Examen 2

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Local Date: Mon Sep 30 00:27:06 2019

Build info: Jan 29 2016 14:18:24 r

( 0:27: 6:845 | 0) UTILITY: -1; 30152; APP-INFO ; Thread with

name:Trace started
( 0:27: 6:868 | 23) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 6:888 | 20) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyVpnManager::onCreate(),bindService, ret:true
( 0:27: 6:888 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyVpnManager::when use isSkyVpnConnected ,mService is null , do InitService
( 0:27: 6:888 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 6:890 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyVpnManager::onCreate(),bindService, ret:true
( 0:27: 6:890 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SplashActivity::vpn is not connected, try show ad
( 0:27: 6:890 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 6:891 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SplashActivity::skipPlacement: 0
( 0:27: 6:891 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category:
launchAppAD action: requestLaunchAD label: 0 value: 0
( 0:27: 6:893 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SplashAdManager::canShowSplashAd getIsInTrafficPlan return false
( 0:27: 6:893 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 6:893 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category:
launchAppAD action: requestLaunchADFailed label: 0 value: 0
( 0:27: 7: 31 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyMainActivity::initView start
( 0:27: 7:190 | 159) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdBannerView::mCurrentAdType = 0 ; setCommonListener flurryNativeInBlack =
false ; fbNativeInBlack = false ; admobNativeInBlack = false
( 0:27: 7:190 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdRatioControl::getNativeAdRatio adType = 0 ; adPlacement = 0 ; Ratio = 0;
not in
( 0:27: 7:190 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdRatioControl::isInRatio userAdRatioValue = 90 ; ratio = 0
( 0:27: 7:190 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdBannerView::setCommonListener mIsInRatio = false
( 0:27: 7:461 | 271) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 0:27: 7:469 | 8) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; AdManager::Begin
( 0:27: 7:470 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; AdManager::str
is 28,111,1
( 0:27: 7:470 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category:
get_credits action: null label: 28,111,1 value: 0
( 0:27: 7:471 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 0:27: 7:474 | 3) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
AdManager::resetVideoList server video list = 128,118,110,36,120,98,99
( 0:27: 7:475 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
AdManager::offerWallWeightList =[adType=1 adWeight=1, adType=99 adWeight=1]
( 0:27: 7:475 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; AdManager::vpn
tapjoy offerwall weight: 1.0
( 0:27: 7:475 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
AdManager::resetDingCreditShowTJWeight adConfig:
( 0:27: 7:476 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
AdManager::resetDingCreditShowTJWeight size: 2
( 0:27: 7:476 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; AdManager::End
( 0:27: 7:476 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; AdManager:: init
Flurry api key ZTBZJ7NMTZCDJ5Y22R4Q
( 0:27: 7:476 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; AdManager:: init
Flurry native ad space SkyVPN_StreamAdSpace
( 0:27: 7:477 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 7:526 | 49) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
FlurryNativeAdLoader::Fetching Ad now adSpace = SkyVPN_StreamAdSpace
( 0:27: 7:541 | 15) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
GATracker::sendView appScreen: main
( 0:27: 7:542 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyMainActivity::refreshView start
( 0:27: 7:543 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 7:598 | 55) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyMainPresenter::adVpnTimeout: 5
( 0:27: 7:601 | 3) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyMainPresenter::fetch FireBase
( 0:27: 7:609 | 8) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyMainPresenter::initServer ipStr:
( 0:27: 7:617 | 8) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 7:617 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyMainPresenter::inviteHost: http://www.skyunlimit.net
( 0:27: 7:617 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 7:623 | 6) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 7:624 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
RequestUtils::get_countryList url :
( 0:27: 7:699 | 75) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyMainActivity::refreshTraffic balance :500.0 + used_traffic 0.0
( 0:27: 7:700 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 7:700 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
RequestUtils::query_balance url :
( 0:27: 7:705 | 5) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyMainActivity::setButtonState : 3
( 0:27: 7:709 | 4) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyMainPresenter::lazyTime first: 1569819608052 NowTime: 1569821227709
( 0:27: 7:711 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyMainPresenter::FirstDate: Mon Sep 30 00:00:08 CDT 2019 NowDate: Mon Sep 30
00:27:07 CDT 2019
( 0:27: 7:711 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyMainPresenter::user is in same week
( 0:27: 7:712 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 7:713 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 7:713 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
RequestUtils::getConfig url :
( 0:27: 7:720 | 7) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 7:721 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 7:722 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
RequestUtils::getTopConfig url :
( 0:27: 7:728 | 6) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 7:728 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
RequestUtils::shareTrafficGet url :
( 0:27: 7:733 | 5) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 7:733 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
RequestUtils::getAdVPNStatus url :
( 0:27: 7:736 | 3) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 7:737 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 7:737 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
RequestUtils::getTopCode url :
( 0:27: 7:741 | 4) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 7:742 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
RequestUtils::getBasicInfo url :
( 0:27: 7:752 | 10) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyMainPresenter::init ads
( 0:27: 7:752 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyMainPresenter::user owe ads times: 0
( 0:27: 7:753 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
VideoOfferManager::getAdList = [34]
( 0:27: 7:753 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
VideoOfferManager::loadNextTypeAd mAdTypeList [34]
( 0:27: 7:753 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30203; APP-INFO ;
SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 0:27: 7:754 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
VideoOfferManager::loadNextTypeAd mCurrentAdIndex = 0 ; mCurrentAdType = 34
( 0:27: 7:754 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30203; APP-INFO ;
SkyMainPresenter::showDisconnectedAdList adMob is not in black list
( 0:27: 7:754 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30203; APP-INFO ;
SkyMainPresenter::generalLuckyAdList = [999]
( 0:27: 7:754 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30203; APP-INFO ;
NativeInterstitialManager::yxw test end preloadNativeInterstitialWithAdlist
loadedAdData = null
( 0:27: 7:755 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
AdmobInterstitialStrategyManager::preCache adPosition = 2008
( 0:27: 7:755 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
AdmobInterstitialStrategyManager::init adInstanceProxyIManagerService = null
( 0:27: 7:755 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30203; APP-INFO ;
AdControlManager::getAdCountLimitByAdType adCountLimit.size() = 0
( 0:27: 7:755 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30203; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdLoader::yxw test end nativeAdloader preloadAdWithAdType adType = 999
( 0:27: 7:755 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30203; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdLoader::Can't parse this ad type
( 0:27: 7:756 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30203; APP-INFO ;
NativeInterstitialManager::yxw test end preloadNativeInterstitialWithAdlist adType
= 999
( 0:27: 7:756 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30203; APP-INFO ;
NativeInterstitialManager::yxw test end preloadNativeInterstitialWithAdlist
( 0:27: 7:763 | 7) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
LogAdmobInterstitial::isInited___Check isInited :adInstancesConfigurations size =0
( 0:27: 7:763 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
LogAdmobInterstitial::produceAllAdInstances___adInstancesConfigurations size =1
( 0:27: 7:763 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 7:764 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
AdmobInterstitialServiceImpl::AdmobInterstitialServiceImpl has not been
initialized,so start init
( 0:27: 7:768 | 4) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
AdmobInterstitialServiceImpl::init end,spend time:3498923
( 0:27: 7:768 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
LogAdmobInterstitial::initAdManagerData___ad instance's
keyData=AdInstanceConfigKeyData{adProviderType=28, adPlacementId=ca-app-pub-
( 0:27: 7:769 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
LogAdmobInterstitial::initialize___produce success ad instance size =1
( 0:27: 7:770 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 7:770 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
LogAdmobInterstitial::stopAllAdsAction___, and will clearWorkQueue
( 0:27: 7:770 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
LogAdmobInterstitial::produceAllAdInstances___adInstancesConfigurations size =1
( 0:27: 7:770 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 7:771 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
AdmobInterstitialServiceImpl::AdmobInterstitialServiceImpl has been initialized
( 0:27: 7:771 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
LogAdmobInterstitial::initAdManagerData___ad instance's
keyData=AdInstanceConfigKeyData{adProviderType=28, adPlacementId=ca-app-pub-
( 0:27: 7:771 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
LogAdmobInterstitial::resetConfigurations___produce success ad instance size =1
( 0:27: 7:771 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 7:773 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 7:775 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 7:776 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 7:778 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 7:779 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
LogAdmobInterstitial::28OWE_AD is not be intercepted,so start load
( 0:27: 7:779 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
AdmobInterstitialServiceImpl::AdmobInterstitialServiceImpl has been initialized
( 0:27: 7:781 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
AdmobInterstitialServiceImpl::Admob start load
( 0:27: 7:781 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
AdmobInterstitialServiceImpl::AdmobInterstitialServiceImpl_load, load start
( 0:27: 7:781 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 7:783 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
LogAdmobInterstitial::OWE_AD onAdLoadStart___28
( 0:27: 7:783 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 7:784 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
InterstitialStrategyManager::setFilterAdProviderTypes filterAd = []
( 0:27: 7:784 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
VideoInterstitialConfig::OWE_AD getInterstitialAdListWithPosition adPosition = 2008
( 0:27: 7:784 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
VideoInterstitialConfig::getInterstitialAdListWithPosition fit config with
screenAdList = [28, 130, 111]
( 0:27: 7:784 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
InterstitialStrategyManager::AdVpnAdManager interstitialAdList = [28, 130, 111]
( 0:27: 7:784 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 7:785 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
InterstitialStrategyManager::filterAdListWithBlackList originalAdList = [28, 130,
111] blackAdList = [] resultAdList = [28, 130, 111]
( 0:27: 7:785 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
InterstitialStrategyManager::getAdInstanceConfigurationByType adType = 28
( 0:27: 7:785 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
InterstitialStrategyManager::generalCommonAdBuilder mInterstitialTimeOutCount =500
( 0:27: 7:785 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
InterstitialStrategyManager::getAdInstanceConfigurationByType adType = 130
( 0:27: 7:785 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
InterstitialStrategyManager::generalCommonAdBuilder mInterstitialTimeOutCount =500
( 0:27: 7:786 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
InterstitialStrategyManager::getAdInstanceConfigurationByType adType = 111
( 0:27: 7:786 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
InterstitialStrategyManager::generalCommonAdBuilder mInterstitialTimeOutCount =500
( 0:27: 7:786 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
LogInterstitial::isInited___Check isInited :adInstancesConfigurations size =0
( 0:27: 7:787 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
LogInterstitial::produceAllAdInstances___adInstancesConfigurations size =3
( 0:27: 7:787 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 7:787 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 7:787 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 7:787 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
AdmobInterstitialServiceImpl::AdmobInterstitialServiceImpl has been initialized
( 0:27: 7:787 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
LogInterstitial::initAdManagerData___ad instance's
keyData=AdInstanceConfigKeyData{adProviderType=28, adPlacementId=ca-app-pub-
( 0:27: 7:788 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; Vungle::Vungle
has not been initialized,so start init
( 0:27: 7:788 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
VungleInterstitialServiceImpl::init Vungle key = 5b4702b7a815851c4e3c7e4c
( 0:27: 7:920 | 132) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; Vungle::init
end,spend time:132003769
( 0:27: 7:920 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
LogInterstitial::initAdManagerData___ad instance's
keyData=AdInstanceConfigKeyData{adProviderType=130, adPlacementId=DEFAULT-1742650}
( 0:27: 7:921 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
MopubInterstitialServiceImpl::MopubInterstitialServiceImpl has not been
initialized,so start init
( 0:27: 7:921 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
MopubInterstitialServiceImpl::Mopub key =16843240
( 0:27: 7:921 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
MopubInterstitialServiceImpl::Mopub adUnitId =b387873ead544cc28f64202872ca230d
( 0:27: 7:945 | 24) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
MopubInterstitialServiceImpl::init end,spend time:23770153
( 0:27: 7:945 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
LogInterstitial::initAdManagerData___ad instance's
( 0:27: 7:945 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
LogInterstitial::initialize___produce success ad instance size =3
( 0:27: 7:945 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
InterstitialStrategyManager::resetConfig managerService =
( 0:27: 7:945 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
VideoInterstitialConfig::OWE_AD getInterstitialAdListWithPosition adPosition = 2008
( 0:27: 7:945 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
VideoInterstitialConfig::getInterstitialAdListWithPosition fit config with
screenAdList = [28, 130, 111]
( 0:27: 7:946 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 7:946 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
InterstitialStrategyManager::filterAdListWithBlackList originalAdList = [28, 130,
111] blackAdList = [] resultAdList = [28, 130, 111]
( 0:27: 7:946 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
InterstitialStrategyManager::getAdInstanceConfigurationByType adType = 28
( 0:27: 7:946 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
InterstitialStrategyManager::generalCommonAdBuilder mInterstitialTimeOutCount =500
( 0:27: 7:946 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
InterstitialStrategyManager::getAdInstanceConfigurationByType adType = 130
( 0:27: 7:946 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
InterstitialStrategyManager::generalCommonAdBuilder mInterstitialTimeOutCount =500
( 0:27: 7:947 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
InterstitialStrategyManager::getAdInstanceConfigurationByType adType = 111
( 0:27: 7:947 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
InterstitialStrategyManager::generalCommonAdBuilder mInterstitialTimeOutCount =500
( 0:27: 7:947 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 7:948 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
LogInterstitial::stopAllAdsAction___, and will clearWorkQueue
( 0:27: 7:948 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
LogInterstitial::produceAllAdInstances___adInstancesConfigurations size =3
( 0:27: 7:948 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 7:948 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 7:948 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 7:948 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
AdmobInterstitialServiceImpl::AdmobInterstitialServiceImpl has been initialized
( 0:27: 7:948 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
LogInterstitial::initAdManagerData___ad instance's
keyData=AdInstanceConfigKeyData{adProviderType=28, adPlacementId=ca-app-pub-
( 0:27: 7:949 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; Vungle::Vungle
has been initialized
( 0:27: 7:949 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
LogInterstitial::initAdManagerData___ad instance's
keyData=AdInstanceConfigKeyData{adProviderType=130, adPlacementId=DEFAULT-1742650}
( 0:27: 7:950 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
MopubInterstitialServiceImpl::MopubInterstitialServiceImpl has been initialized
( 0:27: 7:950 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
LogInterstitial::initAdManagerData___ad instance's
( 0:27: 7:950 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
LogInterstitial::resetConfigurations___produce success ad instance size =3
( 0:27: 7:950 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
VideoInterstitialConfig::OWE_AD getInterstitialAdListWithPosition adPosition = 2008
( 0:27: 7:951 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
VideoInterstitialConfig::getInterstitialAdListWithPosition fit config with
screenAdList = [28, 130, 111]
( 0:27: 7:951 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 7:952 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 7:953 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 7:953 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 7:954 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 7:954 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
LogInterstitial::28OWE_AD is not be intercepted,so start load
( 0:27: 7:954 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
AdmobInterstitialServiceImpl::AdmobInterstitialServiceImpl has been initialized
( 0:27: 7:955 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
AdmobInterstitialServiceImpl::Admob start load
( 0:27: 7:955 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
AdmobInterstitialServiceImpl::AdmobInterstitialServiceImpl_load, load start
( 0:27: 7:955 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 7:955 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
LogInterstitial::OWE_AD onAdLoadStart___28
( 0:27: 7:955 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 7:956 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyMainPresenter::bill test loadInterstitial onAdStartLoading adProviderType = 28
( 0:27: 7:957 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
EndAdManager::yxw test end load mAdList = [112, 22, 34]
( 0:27: 7:957 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyMainPresenter::init ads end
( 0:27: 7:957 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyMainPresenter::autoLaunchApp: 0
autoLaunchTimes: 0
( 0:27: 7:958 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyMainPresenter::canShowNetFreeDialog: 1
( 0:27: 7:961 | 3) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 7:961 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyMainPresenter::user is in subs, do not show checkIn tip
( 0:27: 7:961 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyMainPresenter::checkFreeTrailGuide canShowGuide: true hasConnectSuccess: true
firebase: true hasFreeTrail: false
( 0:27: 7:962 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category:
Androidsubscription action: Organic label: MAC value: 0
( 0:27: 8: 21 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyMainActivity::refreshSubs switch: false
( 0:27: 8: 21 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyMainActivity::refreshView end
( 0:27: 8: 30 | 9) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 8: 30 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdBannerView::setAlive alive = true
( 0:27: 8: 32 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyMainActivity::onResume start
( 0:27: 8: 33 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 8: 33 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category:
sky_ads action: mainResume label: null value: 0
( 0:27: 8: 34 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyMainActivity::refreshTraffic balance :500.0 + used_traffic 0.0
( 0:27: 8: 34 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyMainActivity::setIsLoginState isLogin :false
( 0:27: 8: 36 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 8: 37 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 8: 37 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
RequestUtils::queryTopBalance url :
( 0:27: 8: 40 | 3) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
TopOfferManager::canShowTop 3001
( 0:27: 8: 40 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
TopOfferManager::topList is null return
( 0:27: 8: 40 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
TopOfferManager::canShowTop 3004
( 0:27: 8: 40 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
TopOfferManager::topList is null return
( 0:27: 8: 40 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyVpnManager::when use isSkyVpnConnected ,mService is null , do InitService
( 0:27: 8: 40 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 8: 41 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyVpnManager::onCreate(),bindService, ret:true
( 0:27: 8: 42 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyVpnManager::when use isSkyVpnConnected ,mService is null , do InitService
( 0:27: 8: 42 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 8: 43 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyVpnManager::onCreate(),bindService, ret:true
( 0:27: 8: 43 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 8: 48 | 5) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
DTApplication::setAppInBackground : false
( 0:27: 8: 48 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
DTApplication::App enter foreground
( 0:27: 8: 49 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 8: 49 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
AppConnectionManager::redoConnect status(DISCONNECTED)
( 0:27: 8: 51 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
AppConnectionManager::retry times: 0 , anti enable : true
( 0:27: 8: 55 | 4) APP Core: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
CPingMgr::RequestBestNES, nTimeOutMs=6000,m_bTerminated=0
( 0:27: 8: 61 | 6) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
DTSystemContext::getNetworkFlag vpnConnected false
( 0:27: 8: 69 | 8) APP Core: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 8: 69 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 30081; WARN*****--
>CServerConnector::IsAllowUse,address( all the last 2 connect status
are fail
( 0:27: 8: 69 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
CEdgeServer::IsAllowUse(1) return false for server(,priority:14) with
lastrtt =0
( 0:27: 8: 69 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 30081; WARN*****--
>CServerConnector::IsAllowUse,address( all the last 2 connect status
are fail
( 0:27: 8: 69 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
CEdgeServer::IsAllowUse(1) return false for server(,priority:14) with
lastrtt =0
( 0:27: 8: 69 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
CPingMgr::RequestBestNES, found best one
( 0:27: 8: 69 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
CPingMgr::RequestBestNES, pick the server(ip:,zone:1,id:7) with
port(443) from continent=Americas,ISOCC=US
( 0:27: 8: 71 | 2) APP Core: 1 0; 30081; WARN*****--
>CServerConnector::IsAllowUse,address( all the last 2 connect status
are fail
( 0:27: 8: 71 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
CEdgeServer::IsAllowUse(1) return false for server(,priority:14) with
lastrtt =0
( 0:27: 8: 71 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 8: 71 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 30081; WARN*****--
>CServerConnector::IsAllowUse,address( all the last 2 connect status
are fail
( 0:27: 8: 71 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
CEdgeServer::IsAllowUse(1) return false for server(,priority:14) with
lastrtt =0
( 0:27: 8: 71 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 30081; WARN*****--
>CServerConnector::IsAllowUse,address( all the last 2 connect status
are fail
( 0:27: 8: 71 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
CEdgeServer::IsAllowUse(1) return false for server(,priority:14) with
lastrtt =0
( 0:27: 8: 71 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 30081; WARN*****--
>CServerConnector::IsAllowUse,address( all the last 2 connect status
are fail
( 0:27: 8: 71 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
CEdgeServer::IsAllowUse(1) return false for server(,priority:14) with
lastrtt =0
( 0:27: 8: 71 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
CPingMgr::RequestBestNES, has newer result with server(ip:,zone:1,id:7)
with port(443) from continent=Americas,ISOCC=US
( 0:27: 8: 71 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
CPingMgr::RequestBestNES end
( 0:27: 8: 72 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; TpClient::Launch
ping ret(0)
( 0:27: 8: 72 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; TpClient::Ping
has result port(443)
( 0:27: 8: 74 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
PingManager::PingManager() isUaeUser false newPing Enabled true
( 0:27: 8: 74 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
PingManager::PingManager new ping is disabled
( 0:27: 8: 74 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
PingManager::isAvailable() begin check vpnConnected
( 0:27: 8: 78 | 4) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
PingManager::isAvailable() vpnConnected false ipCC null
( 0:27: 8: 78 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
PingManager::isAvailable() begin check vpnConnected
( 0:27: 8: 82 | 4) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
PingManager::isAvailable() vpnConnected false ipCC null
( 0:27: 8: 82 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
TpClient::connect serverAddr = port = 443 usedPort = 443 isAvailble
( 0:27: 8: 82 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
PingManager::isAvailable() begin check vpnConnected
( 0:27: 8: 85 | 3) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
PingManager::isAvailable() vpnConnected false ipCC null
( 0:27: 8: 86 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
TpClient::connect change port to 443
( 0:27: 8: 88 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 8: 88 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
AppConnectionManager::use port from firebase : 443
( 0:27: 8: 88 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; TpClient::user
is from us, port : 443
( 0:27: 8: 88 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
dt_client_nativeConnect server( port(443) apiLevel(0)
( 0:27: 8: 88 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 8: 88 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 30081; WARN*****--
>Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:144): XipClientProvider 0x9d398c00 XipConnect with
info: <xip><server port="443"></server></xip>,m_state:
1,bRegMainThread: 1,bSecureSocket:1,server_api:0

( 0:27: 8: 90 | 2) APP Tp: 1 0; 30081; WARN*****--

>Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:687): XipClientProvider 0x9d398c00 -> connecting

( 0:27: 8: 90 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 30081; WARN*****--

>Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:808): ClientVSocket 0x9a665600,set

( 0:27: 8: 90 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 30081; WARN*****--

>Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:840): ClientVSocket 0x9a665600,set

( 0:27: 8: 90 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 30081; WARN*****--

>Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:321): ClientVSocket object 0x9a665600,GetTag(): 0
received connect request to,apiver:3,lastconnected port:0

( 0:27: 8: 90 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 30081; WARN*****--

>Warning(clientsocket.cpp:64): TcpClientSocketMgr::Initialize
( 0:27: 8: 90 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 30081; WARN*****--
>Warning(clientsocket.cpp:1125): Create
TcpClientSocket(selectable),m_pTargetTimerMgr: 0x00000000, this: 0x7b3a6540

( 0:27: 8: 90 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 30081; WARN*****--

>Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:2495): ClientVSocket 0x9a665600,GetTag(): 0
m_pPhysicalSocket recreate for

( 0:27: 8: 91 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 30081; WARN*****--

>Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:2502): ClientVSocket 0x9a665600,GetTag(): 0
perform physical connect to

( 0:27: 8: 91 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;

CClientInstance::Connect(): end by specified serv address=,port=443
( 0:27: 8: 96 | 5) APP Core: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 8: 97 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
TopOfferManager::InForeground hasClickOffer: false canReward: 0
( 0:27: 8: 97 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
DTApplication::top has not unblock, do not show TopRedeem
( 0:27: 8: 97 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyMainActivity::onResume End
( 0:27: 8: 97 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyVpnManager::when use isSkyVpnConnected ,mService is null , do InitService
( 0:27: 8: 97 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 8: 98 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyVpnManager::onCreate(),bindService, ret:true
( 0:27: 8: 99 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 0:27: 8:111 | 12) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; AppConfig::
current iso = MX ; isInBaiDuShowContry = false appCommonConfig.BDShowContries []
( 0:27: 8:111 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
VideoOfferManager::bill showBaiduOffer is not in isInBaiDuShowContry , not show
( 0:27: 8:111 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category:
video_offer action: video_offer_is_not_in_country label: 124 value: 0
( 0:27: 8:112 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 8:115 | 3) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; MAIN_BANNER::is
not same day return true reset local times
( 0:27: 8:125 | 10) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 8:126 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyVpnManager::onServiceConnected mService
( 0:27: 8:130 | 4) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyVpnManager::VPN LogPath: /storage/emulated/0/SkyVPN/log/2019-09-30-00-27-
( 0:27: 8:156 | 26) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyVpnManager::UserParamBean :
token='dceab7c14f16f471b04489caf477d64f', dtID='93059508',
userID='356244501376364', countryCode=52, IsoCountryCode='MX', zone='CA', ids='5',
isBasic=0, connectStrategy=0, vType=0}
( 0:27: 8:162 | 6) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 8:163 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyVpnManager::userCountryCode : MX
( 0:27: 8:163 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyVpnManager::use common ipList
( 0:27: 8:167 | 4) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyVpnManager::fireBase ipStr : [{"zone":"DE","timestamp":0,"ids":2,"ips":
( 0:27: 8:222 | 55) APP Tp: 1 0; 30116; WARN*****--
>Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:3131): ClientVSocket 0x9a665600,GetTag(): 0
physical socket is connected,at state: 1,lastconnected port:0,RemotePort:443

( 0:27: 8:222 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 30116; WARN*****--

>Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1629): CreateSecureConnectPdu,pub key:
KBxqEg6c+aSr4ZSGAy+agbrzn2qpGX+342ptuVT91kg=,encrypt to:48

( 0:27: 8:230 | 8) APP Tp: 1 0; 30116; WARN*****--

>Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1658): CreateSecureConnectPdu,jsonData:
{"Sequence":1922,"Flags":3,"Random":1088329942,"SharedKeyID":1},encrypt to:88

( 0:27: 8:230 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 30116; WARN*****--

>Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1671): ClientVSocket 0x9a665600,GetTag(): 0
CreateSecureConnectPdu,flags:3,random:1088329942, seq: 1922

( 0:27: 8:231 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 30116; WARN*****--

>Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1825): ClientVSocket 0x9a665600,GetTag(): 0 send
VSOCK-CONNECT-REQUEST PDUv3. win size: 0, seq: 1922,mixup

( 0:27: 8:397 | 166) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;

( 0:27: 8:398 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyVpnManager::hostInfoStr : {"domainList":

( 0:27: 8:404 | 6) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;

SkyVpnManager::hostInfoBean :
ElbHttpsList=[https://api.theskyapn.com/skyvpn], ElbHttpList=[http://ldSkyVPN-
( 0:27: 8:406 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 8:407 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
ConnectPre::doConnectPre type : VIDEO mService:
( 0:27: 8:413 | 6) APP Main: 1 0; 30231; APP-INFO ;
SkyVpnManager::UserParamBean :
token='dceab7c14f16f471b04489caf477d64f', dtID='93059508',
userID='356244501376364', countryCode=52, IsoCountryCode='MX', zone='CA', ids='5',
isBasic=0, connectStrategy=0, vType=0}
( 0:27: 8:414 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyMainPresenter::onStateChanged DISABLED mType: null
( 0:27: 8:417 | 3) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
NetworkMonitor::onConnectionChange current network status(ReachableViaWifi)
( 0:27: 8:419 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
NetworkMonitor::onConnectionChange old network status = ReachableViaWifi
currentStatus = ReachableViaWifi
( 0:27: 8:419 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
NetworkMonitor::reachabilityChanged NetworkStatus(ReachableViaWifi)
( 0:27: 8:420 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
AppConnectionManager::redoConnect status(CONNECTING)
( 0:27: 8:424 | 4) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
AppConnectionManager::retry times: 1 , anti enable : true
( 0:27: 8:425 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
FlurryNativeAdLoader::yxw test onFetchFailed type=FETCH, code=20
( 0:27: 8:426 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
FlurryNativeAdLoader::Fetching Ad now adSpace = SkyVPN_StreamAdSpace
( 0:27: 8:438 | 12) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
EndAdManager::yxw test end handleMessage currentLoadAdType = 112
( 0:27: 8:439 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
EndAdManager::handleMessage show native interstitial with type = 112
( 0:27: 8:439 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 0:27: 8:439 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 0:27: 8:439 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 0:27: 8:439 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 0:27: 8:439 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 0:27: 8:440 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 0:27: 8:440 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 0:27: 8:440 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 0:27: 8:440 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 0:27: 8:440 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
NativeInterstitialManager::yxw test end preloadNativeInterstitialWithAdlist
loadedAdData = null
( 0:27: 8:441 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdLoader::yxw test end nativeAdloader preloadAdWithAdType adType = 112
( 0:27: 8:441 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 8:442 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdLoader::yxw test end nativeAdloader preloadAdWithAdType mp load error
( 0:27: 8:442 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
NativeInterstitialManager::yxw test end preloadNativeInterstitialWithAdlist adType
= 112
( 0:27: 8:442 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyMainPresenter::preloadAds onAdLoadFaild adType = 112
( 0:27: 8:442 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
NativeInterstitialManager::yxw test end preloadNativeInterstitialWithAdlist
( 0:27: 8:700 | 258) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
VideoOfferManager::loadAdWithType adType = 34
( 0:27: 8:700 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
AppConfig::getVideoOfferEnableWithAdProviderType withType = 34
( 0:27: 8:700 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
AppConfig::getVideoOfferEnableWithAdProviderType enable = true
( 0:27: 8:700 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdRatioControl::getNativeAdRatio adType = 34 ; adPlacement = 2014 ; Ratio =
0; not in
( 0:27: 8:700 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdRatioControl::isInRatio userAdRatioValue = 90 ; ratio = 0
( 0:27: 8:701 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 0:27: 8:709 | 8) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; AppConfig::
current iso = MX ; isAMShowCountry = true appCommonConfig.AMShowContries [US, IN,
( 0:27: 8:710 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 8:710 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
AMNativeDownloadAdLoader::prefetchAd requestNumber = 3
( 0:27: 8:710 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category:
video_offer action: video_offer_ad_init label: 34 value: 0
( 0:27: 8:711 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; Admob Native-
OfferProvider::Begin requestOffersAsync
( 0:27: 8:711 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; Admob Native-
OfferProvider::needRequestOffer cached offer list is empty
( 0:27: 8:712 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
AMNativeDownloadAdLoader::getNextAdWithListener AdMobNativeAdLoaderListener =
me.dingtone.app.im.ad.d.a.a$1@57f539d ; timeOutSecond = 5000
( 0:27: 8:727 | 15) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyMainActivity::setButtonState : 3
( 0:27: 8:727 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
MopubNativeAdLoader::yxw test loadNextAd
( 0:27: 8:802 | 75) APP Tp: 1 0; 30116; WARN*****--
>Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1203): HandleConnectResponseV3:share:

( 0:27: 8:803 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 30116; WARN*****--

>Warning(clientvirtualsocket.cpp:1223): Handle VSOCKET-CONNECT-RESPONSE_V3 as
success result on ClientVSocket object 0x9a665600, connection tag: 3561161482, seq:
0, udp ping server: , udp ping port: 0, client ip: , server pubkey len:48, random
len: 16, signature:BpjbDCrVtGxtu0CB2x6Zcg==

( 0:27: 8:803 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 30116; WARN*****--

>Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:692): XipClientProvider 0x9d398c00 -> connected

( 0:27: 8:803 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 30116; WARN*****--

>Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:895): XipClientProvider::OnSuccessSockConnect
0x9d398c00,bAccepted: 1,AuthenticationType:4

( 0:27: 8:803 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 30116; WARN*****--


( 0:27: 8:804 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 30116; WARN*****--

>Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:696): XipClientProvider 0x9d398c00 -> authenticating

( 0:27: 8:850 | 46) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;

EndAdManager::yxw test end handleMessage currentLoadAdType = 22
( 0:27: 8:850 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
EndAdManager::handleMessage show native interstitial with type = 22
( 0:27: 8:850 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 0:27: 8:850 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 0:27: 8:850 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 0:27: 8:851 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 0:27: 8:851 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 0:27: 8:851 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 0:27: 8:851 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 0:27: 8:851 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 0:27: 8:851 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 0:27: 8:851 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
NativeInterstitialManager::yxw test end preloadNativeInterstitialWithAdlist
loadedAdData = null
( 0:27: 8:852 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdLoader::yxw test end nativeAdloader preloadAdWithAdType adType = 22
( 0:27: 8:852 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
FlurryNativeAdLoader::Fetching Ad now adSpace = SkyVPN_StreamAdSpace
( 0:27: 8:853 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdLoader::yxw test end nativeAdloader preloadAdWithAdType fn load error
( 0:27: 8:854 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
NativeInterstitialManager::yxw test end preloadNativeInterstitialWithAdlist adType
= 22
( 0:27: 8:854 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyMainPresenter::preloadAds onAdLoadFaild adType = 22
( 0:27: 8:854 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
NativeInterstitialManager::yxw test end preloadNativeInterstitialWithAdlist
( 0:27: 8:854 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
MopubNativeAdLoader::yxw test loadNextAd
( 0:27: 8:989 | 135) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
LogInterstitial::OWE_AD onAdLoadError___28 _ErrorMsg{adType=28,errorCode=6,
errorMsg='ad load time out', extraErrorData=AD_STATUS_LOAD_START}
( 0:27: 8:990 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
LogInterstitial::28OWE_AD _Ad Load Error and do not load self
( 0:27: 8:990 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
LogInterstitial::28OWE_AD _Ad Load Error and load next
( 0:27: 8:991 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 8:993 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 8:994 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 9: 1 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 9: 1 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
LogInterstitial::130OWE_AD is not be intercepted,so start load
( 0:27: 9: 1 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; Vungle::Vungle
has been initialized
( 0:27: 9: 2 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
VungleInterstitialServiceImpl:: rewarded start load
( 0:27: 9: 2 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
Vungle::Vungle_load,is not init
( 0:27: 9: 2 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
LogInterstitial::OWE_AD onAdLoadError___130 _ErrorMsg{adType=130,errorCode=1,
errorMsg='is not init', extraErrorData=}
( 0:27: 9: 3 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
LogInterstitial::130OWE_AD _Ad Load Error and do not load self
( 0:27: 9: 3 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
LogInterstitial::130OWE_AD _Ad Load Error and load next
( 0:27: 9: 3 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 9: 4 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 9: 5 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 9: 6 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 9: 7 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
LogInterstitial::111OWE_AD is not be intercepted,so start load
( 0:27: 9: 7 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
MopubInterstitialServiceImpl::MopubInterstitialServiceImpl has been initialized
( 0:27: 9: 8 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
MopubInterstitialServiceImpl::Mopub start load
( 0:27: 9: 8 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
MopubInterstitialServiceImpl::MopubInterstitialServiceImpl_load, load start
( 0:27: 9: 8 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 9: 8 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
LogInterstitial::OWE_AD onAdLoadStart___111
( 0:27: 9: 8 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 9: 9 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyMainPresenter::bill test loadInterstitial onAdStartLoading adProviderType = 111
( 0:27: 9: 9 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
errorMsg='is not init', extraErrorData=}
( 0:27: 9: 9 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
errorMsg='ad load time out', extraErrorData=AD_STATUS_LOAD_START}
( 0:27: 9: 10 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
FlurryNativeAdLoader::yxw test onFetchFailed type=FETCH, code=20
( 0:27: 9: 12 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
FlurryNativeAdLoader::Fetching Ad now adSpace = SkyVPN_StreamAdSpace
( 0:27: 9: 16 | 4) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
RequestUtils::onGetTopConfig: {"TPLevel":[{"level":1,"rate":0,"point":0},
{"level":4,"rate":0.2,"point":1000}],"TPSwitch":0,"TPWatchVideoTip":" You will get
TOP POINTS for each short video you watch!","TPRecordUrl":"http://sky-toppoint-
( 0:27: 9: 44 | 28) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
RequestUtils::GetCountryList onResponse {"isBasic":1,"payCountryList":
( 0:27: 9: 47 | 3) APP Tp: 1 0; 30116; WARN*****--
>Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:700): XipClientProvider 0x9d398c00 -> open

( 0:27: 9: 48 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 30116; WARN*****--

>Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:1415): XipClientProvider 0x9d398c00
HandleXipConnectResponsePdu,state: 5,nAction: 1,resulut: 0

( 0:27: 9: 48 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 30116; WARN*****--

>Warning(xipclientprovider.cpp:1586): NotifyConnectConfirm. result: GENERAL-RESULT
0, pxaddr: f8. 0x9d398c00,server ver:40101a

( 0:27: 9: 68 | 20) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;

RequestUtils::CountryListResponseBean :
CountryListResponseBean{zoneList=[CountryBean{zone='US', rate=1.0,
', alias='null', ips=[,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,], averageRtt=0.0,
isBasic=1}, CountryBean{zone='US', rate=1.0, ids='4#
( 0:27: 9: 69 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
RequestUtils::onShareTrafficGet response:
( 0:27: 9: 74 | 5) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
RequestUtils::onShareTrafficGet bean: OnShareTrafficGetBean{traffic=0,
allTraffic=5120, times=0, result=1, reason='null'}
( 0:27: 9: 74 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 9: 89 | 15) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; RequestUtils::
QueryBalanceBean: QueryBalanceBean{balance=500.0, isFree=1, used=0, isBasic=0,
callPlans=null, expiredCallPlans=[]}
( 0:27: 9: 91 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 9: 91 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyMainActivity::user is in trafficPlan
( 0:27: 9: 92 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 9: 92 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdBannerView::setAlive alive = false
( 0:27: 9: 94 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyMainActivity::refreshTraffic balance :500.0 + used_traffic 0.0
( 0:27: 9: 99 | 5) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
AMNativeDownloadAdLoader::yxw video offer loadNextAd
( 0:27: 9:457 | 358) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
VungleInterstitialServiceImpl::init onSuccess
( 0:27: 9:457 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
VungleInterstitialServiceImpl:: rewarded start load
( 0:27: 9:457 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
Vungle::Vungle_load, load start
( 0:27: 9:457 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 9:457 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
LogInterstitial::OWE_AD onAdLoadStart___130
( 0:27: 9:457 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 9:457 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyMainPresenter::bill test loadInterstitial onAdStartLoading adProviderType = 130
( 0:27: 9:465 | 8) APP Core: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 9:471 | 6) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
DTSystemContext::getNetworkFlag vpnConnected false
( 0:27: 9:476 | 5) APP Core: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 9:476 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 30081; WARN*****--
>CServerConnector::IsAllowUse,address( all the last 2 connect status
are fail
( 0:27: 9:476 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
CEdgeServer::IsAllowUse(1) return false for server(,priority:14) with
lastrtt =0
( 0:27: 9:476 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
TpClient::onClientConnected localAddress : -8577263819984701192 redirectServerIp:
null port : 443 serverId : 65543
( 0:27: 9:476 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
TpEventHandler::onClientConnected userId(356244501376364) result(0) serverId(65543)
localAddress(-8577263819984701192) recirectSvrIp(null) port(443) usedPort(443)
( 0:27: 9:477 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
AppConnectionManager::appConnectedSuccess connectStatus(CONNECTED)
( 0:27: 9:478 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
AppConnectionManager::login connectStatus(CONNECTED)
( 0:27: 9:479 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
AppConnectionManager::Login isApp in background false needLogin true
( 0:27: 9:480 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
DTSystemContext::getClientInfoAsJsonObject start
( 0:27: 9:482 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
DtUtil::isRunningOnEmulator fingerprint motorola/woods_f/woods_f:7.1.1/NMA26.42-
69/81:user/release-keys model Moto E (4) manufacture motorola brand motorola
product woods_f
( 0:27: 9:491 | 9) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
DTSystemContext::getClientInfoAsJsonObject end
( 0:27: 9:491 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
DTSystemContext::client info:
oto E (4)","clientTime":1569821229491}
( 0:27: 9:491 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
AppConnectionManager::do login
( 0:27: 9:492 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
TpClient::loginCmd : DTLoginCmd{presenceStatus=2, presenceMessage='',
checkInLatitude=30.279305, checkInLongitude=120.12606, activationType=0,
timeZone='CST', maxMessageApiLevel=1, androidId='b188ab2e14ddd3f', macAddress='',
oto E (4)","clientTime":1569821229491}'}
( 0:27: 9:492 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
CRpcClientInst::Login :
( 0:27: 9:492 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
CPingMgr::GetConnectVersionCode,nVersionCode=16845314 as combine(1,1,10,2)
( 0:27: 9:492 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 30081; WARN*****--
>CMyInfo::GetMD5PhoneNumber: Get invalid wholephoneNum
( 0:27: 9:492 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 30081; ERRxxxxxx-->Assert(0 !=
input.size()) at func:Ju_MD5String,file:jni/../../Jucrypto/Jucrypto.cpp
( 0:27: 9:492 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 30081; ERRxxxxxx--
>Ju_MD5String,input is invalid as pUTF8String=-1656876680,nLength=0
( 0:27: 9:493 | 1) APP Core: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 9:494 | 1) APP Core: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 9:494 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 30081; WARN*****--
>CMyInfo::GetPhoneNumber: Get invalid wholephoneNum
( 0:27: 9:494 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 9:494 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 30081; WARN*****--
>Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75): Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:9tag: 1

( 0:27: 9:495 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 30081; WARN*****--

>Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220): RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:1,pdu:1

( 0:27: 9:496 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; ERRxxxxxx--

>PushManager::Push token is null
( 0:27: 9:496 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; ERRxxxxxx--
>PushManager::getPushToken token is empty
( 0:27: 9:496 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
PushManager::register push token isRegistered = false token =
( 0:27: 9:496 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; ERRxxxxxx--
>PushManager::Push token is null
( 0:27: 9:496 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; ERRxxxxxx--
>PushManager::getPushToken token is empty
( 0:27: 9:498 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 9:504 | 6) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
superofferwall::setVPNOfferwallList offerwall list: 2,5,6,8,52,53,54,46,101
( 0:27: 9:504 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
superofferwall::setDingCreditOfferwallList offerwallList: 2,5,8
( 0:27: 9:504 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
superofferwall::isVPNShowInstallOnly: true
( 0:27: 9:504 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
superofferwall::isDingCreditShowInstallOnly: true
( 0:27: 9:505 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
TpEventHandler::isactivated : true
( 0:27: 9:505 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30269; APP-INFO ;
NewOfferManager::onConnectedWithServer, mCurrentNewOfferAction is null
( 0:27: 9:505 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category:
connection action: connection_success label: value: 0
( 0:27: 9:506 | 1) APP Core: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
CClientInstance::OnClientConnectConfirm(): end as
( 0:27: 9:506 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
EndAdManager::yxw test end handleMessage currentLoadAdType = 34
( 0:27: 9:506 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
EndAdManager::handleMessage show native interstitial with type = 34
( 0:27: 9:506 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 0:27: 9:506 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 0:27: 9:506 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 0:27: 9:506 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 0:27: 9:506 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 0:27: 9:506 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 0:27: 9:506 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 0:27: 9:506 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 0:27: 9:507 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 0:27: 9:507 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
NativeInterstitialManager::yxw test end preloadNativeInterstitialWithAdlist
loadedAdData = null
( 0:27: 9:507 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdLoader::yxw test end nativeAdloader preloadAdWithAdType adType = 34
( 0:27: 9:507 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 9:507 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
AdMobNativeAdLoader::preCacheAds requestNumber = 2
( 0:27: 9:507 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 9:515 | 8) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category:
admob_native action: native_ad_loading_start label: value: 0
( 0:27: 9:515 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
AdMobNativeAdLoader::yxw test getNextAdWithListener AdMobNativeAdLoaderListener =
me.dingtone.app.im.mvp.modules.ad.nativead.loader.a$2@fb0f5ef ; timeOutSecond =
( 0:27: 9:516 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
AdMobNativeAdLoader::yxw test getNextAdWithListener ad listener 2
( 0:27: 9:516 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdLoader::yxw test end nativeAdloader preloadAdWithAdType am load error
( 0:27: 9:516 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
NativeInterstitialManager::yxw test end preloadNativeInterstitialWithAdlist adType
= 34
( 0:27: 9:516 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyMainPresenter::preloadAds onAdLoadFaild adType = 34
( 0:27: 9:516 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
NativeInterstitialManager::yxw test end preloadNativeInterstitialWithAdlist
( 0:27: 9:516 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyMainPresenter::preloadAds onAllAdLoadFailed adList = [112, 22, 34]
( 0:27: 9:534 | 18) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
FlurryNativeAdLoader::yxw test onFetchFailed type=FETCH, code=20
( 0:27: 9:535 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
LogInterstitial::OWE_AD onAdLoadError___111 _ErrorMsg{adType=111,errorCode=6,
errorMsg='ad load time out', extraErrorData=AD_STATUS_LOAD_START}
( 0:27: 9:535 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
LogInterstitial::111OWE_AD _Ad Load Error and do not load self
( 0:27: 9:535 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
LogInterstitial::111OWE_AD _Ad Load Error and load next
( 0:27: 9:535 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 9:535 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
LogInterstitial::OWE_AD loadThisAndLoadNextAction___adLoadServiceQueue is
empty,loadThisAndLoadNextAction end, and
( 0:27: 9:535 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 9:535 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
InterstitialStrategyManager::load onAdsLoadEnd load count = 0
( 0:27: 9:535 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyMainPresenter::bill test loadInterstitial onAdAllFailed interstitial is not
shown, showing next end ad
( 0:27: 9:535 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
errorMsg='ad load time out', extraErrorData=AD_STATUS_LOAD_START}
( 0:27: 9:536 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
FlurryNativeAdLoader::yxw test onFetchFailed type=FETCH, code=20
( 0:27: 9:536 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
RequestUtils::getTopCode success: {"result":0,"reason":"task country no
( 0:27: 9:539 | 3) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
RequestUtils::onGetTopCode res: GetTopInviteCodeResponse{topCode='null', result=0,
reason='task country no open.'}
( 0:27: 9:540 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
RequestUtils::getBasicInfo success: {"result":0}
( 0:27: 9:543 | 3) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyMainPresenter::getBasicInfo success BasicInfoBean{traffic=0, days=0,
basicDays=0, result=0, reason='null'}
( 0:27: 9:543 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;

( 0:27: 9:555 | 12) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;


( 0:27: 9:555 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;

SkyMainPresenter::refreshTopBalanceWithAnim success, user has not unblocked top,do
not show
( 0:27: 9:555 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
RequestUtils::get advpn status success: {"result":1,"advpnADAvg":0,"advpnADMax":0}
( 0:27: 9:559 | 4) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
RequestUtils::AdVpnBean: OnGetAdvpnStatusResponse{result=1, advpnADAvg=0,
( 0:27: 9:590 | 31) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
RequestUtils::now version : 1.6.20 latestVersion: 1.6.15
( 0:27: 9:591 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
RequestUtils::current is latest version
( 0:27: 9:592 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 9:592 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 9:592 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
ToolsForTop::canPopupOpenTopDialog TPSwitch: false canPopup: true
( 0:27: 9:592 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyMainPresenter::user has shown popWallet
( 0:27: 9:611 | 19) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 9:679 | 68) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category:
fireBaseConfig action: fireBase_fetch_failed label: MX_false value: 0
( 0:27: 9:680 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyMainPresenter::fetch fireBase failed
( 0:27: 9:869 | 189) APP Tp: 1 0; 30116; WARN*****--
>Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117): RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 1 hResult:

( 0:27: 9:906 | 37) APP Core: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;

( 0:27: 9:906 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
OnClientLoginResponse: login
( 0:27: 9:906 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 9:906 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 9:906 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
CMyInfo::Save,SerializeTo 347 done
( 0:27: 9:907 | 1) APP Core: 1 0; 30081; ERRxxxxxx--
( 0:27: 9:907 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
OnClientLoginResponse, found buildfollower fail as version code=0, cur build
( 0:27: 9:907 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
TpEventHandler::onLoginResponse errCode = 0 errReason = null
( 0:27: 9:908 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
TpEventHandler::DTLoginResponse : DTLoginResponse{user_offlineMsgCount=0,
friendVersionCode=0, profileVersionCode=16777217, followersListVersionCode=0,
facebookId=0, renrenId=0, presenceStatus=1, presenceMessage='null',
latestDistributionMajorVer=0, latestDistributionMiddleVer=0,
latestDistributionMinorVer=0, latestProductMajorVer=1, latestProductMiddleVer=6,
latestProductMinorVer=15, aBindMultipleNumbers=0, bindedEmailCount=0,
codecVersionCode=2, featureListVersionCode=4, configVersionCode=4345, errCode=0,
reason='null', countryCode=52, isoCountryCode='MX', pushTokenEmpty=1,
clientIp='', favoriteVersion=0, remainTime=-1703968704, priceVer=17,
lastloginTime=1.569821067532E12, lastLoginDeviceId='And.7ba0bd#
( 0:27: 9:909 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 9:909 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
TpEventHandler::backupJuCoreConfigFileIfNeeded backup file not exist create it and
( 0:27: 9:910 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
LoginMgr::response=DTLoginResponse{user_offlineMsgCount=0, friendVersionCode=0,
profileVersionCode=16777217, followersListVersionCode=0, facebookId=0, renrenId=0,
presenceStatus=1, presenceMessage='null', latestDistributionMajorVer=0,
latestDistributionMiddleVer=0, latestDistributionMinorVer=0,
latestProductMajorVer=1, latestProductMiddleVer=6, latestProductMinorVer=15,
aBindMultipleNumbers=0, bindedEmailCount=0, codecVersionCode=2,
featureListVersionCode=4, configVersionCode=4345, errCode=0, reason='null',
countryCode=52, isoCountryCode='MX', pushTokenEmpty=1, clientIp='',
favoriteVersion=0, remainTime=-1703968704, priceVer=17,
lastloginTime=1.569821067532E12, lastLoginDeviceId='And.7ba0bdbce777efb1ac59b3#
( 0:27: 9:910 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
LoginMgr::lastversion = 1-6-15, current version = 1-6-20, my user
( 0:27: 9:911 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
LoginMgr::inhouseVer = 0.0.0, appStoreVerCode=1-6-15,ClientVerCode=1-6-
( 0:27: 9:911 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; LoginMgr::local
major verson is equal server major verson, but its small version is bigger than
( 0:27: 9:911 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
LoginMgr::suggest to update : 3
( 0:27: 9:911 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
AppConnectionManager::appLoginSuccess connectStatus(LOGINED)
( 0:27: 9:913 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; LoginMgr::Push
token is empty push token registered = false
( 0:27: 9:913 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; ERRxxxxxx--
>PushManager::Push token is null
( 0:27: 9:913 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; ERRxxxxxx--
>PushManager::getPushToken token is empty
( 0:27: 9:913 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
PushManager::register push token isRegistered = false token =
( 0:27: 9:913 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; ERRxxxxxx--
>PushManager::Push token is null
( 0:27: 9:914 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; ERRxxxxxx--
>PushManager::getPushToken token is empty
( 0:27: 9:914 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
RequestAllMessage, go to default one
( 0:27: 9:914 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 30081; WARN*****--
>Warning(xrtcclientapi.cpp:788): RequestAllOfflineMessages: request from default
offline storage :

( 0:27: 9:914 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 30081; WARN*****--

>Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75): Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:21tag: 2

( 0:27: 9:915 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 30081; WARN*****--

>Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220): RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:2,pdu:1

( 0:27: 9:915 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; LoginMgr::codec

version code: 2
( 0:27: 9:915 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
LoginMgr::currentVersion 1-6-20 lastAppVersion 1-6-20
( 0:27: 9:915 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; LoginMgr::check
if need getConfigPropertyList currentVersionCode=4345 ConfigVesionCode in
( 0:27: 9:919 | 4) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
CommonRestCallManager::commonRestCall restCallType = 105
( 0:27: 9:920 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 30081; WARN*****--
>Warning(xrtcclientapi.cpp:188): ProxyRestCall,cmd name:
gwebsvr/infoBus,cookie:6881537zipped len:0

( 0:27: 9:920 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 30081; WARN*****--

>Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75): Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:8tag: 3

( 0:27: 9:921 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 30081; WARN*****--

>Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220): RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:3,pdu:1

( 0:27: 9:921 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;

CRpcClientInst::CommonRestCall() finish
( 0:27: 9:921 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; LoginMgr::
onLogin resposne countryCode = 52 isoCountryCode = MX
( 0:27: 9:921 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 9:924 | 3) APP Tp: 1 0; 30081; WARN*****--
>Warning(xrtcclientapi.cpp:188): ProxyRestCall,cmd name: getADList,cookie:149zipped

( 0:27: 9:924 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 30081; WARN*****--

>Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75): Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:8tag: 4

( 0:27: 9:925 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 30081; WARN*****--

>Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220): RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:4,pdu:1

( 0:27: 9:925 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;

TpClient::getAdList cmd = DTRestCallBase{commandTag=0, commandCookie=0, errCode=0,
reason='null', result=0} countryCode=52
( 0:27: 9:926 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
superofferwall::onLoginSuccess loadDataState = 0
( 0:27: 9:926 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30269; APP-INFO ;
superofferwall::Begin initializeDatabase
( 0:27: 9:927 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
PurchaseManager::onLoginResponse DTLoginResponse{user_offlineMsgCount=0,
friendVersionCode=0, profileVersionCode=16777217, followersListVersionCode=0,
facebookId=0, renrenId=0, presenceStatus=1, presenceMessage='null',
latestDistributionMajorVer=0, latestDistributionMiddleVer=0,
latestDistributionMinorVer=0, latestProductMajorVer=1, latestProductMiddleVer=6,
latestProductMinorVer=15, aBindMultipleNumbers=0, bindedEmailCount=0,
codecVersionCode=2, featureListVersionCode=4, configVersionCode=4345, errCode=0,
reason='null', countryCode=52, isoCountryCode='MX', pushTokenEmpty=1,
clientIp='', favoriteVersion=0, remainTime=-1703968704, priceVer=17,
lastloginTime=1.569821067532E12, lastLoginDeviceId='And.7ba0bdbc#
( 0:27: 9:927 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
PurchaseManager::onLoginResponse try get ProductList
( 0:27: 9:927 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
PurchaseManager::prepareProductList Vpn is connected: false
( 0:27: 9:930 | 3) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
GPBillingHelper::IAB helper created.
( 0:27: 9:931 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
TpClient::getVirtualProductList cmd = productType = 2 isoCountryCode = MX
virtualProductType = 500 bundleId = me.skyvpn.app requireGP = true clientInfo =
( 0:27: 9:931 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 9:931 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 9:931 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 30081; WARN*****--
>Warning(xrtcclientapi.cpp:188): ProxyRestCall,cmd name:
billing/product/v2/get,cookie:177zipped len:0

( 0:27: 9:932 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 30081; WARN*****--

>Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75): Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:8tag: 5

( 0:27: 9:932 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 30081; WARN*****--

>Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220): RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:5,pdu:1

( 0:27: 9:932 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;

( 0:27: 9:933 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 9:935 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 9:935 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
CommonRestCallManager::commonRestCall restCallType = 1010
( 0:27: 9:935 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
GetIpEncoder::cmd : DTRestCallBase{commandTag=0, commandCookie=0, errCode=0,
reason='null', result=0}
( 0:27: 9:936 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 9:936 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 30081; WARN*****--
>Warning(xrtcclientapi.cpp:188): ProxyRestCall,cmd name:
skyvpn/ip/get,cookie:66191617zipped len:0

( 0:27: 9:936 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30269; APP-INFO ;

superofferwall::End initializeDatabase
( 0:27: 9:936 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 30081; WARN*****--
>Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75): Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:8tag: 6

( 0:27: 9:937 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 30081; WARN*****--

>Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220): RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:6,pdu:1

( 0:27: 9:937 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;

CRpcClientInst::CommonRestCall() finish
( 0:27: 9:941 | 4) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
Inivte::canMatchFriends : false
( 0:27: 9:941 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; Inivte::user has
already matched , return
( 0:27: 9:941 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; LoginMgr::
Server to local offset 0 seconds
( 0:27: 9:941 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 9:941 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category:
super_offerwall action: scan_apps_info label: value: 0
( 0:27: 9:942 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; LoginMgr::
( 0:27: 9:943 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30273; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27: 9:943 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyAppInfo::setNeedAdSwitchOn = 0
( 0:27:10: 28 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
GDTaskManager::,SDK: init==true
( 0:27:10: 28 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category:
connection action: login_success label: value: 0
( 0:27:10: 29 | 1) APP Core: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
CPingMgr::OnClientLoginConfirm, nResultCode=0,terminated=0,serverCommand=0
( 0:27:10: 34 | 5) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
DTSystemContext::getNetworkFlag vpnConnected false
( 0:27:10: 40 | 6) APP Core: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27:10: 40 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 30081; WARN*****--
>CServerConnector::IsAllowUse,address( all the last 2 connect status
are fail
( 0:27:10: 40 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
CEdgeServer::IsAllowUse(1) return false for server(,priority:14) with
lastrtt =0
( 0:27:10: 41 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
LogInterstitial::OWE_AD onAdLoadError___130 _ErrorMsg{adType=130,errorCode=6,
errorMsg='ad load time out', extraErrorData=AD_STATUS_LOAD_START}
( 0:27:10: 41 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
LogInterstitial::130OWE_AD _Ad has dealed next ad ,so do nothing
( 0:27:10: 42 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
errorMsg='ad load time out', extraErrorData=AD_STATUS_LOAD_START}
( 0:27:10: 53 | 11) APP Tp: 1 0; 30116; WARN*****--
>Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117): RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 4 hResult:

( 0:27:10: 76 | 23) APP Tp: 1 0; 30116; WARN*****--

>Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117): RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 3 hResult:

( 0:27:10:118 | 42) APP Tp: 1 0; 30116; WARN*****--

>Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117): RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 2 hResult:
( 0:27:10:142 | 24) APP Core: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27:10:144 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; TpEventHandler::
nonIncentiveAdList = [adType=22 adWeight=1, adType=27 adWeight=1, adType=26
adWeight=1, adType=28 adWeight=1]
( 0:27:10:144 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; TpEventHandler::
refreshSeconds 10
( 0:27:10:144 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
NonIncentiveAdListManager::initAdList appWallEnable = true
( 0:27:10:144 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdConfig::getMsgListPageDynamicADListExtra msgListPageDynamicADListExtra = []
( 0:27:10:145 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdConfig::getMsgListPageDynamicADListExtra msgListPageDynamicADListExtra = []
( 0:27:10:145 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
NonIncentiveAdListManager::initAdList DynamicADListExtra = []
( 0:27:10:145 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdConfig::getMsgListPageDynamicADListExtra msgListPageDynamicADListExtra = []
( 0:27:10:145 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
NonIncentiveAdListManager::initNoFreeAdList noFreeAdList: [34, 22, 112]
( 0:27:10:145 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdConfig::getMsgListPageDynamicADListExtra msgListPageDynamicADListExtra = []
( 0:27:10:145 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
NonIncentiveAdListManager::initFreeAdList adType: [34, 22, 112]
( 0:27:10:145 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
NonIncentiveAdListManager::initRecentAdList mRecentAdList: [22, 34, 112]
( 0:27:10:145 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
NonIncentiveAdListManager::initAssistNativeAdList mAssistNativeAdList: [34, 22,
( 0:27:10:145 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
NonIncentiveAdListManager::resetAdListWithBlackListAd isFacebookInreview = false
( 0:27:10:145 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
NonIncentiveAdListManager::resetAdListWithBlackListAd is not in blackList , adlist
= [34, 22, 112]
( 0:27:10:145 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
NonIncentiveAdListManager::resetAdListWithBlackListAd isFacebookInreview = false
( 0:27:10:145 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
NonIncentiveAdListManager::resetAdListWithBlackListAd is not in blackList , adlist
= [34, 22, 112]
( 0:27:10:146 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
NonIncentiveAdListManager::setRefreshPeriod refreshPeriod = 10
( 0:27:10:146 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
NonIncentiveAdListManager::setRefreshPeriod setDelayTime = 10
( 0:27:10:148 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
TpEventHandler::interstitialList: 28,111,1
( 0:27:10:148 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
TpEventHandler::feelingLucky is 17,98,22,1 dailyCheckIn is 17,98,22 assistant is
17,98 videoLimitPeriod is 18 videoLimit is 9-2,4-1,6-1,3-1,45-1,36-1,33-5,7-2,118-
1,110-1,119-0,120-5,128-5 vpnOfferwallList is 2,5,6,8,52,53,54,46,101
( 0:27:10:148 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
TpEventHandler::adConfig is
( 0:27:10:148 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
TpEventHandler::dingCreditOfferwallProviders is 2,5,8
( 0:27:10:148 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
TpEventHandler::configAboutDingCredit is
( 0:27:10:148 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
TpEventHandler::callEndAdList is 9,17,98,22
( 0:27:10:149 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
TpEventHandler::nativeAdConfig is
( 0:27:10:150 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
TpEventHandler::commonConfig is
( 0:27:10:150 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
TpEventHandler::appWallProviders is 27,39,22,34,44
( 0:27:10:151 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; AdConfig::Ad
type is 45 times is 1
( 0:27:10:151 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; AdConfig::Ad
type is 33 times is 5
( 0:27:10:151 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; AdConfig::Ad
type is 110 times is 1
( 0:27:10:151 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; AdConfig::Ad
type is 120 times is 5
( 0:27:10:151 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; AdConfig::Ad
type is 3 times is 1
( 0:27:10:151 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; AdConfig::Ad
type is 4 times is 1
( 0:27:10:151 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; AdConfig::Ad
type is 128 times is 5
( 0:27:10:151 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; AdConfig::Ad
type is 36 times is 1
( 0:27:10:151 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; AdConfig::Ad
type is 6 times is 1
( 0:27:10:151 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; AdConfig::Ad
type is 119 times is 0
( 0:27:10:151 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; AdConfig::Ad
type is 118 times is 1
( 0:27:10:151 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; AdConfig::Ad
type is 9 times is 2
( 0:27:10:151 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; AdConfig::Ad
type is 7 times is 2
( 0:27:10:153 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
AdConfig::setCommonConfig commonConfigString =
( 0:27:10:153 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 30116; WARN*****--
>Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117): RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 6 hResult:

( 0:27:10:154 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::

commonConfigString = {"flurryNativeVideoEnable":0,"interstitialAdPlacement":
( 0:27:10:156 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
AdQuotaControl::adQuotaItemJArray = [{"adQuota":
( 0:27:10:157 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::
blackNativeAdList = [22, 34]
( 0:27:10:157 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::
fbNativeIdControl = 0
( 0:27:10:157 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::
appOWEnable = 1
( 0:27:10:157 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::
interstitialConfigIndex = 1
( 0:27:10:157 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
CommonConfig::enableEnterAppShowAd = 0
( 0:27:10:157 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::
interstitialAdListNew = [ { adType = 1 , adCount = 2 }, { adType = 28 , adCount =
2 }, { adType = 39 , adCount = 2 }]
( 0:27:10:157 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::
minVideoLimitCount = 10
( 0:27:10:157 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; CommonConfig::
grayRefreshTime = -1
( 0:27:10:158 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
CommonConfig::CommonConfig nativeAdListJsonObject = {"splashNativeAdList":
( 0:27:10:173 | 15) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
CommonConfig::CommonConfig nativeAdList = checkinLoadingNativeAdList = [22, 34,
112] ; feelLuckyLoadingNativeAdList = [22, 34, 112] ; endCallLoadingNativeAdList =
[] ; lotteryPurchaseLoadingNativeAdList = [] ; lotteryCheckLoadingNativeAdList = []
; lotteryClaimLoadingNativeAdList = [] ; checkinEndShowNativeAdList = [22, 34, 112]
; feelLuckyEndShowNativeAdList = [22, 34, 112] ; endCallEndShowNativeAdList = [] ;
watchVideoEndShowNativeAdList = [22, 34, 112] ; lotteryBottomNativeAdList = [] ;
redeemNativeAdList = [] ; chatNativeAdList = [] ; videoOfferNativeAdList = [] ;
videoAfterVideoNativeAdList = [34, 22, 112] ; videoAfterInterstitialNativeAdList =
[34, 22, 112]
( 0:27:10:173 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
CommonConfig::AdVpnAdManager CommonConfig videoAdListJsonObject = null
( 0:27:10:173 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
CommonConfig::AdVpnAdManager CommonConfig videoAdList =
( 0:27:10:173 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
CommonConfig::appWallInstallCount = 1
( 0:27:10:174 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
CommonConfig::bannerCloseAdCount = 3
( 0:27:10:174 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
CommonConfig::nativeAdClickToAdmobString = [{"AdPlacementRatio":
( 0:27:10:174 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
CommonConfig::CommonConfig videoAfterIntesitialCount = 1 videoAfterVideoCount = 5
( 0:27:10:174 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
CommonConfig::CommonConfig videoAfterVideoWaitingTime = 5
( 0:27:10:174 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
CommonConfig::CommonConfig loadingViewWaitingTime = 1
( 0:27:10:174 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
CommonConfig::CommonConfig loadingViewAdMaskEnable = 0
( 0:27:10:175 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
CommonConfig::CommonConfig checkinLoadingLeastShowTime = 4
( 0:27:10:175 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
CommonConfig::CommonConfig flurryNativeVideoAfterVideoWaitingTime = 5
( 0:27:10:175 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
CommonConfig::CommonConfig flurryNativeVideoSendingCredits = 0.5
( 0:27:10:175 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
CommonConfig::CommonConfig flurryNativeVideoRewardWaitingTime = 3
( 0:27:10:175 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
nativeAdRatioControlString = [{"AdPlacementRatio":
( 0:27:10:175 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
CommonConfig::CommonConfig areaClickControlString = [{"AdPlacementRatio":
( 0:27:10:175 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
CommonConfig::CommonConfig checkinEndAdDelayShowTime = 3
( 0:27:10:175 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
CommonConfig::videoOfferCRate = 0.2
( 0:27:10:176 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
CommonConfig::CommonConfig flurryNativeVideoEnable = 0
( 0:27:10:176 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
CommonConfig::CommonConfig flurryNativeVideoDemoEnable = 1
( 0:27:10:176 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
CommonConfig::CommonConfig flurryNativeVideoDemoNoBlackEnable = 1
( 0:27:10:176 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
CommonConfig::CommonConfig interstitialAdList =
( 0:27:10:177 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
CommonConfig::CommonConfig interstitialAdPlacement = [{"adPlacement":
( 0:27:10:177 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
CommonConfig::CommonConfig interstitialAdLimit =
( 0:27:10:177 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
CommonConfig::CommonConfig adPositionList =
( 0:27:10:177 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
CommonConfig::CommonConfig VPNVideoLimitCountString =
( 0:27:10:177 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
CommonConfig::CommonConfig VPNVideoTotalLimit = 2147483647
( 0:27:10:177 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
CommonConfig::CommonConfig totalLimit = 2147483647
( 0:27:10:177 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
CommonConfig::CommonConfig isVideoPreferCC = false
( 0:27:10:177 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
CommonConfig::CommonConfig isKiipAdEnable = false
( 0:27:10:178 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
CommonConfig::CommonConfig kiipARAdEnable = true
( 0:27:10:178 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
CommonConfig::CommonConfig kiipARNotSupportDeviceEnable = true
( 0:27:10:178 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
CommonConfig::CommonConfig chatNewThreeAdConfig data =
ChatNewThreeAdConfig{overAll=1, surpriseTotalCount=3, minTime=3, defaultTime=15,
newUserSpaceTime=1, accessBottomConfig=AccessBottomConfigBean{overAll=1,
autoDismissTime=5}, accessRightDownConfig=AccessRightDownConfigBean{overAll=1,
autoDismissTime=5, chatSessionFreeTime=8, showChance=[0.5, 0.25, 0.25]}}
( 0:27:10:178 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
CommonConfig::CommonConfig mopubRequestMaxCount = 3
( 0:27:10:178 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
CommonConfig::tapjoyKey =
( 0:27:10:178 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
CommonConfig::feelingLuckyEndDelayTime = 4000
( 0:27:10:178 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
CommonConfig::videoEndPlayInterstitialDisable = 0
( 0:27:10:179 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
CommonConfig::IncentiveStr: {"reward":1,"enableShow":1,"rewardCount":1}
( 0:27:10:179 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
CommonConfig::incentiveConfig: IncentiveConfig{enableShow=1, reward=1,
( 0:27:10:179 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
CommonConfig::adCountLimitForAdVpn: 28-2
( 0:27:10:179 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
CommonConfig::nativeAdCountLimit: 124-2
( 0:27:10:180 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
nativeAdRatioControlString = [{"AdPlacementRatio":
( 0:27:10:181 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdConfig::bill yddj NativeAdRatioControl = me.dingtone.app.im.ad.r@b59e0de
( 0:27:10:181 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdConfig::NativeAdConfig init success! nonIncentiveNoFree = [34, 22, 112] ;
waitLoadingAdList = [34, 22] ; endShowNativeAdList = [34, 22] ; nonIncentiveEx =
[34, 22, 112] ; loadingNativeAdList = [22, 34] ; callRecentsNativeAdList = [22, 34,
112] ; assistNativeAdList = [34, 22, 112] ; drawLotteryNativeAdList = [] ;
nativeAdRebornTime = 1 ; callRecentsPeriod = 5
( 0:27:10:181 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdConfig::NativeAdConfig result: nonIncentiveNoFree = [34, 22, 112];
waitLoadingAdList = [34, 22];
endShowNativeAdList = [34, 22];
nonIncentiveEx = [34, 22, 112];
drawLotteryNativeAdList = [];
loadingNativeAdList = [22, 34]
( 0:27:10:181 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
AdConfig::setAppWallProviders 27,39,22,34,44
( 0:27:10:183 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
NonIncentiveAdListManager::initAdList appWallEnable = true
( 0:27:10:183 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdConfig::getMsgListPageDynamicADListExtra msgListPageDynamicADListExtra = []
( 0:27:10:184 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdConfig::getMsgListPageDynamicADListExtra msgListPageDynamicADListExtra = []
( 0:27:10:184 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
NonIncentiveAdListManager::initAdList DynamicADListExtra = []
( 0:27:10:184 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdConfig::getMsgListPageDynamicADListExtra msgListPageDynamicADListExtra = []
( 0:27:10:184 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
NonIncentiveAdListManager::initNoFreeAdList noFreeAdList: [34, 22, 112]
( 0:27:10:184 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdConfig::getMsgListPageDynamicADListExtra msgListPageDynamicADListExtra = []
( 0:27:10:184 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
NonIncentiveAdListManager::initFreeAdList adType: [34, 22, 112]
( 0:27:10:184 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
NonIncentiveAdListManager::initRecentAdList mRecentAdList: [22, 34, 112]
( 0:27:10:184 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
NonIncentiveAdListManager::initAssistNativeAdList mAssistNativeAdList: [34, 22,
( 0:27:10:184 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
NonIncentiveAdListManager::resetAdListWithBlackListAd isFacebookInreview = false
( 0:27:10:184 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
NonIncentiveAdListManager::resetAdListWithBlackListAd is not in blackList , adlist
= [34, 22, 112]
( 0:27:10:184 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
NonIncentiveAdListManager::resetAdListWithBlackListAd isFacebookInreview = false
( 0:27:10:184 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
NonIncentiveAdListManager::resetAdListWithBlackListAd is not in blackList , adlist
= [34, 22, 112]
( 0:27:10:185 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
NonIncentiveAdListManager::setNoFreeAdList noFreeAdList: [34, 22, 112]
( 0:27:10:185 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
AdManager::resetVideoList server video list = 128,118,110,36,120,98,99
( 0:27:10:185 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; AdManager::str
is 28,111,1
( 0:27:10:185 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category:
get_credits action: null label: 28,111,1 value: 0
( 0:27:10:185 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyAppInfo::isAdSwitchOn =false
( 0:27:10:186 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; AdManager::vpn
tapjoy offerwall weight: 1.0
( 0:27:10:186 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
AdManager::resetDingCreditShowTJWeight adConfig:
( 0:27:10:186 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
AdManager::resetDingCreditShowTJWeight size: 2
( 0:27:10:186 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
TpEventHandler::onGetAdListResponse videoExList: 128,118,110,36,120,98,99,
videoList: 7,98,99, offerWallWeightList: [adType=1 adWeight=1, adType=99
( 0:27:10:186 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
TpEventHandler::onGetAdListResponse screenADList = 28,111,1
( 0:27:10:187 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
TpEventHandler::lastAdVerCode = 2924 server AdVerCode=0
( 0:27:10:187 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
superofferwall::setVPNOfferwallList offerwall list: 2,5,6,8,52,53,54,46,101
( 0:27:10:187 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
superofferwall::isVPNShowInstallOnly: true
( 0:27:10:187 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
superofferwall::setDingCreditOfferwallList offerwallList: 2,5,8
( 0:27:10:187 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
superofferwall::isDingCreditShowInstallOnly: true
( 0:27:10:188 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
VideoInterstitialConfig::setWithVideoAdListString videoAdListString =
( 0:27:10:188 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
VideoInterstitialConfig::setWithVideoAdListString finally videoAdList = [128, 118,
110, 36, 120, 98, 99]
( 0:27:10:188 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
VideoInterstitialConfig::setWithVideoCountLimitString videoCountLimitString = 9-
( 0:27:10:188 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
VideoInterstitialConfig::setWithVideoLimitPeriod videoLimitPeriod = 18
( 0:27:10:188 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27:10:189 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
VideoInterstitialConfig::setUserId userId = And.356244501376364-
( 0:27:10:189 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
VideoInterstitialConfig::setWithIntersitialAdListString intersitialAdListString =
( 0:27:10:190 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
interstitialAdPlacementListString = [{"adPlacement":
( 0:27:10:191 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
VideoInterstitialConfig::setWithInterstitialAdLimit interstitialAdLimitString =
( 0:27:10:191 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
VideoInterstitialConfig::videoLimitCountVPNString =
( 0:27:10:192 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27:10:192 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27:10:192 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27:10:192 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
VideoInterstitialConfig::adPositionListStr =
( 0:27:10:235 | 43) APP Tp: 1 0; 30116; WARN*****--
>Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117): RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 5 hResult:

( 0:27:10:294 | 59) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;

( 0:27:10:296 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27:10:300 | 4) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
GetGwebInfoBusDecoder::GetGwebInfoBusDecoder, decodeResponseData:
( 0:27:10:300 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
TpClient::onGetGwebInfoBusResponse : DTGetGwebInfoBusResponse{blackAdTypes=null,
getConfigVersionCodeListResponse=DTRestCallBase{commandTag=0, commandCookie=0,
errCode=0, reason='null', result=0},
getAppUpgradeInfoResponse=DTRestCallBase{commandTag=0, commandCookie=0, errCode=0,
reason='null', result=0}, OWEnabled=0, blockVersionCode=-2}
( 0:27:10:301 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; setAdBlackList
( 0:27:10:301 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
TpEventHandler::onGetAppUpgradeInfo errCode = 0 actionType = 0 downloadUrl =
( 0:27:10:301 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
TpEventHandler::onGetConfigVersionCodeListResponse errcode=0 error reason=null
( 0:27:10:301 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; AppConfig::check
if need getConfigPropertyList currentVersionCode=4345 ConfigVesionCode in
( 0:27:10:301 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
superofferwall::handleGetConfigVersionCodeListResponse errCode = 0 configVerCode =
4345 adVerCode = 2924 autoLaunchOfferListCode = 5
( 0:27:10:301 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
superofferwall::lastAdVerCode=2924 server AdVerCode=2924 lastCountryCode=52
( 0:27:10:301 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
superofferwall::lastAdVerCode same as server and countryCode not changed.
( 0:27:10:302 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
superofferwall::coutryCode = 52 lastOfferwallAdVerCode = 2924
( 0:27:10:302 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
superofferwall::handleGetConfigVersionCodeListResponse auto launch version code old
= 5 new = 5 appIdVerCode old = 2 new = 2
( 0:27:10:302 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
DeviceConfigManager::handleGetConfigVersionCodeListResponse serverVersionCode =
1834 localVersionCode = 0
( 0:27:10:302 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
DeviceConfigManager::requestVoipConfig versionCode = 1834
( 0:27:10:305 | 3) APP Tp: 1 0; 30081; WARN*****--
>Warning(xrtcclientapi.cpp:188): ProxyRestCall,cmd name:
glb/deviceConfig/,cookie:7876970021114zipped len:0

( 0:27:10:305 | 0) APP Tp: 1 0; 30081; WARN*****--

>Warning(simplerpc.cpp:75): Allocate RpcClientCall(1),nService:8tag: 7

( 0:27:10:306 | 1) APP Tp: 1 0; 30081; WARN*****--

>Warning(xrtcrpcadapter.cpp:220): RtcRpcAdapter() sendout Rpc:7,pdu:1

( 0:27:10:306 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;

TpEventHandler::onGetBlockVersionCodeResponse 0 -2
( 0:27:10:407 | 101) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27:10:408 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27:10:409 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
GetIpDecoder::response str: {"result":1,"ips":

( 0:27:10:426 | 17) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;

GetIpDecoder::ipList: GetVideoIpBean{ips=[IpBean{ip='', port=0,
protocol='null', tcpPort='null', udpPort='null', sslPort='null', tlsPort='null',
icmpPort='null', httpPort='80', httpsPort='null', tdnsPort='null', dnsPort='53',
ssl1Port='null', ssl2Port='443', xudpPort='31294', udpPorts=null, tcpPorts=null,
sslPorts=null, tlsPorts=null, icmpPorts=null, httpPorts=[80], httpsPorts=null,
tdnsPorts=null, dnsPorts=[53], ssl1Ports=null, ssl2Ports=[443], xudpPorts=[31294],
zone='null', isBasic=0, successTimes=0, failedTimes=0, testTimes=0},
IpBean{ip='', port=0, protocol='null', tcpPort='null', udpPort='null',
sslPort='null', tlsPort='null', icmpPort='null', httpPort='80', httpsPort='null',
( 0:27:10:426 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
GetIpDecoder::update ipList
( 0:27:10:426 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category:
getEdgeIp action: success label: null value: 0
( 0:27:10:428 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyVpnManager::UpdateIpList : GetVideoIpBean{ips=[IpBean{ip='',
port=0, protocol='null', tcpPort='null', udpPort='null', sslPort='null',
tlsPort='null', icmpPort='null', httpPort='80', httpsPort='null', tdnsPort='null',
dnsPort='53', ssl1Port='null', ssl2Port='443', xudpPort='31294', udpPorts=null,
tcpPorts=null, sslPorts=null, tlsPorts=null, icmpPorts=null, httpPorts=[80],
httpsPorts=null, tdnsPorts=null, dnsPorts=[53], ssl1Ports=null, ssl2Ports=[443],
xudpPorts=[31294], zone='null', isBasic=0, successTimes=0, failedTimes=0,
testTimes=0}, IpBean{ip='', port=0, protocol='null', tcpPort='null',
udpPort='null', sslPort='null', tlsPort='null', icmpPort='null', httpPort='80',
httpsPort='null', tdn#
( 0:27:10:486 | 58) APP Tp: 1 0; 30116; WARN*****--
>Warning(simplerpc.cpp:117): RpcClientCall::Complete(1) for tag: 7 hResult:

( 0:27:10:532 | 46) APP Core: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;

DecodeGetVirtualProductParams,input: {"Result":1,"credit.products":
( 0:27:10:532 | 0) APP Core: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27:10:535 | 3) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
TpClient::onGetVirtualProductListResponse: errCode:0, errReason:null,
Om9b0bPZYt7iPHy0=, paymentTypes:null, selfProductList:null, gpInAppProductList:[],
( 0:27:10:535 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
TpEventHandler::onGetVirtualProductListResponse response = errCode:0,
Om9b0bPZYt7iPHy0=, paymentTypes:null, selfProductList:null, gpInAppProductList:[],
( 0:27:10:535 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
PurchaseManager::handleGetVirtualProductList, response:errCode:0, errReason:null,
Om9b0bPZYt7iPHy0=, paymentTypes:null, selfProductList:null, gpInAppProductList:[],
( 0:27:10:539 | 4) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category:
sky_purchase action: request_product_success label: null value: 0
( 0:27:10:641 | 102) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27:10:643 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
DeviceConfigManager::createVoipConfigData config: mClientSockSecurity:0
mAntiDPIEnabled: 0; mClientRUDP:1; mHash:014522d84830afa5b93e0e698c502015;
mPretestbadindicatestatus:1; mPretestbadindicatelimit:1; mWifibadindicatestatus:1;
mWifibadindicatelimit:1 44kSampleRate = 0; mStaticNoiseLimit = 0; mRudpPriorToTcp =
1; mParallelSession = 0; rtcPingEnabled = 1
( 0:27:10:957 | 314) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
SkyMainPresenter::checkInviteHost is same day,do not check
( 0:27:11:211 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30118; APP-INFO ; DtUtil::ping
es0.gsedge.net success.
( 0:27:12:706 | 495) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27:12:708 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
DTApplication::setAppInBackground : true
( 0:27:12:709 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
DTApplication::App enter background
( 0:27:12:715 | 6) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27:12:720 | 5) APP Core: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27:12:720 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27:12:720 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
NativeAdBannerView::setAlive alive = false
( 0:27:12:720 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27:12:721 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27:12:721 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
AdManager::unitAdManager activity = skyvpn.ui.activity.SkyMainActivity@9a2dd79
( 0:27:12:721 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
AdManager::deInitTapjoy mTapjoyAd null
( 0:27:12:722 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
FlurryManager::Flurry unitManager
( 0:27:12:722 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27:12:724 | 2) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27:12:755 | 31) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
( 0:27:12:760 | 5) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
superofferwall::backupSuperOfferwallDataIntoSDCard state is not load completed
( 0:27:12:761 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category:
super_offerwall action: null label: null value: 0
( 0:27:13:713 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
AMNativeDownloadAdLoader::onTimer mAdLoaderListener =
( 0:27:13:714 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category:
admob_native action: offer_error label: Time out value: 0
( 0:27:13:714 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; Admob Native-
OfferProvider::doRequestOffersAsync onAdLoadError Time out adProviderType Admob
( 0:27:13:714 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
VideoOfferManager::yxw video offer requestAdmobNativeOffer can't get offer
( 0:27:13:714 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
VideoOfferManager::loadNextTypeAd mAdTypeList [34]
( 0:27:13:715 | 1) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ;
VideoOfferManager::loadNextTypeAd mCurrentAdIndex >= adlist size return
( 0:27:13:715 | 0) APP Main: 1 0; 30081; APP-INFO ; SkyGA::category:
video_offer action: video_offer_is_not_available label: 34 value: 0

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