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“ANCIENT AGE”- Back in Time

There are two types of STONE AGE: “BRONZE AGE”
PALEOLITHIC ERA  also known as “Chalcolithic Age”
 Is a period characterized by the use of copper
-Used stone and bone tools for protection and tin as a chief hard materials in making
and hunting animals for food. tools and weapons
 Manufacturer of some implement and
-Fire is the greatest invention in this time. weapon
 The use of bronze introduced the needs for
NEOLITHIC ERA specialized labor.
Bronze Age Inventions:
-Same thing but more shaped and advance.
-Less dependent to nature. ROPE

Paleolithic Age Tools:

Stone tools and Bone tools

Neolithic Age Invention:







 The first people to find how iron could be
used are the Hittites in the 14th century BCE
WHEEL and they were located in India.
 Innovation of tools and weapons from bronze
to iron.
“Renaissance” is a French word meaning
Scientific Revolution was the emergence of
modern science during early modern period,
when development in mathematics, physics,
MIDDLE AGES astronomy, biology (including human anatomy)
The period in from 450 A.D is commonly called and chemistry.
MIDDLE AGES. Enlightenment was an intellectual movement,
This is divided into the so called Dark Ages. developed mainly in France, Britain and
The economy of the middle ages from the 5th century Germany, which advocates freedom, democracy
may be described as FEUDAL. and reason as the primary values of society.
During middle ages.. The Enlightenment, also known as the Age of
The middle Ages, or medieval time, is generally Reason, was a philosophical movement that took
believed to have started with the fall of the Roman place primarily in Europe and, later, in North
Empire in 476 and to have lasted about 1,000 America, during the late 17thand early
years until about 1450. 18thcentury.
Famous Scientists during the Scientific
Life in middle ages Revolution:
The majority of people living during the MIDDLE 1. Galileo Galilei- Father of Modern
AGES lived in the country and worked as farmers. Astronomy; Father of Modern Physics;
- local lord Albert Einstein called him Father of Modern
- manor or castle Science
- peasants called “villeins”(like a servant)  Telescope
Everyday food for the poor in the Middle Ages  Pendulum Clock
consisted of cabbage, beans, eggs, oats and brown  he first learned of the existence of
bread. Sometimes, as a specialty, they would have the spyglass, which excited him. He
cheese, bacon or poultry. began to experiment with telescope-
TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCES DURING making, going so far as to grind and
MIDDLE AGES polish his own lenses. His telescope
The period saw major technological advances, allowed him to see with a
including the adoption of gunpowder, the invention magnification of eight or nine times.
of vertical windmills, spectacles, mechanical In comparison, spyglasses of the day
clocks, and greatly improved water mills, only provided a magnification of
building techniques and agriculture in general. three.
 PAPER, PRINTING, DISTILLATION  It wasn't long before Galileo turned
AND ALCOHOL, SEISMOGRAPH, his telescope to the heavens. He was
PHYSICS, MATHEMATICS, the first to see craters on the moon,
ARCHITECTURE he discovered sunspots, and he
MEDICINE IN THE MIDDLE AGES tracked the phases of Venus. The
- Therapy through prayer, magic, charms, amulets rings of Saturn puzzled him,
and faith healing. appearing as lobes and vanishing
- Various herbs when they were edge-on — but he
saw them, which was more than can
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IN MODERN be said of his contemporaries.
AGES 2. Sir Isaac Newton- One of the greatest
MODERN AGES physicists and mathematicians of all time,
Modern era includes the early period, called the early Isaac Newton’s discoveries and inventions
modern period, which lasted from 1500-present. The widened the reaches of human thought and
modern period covers human history from the demonstrated the power of the scientific way
creation of a more global network. of thinking
A. Early Modern Period  Law of Motion
Renaissance is a period in the history of Europe  Law of inertia
beginning in about 1300-1600 and following B. Mid Modern Period
medieval period
◦ Steam engine by Thomas Newcomen- For ◦ Electronic warfare
almost 200 years it was the outstanding ◦ Atomic bomb
source of power for industry and transport
Space Age is a time period encompassing the
systems in the West
activities related to the Space Race, space
C. Contemporary Modern Period
exploration, space technology, and the cultural
D. The 1940s saw the beginning of the Atomic
developments influenced by these events. The
Age, where modern physics saw new
Space Age is generally considered to have begun
with Sputnik
E. such as the atomic bomb, the first
On Oct. 4, 1957, the Soviets launched the first
computers, and the transistor
artificial satellite, Sputnik 1, into space
The 1940’s saw the beginning of the atomic
The first U.S. satellite, Explorer 1, went into orbit
age, where modern physics saw new
on Jan. 31, 1958.
application such as the atomic bomb, the first
Landing on the moon
computer, and the transistor.
“Landing a man on the moon and returning him
Postmodernity/Postmodernism- late 20th-
safely to Earth within a decade” was a national goal
century style and concept in the arts,
set by President John F. Kennedy in 1961. On July
architecture and criticism that represent a
20, 1969, astronaut Neil Armstrong took “one giant
departure from modernism.
leap for mankind” as he stepped onto the moon. Six
World War I- was a situation were far
Apollo missions were made to explore the moon
superior to offensive ones- trenches bunkers
between 1969 and 1972.
and machine guns were far superior to
Space Shuttle
artillery and infantry
In April 1981, the launch of the space shuttle
 The immediate cause for World War
Columbia ushered in a period of reliance on the
1 was the assassination of the
reusable shuttle for most civilian and military space
Archduke Franz Ferdinand of
missions. Twenty-four successful shuttle launches
Austria and his pregnant wife
fulfilled many scientific and military requirements
Sophie. Archduke Franz Ferdinand
until Jan. 28,1986, when just 73 seconds after liftoff,
of Austria was the nephew of
the space shuttle Challenger exploded. The crew of
Emperor Franz Josef and heir to the
seven was killed, including Christa McAuliffe, a
throne of Austria and Hungary.
teacher from New Hampshire who would have been
World War II or the Atomic Age- or the first civilian in space.
atomic era is the period of history following Information age- also known as computer age,
the detonation of the first nuclear bomb, Digital age or new media Age Rapid shift from
trinity, on July 16 1945. New weapons made traditional industry that the Industrial Revolution
mainly tanks but also air power. That made brought through industrialization, to an economy
World War II much more maneuvering than based on information technology. This era brought
about fortification and concentration of fire about a time period in which people could access
power to one thin defensive line. information and knowledge easily
 The Second World War was started
by Germany in an unprovoked attack Science and Technology in the Philippines:
on Poland. Britain and France A Historical Perspective
declared war on Germany after Spanish Colonial Period
Hitler had refused to abort his • Formal Education and founded scientific
invasion of Poland. institutions
• Sanitation and advance methods of
Some technologies that shaped World War II: agriculture
◦ Airplanes-fighter sand bombers • Study of Medicine and Field of Engineering
◦ Submarines(started in WWI but matured in • Meteorological studies
◦ Radar
◦ Sonar
◦ Tanks
◦ Code-breaking
Science and Technology during the term of Pres.
Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
" For the world to achieve peace and cope in the age
of innovation and technology, young people must be
encouraged to take Science and Engineering
 Republic Act 10055
- otherwise known as Technology Transfer
Act of 2009

Science Technology and Innovations

 Republic Act 9367
American Period & Post Commonwealth Era - otherwise known as "Biofuels" Act
• July 1, 1901 President Benigno C. Aquino III
• October 26, 1905  Republic Act 10601
• December 8, 1933 - otherwise known as AFMech Law
• Science act of 1958  Republic Act 10068
Marcos Era and Martial Law - otherwise known as Organic Agricultural
• 1973 Philippine Constitution, Article 15, Act of 2010
Section 9; Executive Order No. 625, s. 1980 - INTERNATIONAL RICE RESEARCH
• January 23, 1967- DepED and NSDB INSTITUTE
• 1968; Executive Order No. 784, s. 1982  Republic Act 19854
• 107 intitutions - otherwise known as DICT Act of 2015
• Presidential Decree No. 49, s. 1972;
Executive Order No. 1090 s. 1986 SCIENCE EDUCATION IN THE
• Presidential Decree No. 334, s. 1973 PHILIPPINE SOCIETY
• 1976  1957 - The government made the teaching of
• 1979 science compulsory in all elementary and
NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCE  1960 - The adaption of Bioogical Science
AND TECHNOLOGY 1976 Curriculum Study.
Fifth Republic  1962 - Green Version
Pres. Corazon Aquino  1969 - RA 5506 an Act establishing Science
 Department of Science And Technology Education Center as a permanent unit of UP.
 Science and Technology master plan  2013 - K to 12 Program
 Industrialized country
 R.A. 6655
 Science for the masses program
Pres. Fidel V. Ramos' Term
• Science & Technology Agenda for National
• Newly Industrialized Country
• Competence, Competitive, Conscience.
• R.A. 8439
• R.A. 7867
• R.A. 7459
• R.A. 8293

Pres. Joseph Estrada's Term

• R.A. No. 8749 "Philippine Clear Air Act of
• R.A. No. 8792 " Electronic Commerce Act of

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