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Original Research  n  Neuroradiology

Psychoradiologic Utility of
MR Imaging for Diagnosis of
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
Disorder: A Radiomics Analysis1
Huaiqiang Sun, PhD
Purpose: To identify cerebral radiomic features related to diagnosis
Ying Chen, MD, PhD
and subtyping of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Qiang Huang, PhD
(ADHD) and to build and evaluate classification models
Su Lui, PhD for ADHD diagnosis and subtyping on the basis of the
Xiaoqi Huang, PhD identified features.
Yan Shi, MD
Xin Xu, MD Materials and A consecutive cohort of 83 age- and sex-matched children
John A. Sweeney, PhD2 Methods: with newly diagnosed and never-treated ADHD (mean age
Qiyong Gong, MD, PhD 10.83 years 6 2.30; range, 7–14 years; 71 boys, 40 with
ADHD-inattentive [ADHD-I] and 43 with ADHD-combined
[ADHD-C, or inattentive and hyperactive]) and 87 healthy
control subjects (mean age, 11.21 years 6 2.51; range, 7–15
years; 72 boys) underwent anatomic and diffusion-tensor
magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. Features representing
the shape properties of gray matter and diffusion prop-
erties of white matter were extracted for each participant.
The initial feature set was input into an all-relevant feature
selection procedure within cross-validation loops to identify
features with significant discriminative power for diagnosis
and subtyping. Random forest classifiers were constructed
and evaluated on the basis of identified features.
 From the Department of Radiology, Huaxi MR Research
Center (H.S., Y.C., S.L., X.H., J.A.S., Q.G.), Research Core
Results: No overall difference was found between children with ADHD
Facilities (H.S., Q.H.), and Department of Psychiatry (Y.C., and control subjects in total brain volume (1 069 830.00 mm3 6
Y.S., X.X.), West China Hospital of Sichuan University, 90 743.36 vs 1 079 213.00 mm3 6 92 742.25, respectively; P =
Chengdu, Sichuan 610041, China; Department of .51) or total gray and white matter volume (611 978.10 mm3
Psychoradiology, Chengdu Mental Health Center, Chengdu, 6 51 622.81 vs 616 960.20 mm3 6 51 872.93, respectively;
Sichuan, China (Y.C., Y.S., X.X., Q.G.); and Department P = .53; 413 532.00 mm3 6 41 114.33 vs 418 173.60 mm3 6
of Psychology, School of Public Administration, Sichuan
42 395.48, respectively; P = .47). The mean classification ac-
University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China (Y.S.,Q.G.). Received
February 3, 2017; revision requested April 17; revision curacy achieved with classifiers to discriminate patients with
received June 18; accepted July 14; final version accepted ADHD from control subjects was 73.7%. Alteration in corti-
August 24. Address correspondence to Q.G. (e-mail: cal shape in the left temporal lobe, bilateral cuneus, and re- gions around the left central sulcus contributed significantly
Study supported by the National Natural Science Foun-
to group discrimination. The mean classification accuracy
dation of China (81030027, 81220108013, 81227002, with classifiers to discriminate ADHD-I from ADHD-C was
81601458, 81621003), the Ministry of Education of the 80.1%, with significant discriminating features located in the
People’s Republic of China (IRT16R52), and the Ministry of default mode network and insular cortex.
Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China
(2016YFC0100803). Q.G. supported by Changjiang Scholar
Conclusion: The results of this study provide preliminary evidence that
Professorship Award (T2014190) of China and American
CMB Distinguished Professorship Award (F510000/
cerebral morphometric alterations can allow discrimina-
G16916411) administered by the Institute of International tion between patients with ADHD and control subjects
Education, USA. and also between the most common ADHD subtypes. By
identifying features relevant for diagnosis and subtyping,
Current address: these findings may advance the understanding of neurode-
 Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience, velopmental alterations related to ADHD.
University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio.

H.S. and Y.C. contributed equally to this work.

 RSNA, 2017

 RSNA, 2017 Online supplemental material is available for this article.

Radiology: Volume 000: Number 0—   2018  n 1

NEURORADIOLOGY: MR Imaging for Diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Sun et al

ttention deficit hyperactivity dis- volume (8–11), cortical morphomet- mainly in clinical oncology to extract
order (ADHD), characterized ric features (12–14), and diffusion imaging features in solid tumors. The
by age-inappropriate inattention, properties of white matter tracts (15) first step of a radiomics workflow for
hyperactivity, and impulsivity, is among when compared with typically devel- oncology has been to segment tumors
the most common childhood-onset neu- oping individuals. However, previous on medical images, after which quan-
rodevelopmental disorders, with an es- imaging findings have no established titative imaging features are extracted.
timated prevalence in 5%–8% of chil- diagnostic value for individual patients Extracted features represent the inten-
dren and 4% of adults worldwide (1). with ADHD, as studies typically report sity distribution, shape, and texture of
ADHD has an adverse effect on social, group-level differences between pa- tumors and capture distinct phenotypes
cognitive, educational, and emotional tients and control subjects. Analyzing of tumors that are clinically important
functions (2–6). Currently, clinical diag- brain imaging data under the frame- (22). Similarly, brain magnetic reso-
nosis and subtyping of ADHD is based work of machine learning has the po- nance (MR) images also can be ana-
on an integration of parent and teacher tential to address this challenge (16). lyzed within a radiomics framework by
behavioral reports and assessment of In the context of the developing field of precisely segmenting the brain into an-
behavioral problems (7). However, psychoradiology (17), machine learning atomic structures and then extracting
given the subjective nature of these is concerned with automatic discovery quantitative features from segmented
evaluations and the overlap of ADHD of regularities in brain imaging data structures to form the mineable data
with other psychiatric disorders, im- through the use of pattern recognition set.
aging-based parameters may provide a algorithms to develop classifiers that However, radiomics features may
useful objective adjunct to clinical psy- can be used to predict disorders in also present the high-dimension low–
chiatric evaluation for diagnosing and individuals. sample size problem (23). Common
subtyping ADHD. The first step in building an image- practice in machine learning is to per-
Although the etiology and neuro- based classifier is to extract quantita- form feature selection to reduce the
biological substrate of ADHD remain tive features from brain images. Voxel- dimensionality by selecting the features
unclear, converging evidence from im- wise features, which have been widely that carry useful information related to
aging studies suggests that individuals used as extracted features in previous category label. However, similar to the
with ADHD have alterations in brain neuroimage-based classification studies issue of feature selection in genetics re-
(18–20), are sensitive to registration search, the features from neuroimaging
Advances in Knowledge errors and intersubject variations and data can also be highly correlated be-
present the problem of dimensionality. cause of the intrinsic network architec-
nn Cerebral radiomic features based The emerging field of radiomics has the ture of the human brain (24,25). Thus,
random forest models allowed potential to address this problem (21). it is crucial to identify all the relevant
discrimination of patients with Radiomics is a medical image analysis features related to the disease during
attention deficit hyperactivity framework that converts digital radio-
disorder (ADHD) from healthy graphic images into a mineable data
control subjects with 73.7% set with a series of data characteriza-
mean accuracy and discrimina- tion algorithms. It has been applied Content code:
tion of ADHD inattentive and
combined inattentive and hyper- Radiology 2018; 000:1–11
active subtypes with 80.1% mean Implications for Patient Care
accuracy in a MR imaging study nn The proposed analysis framework ADHD = attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
with a single imager and amedi- based on radiomics and machine ADHD-C = ADHD combined subtype (inattentive and
cation-naïve and relatively large learning has the ability to iden- hyperactive)
sample size. tify imaging features relevant to ADHD-I = ADHD inattentive subtype

nn During model construction, the diagnosing ADHD, while fur- Author contributions:
all-relevant feature selection thering the understanding of neu- Guarantors of integrity of entire study, H.S., Q.G.; study
process identified alteration in rologic developmental alterations concepts/study design or data acquisition or data analysis/
cortical shape within the left related to ADHD and their spe- interpretation, all authors; manuscript drafting or manu-
cific pattern in the two most script revision for important intellectual content, all authors;
temporal lobe, bilateral cuneus,
common subtypes of the illness. approval of final version of submitted manuscript, all au-
and regions around left central thors; agrees to ensure any questions related to the work
sulcus that contributed signifi- nn The proposed analysis framework are appropriately resolved, all authors; literature research,
cantly to group discrimination, is fully automatic and can be H.S., Q.H., S.L., Y.S., X.X., J.A.S., Q.G.; clinical studies, Y.C.,
while features involved in the deployed readily in clinical envi- S.L., X.H., Y.S., X.X., J.A.S., Q.G.; experimental studies,
default mode network and insu- ronments to be a useful adjunct H.S., Q.G.; statistical analysis, H.S., Q.H., J.A.S., Q.G.; and
manuscript editing, H.S., Q.H., Y.S., X.X., J.A.S., Q.G.
lar cortex had significant contri- to psychiatric behavioral evalua-
bution to subtype discrimination. tion for diagnosing ADHD. Conflicts of interest are listed at the end of this article.

2  n Radiology: Volume 000: Number 0—   2018

NEURORADIOLOGY: MR Imaging for Diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Sun et al

the classification process, because un- Hand Preference Questionnaire); any data (2 3 20 diffusion-encoding direc-
derstanding the mechanisms behind physical illness that might affect brain tions) were acquired from each partic-
the imaging phenotype is the aim. anatomy and function (including neu- ipant. Imaging protocols appear in Ap-
Therefore, the purpose of our study rologic illness; head injury; and liver, pendix E1 (online).
was to identify all cerebral radiomics renal or cardiac abnormalities); and
features related to ADHD diagnosis contraindications to MR imaging. One Extraction of Gray Matter Features
and subtyping and to build and evaluate hundred sixteen patients underwent T1-weighted anatomic images were
classification models for ADHD diagno- MR imaging, and 33 patients were ex- processed with software (“recon-all”
sis and subtyping on the basis of the cluded for the following reasons: ex- processing pipeline; Freesurfer, https://
identified features. cessive motion artifacts or inability to, with the
remain in the imager for a repetition Desikan-Killiany-Tourville atlas [26]
sequence (n = 21) and vibration arti- and “antsCorticalThickness” pipeline;
Materials and Methods facts in diffusion data (n = 12). Finally, Advanced Normalization Tools, http://
83 patients (40 with ADHD-I and 43 (27) to gener-
Participants with ADHD-C) were included in this ate labeled brains (full list of regional
This prospective study was approved study. labels in Table E1 [online]). A total of
by the local ethics committee for hu- Healthy control subjects were re- 2338 shape-related features that rep-
man studies. All participants and their cruited from local schools with an ad- resent gray matter morphometry were
parents were fully informed about the vertisement and were matched with extracted from each T1-weighted image
purpose and procedures of this study, patients with the same age distribution by using open source software (Mind-
written informed consent was obtained and sex ratio. Control subjects were boggle,
from the parents, and assent was pro- screened by using the Chinese modi- (28). Details about gray matter fea-
vided by child participants before en- fied version of SCID-I (nonpatient ver- ture extraction appear in Appendix E1
rollment. Study participants were con- sion) to exclude any Axis I psychiatric (online).
secutively recruited from September diagnoses. Control subjects had no
2009 to October 2015. Children with history of taking psychotropic medica- White Matter Features Extraction
newly diagnosed and never-treated tions or known family history of psy- Routine diffusion-tensor processing,
ADHD were recruited from the De- chotic or mood disorder or ADHD in including head motion and eddy-cur-
partment of Psychiatry, West China a first-degree relative. Other exclusion rent correction, brain extraction, and
Hospital, Sichuan University. Diagnosis criteria were the same as those for the tensor model fitting were performed
of ADHD was determined by two ex- ADHD group. An experienced neuro- by using software (FSL, FMRIB Soft-
perienced clinical psychiatrists (Y.C. radiologist (nonauthors, with 5 years ware Library;
and a nonauthor, with 5 and 28 years of experience in diagnostic neuroim- uk). The Johns Hopkins University of
of experience in clinical psychiatry, re- aging) inspected conventional MR im- Medicine International Consortium of
spectively) by using the Chinese version aging examinations of all participants Brain Mapping diffusion-tensor im-
of the Structured Clinical Interview for to exclude individuals with gross neu- aging white matter atlas constructed
Diagnotic and Statistical Manual 4 Text roradiologic abnormalities (including with data from 81 individuals, or JHU-
Revision Axis I Disorders, or SCID. The any neurologic or systemic illness that ICBM-DTI-81, was wrapped to individ-
diagnosis of ADHD inattentive subtype could confound assessment of AD- ual space. Distribution metrics (mean,
(ADHD-I) required seven symptoms of HD-specific brain abnormalities such standard deviation, skew, and kurto-
inattention and less than four symp- as intracranial tumor; head trauma; sis) were extracted from diffusion pa-
toms of hyperactivity and impulsivity. developmental deformity; and demy- rameter maps (fractional anisotropy,
For a diagnosis of ADHD combined elinating, infectious, and metabolic mean diffusivity, axial diffusivity, and
subtype (ADHD-C), seven symptoms diseases). One hundred nine healthy radial diffusivity) for each label defined
of inattention and seven symptoms of control subjects underwent MR im- in the atlas. A total of 768 features
hyperactivity or impulsivity were re- aging, 22 of whom were excluded for that represent the diffusion properties
quired. Patients with any Axis I psy- excessive motion artifacts or vibration of white matter regions were extracted
chiatric comorbid disorders were ex- artifacts. Finally, 87 healthy control from each participant’s diffusion-ten-
cluded. Other exclusion criteria were subjects were included in this study. sor data. Details about white matter
a full-scale intelligence quotient lower feature extraction appear in Appendix
than 90 based on an age-appropriate Data Acquisition E1 (online). The whole feature extrac-
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Chil- All examinations were performed by tion process is illustrated in Figure 1.
dren, Chinese Revision results; current using an MR imager (Siemens Trio 3
or past treatment with psychotropic T; Siemens Healthineers, Erlangen, All-Relevant Feature Selection
medication; substance abuse; left-hand- Germany). High-spatial-resolution T1- The morphometric features and diffu-
edness (assessed by using the Annett weighted and diffusion-tensor imaging sion features were concatenated into a

Radiology: Volume 000: Number 0—   2018  n 3

NEURORADIOLOGY: MR Imaging for Diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Sun et al

Figure 1

Figure 1:  Diagram shows workflow for extracting radiomics features from T1-weighted and diffusion-tensor images. For extraction of gray matter features, labeled
brain data were converted to surface mesh. Volume and surface area were measured for each labeled region, and shape properties (local cortical thickness, mean
curvature, convexity, geodesic depth, and travel depth) were calculated on each vertex, then distribution metrics (mean, standard deviation, skew, kurtosis) of shape
properties in each labeled region and sulcus were extracted. For white matter features extraction, the JHU-ICBM-DTI-81 atlas was wrapped to individual space, and
istribution metrics (mean, standard deviation [Std], skew, kurtosis) were extracted from four diffusion parameters: fractional anisotropy (FA), mean diffusivity (MD),
axial diffusivity (AD), and radial diffusivity (RD) maps for each labeled region.

long feature vector to represent both involved in ADHD, we performed a (Appendix E1 [online]). The result of
gray and white matter profiles of each random forest–based feature selec- the algorithm is the assignment of each
individual brain (2338 morphometric tion algorithm for all relevant features, feature to one of two classes: relevant
and 768 diffusion features, for a total of which was implemented with software or irrelevant. In our study, all relevant
3106 features). To remove nonrelevant (R package, “Boruta”; https://www.r- features were selected and compared
features and identify all brain regions (29) on extracted features between patients with ADHD and

4  n Radiology: Volume 000: Number 0—   2018

NEURORADIOLOGY: MR Imaging for Diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Sun et al

Figure 2

Figure 2:  Flowchart shows feature selection and model training. Rectangles in blue represent data and rectangles in gray represent the processes. The all-relevant
features selection step was nested in repeated 10-fold cross validation.

healthy control subjects and between To determine the relevance of selected Classification Performance
ADHD subtypes. features, 1000 random data sets were In building and evaluating the classifier
created by permuting the label column for discriminating patients with ADHD
Random Forest Classifier Training and of the original data set. The random from healthy control subjects, we per-
Cross-Validation data sets went through the same fea- formed 100 runs of 10-fold cross-val-
The random forest classifier for dis- ture selection procedure. The expected idation and summarized the classifier
criminating between patients with distribution of selection frequency (de- performance from a total of 1000 train-
ADHD and healthy control subjects fined as the number of iterations in ing-testing cycles. The classification ac-
and the classifier for discriminating be- which a feature was selected divided curacy and k value achieved with our
tween ADHD subtypes were construct- by the total number of iterations per- method by means of a repeated 10-fold
ed and evaluated through the workflow formed in one data set) of each feature cross-validation were 73.7% 6 5.2 and
shown in Figure 2. The all-relevant fea- throughout cross-validation iterations 0.47 6 0.10, respectively, with features
ture selection step was embedded in a was modeled as a binomial distribution from the all-relevant features selection
repeated k-fold (k = 10) cross-validation with the parameter estimated as the step. Sensitivity and specificity for dis-
framework (30) to obtain unbiased es- mean selection frequency in all random criminating patients with ADHD from
timates of classification error (31). The data sets. This distribution was then control subjects were 70.2% 6 7.1 and
R package “caret” (classification and used to find features in the original 77.0% 6 5.8, respectively. In building
regression training) was used to im- data set with selection frequency signif- and evaluating the classifier for dis-
plement the workflow. The overall ac- icantly higher than would be expected criminating between ADHD subtypes,
curacy, sensitivity, and specificity and by chance, with adjusted P values of the mean classification accuracy and k
k score were used to characterize the .05, after Holm-Bonferroni correction value achieved by means of repeated
performance of the classifier (Appendix to correct for multiple tests (32). 10-fold cross-validation were 80.1%
E1 [online]). 6 6.2 and 0.60 6 0.13, respectively.
Sensitivity and specificity for classi-
Assessment of the Relevance of Selected Results fying patients with ADHD-I subtype
Features were 71.0% 6 8.3 and 87.5% 6 5.9,
In our workflow, features were selected Demographic and Volumetric Comparison respectively.
in each iteration on different subsets of Demographic variables and macro-
features taken from the cross-validation scopic cerebral volume were not sig- Significantly Relevant Features
procedure. Features that were selected nificantly different between patients As we embedded the feature selection
in more iterations than would be ex- and control subjects or between into the cross-validation procedure, a
pected to occur at random were identi- patients with the ADHD subtypes total of 1000 feature subsets were ob-
fied as significantly relevant selections. (Tables 1, 2). tained in each classifier construction.

Radiology: Volume 000: Number 0—   2018  n 5

NEURORADIOLOGY: MR Imaging for Diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Sun et al

Table 1
Demographic and Macroscopic Volume Comparison between Patients with ADHD and Healthy Control Subjects
Characteristic or Volume Measure ADHD (n = 83) Control Subjects (n = 87) Statistic* Degrees of Freedom P Value

Age (y) 10.83 6 2.30 (7–14) 11.21 6 2.51 (7–15) 21.01 168 .31
Sex† 0.12‡ 1 .72
 Male 71 72
 Female 12 15
Total gray matter volume (mm3) 611 978.10 6 51 622.81 616 960.20 6 51 872.93 20.63 168 .53
Total white matter volume (mm3) 413 532.00 6 41 114.33 418 173.60 6 42 395.48 20.72 168 .47
Subcortical region volume (mm3) 44 319.48 6 3514.38 44 079.05 6 3144.57 0.47 168 .64
Total brain volume (mm3) 1 069 830.00 6 90 743.36 1 079 213.00 6 92 742.25 20.67 168 .51

Note.—Unless otherwise indicated, data are means 6 standard deviation, with the range in parentheses, if applicable.
* Unless otherwise indicated, statistics were calculated with t tests.

Data are number of patients.

x2 test was used.

Table 2
Demographic Characteristics and Macroscopic Volume Comparisons between Patients with ADHD-I and ADHD-C
Characteristic and Volume Measure ADHD-I (n = 40) ADHD-C (n = 43) Statistic* Degrees of Freedom P Value

Age (y) 10.66 6 2.23 10.91 6 2.29 20.48 81 .63

Sex† 0‡ 1 ..99
 Male 34 37
 Female 6 6
Total gray matter volume (mm3) 611 031.90 6 40 442.30 611 636.90 6 57 724.25 20.05 81 .96
Total white matter volume (mm3) 408 586.80 6 36 980.55 420 132.70 6 46 000.69 21.19 81 .24
Subcortical region volume (mm3) 44 022.64 6 3232.51 44 780.13 6 3693.04 20.94 81 .35
Total brain volume (mm3) 1 063 641.00 6 75 673.49 1 076 550.00 6 102 658.70 20.62 81 .54

Note.—Unless otherwise indicated, data are means 6 standard deviation, with the range in parentheses, if applicable.
* Unless otherwise indicated, statistics were calculated with t tests.

Data are number of patients.

x2 test was used.

In the construction of the classifier Discussion insular cortex significantly contributed

discriminating patients with ADHD The major finding of this study was that to ADHD subtype discrimination.
from healthy control subjects, the cerebral radiomics-based classification The aim to diagnose ADHD accord-
mean number of features in each models provided discrimination of pa- ing to neuroimaging data has long been
subset was 13.2 (range, eight to 17; tients with ADHD from healthy con- pursued. The largest attempt to clas-
0.26%–0.55% of all features). Eight trol subjects, as well as separation of sify ADHD by using neuroimaging data
features were identified as signifi- the two most common subtypes in a comes from the ADHD-200 consortium
cantly relevant, because their selec- medication-naïve and relatively large multicenter study in which resting-
tion frequency in real data were sig- sample-size single-imager MR imaging state functional and structural data sets
nificantly higher than that in random study. During model construction, the of 285 children and adolescents with
data (Table 3, Fig 3). In the construc- all-relevant features selection process ADHD and 491 healthy control subjects
tion of the classifier to discriminate identified alteration in cortical shape in were used (33). Various combinations
between ADHD subtypes, the mean the left temporal lobe, bilateral cune- of feature extraction and classification
number of features in each subset was us, and regions around the left central algorithms were used to classify this
8.7 (range, six to 13; 0.20%–0.42% of sulcus that contributed significantly to sample, with accuracy of 43.1%–61.5%
all features). Five significant features discrimination of patients with ADHD (mean, 56.0%) with the use of a two-
were identified as significantly rele- from control subjects, while features class classifier to differentiate patients
vant (Table 4, Fig 4). involved in default mode network and with ADHD from healthy control

6  n Radiology: Volume 000: Number 0—   2018

NEURORADIOLOGY: MR Imaging for Diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Sun et al

Table 3
Significant Features for Discriminating Patients with ADHD and Healthy Control Subjects
Selection Frequency (%)* Hemisphere Label or Sulcus Feature Type† Statistic Patients with ADHD Control Subjects

92.3 Left Superior temporal sulcus Convexity Skew 20.81 6 0.11 20.78 6 0.08
88.4 Right Cuneus Local thickness Mean 2.01 6 0.16 1.92 6 0.17
85.9 Left Precentral Mean curvature Kurtosis 20.33 6 0.43 20.41 6 0.51
82.4 Left Superior temporal Travel depth Skew 20.46 6 0.13 20.40 6 0.11
80.0 Left Precentral Mean curvature Skew 21.12 6 0.10 21.10 6 0.09
77.3 Left Cerebral peduncle Fractional anisotropy Skew 20.14 6 0.16 20.24 6 0.15
76.9 Left Cuneus Local thickness Mean 1.89 6 0.15 1.85 6 0.18
75.1 Left Postcentral Mean curvature Kurtosis 20.26 6 0.66 20.48 6 0.46

Note.—Unless otherwise indicated, data are means 6 standard deviation.

* Defined as number of iterations in which the feature was selected divided by the total number of iterations performed.

Includes local thickness, mean curvature, convexity, geodesic depth, and travel depth for gray matter structure and fractional anisotropy, mean diffusivity, axial diffusivity, and radial diffusivity for
white matter structure.

Figure 3

Figure 3:  Graphs show distribution of significant features that discriminated ADHD and healthy control subjects. FA = fractional anisotropy.

subjects. The best classifier achieved inconsistent echo-planar imaging ac- approach used involved sophisticated
high specificity of 94% but poor sen- quisition provided by different imaging data preprocessing steps, which are not
sitivity of 21%, resulting in overall ac- systems and manufacturers, and these feasible in a clinical environment. Also,
curacy of 61%. One limitation to these differences likely increased variability in the lack of diffusion-weighted MR imag-
findings was that resting-state func- brain measurements related to the pa- ing data may have limited the efficiency
tional MR imaging data suffers from tients’ state of illness. Furthermore, the of the constructed classifier, because

Radiology: Volume 000: Number 0—   2018  n 7

NEURORADIOLOGY: MR Imaging for Diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Sun et al

Table 4
Significant Features for Discriminating ADHD-I and ADHD-C Subtypes
Selection Frequency (%)* Hemisphere Label/Sulcus Feature Type† Statistics Patients with ADHD-I Patients with ADHD-C

93.7 Left Circular sulcus Travel depth Mean 19.75 6 1.26 20.05 6 1.12
90.1 Left Posterior cingulate Mean curvature Skew 21.13 6 0.08 21.17 6 0.11
85.4 Left Sylvian fissure Mean curvature Kurtosis 20.407 6 0.30 20.31 6 0.34
82.7 Left Pars triangularis Mean curvature Kurtosis 20.85 6 0.16 20.72 6 0.16
77.5 Left External capsule Fractional anisotropy Skew 0.13 6 0.14 0.20 6 0.20

Note.—Unless otherwise indicated, data are means 6 standard deviation.

* Defined as number of iterations in which the feature was selected divided by total number of iterations performed.

Includes local thickness, mean curvature, convexity, geodesic depth, and travel depth for gray matter structure and fractional anisotropy, mean diffusivity, axial diffusivity, and radial diffusivity for
white matter structure.

Figure 4

Figure 4:  Distribution of significant features that discriminated ADHD-I and ADHD-C. FA = fractional anisotropy.

authors of many studies have reported data were involved in the process of ADHD and 80.1% for discriminating
white matter abnormalities in patients classifier building, providing a more between ADHD-I and ADHD-C, some-
with ADHD. comprehensive neuroanatomical eval- what better than those achieved with
In our study, we established an uation of the disorder. By integrating the ADHD-200 consortium. In compar-
analysis framework on the basis of ce- the all-relevant features selection step, ison with the commonly used minimal-
rebral radiomics and machine learning the random forest classifier allowed optimal feature selection algorithm, the
methods for ADHD diagnosis and sub- the achievement of average accuracy of all-relevant features selection algorithm
typing. Both structural and diffusion 73.7% for identifying individuals with allows identification of all features

8  n Radiology: Volume 000: Number 0—   2018

NEURORADIOLOGY: MR Imaging for Diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Sun et al

that provide information usable for to changes in gray matter and cerebral longitudinal developmental studies are
classification, rather than finding a spinal fluid volumes as well as in corti- needed to confirm this interpretation.
more compact subset of features on cal surface curvature (39). Findings of Different ADHD subtypes may
which a certain classifier has a mini- altered shape in the left temporal lobes share overlapping structural aberra-
mal error. Thus, the proposed analytic are also, to some extent, consistent tions, but also exhibit unique abnor-
framework has the ability to identify all with previous morphometric studies malities as suggested in prior work
features relevant to diagnosis and sub- in which authors observed a reduction (45). However, authors of few studies
typing the two most common forms of in size of the anterior temporal lobes to date have examined neuroanatomic
ADHD and to advance a more compre- along with an increased density of gray differences between ADHD subtypes,
hensive understanding of the neuroana- matter in posterior temporal cortices. to our knowledge. With the use of
tomic alterations related to ADHD and These temporal regions integrate in- shape measurements, the feature se-
its most common subtypes. formation from lower-order sensory to lection process revealed differences
In the human brain, the morphol- higher-order perceptual systems used between subtypes located in the circu-
ogy of cortical gyri and sulci is complex to guide the control of attention and ac- lar sulcus, posterior cingulate cortex,
and variable among individuals. This tion (40). Thus, observed abnormalities sylvian fissure, and pars triangula-
may cause and reflect abnormal func- in the left temporal lobe may be clini- ris. These morphometric findings are
tioning, with specific abnormalities ob- cally relevant with regard to cognitive consistent with a previous functional
served in patients with developmental and behavioral problems in patients study, in which ADHD-C exhibited al-
and neuropsychiatric disorders, but with ADHD. tered regional connectivity in the de-
may also reflect the individual varia- In comparison with prior findings fault mode network and insular cortex,
tion in neuroanatomy. Authors of pre- of decreased total brain volume and while ADHD-I exhibited alteration in
vious ADHD research (34,35) suggest global gray matter in children with frontoparietal network (45). In addi-
that aberrant cortical folding patterns ADHD (41), our study of never-treat- tion, alterations in the posterior cingu-
may be involved in the pathology of ed patients showed no volume differ- late cortex, which is a key integration
ADHD. Local cortical thickness, con- ences in total brain, white matter, node in the default mode network,
vexity, curvature, and depth are fre- or cortical and subcortical gray mat- have been related to ADHD-I (46).
quently used shape analysis measures ter between patients with ADHD and In comparison with widespread al-
for characterizing cortical folding pat- control subjects. Differences in study terations in white matter revealed in
terns. Results from the feature selec- methodologies and patient age and previous studies in which group-level
tion procedure in our study indicate treatment history may have contrib- comparison was used, in our study, we
that the top discriminative differences uted to this discrepancy. Also, authors identified local alterations in the skew
between patients with ADHD and typ- of previous studies reported cortical of fractional anisotropic distribution
ically developing control subjects are thinning in patients with ADHD, while linked to ADHD discrimination and
local alteration in cortical shape prin- we found increased cortical thickness subtyping. Decreased skew of fractional
cipally in the left temporal lobe, bilat- throughout the bilateral cuneus in pa- anisotropic distribution was found in
eral cuneus, and regions around the tients with ADHD relative to that in the left cerebellar peduncle, a fiber
left central sulcus. control subjects. The cuneus is cen- bundle connecting the sensory and mo-
Structural changes in the motor tral to processing visual information. tor areas of the cortex with the pons
area are of interest, because impaired This might underlie alterations in vi- and cerebellum. ADHD-I and ADHD-
motor inhibition is a cardinal feature sual psychophysical processes related C also had differences in the skew of
of ADHD. Precentral and postcentral to visual sensation and perception in fractional anisotropic distribution in
cortical areas also have been implicated patients with ADHD (42). Results of a the left external capsule, which con-
in inhibitory behavioral control (36). recent study showed that 11-year-old nects anterior and posterior attentional
By using shape measures, we found an children with ADHD presented simi- systems (47). Fractional anisotropy
altered distribution of the curvature of lar visual temporal selective attention measurements in white matter have a
vertices within left precentral and post- as healthy 8-year-old control subjects very broad distribution with consider-
central regions. Curvature primarily re- (43), consistent with a neurodevelop- able skew and kurtosis (48), and the
flects packing density and arrangement mental delay affecting visual cortical change in skew may reflect alterations
of neuronal cells (37). This result fur- systems. According to the typical tra- of tissue organization. Because of the
ther refines conclusions from previous jectory of cortex maturation, cortical inherent limitation of the atlas used for
voxel-based morphometry studies in thickness declines in a relatively linear parcellation, only main white matter
which authors reported reduced gray pattern after approximately 5 years tracts were evaluated in feature extrac-
matter in the motor and premotor cor- of age (44). The observed thicker cu- tion. Future studies of fibers in super-
tices (38), because alteration of gray neus in patients with ADHD may thus ficial regions may provide additional
matter volume identified with voxel- suggest a developmental delay in the information about the specific areas of
based morphometry can be sensitive primary visual cortex in ADHD, but cortex affected by tract alterations.

Radiology: Volume 000: Number 0—   2018  n 9

NEURORADIOLOGY: MR Imaging for Diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Sun et al

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