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Level 6 WEEK 3: My dreams

Objective: Talk about your dreams and the things you will possible do
if you have a lot of money.
Task: Tell your partners about your dreams, wishes and hopes and
the possible activities you will do if you win the lottery or inherited a lot
of money.
Interview one of your classmates about the plans they have. Choose
the three best charity actions to fulfill.
Functional Languages
I will give some money for cancer research.
I will travel to Europe for three months.
I will give some money for homeless children.
I will pay for my master studies.
I will have a plastic surgery.
I will build a house for a poor family.
I will give money for abandoned dogs and cats house.
A. Can you fill in the blanks with a dream of yours?
I have always dreamed of _______ (ing) .
I want to _____________
I would really like to __________
I hope to get to ___________
I would love to_____________
I will _____________________if I win the lottery.
B: Bucket list video
Could you share 2 of the items on your bucket list?

Read about Sara’s dream. Do you have a dream like that?
Explain: a bucket list is a list of things you want to do before you die.
Work with a partner. Find a common dream you both have. In your
bucket lists. Write a paragraph explaining how you can make that
dream come true (50 words). Then share it with another team.
General feedback

My Dream Vacation
My name is Sara and I am going to tell you about my dream vacation.
I always dream about going to Egypt. Maybe it is just in my imagination, but I have
everything already planned.
I am going to go with my mother and my sister, I´m going to leave Costa Rica early in the
morning. I´m going to arrive there during the morning of the next day because I have to
take different flights: first, from Costa Rica to the United States, then on to Spain and
finally to Egypt. I´m going to stay there for two weeks. I think, I will ride a camel or I will
try the exotic food.
Also, I’m going to visit the pyramids which have to be amazing. I’m going to carry fresh
clothes like shorts, sandals and a big hat because it´s really hot there. I am not going to
buy many things because people say everything is very expensive I prefer to take a lot of
pictures with my new camera and have fun with my mother and sister. I´m sure I´m going
to enjoy my vacation a lot.
A-Read the Paragraph about Sara´s dream vacation and then answer the question
according to the reading. (Long answer)
1. Where is Sara going to go?
2. Who is Sara going with?
3. How long is Sara going to stay there?
4. What kind of clothing is Sara going to carry?
5. How is Sara going to get there? (transportation)
6. When is she going to leave?
7. When is she going to arrive there?
8. Which activities she is going to do there?
9. What will Sara try in Egypt?
10. What kind of animal will she ride there?

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