The Learners Demonstrate An Understanding of : Personal Development Knowing Oneself

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: 01 Learning Personal Quarter: Duration: 240

Area: Development I mins.
Content Knowing Oneself
Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding of…
himself/herself during middle and late adolescence

Performance The learners shall be able to ...

Standard conduct self-exploration and simple disclosure
Learning At the end of discussion, the students will be able to… Code:
Competency 1.1 explain that knowing oneself can make a EsP-PD11/12KO-
person accept his/her strengths and limitations Ia-1.1
and dealing with others better EsP-PD11/12KO-
1.2 share his/her unique characteristics, habits, Ia-1.2
and experiences EsP-PD11/12KO-
1.3 maintain a journal Ib-1.3
Learning Resources PowerPoint, White board Marker
References Personal Development
Ricardo Rubio Santos
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

1. Introductory Activity

Checking of Attendance

2. Motivation

The students will be tasked to write their

thoughts regarding the question

After writing their thoughts regarding the

question each student will present in

3. Presenting the new lesson

Our lesson for this week is all about

Knowing Oneself.

4. Activity

On a clean sheet of paper, draw the

symbol or symbols of what represents
your “SELF.”

After doing the activity each student will

present in class.
5. Discussion

What is Self? Self is the essence of a person: his thoughts,

feelings and actions, experiences, beliefs,
values, principles, and relationships.

Self also includes a person’s life purpose,

meaning aspirations.

Self is defined as the cognitive and affective

representation of one’s identity, it is defined
in terms of human characteristics such as
behavior and thought.

What is personality? Personality is referred to as the set of

behaviors, feelings, thoughts, and motives
that identifies an individual.

What is the difference between Nature Si the difference between Nature and Nurture,
and Nurture? Nature is heredity or genetic make-up, while,
on the other hand Nurture is influenced by
environment exposures and experiences.

How is Personality connected to both Personality is influenced by both nature and

Nature and Nurture? nurture because there is no single gene that
creates a trait. It is always a complex
combination of genes, environmental
exposure and experiences, and cultural

Give an example common personality Agreeableness and openness to experiences

trait that cross many cultures. are some examples of these cross-cultural

Can you give an example that show One of the best examples that shows
agreeableness and openness to agreeableness and openness to experiences,
experiences? Asians exhibits strong “strong interpersonal
relatedness” or how their behavior impact
relationships, compared to westerners who
look behavior and its impact on their personal

Another example, Asian who is pursuing a

career by migrating to another country will
always consider how this will affect his family
and social ties at home. At westerner, on the
other hand, will see working overseas as a
career move that will enhance career growth.

Psychologist Costa and Mcrae developed a

categorized scheme that described
personality. They called it Big Five of
Five-Factor Model.

What are those five categorized scheme Sir the five categorized scheme that described
that described personality? personality are the following:
The first one is the Openness to Experience-
Curiosity, interest, imagination, and creativity
to new ideas.

The second is the Conscientiousness-Planning,

Organizing, hard-working, controlling,
persevering, and punctuality.

The third one is the Extraversion-Sociable,

Talkative, active outgoing, and fun loving

The fourth one is the Agreeableness-friendly,

warm, trusting, generous and kind-hearted

The fifth and the last one is the Neuroticism-

Calm Relaxed, and Comfortable

Sir there are many ways to measure

What are the ways to measure personality. One the most common is by
personality? observing people’s behavior.

Aside from that personality can also be

measured using different kinds of tests like
the Rosarchach Inkblot Test, the Myers-Briggs
Type Indicator and the Keirsey Temperament

6. Activity 2

On a one whole sheet of paper write down

your strengths and limitations or
weaknesses based on the Big Five or the
Five-Factor Model. And how you accept or
manage your limitations or weaknesses to
help you to become a better person?

After writing down their strengths and

weaknesses, each student will present in

7. Generalization

Of the Big Five dimensions or tendencies

of personality, which ones are you most
inclined to have? Give some real-life
situations that you went through to affirm
these choices.

Share some of your unique

characteristics, habits, and experiences
with your classmates.

Essay: Explain the following questions.

1. How do you understand the “Self”?

2. How does the “self” relate to personality?
3. What influences the development of personality?


Write down how you define yourself in terms of philosophy, psychology, and

Prepared by:


DLP No.: 02 Learning Personal Quarter: Duration: 240
Area: Development I mins.
Content Developing the Whole Person
Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding of…
the various aspects of holistic development: physiological, cognitive,
psychological, spiritual, and social development

Performance The learners shall be able to...

Standard illustrate the connections between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in a
person’s holistic development
Learning At the end of discussion, the learners will be able to… Code:
Competency 2.1 discuss the relationship among physiological, EsP-PD11/12KO-
cognitive, psychological, spiritual, and social Ia-2.1
development to understand his/her thoughts,
feelings, and behaviors EsP-PD11/12KO-
2.2 evaluate his/her own thoughts, feelings, and Ia-2.2
2.3 show the connections between thoughts, feelings, EsP-PD11/12KO-
and behaviors in actual life situations Ib-2.3
Learning Resources PowerPoint, White board Marker
References Personal Development
Ricardo Rubio Santos
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

1. Introductory Activity

Checking of Attendance

2. Reviewing the previous lesson

Taking back to our lesson last week. What Sir taking back our lesson last meeting, our
was our last lesson last meeting? lesson was all about Knowing Oneself.

Once again, what is self? It refers to an intangible entity that directs a

person’s thoughts and actions. It is outside
the physical realm of the person.

Self is the essence of person his thoughts

feelings and actions, experiences, beliefs,
values, principles, and relationships.

3. Motivation

The students will be tasked to write their

thoughts regarding the questions.

What is your understanding of a whole


How are thoughts, feelings, and behaviors

related? How do they interact?

After wiring the teacher will call some

students to present their answers in class.
4. Presenting the new lesson

Our lesson for week is all about

Developing the Whole Person.

5. Activity

On a clean sheet of paper, identify some

behaviors (positive or negative, pleasant
or unpleasant) that you see every day
around you. Describe the behavior and
figure out what could possibly the attitude
behind the behavior. What values do you
think are being projected are lacking the

After the activity, each student will

present in front of the class.

6. Discussion

What is Holistic Development? Holistic development emphasizes the

complete aspects of a person.

In order to understand what it means to

perceive a person as a whole organism,
we will discuss first the philosophical
theories such as dualism and holism.

Rene Descartes, one of the modern

philosophers of our time, influenced much
of mankind’s thinking with his theory of

What is duality? Duality is the understanding the nature of

things in a simple, dual mode.

Give an example of Duality. One the examples of the duality is the distinct
male-female gender categorization or the yin
and yang of eastern thought, although
western culture overemphasizes

What is Holism? Holism the tendency in nature to form wholes

which are greater than the sum of the parts
through creative evolution.

Earlier in 1890, a German philosopher

and psychologist, Christian von Ehrehfels,
and later on supported by psychologists
Max Wetheimer, Kurt Koffka and
Wolfgang Kohler of the Berlin School,
introduced the gestalt.

What is gestalt psychology? Gestalt psychology is something that is made

of many parts and yet is somehow more than
or different from the combination of its parts;
broadly, the general quality or character of
What is an example of Holism and An example of holism and gestalt is evident in
Gestalt? music. A symphony cannot be defined by one
of its notes alone.

Another example is a car. A car is made up of

hundreds of different parts. Separately, these
parts do not represent the car but when put
together and made to work with each other,
these parts produce a new entity entirely from
its part.

When we consider a human person and Sir the five aspects that make up this complex
what various aspects make up this organism are the following:
complex organism, five aspects come to
mind. What are those aspects that come First is the Physiological or the Physical
to mind? Attributes.

Second is the Cognitive or the intellectual

functions of the mind.

The third is the psychological or how thinking,

feeling, and behaving interact and happen in
a person.

The fourth is social or the manner by which an

individual interacts with other individuals or

The fifth and the last one is spiritual or the

attribute of a person’s consciousness and

So it is very important when you look at a

person and try to understand this
induvial, its is always good to consider
these five aspects and what is about this

Feelings, moods and emotions do not

exactly mean one and the same.

What is the difference between feelings Sir according to Dr. Damasio, from a neuro-
and emotions? scientific approach, feelings arises from the
brain which interprets an emotion, which is
usually caused by physical sensations
experienced by the boy as reaction to a
certain external stimulus.

Give an example that differentiate An example of this would be the emotion of

emotions from feelings. being afraid, which produces a feeling of fear.

What is the difference between Attitudes Sir the difference between the two, Attitudes
and Behaviors? are the person’s thoughts, feelings, and
emotions about another person, object,
behavior or situation, on the other hand,
Behavior is the manifestation or acting out the
attitudes an individual has.
Can attitudes be changed? Yes there are ways to change attitude.
Behavior can change attitudes.

What is values? Values is the core of every person lies a

system of belies that adheres to the highest
ideals of human existence, these ideals create
meaning and purpose in a person’s life.

The teacher will discuss the Ten Basic

Human Values: Theories, Methods and
Application. These are the ten basic

1. Self-Direction
2. Stimulation
3. Hedonism
4. Achievement
5. Power
6. Security
7. Conformity
8. Tradition
9. Benevolence
10. Universalism

There has been confusion over the

Definition of values and virtues.
Oftentimes, people interchange these two.

What is the difference between values Sir the difference between values and virtues,
And virtues? Values are usually nouns, while virtues are
adjectives that describe and desirable
qualities which usually mirror a value it

Give some examples that show the Values-Peace, Virtue-Peaceful

The difference between the two. Values-Love, Virtues-Loving
Values-Respect, Virtues-Respectful
7. Generalization
On a one whole sheet of paper the
students will answer this question.

What are the values are important to

you? What values do Filipinos commonly
adhere to?


Identify and explain the following questions.

1. Identify and define the five aspects of a person.
2. As an adolescent, which of the five aspects are you having most difficulty
3. How does your feelings and emotions affect the way you think and behave?
Cite some personal examples

Study our next lesson for next week.
Prepared by:

DLP No.: 03 Learning Personal Quarter: Duration: 240

Area: Development I mins.
Content Developmental Stages in Middle and Late Adolescence
Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding of…
the skills and tasks appropriate for middle and late adolescence, and
preparatory to early.

Performance The learners shall be able to ...

Standard make a list of ways to become responsible adolescents prepared for
adult life
Learning At the end of discussion, the students will be able to… Code:
Competency 3.1 classify various developmental tasks EsP-PD11/12KO-
according to developmental stage Ia-3.1
3.2 evaluate one’s development in comparison EsP-PD11/12KO-
with persons of the same age group Ia-3.2
3.3 list ways to become a responsible EsP-PD11/12KO-
adolescent prepared for adult life Ib-3.3
Learning Resources PowerPoint, White board Marker
References Personal Development
Ricardo Rubio Santos
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

1. Introductory Activity

Checking of Attendance

2. Reviewing the previous lesson

Anyone from the class that still remember Sir our lesson last meeting is all bout
the previous lesson? What is it all about? Developing the Whole Person.

What is the focus of Developing the Whole Holistic Development Sir.


What is Holistic Development? Holistic Development emphasizes the

complete aspects of a person or his totality.
3. Motivation

The students will be tasked to write their

thoughts regarding the questions:

1. What do you know about adolescent?

2. What behavior usually characterizes

the adolescent stage of development?
Try to remember what your parents
usually complain or praise about you.

4. Presenting the new lesson

The teacher will show a pictures that

show the Developmental stages in Middle
and Late Adolescent.
Based on the pictures that I have shown Sir based on the pictures that you have
to you, what will be our topic for this shown to us, our lesson for this week is all
week? about the Developmental stages in Middle and
Late Adolescent.

5. Activity

The teacher will group the students into 4

groups and each group will be tasked to
report and discuss their assigned stages
of development by Erik Erikson.

First Group will be tasked to report and

discuss the Infancy and Early Childhood
stages. For the Second Group, Late
Childhood and School Age stages, the
Third group, the adolescence and Young
Adulthood stages, the last or the fourth
group will discuss and report the
Adulthood and Maturity stages.

6. Discussion

We had discussed already Identity from

the previous lesson.

What is Identity once again? Identity is the concept of an individual about

himself and is often referred to as “self-
identity,” molded through various interactive
experiences around himself, such as their
family and community, and his responses in
terms of thinking, attitude and behavior to
external stimuli.

Identity is a self-belief of what the individual

thinks and feels about himself.

What is role confusion? Sir Role Confusion is the negation of self-

identity, in a sense that there is confusion
over one’s self-concept or the absence or lack
of such concept.

Role confusion affects an individual’s

relationship with others, because there is no
clear definition of what he is and how he
relates to others.

The adolescent’s physiological Hormonal changes that are occurring and

transitioning is very pronounced at this pushing the adolescent toward sexual
stage. Give some examples of maturation.
physiological transitioning experienced by
adolescents. At this stage, the brain also continues to
develop. Cognitive growth among adolescents
is usually marked by the way they are able to
comprehend abstract concepts such as
freedom and human rights.
Experimentation is a common activity
among adolescents as they search for
their identity.
Give some examples of common activity They want to be treated as adults, and they
among adolescents. see adult behavior as something to emulate.
Unfortunately, they also mimic negative
behaviors like smoking and drinking.

Different clothing and fashion styles area

often the most obvious ways used by the
adolescents in expressing their independence
and in asserting their unique selves.

Socializing among male and female

adolescents also occur in this phase. In this
digital era, online friendships abound, thanks
to social networking sites such as Facebook,
Instagram, and Twitter.

Online games are also popular among

adolescents, partly due to the social aspects
of the games and the need to develop
abstract reasoning built in these games.

Sexual experimentation also happens in

this stage. However due to their
underdeveloped cognitive and affective
capacities and education of the matter.
What commonly happens? Due to young minds of adolescents, Sexual
experimentation sometimes end up in a
disaster, such as teen pregnancies and sexual

The social lives of the millennials are

driven by technologies and their social
interactions are dictated by their use of
social networks, mobile phones, and other

With the explosion and advancement of Sir the most common phenomenon that has
mobile gadgets what is the most common taken these days is the selfie phenomenon,
phenomenon that has taken these days? people’s penchant to take their solo pictures
or in a setting with interesting backgrounds.

7. Activity 2

The teacher will group the students into 3

groups. The first group will be tasked to
discuss and report the Ten Desirable
Developments tasks every adolescent in
Marica should develop. The second group
will be discussing and report the
Developmental tasks a Filipino adolescent
need to learn. The third group will be
discussing the Developmental Tasks and
skills a Filipino Adolescent should acquire.

8. Generalization

1. Examine your thoughts and behavior

explain how these are affected by the
changes happening to your physical
body and brain development.

2. Which development task and skill do

you want to develop for yourself? How
will you develop them?

3. What other factors, aside from those

that were discussed, do you think
influence or determine self-identity or


List ways on how you can become a more responsible adolescent and
develop into responsible adults and better persons. Share your list with ten other
friends who will share their own list with you. Look at their lists and provide them
with feedback on what you think are doable and what are not. Discuss these with


Observe the pattern of thoughts and behaviors of some of your peers. What
do you notice about them? What developmental tasks and skills do you think they
need to learn in order for them to grow as persons and as young adults?

Prepared by:


DLP No.: 04 Learning Personal Quarter: Duration: 240
Area: Development I mins.
Content The Challenges of Middle and Late Adolescence
Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding of…
the developmental changes in middle and late adolescence, and
expectations of and from adolescents.
Performance The learners shall be able to ...
Standard clarify and manage the demands of the teen years (middle and late
Learning At the end of discussion, the students will be able to… Code:
Competency 4.1 discuss that facing the challenges during EsP-PD11/12KO-
adolescence may able to clarify and manage the Ia-4.1
demands of teen years
4.2 express his/her feelings on the expectations of EsP-PD11/12KO-
the significant people around him/her (parents, Ia-4.2
siblings, friends, teachers, community leaders)
4.3 make affirmations that help one become more EsP-PD11/12KO-
lovable and capable as an adolescent Ib-4.3
Learning Resources PowerPoint, White board Marker
References Personal Development
Ricardo Rubio Santos
pp. 55-74

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

1. Introductory Activity

Checking of Attendance

2. Reviewing the previous lesson

Okay! Class! Anyone from the class that Sir our lesson last meeting is all about The
still remember our lesson last meeting? Challenges of Middle and Late Adolescence.

Sir the well-known psychologist that

developed the 8 stages of development is Erik
What are the 8 stages of development by Erikson.
Erik Erikson?
Sir the 8 stages of development are:
The first stage is Infancy, second stage Early
Childhood, third stage Late Childhood, fourth
stage School Age, fifth stage Adolescence,
sixth stage Young Adulthood, seventh stage
Adulthood, the last and the eight stage is
3. Motivation Maturity.

The learners will be tasked to write their

thoughts and views regarding this

What do you think are the challenges

faced by Filipino middle and late
4. Presenting the new lesson

Our lesson for this week is all about The

Challenges of Middle and Late

5. Activity

The Teacher will show a video


After showing the video the students will

share and discuss their reactions:

1. What particular challenge did this man

2. What did he do so that he could take
on the challenge?
3. What enabled him to resolve his
special challenge?
4. Share a similar story, either yours or
by others you know who experienced a
similar challenge.

6. Discussion

In this chapter, we will discuss the

challenges that an adolescent faces,
particularly, the challenges a Filipino
adolescent faces. Below is a list of
common challenges normal adolescents

Who can give the first challenges that the

Filipino adolescent face?
Sir the first challenge that the Filipino faces or
encountered is the Attitude and behavior
Anyone can give an example or situation toward sexuality and sexual relationship.
that being experienced by Filipino
Adolescent in the first list of common Puberty drives the adolescent to experience
challenges normal adolescents encounter? surges of sexual desires, which often lead
them to experimentation and exploration.
While this is often healthy to engage in, there
is the anger of losing control over one’s
sexual drives which inevitably end up in
lifetime of regrets.

What is the second challenge being faced

by the Filipino Adolescents?
Sir the second challenge being faced by
Filipino Adolescent is all about Academic
Concerns. In this stage the role of a student
is the primary role of an adolescent who is
still in school. Although there are other roles
What is the third challenge being faced by he or she may take, being a student takes
the Filipino Adolescents? primary importance.

Sir the third challenge being faced by Filipino

Adolescent is Group belongingness, at this
stage an adolescent wants to belong. While
there is an urge to be independent and
autonomous from his family and parents,
there is also an urge to seek a replacement of
this support system, this time in the form of
What is the fourth challenge being faced social groupings such as school, friends,
by Filipino Adolescent? memberships in organization and community.

Sir the fourth challenge being faced by

Filipino Adolescent is the Health and Nutrition,
a healthy mind and body is what every
adolescent should strive for. However,
adolescents, because of their growing bodies
and brains, are gifted with so much energy
that seems inexhaustible, resulting in abuse
What is the fifth challenge being faced by of one’s body and mind. Lack of sleep and
Filipino Adolescent? poor eating habits often result in disaster.

The fifth challenge being faced by Filipino

Adolescent is the Developing or Regaining
Self-Esteem, many experienced life coaches
and facilitators for personal growth often
observe how many adolescents, and even
more adolescents, and even some adults,
when asked the question about their
strengths are, would often get stumped by
What is the sixth challenge being faced by the question and it will take long before they
Filipino Adolescent? could create a list.

The sixth challenge being faced by Filipino

Adolescent is the Roles, all human beings
have roles to play in their lives. Roles are part
of identity, such as being a son or daughter to
your parents, being a brother or sister to your
What is the seventh challenge being faced siblings, being a student in your school or
by Filipino Adolescent? member of your organization.

The seventh challenge being faced by Filipino

Adolescent is the Material Poverty, there are
many stories about school children and
adolescent students who live in far-flung
areas where infrastructure is not available
and of those who do not have much choice
but to walk when going to school.

What is the eighth challenge being faced

by Filipino Adolescent?
The eight challenge being faced by Filipino
Adolescent is the Parents working abroad is
another social phenomenon experienced by
many Filipino Families today linked to poverty
What is the ninth challenge being faced by Are parents who leave their families to work
Filipino Adolescent? abroad to support the needs of their families.

The ninth challenge being faced by Filipino

Adolescent is the Career Choice, the
adolescent who is creating identity for himself
is faced with an urgent need to identify what
What is the tenth challenge being faced course to take in college and establish a
by Filipino Adolescent? career path for the future.

The tenth challenge being faced by Filipino

Adolescent is the Relationship, maintaining
healthy relationships require a certain level of
maturity. An adolescent who is still in the
7. Activity 2. process of acquiring maturity may often find
maintaining relationships challenging.
The teacher will group the students into 3
groups, Each will discuss and report the
tasked or assigned Notable Three Heroes
Filipino Adolescents, Group 1, will be
tasked to report about Gregorio del Pilar,
the Group 2 will be tasked to report about
Edgar Jopson, and the Third and last
group will be tasked to report about Efren

After giving ample time to prepare, each

group will present in front of the class.

8. Generalization

The teacher will divide the students into

four groups, each group shall choose any
one of the 12 challenges discussed in this
chapter and come up with a skit that
portrays the challenge.


1. As Filipino Adolescents, what do you perceive as your responsibilities? What

do you think are the expectations of your parents, teachers, friends, and
2. What are your roles right now as a Filipino Adolescent?

Identify other ways on how to deal with the 12 challenges enumerated in this
chapter. Come up with some statements to help you become a more lovable and
capable person.

Prepared by:


DLP No.: 05 Learning Personal Quarter: Duration: 240
Area: Development I mins.
Content Coping with Stress in Middle and Late Adolescence
Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding of…
stress and its sources; various stress responses; and coping strategies
for healthful living in middle and late adolescence
Performance The learners shall be able to...
Standard identify personal ways of coping for healthful living
Learning At the end of discussion, the learners will be able to… Code:
Competency 5.1 discuss that understanding stress and its sources EsP-PD11/12KO-
during adolescence may help in identifying ways to Ia-5.1
cope and have a healthful life.
5.2 identify sources of one’s stress and illustrate the EsP-PD11/12KO-
effect of stress on one’s system Ia-5.2
5.3 demonstrate personal ways of coping with stress
for healthful living EsP-PD11/12KO-
Learning Resources PowerPoint, White board Marker
References Personal Development
Ricardo Rubio Santos
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

1. Introductory Activity

Checking of Attendance

2. Reviewing the previous lesson

Taking back to our lesson last week. What Sir taking back our lesson last meeting, our
was our last lesson last meeting? lesson was all about The Challenges of Middle
and Late Adolescence.

Anyone from the class can give an Sir one of the challenges being faced by
example of challenges being faced by Filipino Adolescent is the Parents Working
Filipino Adolescent? Abroad is another social phenomenon
experienced by many Filipino Families today
linked to poverty Are parents who leave their
families to work abroad to support the needs
of their families.

3. Motivation

What do you know about stress? Have Stress is caused by situations that may be life
you ever been experienced stress? threatening or life changing.

Sir I have already experienced stress when I

got separated from parents and friends.

Sir I’m experiencing stress when I have so

many problems.
4. Presenting the new lesson

Based on the question that I have asked Sir based on the question you have asked,
you. What do you think will be our our discussion for this week will be all about
discussion for the whole week? Coping with Stress in Middle and Late
5. Discussion

Before we proceed to our activity, let’s

define and discuss first Stress.

I know some of you here, your friends,

your families and also me are
experiencing stress.

Once again what is stress? Stress I defined as a reaction of the mind and
the body to a stimulus that disturbs the well-
being, state of calm or equilibrium of a

There is a common belief that stress is

unhealthy, but discussions among experts
conclude that this is not entirely the case.

How does the stress beneficial for us? Psychologist have agreed that small and
sporadic amounts of stress can be helpful and
beneficial to individuals.

But on the other hand, excessive amount of

stress sustained over a lengthy period of time
can be destructive to both physical and
mental health.

Any idea about Stress? Any other hands? Sir stress as a response is the way the body
reacts to challenging situations. This involves
the interactions between the hormones,
glands, and nervous system where the
adrenal gland drives the production of cortisol
or better known as stress hormones.

That’s true one of the mains cause of

stress because of too much cortisol being
produced in the body.

Any idea class? Sir stress as relational is when person

experiencing stress takes a step back to look
at the situation that is causing the stress, and
assesses it.
6. Activity

The teacher will group the students into

five groups, each group shall discuss the
assigned or tasked several points of view
about stress.

The First group will be tasked to discuss

the Stress as Stimulus and Healthy
STRESS. The Second group will report
about the School Demands and
Expectations and Selecting a School,
College Corse and Career. The Third
group will tackle about Separation Anxiety
and College Life. The fourth group will
report about the Romantic Relationship
and Family Demands. The Fifth or the last
group will discuss about Health Concerns,
Demands for Social Life and Bullying.

After the activity the teacher will discuss

about the 12-coping mechanism.

7. Activity 2.

The teacher will form a group and have a

role-playing session using the following
situations. Assign roles to be played by
each member of the group. No script is
necessary. Make sure that the stressors
are clearly identified and how the
individual roles are affecting each other.
Conclude the situation by selecting a
coping mechanism to be adopted by the
main character/s.

1. Arguing with parents over the choice

of career or course in college
2. Bullying in School
3. Peer pressure in a group
4. Breaking off from a relationship

8. Generalization

How do the stress and stressors help a

person in identifying ways to cope?

If you see someone who is stressed out

and needs help, what do you do?

Share your personal experience about a

stressful situation you were in and what
kind of coping mechanism helped you
manage the situation.

List some ways on how a person can cope with stress.


List down some other several points of view regarding about stress from the

Prepared by:
DLP No.: 06 Learning Personal Quarter: Duration: 240
Area: Development II mins.
Content The Power of the Mind: The Whole Brain Theory
Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding of…
the whole brain theory, or two hemispheres of the brain: artistic (right-
brain dominant) and linear (left-brain dominant)
Performance The learners shall be able to...
Standard identify ways to improve learning using both the left and right brain
Learning At the end of discussion, the learners will be able to… Code:
Competency 6.1 discuss that understanding the left and right brain EsP-PD11/12PM-
may help in improving one’s learning Ig-6.1
6.2 explore two types of mind-mapping techniques, EsP-PD11/12PM-
each suited to right brain- or left brain-dominant Ig-h6.2
thinking styles EsP-PD11/12PM-
6.3 make a plan to improve learning using left and Ih-6.3
right brain through mind-mapping activities
Learning Resources PowerPoint, White board Marker
References Personal Development
Ricardo Rubio Santos
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

1. Introductory Activity

Checking of Attendance

2. Reviewing the previous lesson

Okay class! Anyone from here still Sir our lesson last meeting is all about Coping
remember the previous discussion? with Stress in Middle and Late Adolescence.

Anyone can give an example of kind of Sir one the stresses being experienced by
stress being experienced by middle and middle and late adolescents? is the separation
late adolescents? anxiety, wherein the students will be
separated after graduation from some of their
friends and classmates.

Aside from SepAnx, anyone can give an Sir aside from Separation anxiety, one of the
example of stress being experienced by common stress being experienced by a middle
middle and late adolescents? and late adolescents is Selecting School,
College Corse or Career, because after
graduation, high school students are having a
dilemma in choosing what career o path what
they will take, that put some pressure to

3. Motivation

The teacher will show some video .

presentation regarding the Whole brain
theory. After showing the videos, the
teacher will ask the students, if they are a
right brained or left brained.
Each student will share in front of the

4. Presenting the new lesson

The teacher will show a picture of a brain
and will ask the students.

What is this picture all about? Sir that picture is photograph of a brain.

What do you think will be our lesson for Sir based on that picture our lesson for this
this week? week is all about the Whole Brain Theory.

5. Discussion

Before we proceed to our activity, let’s

define and discuss first What is a Brain
Theory all about.

I know all of us here has a brain. Anyone Sir The theory of the whole brainwork
from that class that has an idea about the basically explains the oscillatory dynamics of
Whole brain theory. the human and nonhuman brain during
cognitive processing. The theory is based on
principles according to which brain functions
are represented by the oscillatory activity.

Dr. Roger Sperry conducted a study for

epilepsy which gave him the 1981 Nobel
Prize for Physiology or Medicine. Sperry
explained that the brain is divided in to
two hemispheres that perform task

What are the two hemispheres of the Sir the two hemispheres that separate the
brain according to Dr. Sperry? brain are the Left and Right Hemispheres.

What is the main function of the Left Sir, the main function of the Left Hemisphere
Hemisphere? of the brain is was performing tasks that were
intuitive, creative, and synthesizing.

How about the Right Hemisphere of the Sir the main function of the the Right
brain? Hemisphere of the brain was more adept with
analytical, logical and reasoning and critical

Another neuroscientist by the name of Dr.

Paul Mclean came up with a theory that
identified three distinct parts of the brain.

What are these three distinct parts of the Sir, the three distinct parts of the brain are
brain? namely neocortex, limbic system and the
reptilian complex.
What is the main function of Neocortex? Sir, the main function of the neocortex or also
known as rational brain is responsible for
intellectual tasks.

How about the second part or the limbic The limbic system or also known as
system? intermediate brain is primarily responsible for
the motivation and emotion.

How the last one or the Reptilian The reptilian complex which controls the self-
Complex? preservation and aggressive behavior of

Who is the Father of Brain Dominance Sir the Father of Brain Dominance Technology
technology? is Ned Hermann.

According to him how many parts brain According to him our brain is consist of four
has? parts or quadrants.

What are those for parts? Anyone from Sit the four quadrants according to Mr.
the class that can give the four quadrants Hermann are the Upper Left (A) or the
of the brain? Cerebral Mode
The second part is the Lower Left (b) or also
known as Limbic Mode.
The Third part is the Lower Right or Limbic
The fourth and the last part is the Upper right
or also known as Limbic System.

6. Activity

The teacher will group the students into

four groups, each group shall discuss the
assigned or tasked the for labels or
quadrants of the brain

The first will be tasked to report or

discuss the Upper Left (A) or cerebral
mode. While the second group will be
tasked to report about the Lower Left B or
the Limbic Mode. The third group will be
asked to discuss the third part or the
Lower right C. While the fourth group will
report and discuss the last part.

After given ample time to prepare, each

group will present their reports.

After the group report the teacher will

continue the discussion, and will discuss
the Mind Map.
7. Activity 2.

The teacher will show a video on how to

make a mind map, after showing the
video, the teacher will ask each students
to get a whole sheet of paper and ask the
to make a Mind Map.

8. Generalization

The students will take the Simple Test for

Dominant Learning Styles to determine
their Dominant brain quadrants, sit down
five other students in my class and
discuss what are my dominants quadrants
are and ask them if they agree with my
observation about my dominant brain


Using the topic on “How to Improve Learning” draw two mind maps. The first
one will show the dominant right side of the brain and other map will illustrate the
left side of the brain.


Design a survey on the four brain quadrants and conduct this survey using
the website Survey your classmates, friends, and
relatives. What did you find out?
Prepared by:
DLP No.: 07 Learning Personal Quarter: Duration: 240
Area: Development II mins.
Content Mental Health and Well-being in Middle and Late
Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding of…
the concepts about mental health and wellbeing in middle and late
Performance The learners shall be able to...
Standard identify his/her own vulnerabilities and make a plan on how to stay
mentally healthy
Learning At the end of discussion, the learners will be able to… Code:
Competency 7.1 interpret the concepts of mental health and EsP-
psychological well-being in everyday observations PD11/12MHWB-
about mental health problems during adolescence Ih7.1
7.2 identify his/her own vulnerabilities EsP-
7.3 make a mind map on ways of achieving PD11/12MHWB-
psychological well-being
7.4 create a plan to stay mentally healthy during PD11/12MHWB-
adolescence Ii7.3
Learning Resources PowerPoint, White board Marker
References Personal Development
Ricardo Rubio Santos
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

1. Introductory Activity

Checking of Attendance

2. Reviewing the previous lesson

Okay class! What is our last discussion all Sir our lesson last meeting is all about the
about? The Powers of the Mind or the Whole Brain

According to Mr. Hermann, how many According to him the human brain is divided
parts brain has? into two parts.

What are those two parts? The left and the right hemisphere.

3. Motivation

The teacher will ask the students to get

their notebook and will ask the students
to write or list down ten words that come
to their minds when they hear the word
or phrase Mental Health.
After writing or listing down the teacher
will ask some volunteer to share their
knowledge about Mental Health.

4. Presenting the new lesson

Based on the activity I have given, what Sir based on the activity you have given us,
do you think will be our discussion for this our topic for this week is all about Mental
whole week? Health.

5. Discussion

In the previous chapters of this book, we

have discussed several important topics
related to adolescence, particularly how
the development of the brain and the
body of the adolescents affect their
thinking, feeling, and behaving.

W have also discussed stress and how

this affects one’s physical health and the
importance of coping as strategy in
dealing with.

In this chapter, we will look at the

concept of mental health and well-being,
and why this is important, particularly to
the adolescent, and to every person in

We also learned in the previous chapter

about holism and what it means when
understanding an individual holistically.

Through holism, we have learned about

different aspects or dimensions of a
person: physiological, cognitive,
psychological, social, affective, and

In tackling mental health, we will present

it from the perspective of holism.

What do you know about mental health? Sir according to the US National Institutes of
Health, mental health includes our emotional,
psychological, and social well-being. It affects
how we think, feel act as we cope with life.

Any idea about mental health? It is a successful performance of mental

function, resulting I productive activities,
fulfilling relationships with other people and
the ability to change and to cope with

Also, according to the World heath

organization (WHO) World health report
released in 2001 stated that mental health is
defined differently by different cultures.
6. Activity

The teacher will group the students into

three groups, each group shall discuss the
assigned or tasked about 6 concepts of
mental health.

The first group will discuss the first two

topics, the Subject Well being and the
Perceived Self Efficacy.
The second group will be tasked to report
and discuss the Autonomy and
The third and the last group will discuss
and report about Intergenerational
Independence and Self-Actualization of
One’s intellectual and emotional Potential.

After given ample time to prepare, each

group will present their reports.

After the group report the teacher will

continue the discussion and will discuss
the Mental Health and Well-being model.

7. Activity 2.

The teacher will organize a forum, the

topic will be related to mental health and
well-being among the adolescents.
Each students will act as resource speaker
by sharing their knowledge and ideas on
mental health and well-being.

8. Generalization

1. What personal difficulties or

vulnerabilities are you experiencing
now as an adolescent?

2. Create a mind map on how you can

achieve and maintain your good
mental health and well-being. From
this mind map, create a plan to
develop and maintain mental health
and well-being for yourself. Include in
your plan the five steps in developing
a positive mental health.


1. How does a healthy self-concept or self-identity influence or affect one’s

mental health?
2. In your day to day observations of your friends how does mental health
manifest itself?

Identify and briefly explain the five life tasks identified in the mental health
model provided by Myers, Sweeney and Witmer.

Prepared by:

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