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Alviani Surbakti (4182121020)

Jessica Kristanti Hartono (4183121036)

Lasma Enita Siahaan (4182121014)

Nahda Nabila (4183322002)







Authors say praise and gratitude to God Almighty, for His blessings and love, I can
finish this task subjects namely Critical Book Statistics Report. Manufacture Critical Book
Report is intended as a fulfillment of the task demands a statistical eye.

The author realizes that in writing this report a lot of shortcomings and still far from
perfect in terms of both language and composition writing. This is due to the ability and
experience of the author limited. Therefore, the authors are expecting criticism and
constructive suggestions for improvement for the next steps. Hopefully this paper can
provide benefits to the reader. In the end let me say thank you.

Medan, May 2019



COVER................................................................................................................................... i

FOREWORD ..................................................................................................................................... i
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................................ iii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................... 2
1.1 Background ....................................................................................................................... 2
1.2 Aim .................................................................................................................................... 2
1.3 benefit ................................................................................................................................ 3
CHAPTER II SUMMARY OF THE BOOK ................................................................................. 4
2.1 Chapter I: Definition and Nature of Basic Sciences Natural ....................................... 4
2.2 Chapter II: The Human Beings Thinking...................................................................... 5
2.3 Chapter III: Progress of Science ..................................................................................... 6
2.4 Chapter IV: Earth and the Universe .............................................................................. 7
2.5 Chapter V: Creatures of Life and Development ........................................................... 8
2.6 Chapter VI: Management of Natural Resources........................................................... 9
2.7 Chapter VII: Impacts and its amendment ................................................................... 10
2.8 Chapter VIII: The role of science in the development of science and technology .... 11
CHAPTER III DISCUSSION ....................................................................................................... 12
3.1 Advantages ...................................................................................................................... 12
3.2 Weakness ......................................................................................................................... 12
CHAPTER IV CLOSING ............................................................................................................. 13
4.1 Conclusion ....................................................................................................................... 13
4.2 Suggestion ....................................................................................................................... 13
BIBLIOGRAPHY .......................................................................................................................... 14


Title : Basic Natural Science

Author : Mohammed Kadri, S.Si., M.Sc.

Publisher : Tirasmart

Publication Year : 2017

city rises Tangerang

ISBN : 978-602-60478-2-3

Thick : 178 pages

1.1 Background
Basic Natural Science is a science that is severed from three syllables. Science
means that part of the human sciences. Natural means going by itself and a basic means the
beginning of a form. The term comes from mainland Europe (the Netherlands, Germany,
United Kingdom, and United States). Which term is entered Indonesia at different times.
Natural science can be seen in a broad sense and in a narrow sense. In a broad sense
includes all knowledge of science, including mathematics and philosophy. Meanwhile, in
the narrow sense of science include descriptive knowledge alone, outside it is non-
Basic Natural Science is a science that examines the phenomenon of the universe,
including those that occur on earth. Natural Science Association can also say as the initial
formation of the concept of Natural Sciences (IPA) and all its derivatives, such as Biology,
Physics, and Chemistry. IAD is relative and may change according to the progress of human
Natural science foundation to learn the basics of universal nature or
keselururan but that covers the basics only. Natural science always formulate the
problem of the symptoms of reality so that the method can be used in basic natural
sciences are methods that can not be separated from the material objects that can be
seen and perceived by the senses. The methods used in menapsirkan Basic Natural
Science are natural methods that can be seen by the senses so that, it can not be easy
to take the decision to make the basic principles of the natural sciences if there is no

1.2 Aim
1. To review the contents of the basic natural science books
2. Critical Writing Book Review aims to fulfill one of the tasks of the Basic
Statistics course
3. To learn the Basic understanding of Natural Science
4. To know the background to the Natural Science Basis To study discusses
space Natural Science Basis
5. To explain understand the Natural Science Foundation in everyday life

1.3 benefit
The benefits we can derive the above items is
i. Broaden the knowledge of Natural Science Basis.
ii. Make it easier for readers to get the gist of a book that has been equipped with a
summary of the book, the discussion of the contents of the book, as well as the
advantages and disadvantages of the book.
iii. Trains students to formulate and draw conclusions on the books that are analyzed.
iv.Untuk add insight into the developments and Development of Natural Sciences


2.1 Chapter I : Definition and Nature of Basic Sciences Natural

Natural Science Elementary or shortened by the IAD is a science that examines the
phenomenon of the universe, including those that occur on Earth, Natural Science Basis also
be regarded as an initial concept formation Natural Sciences (IPA) and all its derivatives
such as Biology, Physics and Chemistry can also be studied with the methods or principles
which can not be separated from reality.
Basic natural science focuses on recognizing and digging symptoms that occur in the
universe, including the earth and everything in it. The goal is to establish a concept and
principle in science. Basic Natural Science also learn about the human characteristics that
are very unique and different from other biological creatures. Humans hold metabolism or
preparation of substances, respond to stimuli from inside and outside, organ complex and
very special, especially the brain. The uniqueness of humanity also includes the potential to
develop and grow and interact with the environment to keep moving. In addition, humans
also have advantages compared with other biological creatures that humans have a strong-
willed and intelligent and noble character.
As in the study of Natural Science Elementary has several objectives, among others:
1. In order to understand the development of human reasoning against natural phenomena
until the establishment of harmony between humans and the environment around human
2. Basic natural science also aims to make searching, the truth and the facts. Natural science
base is not intended to seek or moral values against the decision, or is not intended to
seek the values of a phenomenon.
3. Basic natural science aims to find the truth about the object that is the universe, and that
truth is relative. One category of science also have criteria such as regular, systematic,
berobjek, methodical, and apply universally.
4. As a Primary Natural Science courses aim to develop student awareness about nature
conservation and utilization as a means of knowledge.
Basic Natural Science is inseparable from everything that is natural. For that, the
natural attitude is very necessary in the discussion of this subject. Attitudes are naturally
indispensable among others, are as tolerant attitude, skepticism, optimism, courage, creative
or self-supporting, has a curious high-d-learning ability is great, can not accept the truth

without evidence of frank and open up. Meanwhile, in a further development, seen in
common generalization of several branches of science, sehing several branches of science
that see again, because in fact science is derived from a unit that can not be separated and
basically science can not be separated from one each other.
Note to note is that the knowledge that is based on theory alone will not last long if
it does not correspond with the results of observation. So in theory proposed IPA should
always based observations. If the IPA is a kind of knowledge theorists gained a special way,
then it could be a way of observation, experimentation, conclusions, theorizing,
experimentation, observation and so on. This method is known as the scientific
method(Scientific method).
With Basic Natural sciences student as a subject capable of becoming a change agent
(the agent of change) to the natural environment better. Basic natural sciences can also foster
self-critical, sensitive and wise to understand any natural phenomenon.

2.2 chapter II : As human beings Thinking

The essence of man is as social human beings. Generally some concepts of the
meaning of human beings, including homo sapiens is a creature that has a mind, animal
rational ie beings who have the ability to think, homo laquen are creatures that have the
ability to speak, homo faber or homor toolmaking animal creature that is able to make the
device hardware. Humans are also referred to as homo socius or zoon politicon are social
creatures who are able to work together and organize themselves to meet their needs. Homo
economics are creatures that live on the basis of economic principles. Then the highest
human meaning of it all is that humans as Homo religious are religious creatures that man
as "abdullah"

One of the advantages is the mind of man. Desire to know this could be because they
want to know about the objects around him. Want to know more about the phenomena that
occur in the vicinity even including the desire to know about the nature itself. Consequences
of curiosity possessed by humans has led to the urge to understand and solve the problems
that it faces.

In the past before the science has not, as now people will look for and answer natural
phenomena on the basis of knowledge is minimal. For example, why there is a rainbow.
Then people will look for answers, before developing knowledge, perhaps some people

would guess or conjecture only. For example, some say that it is an angel shawl or answers
that no other scientific. Other questions, for example why volcanoes, they would say because
of the ruling angry and so forth. New knowledge that arises from a combination of
experience and confidence that so-called myth. Myth is acceptable because of the limitations
of sensing, reasoning, and desire to know must be met. In connection with the advancement
of science then was born the science and the scientific method.

Knowledge gained by every human being is different in each human being. The
higher desire to know a man against a natural phenomenon and then attempt to solve the
natural phenomenon that the more knowledge that will accumulate in the human self. The
collected knowledge will continue to grow more and more will increase also the power of
human thought. It makes human progressively increasing in science and patterns of thought.

Human knowledge can be obtained from the two (2) approaches, namely scientific
and non-scientific approach.

1. Scientific approach to the scientific approach, is the knowledge gained through

experiments structured and supported by empirical data. This experiment clearly built
on the hypothesis that after carrying out the experiment will find justifications or repairs
to the hypothesis that these experimental results can then be tested again by anyone who
wishes to ascertain the truth.

2. Non-scientific approach that can be based on several factors, including the common
sense, intuition, prejudice, and so forth.

Although humans have been created by God into the most perfect creature in
comparison with God's creatures to another. But not forever man can solve all the problems
that exist in itself and the problems that exist in the vicinity. The human mind is not always
able to find the answer to any problems that exist in the surrounding environment both near
and distant neighborhood are also human even in his own thoughts sometimes will not be
able to find the answer to the phenomenon that occurs in itself.

2.3 chapter III : Development of science

One of the main characteristics of human beings is not owned by others is the ability
to think. Think made the difference between humans and other creatures of god. Used human

thinking activities in their daily activities and are also used in solving any problems that it
faces. Broadly speaking, the thought process can be divided into two parts, namely the
natural thinking and scientific thinking. The difference lies on how the process is done in
following up the thinking process. Natural thinking is a pattern of reasoning is based on the
daily life of the influences that are around humans. While the scientific thinking is the pattern
of reasoning is based on certain means regularly and carefully.
Scientific thought also to think logically and empirically. Logical is reasonable, and
the empirical is something that was discussed in depth based on facts that can be justified,
but it uses reason to consider, decide and develop. Thinking is a process that led to
knowledge. This process is set in motion following the path of thinking certain thoughts
which finally came to a conclusion in the form of knowledge.
Steps in scientific thinking is: (1) Formulation of the problem, (2) Hypothesis, (3)
Testing the hypothesis, and (4)Conclusion. Scientific thinking is also a reasonable activity
that combines two methods of induction and deduction. Induction is a way of thinking in
which there are general conclusions were drawn from statements or cases of a special nature.
For example, the assumptions applied in quantum physics of energy perceived as something
that is composed of a quantum which is the main constituent of matter as assumed by the
Max Plank. Deductive thinking is the way in which the conclusions of a special nature drawn
from the statements of a general nature.
Understanding science is a means or definition about natureuniverse which
translated into a language that can be understood by humans as an effort to know and
remember about something. Science is a conceptual or theoretical framework of interrelated
giving place to critically review and testing by the scientific method by other experts on the
same field, thus is a systematic, objective, and universal.

2.4 Chapter IV : Earth and the Universe

The earth we live on is part of a very broad universe. Followingtheories have been
put forward which explains the origin of the universe.
1. The theory of steady state or steady state theory is a theory that explains that the new
material is continuously formed in line with the expansion of the universe. This new
material is formed to follow the rules of perfect cosmology that is homogeneous and
isotropic, so that the universe will remain and will be in a stable state (steady state).
2. The massive eruption or the Big Bang is an event that led to the formation of the
universe based on the study of cosmology on the initial shape and development of the
universe that became known as the great eruption theory or the theory of the Big Bang.
This theory explains at the beginning of the universe had a very large mass of density
is very large. Because of the nuclear reaction then was in a very hot and expands and
then suffered a devastating explosion. Furthermore, these scattered masses forming
groups with a smaller specific gravity called galaxies. This theory was first proposed
by Georges Lemaiter once. This theory suggests that in the beginning of all things in
the universe is the one form and then separated.
Besides astronomers also raises several theories about the system
Solar namely:
1. Nebula theory or theories Fog
2. planetesimal theory
3. Tidal Theory
4. Dust Cloud theory
5. Twin Stars Theory
6. Blast Theory (Big Bang)
The solar system is a composition of celestial objects consisting of the sun as its
center and the planets around the sun. Planets in the solar system are Mercury, Venus, Earth,
Mars,Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Pluto was not included because there are several
requirements unmet eg insufficient mass. Celestial objects in our solar system; Comets,
Asteroids, Meteroid, Stars and the Moon.

2.5 Chapter V : Living creatures and Development

The origin of life is something that is very difficult to prove from the beginning until
now, however as beings who think human beings continue to want to find the truth relating
to the origin of life. Actually, the origin of life has been described in the book of scripture.
However, there are some biologists who want to prove the origin of life was associated with
chemical and physical events.So that this event became the center of attention of several
disciplines both pure science and the philosophy of science. Of the various attempts proof
of the origin of life is done then emerged several theories about the origin of life, among
others, the following
1. Creation Theory (Special Creation). Creation theory is not based on an experiment. This
theory holds that living beings are created by God perfectly.

2. Abiogenesis theory. According to the theory Abiogenesis, living things come from
objects not alive or in other words, living beings exist by itself. This theory is known
also with the theory of spontaneous generation because the creature exists by itself.
3. Biogenesis theory. Although it has survived for hundreds of years, not everyone
understands justify abiogenesis. Those who doubt the authenticity of the abiogenesis
understand continue to conduct research to solve the problem of the beginning of life.
4. Kosmozoan Cosmozoic theory or theory, stating that the origin of living things of the
earth comes from "the spores of life" that came from outer space. Keadan planet in outer
space filled with drought conditions, extremely cold temperatures and the presence of
deadly radiation so that life may not be able to survive there.
5. Biochemical Evolution Theory The theory tries to dig up information on the origin of
living things biochemistry side, stating that the origin of life coincided with the evolution
of the formation of the Earth and its atmosphere.
6. The cell theory, in essence, experts say that all living bodies composed of cells making.
This was later followed by Virchow in 1858 and suggests that cells derived from the
previous cell.
7. Biological evolution theory, stating that organic substances (amino acids), which are the
basic ingredients making up a living being, initially accumulating in the oceans.
Biological evolution begins at the time of the formation of cells. Amino acids are formed
from the chemical evolution will combine to form macromolecules.
8. Charles Darwin's theory of evolution, which states that evolution happened because
natural selection, the process that occurs because of the election conducted by the nature
of the variety of living things in it.

2.6 Chapter VI : Natural resource management

Natural resources is something that comes from nature and available to meet the
needs of human life. Some classification standards in the distribution of natural resources
namely sumner;
1. Natural resources that can not be recovered, meaning the availability of these resources
can not be increased by manusi, and will be discharged at any time.
2. Natural resources that can be recovered, meaning it can be refurbished and availability
can be repeated continuously and has existed continuously properties.
Factors that differentiate natural resources:

1. Natural resources based on its source, is divided into two, namely natural resources
abiotic and biotic.
2. Natural resources by spreading, divided into two which are easy to find and are found
only in certain areas.
3. Natural resource utilization based on the objectives divided into three, namely SDA
industry, food and clothing
4. Natural resources based on availability, is divided into two, namely renewable and non-
5. Natural resources by their nature, are divided into three renewable natural resources,
non-renewable and does not run out.
6. Natural resources based on based on its shape is divided into five groups: land resources,
forests, water, marine and mineral.

2.7 Chapter VII : Ecosystem and its amendment

The term ecology is derived from two words oikos, meaning house, and logos
meaning science. So, ecology, the science of the house that is home to a living creature.
Ecology is also called environmental science. This science integrates a variety of science
that studies the relationship between living bodies (including humans) with its environment.
Ecology is also interpreted as the science that studies the interactions between living
organisms and the interaction between living things and their environment. In ecology, we
study of living things as a single unit or system with its environment. Scope ecology became
very widespread because ecology is not only studying the relationship between beings but
also the relationship between beings with the environment. So the discussion of ecology is
not just talking about living beings but also discussions about the environment and the
impact of the relationship of living beings and the environment. Discussion ecology can not
be separated from the discussion of the ecosystem with various constituent components,
namely biotic and abiotic factors.
Ecology is also closely linked with other levels of the organization beings, namely
population, community and ecosystem. In addition, there are four human role in the
ecosystem, namely:
1. Humans as the most dominant
2. Humans as a means of subsistence maker
3. Humans as exploiters of natural resources
4. Humans as a destroyer of the environment.
2.8 Chapter VIII: The role of science in the development of science and technology
Natural Sciences (IPA) is one of the concepts that form the basis of technological
development. IPA Implementation in ProgressScience and Technology According to White
and Frederiksen, the IPA can be viewed as a process-makers to predict, explain, and control
the behavior of nature. The concepts of science base is formed from curiosity to something
that is not yet in the know, the curiosity that leads to seeking the principle or theory that can
be obtained from the results of the assessment, the assessment was only to meet the
description of the object (matter and energy) and events natural. These concepts on the
conditions, interaction, and events from normal conditions (biological) or ideal (physics).
Science and technology development has experienced a period of perkembange each
of which does not always take place with the pace and rhythm yangs Good commonality of
time in the same level of achievement as well. Connectan between science and technology
through the stages / perjenjangan. In the early stages of science and technology with their
own walk as there is no connection but over time science and technology have a relationship
with each other, namely:
1. Science and technology in the provision of food
2. Science and technology in the provision of clothing
3. Science and technology in the provision of board
4. Science and technology in the provision of energy
5. Science and technology in the supply industry
6. Science and technology in health improvement

3.1 Advantages
1. This book can make the students to better understand the basic concepts of science.
2. The book comes with learning objectives, study of theory, practice problems, and
tasks / questions that can be used by the student's mastery of the course material

3.2 Weakness
1. The book contains minimal image. If add images or illustrations that correspond
readers will feel more interested in reading.
2. The use of the phrase used in the book is difficult to understand the minimal level
of high school students, thus affecting the applicants.
3. Profile writers too short
4. There are still many words are repeated and excessive writing such letters are
italicized and in bold


4.1 Conclusion
1. The scientific method is a combination of rational approach and empirical approach.

2. Natural Science is a theoretical knowledge obtained or prepared in a special way, namely by

observation eksperintasi,

inference and theory development.

3. The operational steps of the Scientific Method comprising:

Formulation of the problem

Formulation of hypotheses

Hypothesis testing


5. With the development of science in various fields today there are many new discoveries that
are useful in human life, such as the five farming systems, medical equipment and others.

6. Scope of Natural Sciences consists of:

a. Universe

b. Earth

c. Vegetation

d. Animals and humans in terms of physical

4.2 Suggestion

We recommend the book to reproduce pictures and illustrations as well as the use of a
sentence that does not beat around the bush in order to make the reader more easily
understand the material presented writer


Kadri, Muhammad.2017. Basic Natural Science. Terrain: Unimed Press


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