34a Sparkgrout

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ASTM C-827 (Non- Shrink performance; to ensure grout does not shrink below its placement)

ASTM C-109 (Compressive Strength; to ensure grout has sufficient strength)

ASTM C-191 (Workability; to ensure grout has a minimum of 45 minutes working time before set)

CRD C-621-80 (U.S. Corps of Engineers Specification for non-shrink grout)

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION SPARKGROUT is a uniform mixture of specially selected silica

sands, portland cement, pozzolanic plasticizing, water
reducing and shrinkage compensation agents, The
combination of above ingredients in SPARKGROUT produces
high early strength and a slight but positive expansion, from
time of placement with no intermediate shrinkage occurring.
Expansion is a mass expansion- therefore final volume filled is
not affected by restraining such as with gas evolution or gas
liberation of types of grouting materials.

SURFACE PREPARATION Remove laitance, grease, oil, curing compounds, dirt, foreign
materials and disintegrated materials using wire brush or air
compressors. Surface must be clean. Roughen and etch
concrete surface. Flush with water several times to assure
good, clean base.

See next page


APPLICATION Provide form to retain grout, and secure solidly to withstand
pressure of mixture under working conditions. Do not mix more
grout that can be placed in 20 minutes. Ram or tamp mixture in
place to level and fill all voids. Pour grout from one side to avoid
excess air entrapment. Cure exposed surface by keeping moist for at
least 48 hours, SPARKGROUT may be placed in thickness up to
100mm in one pour.

WATER REQUIREMENT Water requirements vary depending on the consistency of grout

desired (Plastic or flowable consistency), efficiency of mixer and air
temperature. Use water ranging from 3.3 liters to 4.5 liters per 25
kgs. bag. Add water from 3.3 to 3.5 liters to produce TROWELLABLE
CONSISTENCY (12.20 ltrs. Of grout) To produce FLOWABLE
CONSISTENCY, add water from 4.0 to 4.5 liters per bag (13.5 ltrs.).

YIELD @ 100 % FLOW 0.013 cu. Meter per 25 kgs.

COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH Typical results at a flowable consistency (0.18 water/powder ratio):

@ 28 DAYS (ASTM C-109)
Compressive Strength 4500 psi @ 1 day

6500 psi @ 7 days

8000 psi @ 28 days

HEALTH AND SAFETY Gloves, goggles, barrier creams or protective clothing must be worn
while mixing and applying SPARKGROUT. Splashes in the skin should
be removed with water. Contact with eyes should be flushed with
water for at least 15 minutes. SEEK MEDICAL ASSISTANCE.

PACKAGING 25 kgs./ bag

SPARKTON PRODUCTS are intended for industrial use only. Keep away from children.
Observe product caution

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