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Shrimping - A Lesson in Sustainability

Then write a brief description of the strategy you have chosen and include a
screenshot of your final solution and submit it here.

I allowed the shrimp population to grow for about 15 years, then I began shrimping. The
solution I chose was to have short periods of time where shrimping boats would yield a
lot of shrimp and then give longer time periods to allow the ecosystem to recover. This
allowed for the shrimp population to be sustainable but also the shrimping boats to
retain a cumulative yield of 827 thousand. This was the best solution compared to the
others because the other one was allowing shrimping at a constant rate always and
didn’t allow growth periods, and that led to a lower yield of shrimp and a lower shrimp

What characteristics of your shrimping policy allow the maximum sustainable yield for
the population?
With my shrimping policy I had on and off years for shrimping. After I allowed the shrimp
population to grow, I had my first intense shrimping season. Then Afterwards, I only had
that peak for a short while and quickly returned to a small fishing number. I continued to
do this in the following years as the shrimp population rose.If I took too much shrimp I
tried to allow the shrimp to recover by fishing for less shrimp in the following years. This
allows for future generations to be able to fish for shrimp in the same place as I did. In
the end I managed to catch 827 thousand shrimp while also making sure that people in
the future could have a means of income and food as well.

What does this model leave out that might lead to problems later?

Unfortunately, this model leaves out disease and shrimping boat competition. When it
comes to competitors, a tragedy of the common’s situation can occur. That can lead to
shrimp populations to go down at a faster rate than what is sustainable and make it so
no shrimping companies are able to make a profit. As for disease, it is usually most
rampant and the worst when a population is high but it can ruin a population at any time.
Both of those factors can make finding a sustainable solution difficult.

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