IS 422 Exam

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Bimodal IT refers to a two-tiered information technology operations model that allows not only IT systems to
be predictable, fast, and agile but to be stable as well. Gartner Inc. is the IT Consultancy that made Bimodal IT
came to success back in 2014. The two tiers include the Mode 1 which is sequential and traditional that put an
emphasis on accuracy and safety while Mode 2 emphasizes on speed and agility thus it is nonlinear and
2. In IT/IS, a context diagram is used to display the way technological systems relates to its particular
environment. It is the highest level in a data flow such that in the entire system only one process is represented
but when split, it gives greater detail of each system. Not only all major data flow to and fro are shown on the
context diagram but all external entities. There is no data storage in a context diagram. There is also what is
termed as diagram 0 where the single process in the context-level diagram represents the entire system.
3. A Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is an IT within a system that its information is represented in a traditional way.
Graphically, a clear and neat DFD often depicts the good amount of the system requirements. DFD0 can be
automated, manual or a combination of the two. In addition, DFD0 shows how information in the system enters
and leaves as well as where the information is stored and changed. In this regards, DFD0 has the purpose to
show both the boundaries and the scope of a system as a whole. It also plays a role in redesigning a system thus
important in the communication process.
4. Use case diagram refers to a type of behavioral UML diagram that is frequently used in various systems
analyses. Here, an IS/IT user will visualize different role in a particular system and how those sets of roles
interact within and within the system. In this regards, a use case system represents an action or a function within
a given IT system, a reason why it is always drawn in an oval way and named with the function.
5. Logical/Physical data models are models in information technology that sets the relationships between data
elements in a structure. It adds information into the conceptual model elements. To form a physical model base,
the model has a primary advantage of providing a generic foundation that normalizes the system processes. This
is why the Database Management System (DBMS) is designed and developed independently.
6. Database schema refers to a process where an IT database is organized and structured. Database schema
contains schema objects which include columns, tables, views, data types, and relationships, foreign and
primary keys. It can also be represented in a visual diagram showing the relationship between different database
7. A type of flowchart showing how entities such as objects, people or concepts relate to each other within the
IS/IT system is termed as an Entity Relationship (ER) Diagram. Their use in most cases is to debug, sketch, and
design relational database in software engineering fields, education, business information systems, and even in
research. By defining the entities, showing their relationships as well as their attributes, an ER diagram also
shows the databases logical structure.
8. There are one or more columns in the primary key whose data are contained within and are used to identify
each row in the table. Some think of the primary key as an address. Rows can be unique in the primary key
when the key is composed of multiple columns. This is why there are several conditions that the primary key
must hold true. First, no columns value can be NULL or blank and secondly the columns itself must be unique.
9. In a database, normalization refers to the process of organizing data in an efficient manner. Normalization
process has got two primary objectives; to eliminate redundant data and to there is a sense in all data
dependencies. As a result, the two are essential as they are there to ensure that data is logically stored and the
amount of space a database consumes are reduced. Larger tables are divided into smaller through normalization
process, and then they are linked using relationships.
10. Usability as far as the IT/IS is concerned refers to learnability and the ease to use a human-made object such as
a device like a computer or a tool. In software engineering, the degree to which particular software can be used
to achieve objectives with efficiency, effectiveness, memorability, errors, and satisfaction in a quantified
manner is what makes up usability. Other attributes that makeup usability includes a utility that primarily refers
to functionality to the design. When the two are combined, they determine something very useful in information
technology and systems as well. IT features should also be easy and pleasant when they are in use to best
explain usability.
11. A rich client application refers to an application that has got many desktop application software
characteristics. A rich client application is typically delivered by way of a browser plug-in, site-specific
browser, virtual machine, and through the use of JavaScript. Rich web applications use the current standard
termed as HTML5 to allow a user to make use of IT interactive features such as WYSIWYG editing, drag, and
drop, and background menu.
12. A rich Internet application (RIA) refers to web applications that are associated with the desktop applications
designed to deliver the same function and the same features. RIA locates the user interface by relating the
client’s capability and activity as well as operation and manipulation on the application server side. RIA in most
cases runs inside a web browser and on the client's side to work, it doesn't require installation of software.
13. Relation: Relation, as used in, IS refers to the relationships created and existing in relational database tables
primarily to store and split data in different tables.
14. Functional dependency: A functional dependency as relational database theory puts it is a constraint that often
appears between attributes of two sets in a relation from a database. Therefore, attributes in a relation are what
is referred to as functional dependency.
15. Foreign key: A foreign key as used in the contextual relational databases refers to a field that identifies a row
of the same table or another table in one table and in a unique way. In short, it is the second table though it can
also refer to a unique key or the primary key in the first table.
16. Referential integrity: Referential integrity is defined as a valid data property in the relationship databases
context based on its references. It implies that in the relational database, references and its value must exist.
17. Field: Field, as used in computer science, refers to subdivided parts of data basically referred to as records. It is
in each record that we have several fields that end up forming the columns.
18. Data type: Data type in computer programming and computer science refers to data attribute that helps notify
the interpreter or the compiler of how data is supposed or intended to be used by a programmer.
19. Null value: A missing value in a database context is what refers to as a null value. It appears blank but it is
quite different from the field that contains spaces in it.
20. Denormalization: Denormalization refers to a strategy that is used on a database that has been in use and
normalized previously primarily to increase the overall database performance. It is all about trying to add
redundant data copies or simply grouping data together.
21. File organization: The act of storing database files and keeping them in a logical manner is what is termed as a
file organization. These files which have been stored and kept together gives logical relationships among
various file records and it is a gate pass that users easily use to access the files at any specific time.
22. Index: In the database, the index refers to database performance optimization which is always arrived at by
ensuring that access to disks is minimized more so when the processing of a query is going on. It is all about
data structuring greatly helping in locating and accessing the data in a database table.
23. Secondary key: A secondary key refers to a field that allows a user to work on searches in a faster manner, a
reason why there should be more than one secondary key in a table for a secondary key to be functional.
Therefore, it is for faster searching when compared to the primary key.
24. Internet Development: Internet development refers to the systematic evolution of a wide area networking to
allow data sharing and connection from one computer to others and from user to users.
25. Medium & platform choices: Medium and platform choices refer to the systems through which data are
transferred from one source to another.
26. Big data and provide an example: Big data is a term used to refer to large, unstructured, and structured
volumes of data described in a business setting based on the day-to-day basis and operation. All in all, what
matters is not the large volumes of data but how organizations utilize and use that particular data. Good
examples of big data include structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data.
27. Blockchain: Blockchain is the most recent and trending technology that carries out economic or financial
transactions in an incorruptible digital ledger and cannot only record the transactions, but it can virtually
program it as well.
28. Virtualization: Virtualization, as used in computing, refers to rather than creating actual versions of something,
virtual versions such as computer network resources, hardware platforms, and virtual storage devices.
29. Cloud: Cloud, as used in computing or computer systems, refers to sharing computing resources compared to
when personal devices or local servers could have been left to handle applications. Its primary role is to take
cloud services outside the firewall of an organization and store them so that it can be accessed via the Web.
30. Digital Twin: Digital twin refers to not only physical assets replica, but a replica of the systems, people,
processes, places, and devices primarily used in various technological reasons or purposes.
Short Answered Questions

 In what ways are the priorities of CIOs are changing regarding systems development? Briefly discuss
two such aspects.
The first way that CIOs are changing as far as systems development is on its concern on optimizing Business
Process Management (BPM) to help make an enterprise more efficient and effective. Priorities of CIOs are also
changing regarding systems development as they play a very important role in making the right decisions that
are long-term in IT and IS applications. As a result, organizational design and management have been made
easy and possible for the business to achieve its ultimate goals in systems development. In this regards, business
value and strategic planning in business growth have ensured CIOs have fully integrated information systems in
their businesses.
 What characterizes today’s IS development environment? Name a few and briefly explain each.
Today's IS development environment is characterized by three concepts or three-server tiers namely;
development server, staging server, and production server.
Development server tier characteristic: Here tests codes and checks are tested by the developer to check whether
all applications are successfully running with that particular code. After development server tier has proved to
be working, it goes to the second characteristic, the staging server tier.
Staging server tier characteristic: In the staging server tier characteristic, the environment is made to look
exactly like that that characterizes the production server environment. Staging server sees application being
tested and confirmed if it is ready to be deployed on a production server. This characteristic indicates that the
application needs to be approved.
Production server tier characteristic: After approval is done, the server now takes in the application thus
becoming its part.
 Discuss two technologies significantly impacting how systems are developed.
The two technologies that are significantly impacting how systems are developed include the Internet of Things
(IoT) and the Blockchain. To begin with the Internet of Things, a lot of sensors have been connected and
continues to be connected to the internet. Business has been transformed and resources have been effectively
managed as a result of the IoT. Information is shared through the connected connectors. For instance, there are
now self-driving vehicles as a result of this new technology thus preventing accidents by the greatest
percentage. On the other hand, the blockchain technology is now becoming part and parcel of us in today's
world. In the blockchain, transactions are done digitally through the use of virtual currencies termed as
cryptocurrencies. One of the good examples of cryptocurrency is bitcoin. Besides, the process is highly secured
and there are no central banks or intermediaries in the course of transactions.
Your client looked at a proposal and asked the difference between DFD0s and use case diagrams.
Explain a few differences highlighting some pros and cons of each.
Differences between the DFD0s and the Use Case Diagram
1. Whereas the use case diagram specifies all externally visible system behavior, DFD0s Iis a system where
information is represented.
2. DFD0s is usually complex thus showing every information in details while a use case diagram is usually
simple and does not show in detail all the user cases.
3. A use case diagram summarizes the relationship between actors, use cases, and systems while the DFD0s
depicts the good amount of the system requirements in full details.
4. DFD0s is concrete as it can create a specific scenario in showing how information enters and leaves a system
while a use case diagram may either be a concrete use case or an abstract use case.

What are data-related managerial issues for CIOs and end-users?

There are various data-related managerial issues for end-users and CIOs. First, there is a new security
threat. There must be extra vigilance among the CIOs when it comes to both the training and detection against
these threats. For instance, companies have to introduce AI-based protection systems in this new-gen tech so
that any such attacks can be contained. The second issue is multi-cloud security. Across multiple platforms,
CIOs need to ask about security when exploring new cloud-based services. The aspect will become fundamental
in ensuring completeness and consistency of securing all the company-wide assets. The third issue is digital and
innovation transformation. Many CIOs and companies have to speed up their digital transformation so that they
cannot face losing their businesses to their competitors. The fourth issue is the lack of agility. Most companies
or organizations are failing to incorporate agile methods such that they end up limping in their business’s
operations and processes. Other issues include; outsourcing risks, rebuilding trust, finding new streams of
revenues, skills gap, and data protection.
What are the general guidelines for usability of forms and reports?
There are several general guidelines for usability of forms and reports. They include;

a. Keep it short- Usability of forms and reports should be short by eliminating unnecessary fields.

b. Use logical sequencing- In fields, forms and reports, stick to standard sequence.

c. Distinguish required and optional fields- This is a guideline that is highly recommended, and it is done by
eliminating as many optional fields as possible.

d. Explaining any formatting and input requirements- In this guideline, stating the exact instructions is highly

e. Avoid clear and reset buttons- It is a guideline that helps a lot in avoiding accidental clicks, for instance, in
the financial information field.

f. Provide highly specific-error and visible messages- In usability and through a variety of cues, errors should be
signaled. This will ensure that users do not only overlook critical information but will put a heavier font on
specific errors associated with usability.

What are three characteristics of usability?

3. The following are the three characteristics of usability;

1. Clear navigation- A user needs to identify a clearly marked system and be able to easily look at your
homepage. Users must not be told where to navigate because this should be clearly defined.

2. Design without thought- Keeping the user behind your back when designing your landing page or a website
is of great importance. Don't make your users feel overwhelmed by designing something that is complicated and
complex thus, make it simple.

3. Well written content- Content is important for usability more so when it is made concise and clear for the
user to understand what a specific site provides.

How should database designers participate in systems development?

4. Database designers participate in systems development in the following ways;

a. The database designer role on small projects possibly in addition to other roles may be performed by a senior

b. The database designer role on large projects may have a team of database specialists assigned to him or her.

c. The database designer role in some organizations may be assigned to administration group or a central
database management member that supports multiple projects.

d. By finer-grained roles, it is the duty of an organization to choose to replace these roles such as logical data
modeling role left to a data analyst.

e. Database designer’s role should ideally be involved in the project requirements reviews, analyze its relevant
system features, and set out to work on work in systems development.

What are common tasks that database administers typically do?

1. The common tasks that database administers typically do include;

1. They control the company's database development to ensure that authorized users access only vital data

2. In regard to corporate needs, they customize database solutions more so when they work closely with the IS
3. Database administrators also oversee any database administration technical aspect such as upgrading software
and debugging code.

4. While working with the database, they manage specific applications.

5. They secure organizational data to ensure that they are error-free and efficient functioning.

6. They also restore any lost data.

7. They also have the role of merging old systems.

8. Database administrators create new user permissions and conduct performance tuning support.

MS Access is considered a personal database system whereas MS SQL Server is a backend database
system for enterprise applications. In what ways are they different in terms of architecture and
2. Differences between MS Access and MS SQL Server in terms of functions and architecture include:

1. In the technical side, MS Access has much lower specifications than MS SQL Server. For instance, whereas
there is a maximum size of 2 gigabytes in Access databases, there are maximum sizes of 524,272 terabytes in
SQL Server databases with 16 terabytes as the maximum data file size.

2. A maximum limit of 32,767 concurrent users’ connections in SQL Server while just a maximum of a limit of
255 simultaneous users in an Access 2016 database.

3. It is easy for non-technical users to use MS Access in performing various tasks such as in its wizards, its
forms, and in its macros than complexity it is to perform the same tasks in MS SQL Servers.

4. For those whose time, inclination or money to use an enterprise level RDBMS is limited, MS Access will
work best and is ideal for them.

5. Building a database as well as creating an interface in Access primarily to run reports and enter data is easy in
Access even to non-technical persons but with SQL Server, there must be a need to have another technology
and even new skills to make it in the process.

6. There are more advanced features in SQL Server such as more granular security features that are not
available in MS Access.

7. MS Access has poor scalability than MS SQL Server with a much better of scalability.

Describe the general guidelines for designing data input fields.

General Guidelines for Designing Data Inputs Fields

a. In data entry screens, fields contain default values to show the field length and appropriate structure of the

b. The interface should be compatible when a task involves source documents e.g. paper form with its

c. Field formatting data is them automatically entered with the site.

d. The entries desired are clearly explained by the field labels on forms.

e. The right length for the expected answer is contained in the text boxes on forms.

f. On the forms, there is a clear distinction between optimal and required fields.

g. The same form works for both registration and logging in as with the case with Amazon
h. If external information is required, forms pre-warn the user for its completion.

i. Group headings must be based on how questions on the forms are logically grouped.

j. The expected output is demonstrated by the fields on forms containing examples, hints, or model answers.

k. Questions must be clearly stated in a simple language based on the field labels on forms.

l. Radio buttons, pull-down menus, and checkboxes are used on forms but in text entry fields preferences.

m. Where the input is needed alongside data entry screens, place the cursor.

n. Data formats are clearly indicated for output such as units of values and inputs such as dates.

o. Enter the essential information to complete simple tasks.

p. In the form field, a user can just change default values anytime.

q. Validate the forms before submission.

r. Justify your labels.

Describe four common sources of data entry errors.

Four Common sources of data entry errors

1. Delayed input- Often, this occurs when data entry has caught users off-guard or during busy scheduled or
periods. Or it can be caused when a lot of time was taken to put data first into the paperwork before transferring
it into the system. Here, essential information such as acronyms can be easily forgotten by the time they come
to be entered.

2. Poorly designed forms- The quality of data entry depends on the way forms have been designed irrespective
of whether digital or paper. Therefore, inconsistent and unclear field descriptions in most cases lead to poorly
designed forms.

3. Information in the wrong field- This is a human-related error also arising when a user is in a hurry feeding the
data entry, the accidentally enter data in a wrong field. If it goes unnoticed, the final data will not be consistent
and accurate. Hence, users must engage in user-error messages to help them reduce this risk since they can be
warned when they are entering unintended data in a particular field.

4. Lazy estimates- Rather than calculating an accurate figure, users tend to make an estimate instead. The results
will not only be significantly skewed but it will affect the accuracy more so when estimates are used sparingly.

1. What are key context diagram elements?

Key context diagram elements refer to all processes and systems that make it better for a new system to be
implemented. For instance and when each element is visualized, identifying inefficiencies becomes easy thus,
producing the best possible system. Key context diagram elements include data storage, data inputs, and
outputs, data sub processes a reason why most of the elements are built using standardized notation and symbols
to describe the relationships of various entities.
2. Data Flow Diagram: What is it? What are key diagram elements?
A data-flow diagram usually abbreviated as DFD refers to a way information system is represented (usually
flow of data system or a process). There are four basic elements of data-flow diagrams. They include processes,
data stores, data-flows, and lastly the external entities.
3. What are key use case diagram elements?
To identify, clarify, and organize system requirements, there is a need to have a use case diagram
methodology. The Unified Modeling Language (UML) usually employ the use case diagrams to model real-
world systems and objects. In this regards, the four elements of the use case diagram include the actors, the
boundary, the use cases, and lastly the relationships among and between the use cases and the actors.
4. Name a few important technical issues or trends. What implications does each issue have for IS
There are several technical issues and trends as far as information systems are concerned. They include;
1. The Internet of Things (usually abbreviated as IoT)- the implication of IoT in IS development is that all
technological devices are combined to create the perfect marriage between digital and physical worlds due to
internet connections.
2. Virtual reality (VR) - Virtual reality being the second most common trend in IS development has an
implication in many industries. For instance, it is popular in video gaming, sales, and marketing companies.
These industries adopt the use of VR because it helps in engaging customers technologically as well as optimize
the sales and marketing efforts. Besides, VR is an important trend in the learning and educational organizations
because it virtually connects learners to instructors thus making the learning process effective and goal-oriented.
3. Cognitive Technology- This is another most common trend that has a great implication in IS development. It
is closely related to virtual reality and machine learning only that this is a broader concept because it goes
beyond speech recognition and Natural Language Processing (NLP) thus, a reason it has lots of implication on
the learning process. It is also important in analytics and accounting aspects since it has an ability to not only
optimize but automate a lot of tasks that were previously done by other IT experts.
4. Touch Technology- This is a merging touchscreen technology that is an important trend in IS development.
Its implication is felt in various industries including in business activities simply called e-commerce. Here,
customers just use the tech to do one-click shopping while buying products with just a fingerprint.
5. A variety of IS: What kinds of IS are out there? Briefly explain each.
There are different kinds of IS out there. They include;
1. The Management Information Systems (MIS) - These are IS that are used by managers to monitor their
current organizational performance status. The input to MIS is from the transaction processing system output.
2. Decision support systems (DSS) - most of the non-routine decisions in IS use decision support systems.
These are systems that use input from both internal and external systems.
3. Transaction processing systems -Day to day business transactions and recording at the operational
management level heavily relies on this particular kind of IS. Some questions such as how much inventory does
a company have at hand are answered by this kind of IS.
6. Major options to develop software: What are they? Briefly explain each.
There are major options involved when developing software but most of these options are skill-oriented.
1. Nontechnical skills options- These are options or skills that every software developer must have with him.
They include good collaboration, team playing, creative thinking, and good communication options.
2. Industry-specific skills- Another option that is important in developing software is having the required and
comprehensive base of technical knowledge and skill set starting from understanding the requirements of the
business to testing products.
3. Professional Certifications- It is another best option in developing software since it allows a developer to
establish whether he or she is fully armored with qualifications within the field. Professional certifications also
demonstrate technical expertise and conceptual understanding in specific areas of the profession.
4. Technical options- These are the options which are related to understanding programming, WEB areas, and
database. It can be having skills in Java, C++, and Web services.
7. There are stacks of software modules in today’s system development environment. Briefly explain.
In software modules, “Stacks” are site's back sets of programming frameworks, operating systems, and web
servers to APIs. Stacks software modules in today's system development environment play an important role in
providing a compatibility layer that makes it easier to download software and deploy them all at once. As a
software developer, it is important to put into consideration all reasons regarding choosing one stack over
another depending on the project. Also to put into consideration is the need for vertical scalability as well as
your team having in place programming language skills as these two guides a software developer towards
choosing correct stacks.
8. What were the main foci of application development initiatives decades ago? How different are they
The software and hardware development field, as well as its initiatives, have been drastically and
dramatically expanding. The use of codes to produce meaningful outcomes has generally brought about positive
application development initiatives. Therefore these were the main foci of application development initiatives
decades ago; open development ecosystems, cloud-native application development, transactional applications,
data-science workbenches, client-side AI frameworks, AI-augmented programming tools, and Robotic
applications initiatives to mention but a few. Currently, these application initiatives have expanded
tremendously apart from the fact various high-end tech companies continue to come up with more advanced
technologies. What makes today's technologies unique and highly productive compared to those made decades
ago is that they are designs in a systematic way that it can predictively automate more tasks.
9. Media vs. pros & cons of application development
Media vs. application development has become the subject of technological advances in the 21st century.
So what are the pros of the application development in connection to the use of media?
1. The use of media such as AR in gaming experiences enhances socialization.
2. The Android and iOS platforms application development in e-commerce has simplified both offline and
online shopping hassles. 3. In Travel & Tourism sector, media and application development initiatives have
helped in accurately displaying tourists directions and routes, interpretation of the signs, and specific location
sightseeing. For instance, the use of AR technology in the mobile travel app is very instrumental.
4. AR app application development facilitates learning, training and education processes.
1. There have been health-related issues from overuse of technological application systems such as addictive
2. Since AR app development is always unsupervised, accidents and deadly injuries are always high.
3. A lot of cybercrimes have been reported.
4. Increased aggressive traits and ethical dilemmas among the aspiring users.
5. Disassociation between the virtual and real world among the users.
10. Database managerial issues
There are a number of database managerial issues. They include;
1. Landscape growing complexities.
2. Scalability limits.
3. Increasing data volumes.
4. Security of data.
5. Data management decentralization.
11. How do you define usability?
Usability is defined as an extent to which specified users use a product to achieve specified objectives with
efficiency, effectiveness, and satisfaction. As a result, the design process will be improved and easy-to-use.
12. What are common mistakes IS developers and designers make regarding application designs?
1. Poor feedback.
2. Lack of progress indicators to keep users informed.
3. Inconsistency.
4. Lack of default values.
5. Bad errors messages.
6. Targets hard to acquire.
7. Unlabeled icons.
8. Modals overuse.
9. Information that is meaningless.
10. Destructive and confirmation actions proximity.
13. What are common sources of data entry errors?
The following are the common sources of data entry errors;
1. Input process errors- This often leads to misinformation, inaccurate data recording, and disorganization.
2. Incorrect data configuration errors.
3. Human-related errors such as exhaustion during the data-entry process.
4. Data entry is costly more so when large quantities of data are entered and managed.
5. Unclear abbreviations.
6. Poorly designed forms.
14. What are emerging issues relating to the outputs of IS?
The following are the common emerging issues relating to the outputs of IS;
1. Access to obtain data and use of an information system.
2. Ethics
3. The culture containing issues such as customs, language, geographical locations, and beliefs.
4. Increased systems integration risks brought about by systems customization.
5. Increased cybercrimes and insecurities of data.
15. What are data-related emerging managerial issues?
On the other hand, the following are data-related emerging managerial issues;
1. Poor data quality.
2. Data drowning.
3. Data volumes growth.
4. Lack of trust in data analysis used.
5. Inconclusive data analyses.
6. Recognized and amplified biases such as during the evaluation of data.
7. Improper quality-check of systems.
8. Data savvy and technical management issues.
What are FIVE (5) key trends for current IS development projects, considering the current
technology evolution and best practices in systems development?

The first trend is that IS development project must meet business agile. This means that several industries
including finance, marketing, and construction must adopt agile development framework to improve overall higher
return on investment (ROI), improves communication, and makes teams even more adaptive to technological
changes. By meeting business agile, the IS project management must adhere to some of these key principles;
customer satisfaction, changing environments, close collaboration of developers and stakeholders, continuous and
rapid IS delivery and simplicity element of the project. These principles must be ensured for the overall success of
the current IS development projects. (Stair & Reynolds, 2017).

The second key trend is focusing on rapid IT service or simply a change in IT culture more so in the
system-oriented approach and context. This particular trend is significant in enhancing collaboration between IS
development teams and operations (Rocha, Adeli, Reis, & Costanzo, 2018). Equally important, the trend utilizes
technological implementations as it put a lot of emphasis on people and culture thus, leveraging an increasingly
dynamic and programmable infrastructure from the IS life cycle perspective. When the teams have that self-
organization, there are high chances of the best designs and architecture to be developed which in return will help a
lot in meeting the requirements of the current IS development projects. Besides and to improve efficiency, teams use
regular intervals through fine-tuning their behaviors to best fit the needs of the projects.

The third key trend is associated with information system cultural war that continues to rock the world of
IT and IS. The market implications as respondents to Gartner’s survey indicates shows that this trend is so
interesting in that diversity initiatives is absent among many business IT and marketing sectors. Irrespective of the
cultural war between various IS development projects, many industries are now using the systems that they are
flexible with when developing not only the products but services too. The overall methodology during the process
employs a more efficient and highly collaborative nature of the methodology. As a result, this particular trend is
trickling in from the political and business community climate.

Fourth, the combination of artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) trend is shaping the
current IS development projects. Today, this trend combines into a powerhouse of actionable information thus
having an ability to change how the project management is effectuated. In this regards, some of the IS development
projects activities that artificial intelligence are designed for include planning, speech recognition, problem-solving,
and lastly the learning process. This is why it is becoming simple today to work on any IS project because of the
help of IoT and artificial intelligence primarily in these four key areas. (Stair & Reynolds, 2017).

Apart from this trend bringing about lots of dramatic changes in IS development projects, the last trend- the
new face of millennial continues to rock the current technology evolution by replacing the traditional project
management systems and programs. These millennial who are between the age bracket of 14 and 36 years old in
2018 are not only innovative but transformative in the information systems development projects (Stair & Reynolds,

 How do you propose agile approach and scrum board on general a process of this development
To propose a scrum board and agile approach of this development project, I'll have to handle the project in
short iterations to allow for engineering and business flexibility. This is because the primary idea of the two
is to continuously deliver value to customers, a reason why scrum is mostly used and applied for complex
projects that are long-term and requires this kind of flexibility.
 Describe steps/phases with what you would specifically do?
Regarding the steps or phases that I would specifically do in connection with this development
project, the following steps are applicable;
Step 1: Set workshops with stakeholders to form product vision and product backlog.
Step 2: Invite the involved stakeholders to organized scrum meetings.
Step 3: Avoid breaking the existing teams.
Step 4: Avoid at all costs neglecting team building.
Step 5: Literally, I’ll try as much as possible to practice stand-ups.
Step 6: When working with remote areas, I will have to set communication guidelines in order.
 The detailed user-system interaction for purchase in 7-10 steps in words?
Step 1: Identify the system's stakeholder classes or individual stakeholders before making a purchase.
Step2: Elicit stakeholder's needs, expectations, and perceived constrained of the new system life-cycle.
Step 3: Analyze the system's operation in its intended environment using scenarios.
Step 4: Identify and analyze the context of the use of the system before making a purchase.
Step 5: Identify the interaction between the purchased system and the users.
Step 6: Express the stakeholder's requirements correctly once the purchase of the user-system has been
Step 7: Each function should be defined to check its performance and how well the system, as well as its
operators, is needed to perform that particular function.
Step 8: Technical and quality in use should be defined and measured to enable technical achievement and
 What are the key differences in using MS Access and SQL Server at firm?
Structured Query Language (SQL) was created in the 1970s as a computer programming language working
with relational databases. Besides, SQL provides a lot of heavy-duty work infrastructure, thus expensive
and in most cases is a rival for high-end databases such as Oracle Database Server. It's difficult to learn but
once mastered it can ease many of the firm's operations. SQL also uses Transact-SQL and its maximum
database is 4GB.
On the other hand, Microsoft Access is a relatively cheap and small database system. It has a database
engine that is lousy but optimized to handle many things. Besides, it can create excellent reports and
applications based on the fact that it has an excellent set of tools. The only challenge is that it cannot handle
anything heavy such as engaging simultaneous users at once. MS Access is simple and easy to learn and
easy to build in. MS Access uses Jet SQL with a maximum file size of 2GB.
The two have similarities too. First, both are written by Microsoft and both are relational DMS (Database
Management Systems).
 Hands-on experience on the differences between MS Access and SQL Server and what is different
between them?
Choosing between SQL and the MS Access is should be directly proportional to the database to save data
as well as fetch certain records. In hands-on experience, there are some very good reasons as to why you
should not use MS Access in some cases since, with the fact that they are suitable for desktop use, only
small number of users can simultaneously access it. One only chooses it primarily for sharing or
compatibility. On the contrary, MS SQL Server is a more bigger and robust database management system
that is designed to accommodate thousands of users at once and at any point in time. SQL Server is
therefore perfect and suited for database driven websites hosting.
 What are managerial implications and provide example?
In terms of the user system, the actions and results are summarized by managerial implications. It compares
the user results to the action standards and indicates both non-action and action of what should be taken in
response. In addition, managerial implications should put the focus on the provided evidence in the report
rather than just putting weight on how results should be implemented. For example, the managerial
implication may identify the timeliness and quality of the data.
 What are business database designs?
Business database designs are defined as the process through which businesses use database models to
organize all its data. In the process, the database designer determines how the data, as well as its elements,
can be stored and interrelated. Having such important information at hand, the business database designers
then classify and identify interrelationships through the process termed as ontology (theoretical
representation of business database design).
 What are current designs challenges regarding user interface and usability?
The challenge of user-interface design and usability is when it comes to construction of the natural dialog
sequence allowing the computer and the user in a particular task exchange the messages. Another challenge
comes when there is a variation from user to user and from system to system in the user interfaces. This
makes understandability and usability of the software application difficult to be used among the users.
Other challenges include;
- The inability of the UI designers to ensure that products usability, pretty, and accessibility are in order.
- Connection or site breakages.
- The necessity and usage of the two (usability and user interface) sometimes are blown out of proportion.
- Tedious and dead-boring task shifting the focus from one user to another.
- Communication clash between the database designers and users or clients.
 What are the business outcomes the customer is trying to accomplish, and by when?
The customer is trying to accomplish a target architecture business that was created some few years ago so
that they can stop guessing the future. Doing so will not distract them from their original goal of trying to
implement the system, a reason why these business outcomes are scheduled to take a minimum of two
years. As a result, customers will put their efforts in not only promising projects but by investing in
winning teams.
 How quickly will new functionality need to be released?
The new functionality needs to be released when collaboration and editing have been finalized so that team
members cannot only discuss projects but share the files as well. Besides, once the forms housing a website
and delivering data directly to a database has been built, then the new functionality needs to be released.
This is why most of the platforms associated with the online database software have with them the
advanced reporting capabilities.
 What level of availability and other operational requirements are required at the start?
The level of availability and other operational requirements are required at the start when all associated
requirements, essential capabilities, and performance measures have been identified. Here, the series or the
process of actions to be carried out in making the results effective must address the mission area deficiencies of
the new database or emerging technologies. Other operational requirements are system cost improvements and
evolving threats and applications.

 What is the customer’s attitude toward risk?

In emerging technologies project management, customers’ attitudes should be made aware that risks are
essential elements to overcome uncertain events that in one way or the other influences the project.
Customers should be willing to accept risk at certain degrees more so with the fact that risks in emerging
technologies are influenced by a number of factors including risk tolerance.
 How do you define systems analysis?
System analysis is defined as the process or an act of studying a given procedure, psychological function,
or business so that its purposes or goals can be defined and discovered.
 Inputs
Input refers to anything put into a system. For instance, it can be difficult to run a computer without
inputs such as a mouse and a keyboard. On the other hand, the output is all the results from the system.
For instance, searching for anything from the computer systems and search engines like Google gives
or produce an output.
 Goals
Goals are the objectives of computers and computer systems that provide support in the engineering
process. Therefore, designing whole software requires the goal of a system.
 Outcomes
Outcomes as far as the computer systems are concerned come from the output results. They are the
ends or returns from the computer databases.
 What are basic tools we use for analysis?
There are three basic tools used for system analysis. They include;
1. Modeling tools used to put analysis in a feasible and diagrammatically way.
2. Requirement-related tools such as tracking, managing, and describing the requirements.
3. Collaboration tools majorly used among the analysis stakeholders and the teams.
 What is the purpose of CDs?
A compact disc (CDs) refers to a storage medium that is portable and can be used to store, recode and play-
back all video, audio as well as other related data in digital form.
 What are the key diagramming elements?
The key diagramming elements include system boundary, entities, and use case. These sets of elements
capture all the business processes that are carried out in the system.
 What is the purpose of DFDs?
The purpose of a DFD is to show the boundaries and the scope of a system as a whole more so when used
as a communication tool between an individual and a system analyst playing part in designing a system.
 What are common business functions? How do business processes different from business functions?
The common business functions include developing, planning, implementing, making use of financial
services and system applications primarily in meeting the business needs. Regarding the difference between
the business processes and the business functions, functions refer to all types of activities performed in an
organizational unit while business processes are all set of activities from one of the business function
helping in carrying out the mission of an organization.
 How can IS support (a) business functions and business processes?
Information systems support business functions by managing all its online retailing systems, in trading,
marketing, HR, and payroll, in-store applications, distribution, budgeting, forecasting, and in electronic
point of sale basically known as EPOS and to mention but a few. On the contrary, the information systems
support business processes through the following ways;
- Operational processes such as value chain and business management, revenue generation, bank accounts
management, and taking customer orders.
- Supporting processes such as accounting, workplace safety and management, and Human Resource
management as well.
- Management processes which in this case include budgeting, internal communications, strategic planning,
organizational governance, capacity and infrastructure management.
 What should information systems do?
Information systems help business firms as well as other organizations manage and carry out their
operations, compete in the marketplace, and interact with their suppliers and customers. They are used to
run electronic markets and inter-organizational supply chains such when processing financial accounts,
reaching potential customers with online promotions and managing their human resources.
 What do we, as managers of systems development, need to be aware of?
As managers of system development, we need to be aware of the overall process involved in developing
new software applications and the differences that exist between software development methodologies. In
addition, we should be acquainted with understanding some of the basic issues that surround mobile
applications and the development of the website as well as identifying the primary system implementation
policies and getting to know the different types of programming languages usually used in developing
 What are the implications for system development?
The first implication for system development is that it has gained tremendous acceptance among many
users based on its legitimacy and validation. Second, system development has contributed to achieving
desirable information systems properties. Third, the system development has contributed to information
system optimization helping it gain technical control in its environment. Last but not least, it has led to
achieving rational and successful meta-communication.
 Conversational Platforms vs. Immersive experience?
Whereas conversational platforms are used together with virtual reality technologies to create an engaging
and immersive customer experience that can be used beyond customer service to improve productivity,
immersive experience refers to an illusory environment that makes users feel part and parcel of it as it
surrounds them. It brings about the mixed feelings of mixed reality versus virtual reality.
 What is it? Technical environment? Operational environment?
In information system and technology, technical environments refer to all those environments which not
only get rewarded based on the efficient and effective performance they engage in but they are rewarded on
the grounds of quality products and services they produce and offer. On the contrary, the operational
environments refer to combinations of circumstances, conditions, and influences which information
systems users run application software. It is also termed as an integrated application environment. In this
environment, an application manager has with him an application programming and user interface.
 How different are forms from reports?
Inputs to the information systems are referred to as forms while outputs from the information systems are
what is termed as reports. In one record of the database, it is the function of the form to gather all the
necessary and required information. A user also cannot be in a position to modify values in a report but can
modify and enter values in the form. In addition, reports are intended to be printed while forms are just
supposed to be displayed on the screen.
 Forms: What questions should be answered before their designs? What are key features?
Some of the questions that should be answered before designing forms include;
1. What is the contact info from the software vendor to the technical rep?
2. Are there any dependencies on SQL Server enterprise and edition features?
3. Which versions of Microsoft SQL Server can be supported?
4. Can virtualization be supported?
5. From a security perspective, is there anything that would not allow this system to play friendly in a SQL
Server shared instance?
On the other hand, the following are the key features before designing forms; the use of keys, input
constraint, avoiding data redundancy, data integrity maintenance, rights, SQL (Structured Query
Language), and lastly the portability.
 Reports: What kinds of reports are used? What must be emphasized?
There are three types of reports to be used and they include canned reports, alerts, and dashboards. Whereas
canned reports are custom reports that can be accessed within the analytics tool, dashboards reports provide
a high-level and comprehensive view of business performance for specific users. Alerts reports are
conditional reports that come out of the expected ranges and are triggered when data falls within these
regions. On the contrary, what must be emphasized is the choice of the report because making a decision to
act or not act is based on the data.
 Explain the process of designing forms and reports and the deliverables for their creation?
The process of designing forms and reports as well as creating deliverables entails the following steps:
a. First, it is important to determine the forms and reports requirements. This is possible by collecting the
objective information and gaining user group understanding for which the forms and the reports would be
designed. In the process, answers will be collected based on strong fundamental questions such as when is
the form required.
b. After the above-mentioned information has been gathered, refinement and structuration of the
information is done primarily to help in initial prototype development. User in the process is contacted to
clarify some important and necessary issues that might have been overlooked during the process of
c. Assessment is the next step where users are required to review the prototype so that they can decide on
whether to accept it or call for more time to do some changes in the design.
d. The above steps are followed until when the correct and the right prototype achieved and become
 Apply the general guidelines for formatting forms and reports?
The general guidelines for formatting forms and reports include;
Application of meaningful titles which in this case has to be specific, clear and must have the current date
and version info. In short, meaningful information should call for no need for modification.
Another general guideline is a balanced layout. Formatting forms and reports should have adequate
margins, spacing, and clear labels.
Lastly, the formatted forms and reports should have an easy navigation system. It should show where you
are currently and how to move forward and backward.
 Learn how to effectively format text, tables, and lists?
- Star sorting it in a meaningful order.
- In long columns and between every five rows, place a blank line.
- Vertically sort similar information that is displayed in multiple columns.
- There should be at least two spaces between columns.
- On printed reports, allow white space for users to write down their notes.
- Except for emphasis, users are required to use just a single typeface.
- Use same typefaces family across and within reports and display.
- By all means, it is good and in order to avoid fancy fonts that are overly.
It is also in order to format numeric, alphanumeric and textual data following this format:
- Align columns and justify numeric data using delimiters or decimal points.
- On your left, justify your textual data using short line characters and line length.
- It is recommended to break long sequences into small characters.
 Explain the process of designing interfaces and dialogues and the deliverables for their creation?
Designing interfaces and dialogues isn't far from the process of designing reports and forms since both
processes follow a prototype approach. To begin with, it is important to understand task objectives and
intended users by collecting all the requirements. After collection, independently proceed to refine and
structure the collected info into an initial prototype. Important to note is the need to regularly contact users
to put in order issues that may have been overlooked in the process of analysis. What follows is asking
users to both evaluate and review the prototype so that they can choose whether to accept or request
changes to be made in the design as well as give or provide their feedback. If there are any changes in
system needed in place, it is highly recommended to repeat the whole cycle until when the design will be
accepted. In the process, the deliverables produced include design specifications such as sample design,
narrative overview, usability and testing assessment, and lastly the dialogue sequence outline. When
designing some of the systems, some of the specification info may be irrelevant. For instance, the use of
modules that is common for simple systems.
 Discuss the design of human-computer dialogues and the use of dialogue diagramming?
The use of dialogue diagramming and human-computer dialogues design should first begin by describing
meaningful communication so that computer users can understand what is being presented and entered.
Besides, human-computer dialogues should have that consistency and standard operation as well as a
minimal user action. The database system while using the dialogue diagramming, by all means, should
present info to the user in a clear and concise manner. This implies that each display should have an
appropriate title and should be in a position to provide clear user feedback as well as minimize the use of
 Explain interface design guidelines unique to the design of Internet-based electronic commerce
The interface design guidelines that are unique to the internet-based electronic commerce systems design
starts with the efficient delivery of relevant product information. And for your info, this particular process
is becoming the central basis of competition between users in various firms. The central component for the
successful delivery of information to consumers lays in the interface designs. This is why the whole process
of more than an art rather than a science, a reason why much research is required when it comes to
understanding effective interface properties more so for electronic commerce.
 What are General Formatting Guidelines for Forms and Reports?
The general formatting guidelines for forms and reports include;
- Putting titles in a specific, clear, current date, and version information.
- Ensuring that meaningful information that will not require any modification are fully included.
- Ensure a balanced layout with adequate margins, spacing, and clear labels.
- Formatting forms and reports without an easy navigation system can be difficult. It is important to show
where you're currently and how to move forward and backward.
 How information is provided to and captured from users?
There are various methods regarding how information is provided to as well as captured from users. The
most common ones include;
Manual data capture- An operator enters data manually using input devices such as a mouse, keyboards,
and touch screens to mention but a few.
Automated data capture- Once data is provided to an operator or the user, the data is captured and
electronically entered through the use of computerized technology.
Intelligent character recognition- It is a technology that not only captures the handwritten and printed
characters but it recognizes files in an image format.
Smart-cards- These are cards that are embedded integrated circuits and are simply stored in pockets. It
carries with it authentication, personal identification, and biometrics.
Voice recognition- It is the most recent high-tech technology that converts spoken speech or words into
text. Information is just provided verbally and it is captured with strong word-processing applications
 Dialogues are analogous to a conversation between two people?
Dialogue in computer systems refers to a conversation between two or more users in a particular system
design work. Dialogue serves several purposes as far as the computer systems and design is concerned. It
reveals the user's feelings and thoughts as well as how to react in response to any issue at hand and during
the moment.
 Describe each one of these systems?
 mainframe-based systems
Mainframe-based systems refer to all end-user application systems hosted on mainframe computers. These
are systems are majorly used by the large organizations and even governments based on the large and bulky
services and data they are processing. They are also valuable systems since they are equipped with strong
data security features.
 desktop application systems
Desktop application systems refer to all application in a laptop or a desktop computer that also run in
tablets and smartphones.
 web-based systems
Web-based application refers to all applications that run as a result of having Web browser features
installed in a computer, laptops, and smartphones or in tablets.
 enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems refer to software systems that ensure that an organization
not only automate its back-office functions but manage its business operations in relation to integrated
technology, human resources, and services.
 mobile application systems
Mobile application systems are types or kind of application software that is primarily designed to run
on mobile devices such as tablet and smartphones computers. Most of the services found in mobile
application systems are what users can access on PCs.
 distributed systems
Distributed systems are systems on different networked computers with its components located there
and are in a position to not only coordinate but communicate its actions and messages to one another.
 embedded systems
Embedded systems refer to systems which are controlled and programmed by the real-time OS and
which through the large electrical system it can handle a dedicated function irrespective of any
computing constraints.


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