit — — 0.8 0.5 0.3 0.20

(0.7) (0.25) (0.12) NA

Sources: Mitchell et al. 1971; Parsons, et al. 1970, 1972; Wang and Tunpun 1968.

Note: Based on calculations of seven-eighths cooling of produce. Figures compiled from laboratory and field data. Dash indicates data not available.

* Static pressure shown is for air path through three tiers stacked in register. For other stacking, multiply static pressure by; 1 tier, 0.05; 2 tiers, 0.3; 4 tiers, 2.3;
6 tiers, 7.0. Figures without parentheses are flow rates needed to cool in time indicated. Figures in parentheses are pressures needed to force air through
stack. Figures are approximate only; small differences in container venting and stacking patterns can cause large change in static pressure losses.

NA: Data not available.

N: Negligible.

Appendix B-3

Static pressure

0.5 in 1.0 in 2.0 in

Flower Box size Vent Gross Airflow 7/8ths Airflow 7/sths Airflow 7/sths
(in) hole wt. (Ib) (cfm/box) cooling (cfm/box) cooling (cfm/box) cooling
diam. time time time
(in) (min) (min) (min)
Carnation 48x21 x 12 2 51 70 48 90 40 110 35

Chrysanthemum 57x21 x 12 2 33* 80 62 130 58 210 54

Gypsophila 42x21 x 12 3 — 170 10 260 8 — —

Rose 48x21 x 12 2 t 140 34 200 25 290 20

Statice 42x21 x 12 3 75 150 40 210 18 280 13

Note: Each box has two vent holes in each end.

"45-lb box allows 50% less air through box.

t20 bunches per box.



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Color Plates

Plate 1. Plate 2.
Air injected in a pear travels through gas Tunnel-type forced-air cooler.
pathways to the surface.

Plate 3.
A: Pallet bins placed against plenum wall in a serpentine cooler. B: Bumper opens air plenum slot when bin is placed in position. C: Cloth strips block
airflow in alternate bin levels.

Plate 4. Plate 5. Plate 6.

Cold-wall-type forced-air cooler. Cold-wall cooler for cut flowers. A well-vented box for forced-air cooling.
Plate 7. Plate 8.
In-line shower hydrocooler for cherries. Immersion-type hydrocooler for cherries.

Plate 9. Plate 10.

Manually operated ice-injection system. A: Automated ice injector for palletized product. B: Waxed brocooli box filled with
crushed ice.

A: Twelve pallet capacity vacuum cooler. B: Portable refrigeration and vacuum equipment for vacuum cooler.

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